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The Moon and the Sun

Once upon a time, there were twin sisters in the universe, the moon named Luna and the sun
named Sol. They both play an important role in bringing balance to the living things. That's what their
mother told them, but they don't perceive it that way. Luna and Sol always fight, saying that they were
not meant to help each other because even if they are twins, they are not the same. Sol is bright in color
while Luna is dark. Because of this, Sol usually teases Luna and says that people could not clearly see
things because of her. “The people want me more than you because I give light to them. With me, they
are productive and happy. With you, they’re nothing because they can’t do anything.” said Sol
boastfully. “People enjoy the darkness I bring. My presence signals peacefulness and calmness. With me,
they can rest.” Luna answered. Despite of their arguments, their mother continually told them that even
two different individuals can unite and there will come a time that they will realize that. Years passed
and the two goddesses grew but their feud is still not settled. One day a star named Sirius made them a
bet whose role is more important, Luna or Sol. And so they did the unthinkable, they agreed to rule the
world without the other for just a certain amount of time and see which of them can bring so much joy
in the world. At first came Sol, she shone the entire land with its radiant light all throughout. She
thought that her rays will bring happiness but it only caused destruction and danger. Trees and plants
died, many fishes also died because rivers had dried, and people became dehydrated due to the
extreme heat. Luna laughed at her, saying she was more important. It was her turn to light the earth.
She gave them magnificent light all throughout. She thought that her luminescence will bring them
peace but it brought them cold. Children became gloomy because they can’t play indoors, the adults
were upset for the reason that they can’t do their work and sadness conquered the world. Then the
sisters realized that it was all pointless. They would never know who will win between them. Nothing
they did brought the earth joy. “So mother brought us into existence as sisters that can never be
together?" Sol asked. "No matter what we do we can never be together, we are to different" Luna
replied. "Mother was wrong, different beings cannot be united, it just can't, it's impossible” Sol said.
"But what if it can?" asked Luna while smiling. She approached Sol to hug her, "I always wanted a sister
to be near me. I got you and you're better than nothing." When the two of them got closer, their power
made a reaction and for the very first time a phenomenon occurred in the two worlds - an eclipse took
place. They saw that their transformation brought enchantment to the world and people who saw it
awed. Both of them were happy and their feud ended at that moment. They worked together and
everything went well. Every morning, we see Sol, the sun that shines so bright. At the end of the day,
there comes Luna, the moon that serves as our light at night.

Lesson: Even though how different we are to each other, it is still possible that we can be together and
live in harmony.

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