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The 8 parts of speech is a way to describe the function of words in the English language.

The 8 parts of
speech are: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Every
word in a sentence can be defined as one of the 8 parts of speech. Generally, in a sentence,
someone/something does something. The subject (actor) in a sentence is a noun or noun phrase. The
action is a verb.

The verb: Verbs are words that name an action. It can be an active action such as run, jump, or take.
Verbs can also describe a state of being, such as "is" or "has." Notice that verbs change depending on
who is doing the action: I jump, but he jumps. Verbs also convey the time of the action, such as whether
it is past or present. I am jumping; I will jump tomorrow; I jumped yesterday. Verbs never use

The noun: Nouns are words for people, places and things. Nouns can name feelings or ideas as well.
Nouns only change in two ways: either we add an "s" at the end to signify that there is more than one, or
we add an apostrophe plus an "s" to signify a relationship of possession. Nouns are the only one of the 8
parts of speech that take apostrophes. If you are confused about how to use an apostrophe, click here.

The pronoun: Pronouns stand in for nouns. He, she, or it, are pronouns that are used instead of the
name of the person or the object. Unlike nouns, pronouns never take apostrophes.

The adjective: An adjective provides information about a noun. An adjective describes the noun. Words
like big, small, fast, and slow are adjectives. Sometimes a whole phrase can be an adjective, if it is giving
information about a noun.

The adverb: Like adjectives, adverbs provide information. Except this time they provide information
about verbs. They can be a single word or a phrase. Often adjectives end in -ly.

The preposition: prepositions can have many functions. They can tell us the position of an object (on,
under, in). They can tell us a relationship between objects (of, before, after).

The conjunction: Conjunctions are joining words, such as or, and and.

And the interjection. Shoot! I haven't made a page for interjections. Darn! Interjections are words that
express surprise. They often come with an exclamation mark.
See below for examples of the usage of all the 8 parts of speech.

In fact, the same word can be a verb in one sentence and a noun or adjective in the next.

Here are a couple of examples where the word changes function.

Joe and Sally walked to the park. (“Walk” is the verb.”)

Joe held Sally’s hand on the walk. (“Walk” is a noun.”)

Joe said they would call this a walk date. (“Walk” is an adjective.”)

Here are examples of the 8 parts of speech used in sentences. In the following sentences, the main verb
is in red , any nouns are in blue , pronouns in green , adjectives in yellow , adverbs in purple,
prepositions in orange , conjunctions in brown , and interjections in grey. The third and fourth example
sentences contain all 8 parts of speech.

Hurray! Spain won the World Cup!

My investments doubled last year and I bought a yacht . Yippee!

Susan was accepted into an Ivy League school because of her excellent scholarship .

Yo! I love to listen to modern rap music because I enjoy the wild rhymes . Word!

What about the word in black? It is an auxiliary (helper) verb. Technically the whole main verb is "was
accepted" because it is conjugated into a passive voice past tense, but I didn't want to confusNoun:
Definition & types

(5/5, 248 votes)


Noun: Definition & Types

Nouns refer to persons, animals, places, things, ideas, or events, etc. Nouns encompass most of the
words of a language.

Noun can be a/an -

Person – a name for a person: - Max, Julie, Catherine, Michel, Bob, etc.

Animal – a name for an animal: - dog, cat, cow, kangaroo, etc.

Place – a name for a place: - London, Australia, Canada, Mumbai, etc.

Thing – a name for a thing: - bat, ball, chair, door, house, computer, etc.

Idea – A name for an idea: - devotion, superstition, happiness, excitement, etc.

Examples of Noun in sentence

Different Types of Noun:

Proper Noun

Common Noun

Abstract Noun

Concrete Noun

Countable Noun

Non-countable Noun

Collective Noun

Compound Noun

Proper Noun:
A proper noun is a name which refers only to a single person, place, or thing and there is no common
name for it. In written English, a proper noun always begins with capital letters.

Example: Melbourne (it refers to only one particular city), Steve (refers to a particular person),

Australia (there is no other country named Australia; this name is fixed for only one country).

More Examples of Proper Noun

Common Noun:

A common noun is a name for something which is common for many things, person, or places. It
encompasses a particular type of things, person, or places.

Example: Country (it can refer to any country, nothing in particular), city (it can refer to any city like
Melbourne, Mumbai, Toronto, etc. but nothing in particular).

So, a common noun is a word that indicates a person, place, thing, etc. In general and a proper noun is a
specific one of those.

More Examples of Common Noun

Abstract Noun:

An abstract noun is a word for something that cannot be seen but is there. It has no physical existence.
Generally, it refers to ideas, qualities, and conditions.

Example: Truth, lies, happiness, sorrow, time, friendship, humor, patriotism, etc.
Abstract Noun examples in sentences

Concrete Noun:

A concrete noun is the exact opposite of abstract noun. It refers to the things we see and have physical

Example: Chair, table, bat, ball, water, money, sugar, etc.

Countable Noun:

The nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns. Countable nouns can take an article: a, an,

Example: Chair, table, bat, ball, etc. (you can say 1 chair, 2 chairs, 3 chairs – so chairs are countable)

Countable Noun examples in sentences

Non-countable Noun:

The nouns that cannot be counted are called non-countable nouns.

Example: Water, sugar, oil, salt, etc. (you cannot say “1 water, 2 water, 3 water” because water is not

Abstract nouns and proper nouns are always non-countable nouns, but common nouns and concrete
nouns can be both count and non-count nouns.

Non-countable Noun examples in sentences

Collective Noun:

A collective noun is a word for a group of things, people, or animals, etc.

Example: family, team, jury, cattle, etc.

Collective nouns can be both plural and singular. However, Americans prefer to use collective nouns as
singular, but both of the uses are correct in other parts of the world.

Compound Noun:

Sometimes two or three nouns appear together, or even with other parts of speech, and create idiomatic
compound nouns. Idiomatic means that those nouns behave as a unit and, to a lesser or greater degree,
amount to more than the sum of their parts.

Example: six-pack, five-year-old, and son-in-law, snowball, mailbox, etc.

Functions of Nouns

Nouns can be used as a subject, a direct object, and an indirect object of a verb; as an object of a
preposition; and as an adverb or adjective in sentences. Nouns can also show possession.

Subject: The company is doing great. Roses are the flowers of love.

Direct object: I finally bought a new mobile.

Indirect object: Max gave Carol another chocolate.

Object of preposition: Roses are the flowers of love.

Adverb: The train leaves today.

Adjective: The office building faces the mall.

Possession: The lion’s cage is dangerous. My brother’s daughter is adorable.

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