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Climate change and is Global Warming real?

There is a difference between climate and weather, weather has short term changes it has a limited
area, it can change rapidly and usually is difficult to predict whereas the climate is the average of
many years of observation of the weather scenario, nearly about 30 years. It is wide ranged, covers a
lot of area, changes very slow and easily to predict i.e. climate is cold in arctic and hot in Africa.
Climate is affected by some aboitic factors such as latitude, altitude, ocean current, volcanic
eruptions etc and biotic such as respiration, Transpiration etc

Greenhouse gases are very important to maintain the climate otherwise the average temperature
would be -18degree, increase in greenhouse gases such as CO2 .methane etc cause an increase in
the warming of the earth’s as it adds up a layer of blanket to earth’s atmosphere this slowly
increasing temperature of earth is call global warming, and Yes global warming is real because
already global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius (1.4° Fahrenheit) since
1880. This is why we are facing fires all around world like recently in Australia.

Climate change and global warming is a major issue now a days, lack of food, lack of water, increase
in oceans, increase in disasters everything is due to climate change and humans are responsible for
all the trouble they are facing because the run their industries on fossil fuels releasing the
greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, now they are producing earth friendly products but this is
too late now it could be fixed if precautions would be taken 20years back then. We can slow the
increasing temperature by using eco friendly products but cannot reverse the effects now.
Greenland and Iceland are the biggest example of climate changes, both has opposite nature now
from when they were named, Greenland is covered with ice and Iceland is green, this is due to
climate changes. The species that are able to survive these changes develop themselves and other
die, so climate changes also is the cause of extinction of many animals.
We should admit the climate is changing, unlike the Trump who says”there is no such thing as
climate change its just the companies making money”. It cannot be fixed now but using renewable
energy sources may slow down the effects and take it from 100 years to maybe 200years life for us.

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