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B*at briefly, and rhe* scoop ir-rtc tbe baking.p*n" g*t* Z* minute$.

Preheat thc pa:r 15 minutes sc} the drlpping is h,#t ana si-t;"g.
Renrcve the rnlxture from the..frlge**tsr.

W W {w

" yorl,a healthyeatcrf Why? why fiot?
w4 What does "healtFry e*ttRg'meen?
Can fotd be da*gernus? Wtryf Why not?
&X Are you a conscio*s shopper? B+ yuu cheek the labels af the foocl you b*f whyt why net?
ffi W*u*i
.you consider bec* a vegetarian? Why? Why not?
ffi What dc y+u
have for breakfast, Iu*ch aad ,*inner?
FIcw often do ynu cn*k? Eknry much tirne de
_.-- 1eu spend in the kitchen?
I$ it irnportant {irr r wsnmn to be able to caok? l$hy? Why not?
wom*u b***o* tl,ey ar* ro; men .o*t ** a hobby" ;- y* ;;*r wr,J why noti
l,Vhat is yo*r fa"*rusite disht ean ycu tell m* its recipe?
ffi Name sorrr* traditi*fiR} *furrysrie$ dishr*.
re what is Hr:',snrian cuisine lt*s? what dr: foreigners like about it?
What is a Hungarian ****** pi**r tit*l
Whut is British cuisine Ilke?
l'fhat typical Srtglish, Seottieh, Irish, Amerjcar, Canadian or Au*rralian dishe* do yau
W xn* da yeu rar oul? which is your fa-rourite restaura*t? wFry do y*u like it?
H/hich is your fevourite foreign e uipinet What d* y** like about it?
why ere fast fo*rd r*srftLrra$ts *o pop":"i ;"**Jt;t
Resiaurant fosd never tastes as good as h*rne-c*oking. na yor, *grr.? wr,y?
why r*ot?

ffiRre y$ti fl healthy eater? t/dtry? Wny natf

a) I d+nt know. i d+n't care about food toa *nrch. I eat urhenever I crn hungry and wharever
i can find. 'r{e Esi io t;ve rrct vice versn, as the saying says. somxi.rne* I hie* big, s-.o*r.
W t*ue.. .,S gffiWry*hyrt*t? ',.,,
t"' . j:.::::.::..,
g) I think it can. Ther* are eertain dangers ttrrt imprcperly U*naUA f.roJ *n diseases.
i:: "*ry
We just have to rhink of nr*d-iahr disease, biid *u or salmonella infecti*n. ?o avoi,I any
,.r,., pr$-hlefi:o we gh*rrld the labels +n thi'$*ri itsutrf; ryrr:re*vtr'r+* *hrrxld*reparl thi
-' =check
f**d pimpedp., A*o **g* l* fc*d *ddi&i*, S{bt* til*n F;t}ii$ su&pt***e'* *art be *dd*d

tcl feods in crder to preserv€ or colour them, to imp.,:.r. their textur* or to jncr€ase their
flavour. Sotne af these additirres have never been tented f*r safety and their pr*te*tia} sids
efi'ects They may cause *leath cancer or head*che *nd many $Eefii ts be the primary

b!Itcantifyoukeepa$tryeofi w?raty*ueat lt'struethatgO$t cf ourfrmdi+notfushwhen

we buy it, and if it ectrnes in a box, ca*, bag rr carto*, it [s processed. Pracessed foods c+ntn"in
star&, dengtrous types*ffat *nd theyarehigh insak Howeyrr, if nre combinepra*eesed food
with fresh or at Ieest frouen prrrdxce *re wont have any health proUtems c*rued by fuod,

ffi *t* you & conscicu$ shapper? sn you check the labets of the food ycu buy?
Wtry? Wlrynot?
al N*, Im nat. My guideli*e in shcpping is the priee. I gs eom supermarker ro u*p*.**rk*
.: h,,!4ir,wrhet ,i* *n*" Whstr I Ss rt* t]l$ ffi.esksEt'e*wey-# huy veg*t*bler e$d frutt
straight from the formers, these pr*duets are the cheapest"
bI Yes, { am" } x}ways check the labels o* rlns, cans and ali types cf dairy pr*ducts. I tock for
the etrpiry dete, and in the case of some products I cheek the ingreii*ents and the canories.
My son is allergic to yeast, so I look at ttrs }abeii *tr;cti infoim rne af:out che additivgs.
Fronr proces*ed foods I pwchase thi cnes that were made without sny pr€serv*tirres. I arn
agai:rst S&4 foCId, and try to supportHungurian praducts and the l*c*I farmers,

WW*ulflV *wr*-t r *t *r**get*r{an?trtlhy?\rdhy


al I$*, ] wouldn'r. I am convineed that the human b*dy needs


s Ffilte;n which xa* be for:nd in meat" Ir i$ flrlt healthS'if y*u

d cuf out *ntirely on€ group of for:d from your dier. In addition,
'q as mankind tras been hunti:tg fur t"housands cf year.r, why
}I *lens*dwetnt$.yf* w*hnetur*t w*$f, im*gtr:s,
I my meals with+ut rneat, I would alwal's stayhungry:
{ h* ks, if t kad a seri,*us disease ar*d g wa*l<i be
rl/ advised to keep to a $rnrt vegetabl* diet i* order
.,1 tr: b* .u.*O from cancer. I have heard of sr"rch
rt thi* m*th*d wrrked wslrders-
ci**es, an<l

cI Yes and rro. I can imagine iiviug withoat foeef ur
p*rk* hirt'I ry.euld:*e#nill$V,,likq t* eet &$h- I kn*w
per:pte whc eat frsh and dairy products. I think I vroutd
like it. However, it is rrot vegetarianism, is it?

ffi Wfrat do you have fcr breakfast. lunch and dinner?

a) F*r breakfact I do xrnt have rnuch: * bq:wt *f eere*l with rnilk or cocsa. I take * saxdwich
with me to school/work" and tr e*t it around IS or il. I have lunch at hcme. Ivty m*m/r,riife
ffiW'nat*s Ffungaria* cuisine lit<e? ttrhat do fareigeers iike about it?
s.-.=.4 ftenit Corutt,
:lHr,rr:flEsy ix a..gql& ir#i$*trv mf fl*v.*
a ltrench culiniry expe* rt the entt *f ihC zo,h cinrury-
]L sintifur *pini*m, * h*!d in [tt* ,,3S1., ,{'s&tury, *t *;
Antoni* Bonfi nil an Italian historinE,rst€d thatHungarian
etri,gge is,..qrnique i*,it* rlchae*s *f *r*ma& A{*h+ugh +ur
ciiisinc is said t* he greasy and spicy, nowadays it d*e$
n$f $eer',l t{l be tota}ly unhealthy. It is true that it ha$
"hecrrme" a bit healthi*r in the past de;acics, as f*r
examtrrle, instead of lard ** rr*rt*d to use sucflower
+.iJ clr margerinrx, *:rel we uec l*gs h$ a*d rn*r* *wect
or mrld red pepper than be{ore. Hungarian cuisine use* al} kinds t:f meatr be*, portrq chicken"
lamb and fuh" arrd rlrese types of meat are olien rnixed and then cornbined wrth vegetables and
hesbs. The wide r*itge of flwou-rs is nlso due tc ominn a:rd g*rlic, r*d *nd black F*pFer, parsiey
and tiill, and riur unigue thrck sour cream. Foreigners a.lso like cur cakes, as r+'el} as +ur wines.

,ffiReet*urant fcod never ta$te$ as good *s hoflr€-cooking. De Srou ugr*e? Why?
a) t l:ke almost everything, I mean all lcinds of Hungarian dishes asd all types of interrrational

',: upp*rt**iti*xfu try s } *+xiliff,",*rx}*'** wdlt* Srx**s p**h r*,*taurent$. Honuvei therE
:ji-,, i* *rthi:rg ,better tlaa* m**r**tu$d cabb*6e. i d+*t knaw why"
' :r.:: :.-
b) At home 1'ou knr:w what you are eating Home cooking is always fresh, and ihe ingredients
*r* hs+lthr{" &t a fh*t $*ad *q;Jar*ant, f.lrr eaa*p}*, t}my u*e paterited fryi:rg ails, which
I rrynuldnt ilse at ho*rle. However, some restaurants may have better equipnrent, high-tech
*vens and special seas+ning
cI It depends *R the resta*rani au* the "home chef'. If you ean't eook, then a lot af things will
ta$te better in a restaurant. Sometimes ii is gri$d that someone cooks frr you, $rfte$ you
and you do :tot have to bother about &e dishes a{ier: dinner. And sf course there are some

atlerg{c to l$j[ #i i',::.

'.,,{;# allergids valamive
ffssi$tan$e ,9;*
.slt$ ..,::i;t segitseg
h*tsn*d ., .,,,.i.iii-i::.;.. egyerrs*ly
besf .E .,111ii,,,",i'rr::, marhahus
bl€vrd kever, vegl4t
brCIth R.i:*=":..', zolds€ges husterres
F'.--ft ;,,i
buffet,sty-d* ,
Ih iI it',til,,li., svddasztalos drkeiei
c*feteria ,o-tg} *fi , E* onkiszolgdlc etterem
kantin, uzerni, iskalar
gaxtqen ., .,.
ryffii.i ',,,,,,i"# #[xerfle
rl(ffi' *i '..'::: komdny
c*rb**tr$r*te ,kalbsa'hdfSfuffJ szdnhidr*t
',, , ,t '::tll::::::::'=
]kg6$s Isq5i:':.r:::ir:.
tLrzdlto tal; tuzittlo tirl[:an
k€szitett *tel

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