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Q.) What are the benefits for event organizers for making their events more sustainable?

As the huge number of individuals accumulate for an occasion social event of an enormous number
of individuals can have a potential antagonistic effect reporting in real time, soil, water, assets and
individuals. This incorporates not just the area where the occasion happens yet in addition a long
way past. In any case, by mulling over maintainability arranging, occasion coordinators have the
chance to not exclusively to limit potential negative effects yet in addition, given the enormous
number of partners included, solidly impact change by leaving a positive inheritance and ideally
rousing those included to live more economically. That is the reason we should encourage
coordinators to incorporate supportability into their arranging procedure. Sorting out manageable
occasions decreases their natural effect, yet can likewise profit the fundamental entertainers
included. Such advantages include:

• Monetary Benefits: Since the occasion which are led on the base of manageability
there are prompt monetary advantages that could occur as the coordinators could spare
by preserving vitality, buying nearby material, creating less waste for the individuals to
gather toward the finish of occasion so by doing an on feasible subject could spare the
occasion coordinators a great deal of cash.

• Increased Value: When an occasion is directed and its topic additionally centers around
maintainability then it likewise assembles a great deal of online networking
consideration likewise accordingly drawing in many individuals to go to the occasion.

• An Example for Others: The live earth concert that was sorted out in 2007 pulled in
many individuals around the world to go to the occasion and show ended up being an
incredible accomplishment around the globe since it centers around manageability
alongside performance

• Social benefits: If arranged and actualized cautiously, the occasion can give advantages
to the district by making occupations, empowering nearby venture, including local
Small and Medium Enterprises and can advance better working conditions and social

It can likewise go about as an impetus for empowering ecological and supportable

accepted procedures over the area, just as improving the connection between the
coordinator and the neighborhood network.

• Raising mindfulness and moving change: The occasion is a superb chance to bring
issues to light among the members, staff and associates, specialist organizations, the
nearby network, the more extensive occasions network and the overall population on the
topic of supportability and economical occasions. Showing others how it’s done,
individuals themselves take capable choices and bring ecological and social
enhancements into their own occasions and associations.
Q.) Look at the website for Roskilde festival, a huge annual green field festival music
festival in Denmark. How sustainable is the event currently? How could this event be
made more sustainable?

Roskilde celebrations are non-benefit and driven by devoted volunteers. The reason for the
celebration is to have any kind of effect and impact our surroundings the celebration's vital work
plans to encourage open, inquisitive and socially connected with networks. Since they accept that
music and expressions advance and reinforce social improvement. With regards to
manageability, supportability at Roskilde Festival is adjusting ecological, social and monetary
parts of maintainability when we make and create Roskilde Festival. The ecological viewpoints
incorporate the utilization of assets and discharges, for instance what they buy, water and power.
The social perspectives incorporate moral, social and relational connections, for instance
guaranteeing wellbeing and equity for individuals engaged with exercises at Roskilde Festival
and in our general surroundings. The financial viewpoints incorporate speculations, strength and
parity, for example long haul interests in manageable advancement extends and making a yearly
benefit that they give in full to philanthropy. Being an enormous social organization that works
with culture and craftsmanship as an impetus for transform, they see imaginative and social
supportability as a component of their comprehension of maintainability. 90% of the
nourishment served there is natural. Waste and reusing the board is dealt with. Manageable
purchasing and sourcing make Roskilde Festival a center point of earth amicable items.
Celebration visitors utilize just 20% water contrasted with their Copenhagen partners.

Economical Celebration
Roskilde Festival is non-benefit and driven by committed volunteers. The motivation behind the
celebration is to have any kind of effect and impact our environment. It is tied in with confiding in
individuals to settle on dependable decisions, that every one of us adds to authorizing positive
changes in the network and for the network. The celebration's vital work expects to encourage
open, inquisitive and socially drew in networks. Since we accept that music and expressions
advance and reinforce social improvement. Supportability at Roskilde Festival is adjusting natural,
social and monetary parts of maintainability when they make and create Roskilde Festival. The
ecological angles incorporate the utilization of assets and emanations, for instance what they buy,
water and power. The social angles incorporate moral, social and relational connections, for
instance guaranteeing security and fairness for individuals engaged with exercises at Roskilde
Festival and in their general surroundings. The financial viewpoints incorporate ventures,
dependability and equalization, e.g. long-haul interests in supportable improvement extends and
making a yearly benefit that they give in full to philanthropy. Being a huge social organization that
works with culture and craftsmanship as an impetus for transform, they see imaginative and social
manageability as a component of their comprehension of maintainability
Front-end waste prevention

 Eliminating race packets in favor of emailed sponsor coupons for participants.

 Eliminating commercial bottled water distribution in favor of bulk water stations and
compostable cups.
 Purchasing recycled content products, from event t-shirts to paper products.
 Providing discounted entries or incentives for participants who travel to the event using
alternative transportation.

Reuse of event equipment

 Reusable, weatherproof banners and stands.

 Adaptable date panels on banners and signs so they can be reused year after year.
 Use of durable dishware "lending libraries" instead of always buying disposables.

Recycling event materials

 Many items from unsoiled paper, cardboard, glass, plastic bottles and jugs, aluminum cans
and plastic tarps to corrugated polypropylene signs can be recycled depending on the
services available in a given municipality or county. In many cases, such services are less
costly than disposal of the same items.

 Having a dedicated Recycling Team onsite throughout the event to supervise recycling
stations and sort materials to maximize landfill diversion and minimize contamination.

 Where programs require subsidy organizers may use a "green fee" to help move the event
toward sustainability by paying for waste reduction, buying recycled products, or more
recently purchasing carbon offsets.
Q.) How can a music festival be used to promote more sustainable behavior in everyday life?

It is easy to get into the funk of doing the same thing for your event year in year out. Great in
some aspects, but not so good in others. The main change we need to think about, as
EventProfs, is making your event more eco-friendly. This does not mean booths are to be made
out of used cardboard boxes, attendees drink from recycled cups all while conference sessions
are run in low-lighting and no presentation slides. But with just a couple of small changes, this
can make a big difference to your events carbon footprint. Here are some ideas!

Brochures, Brochures and more Brochures!

Ah yes, the good ol’ brochures. A misconception that it’s a great idea to paint your booth with
brochures, have an influx of them floating around the goodie bag and ‘making it rain’ dollar
bills at everyone who walks past your booth. They will more than likely get trashed so attendees
don’t have to lug them around with them. These days we have this fantastic thing called the
internet where all of the information that was typically presented in a printed format can be
offered to attendees via beautifully designed web applications! So throw away that brochure
stand! If an attendee wants to find out more about a certain area of your Company or requests
more information, grab/scan their business card and tell them you will email them (and try and
do this asap!). This will open up a line of communication where you can chat to them after the

Transform your Booth into an Eco-Wonderland

Move away from the expensive cost of hiring or transporting your event furniture, why not try
something eco-friendlier! Bring your event to life with compressed/crushed Xanita board,
which is light-weight, reusable, flat packed (for easy cartage) and best of all custom printable.
Give your booth a unique green look and feel with not only furniture items but also booth wall
prints/panels, maybe a unique table design, 3D standing animal or even a large drink bottle
holder (which can be stocked full of soft drinks for people to take away with them!).
Waste-Not Want-Not Giveaways

When walking around an event exhibition, who doesn’t love to collect as many freebies as
possible? But after the event, how much is actually kept and what is thrown in the bin? The
best giveaways are those that are attendee-specific (i.e. a USB that has Company or event
loaded information on it), anything electronic related (mobile charges, mobile/tablet screen
cleaning cloths, earbuds) and items for the kids (highlighters). So what happens with the rest…
trash! Items that are heavily branded look low quality, un-needed trinkets and those fantastic
brochures we talked about earlier are usually the first things to get dumped. Maybe try and be a
bit creative. Satchels/backpacks or clothing with bold graphics (and minimal/small branding)
are big hits that are most certainly going home with attendees.

Eco-Friendly Competitions

If you want to do something different (and to eliminate the thought of any of your potential
giveaways getting thrown away), hold a special charity-specific competition at your booth. For
example, have 3 jars out the front of your booth, with each jar a different (event-local) charity.
Those who come to your booth can then grab a bottle top from your staff rep and they can
place it into the jar of their choosing. Then nearing the end of the event, make the
draw/announcement on which charity you are donating too (cost can be determined if you
spend 200 Rs. on merchandise, then use that 200 Rs. for the charity amount). This ticks quite a
few boxes: very minimal waste, increased foot traffic to your booth, raising awareness to 3
local charities (including donating to one, which can also be used as a post-event PR
opportunity) all while your Company comes out looking charitable and socially-compassionate.

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