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Course Semester/Credits Instructor Affiliation

Special Lecture on Spring Semester Prof. Toru Matsuzawa Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions
Solid Earth Physics Ⅱ
(固体地球物理学特殊講義Ⅱ) 2 Credits Prof. Shinji Toda International Research Institute of Disaster Science

Course Title:
Generation Process of Earthquakes and Their Evaluation
The course is composed of two series of lectures as follows:
 ⑴ Generation process of interplate earthquakes
    In the first half of 2000 s, the“asperity model”seemed promising theory for the interplate earthquakes
because the model could explain the repeating earthquakes. The model, however, could not explain some
characteristics including the hierarchical structure found in some source regions and was being revised when
the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake occurred. In this class, recent progress in the understanding of the interplate
earthquakes is lectured.
 ⑵ Long-term earthquake forecasting and time-dependent seismic hazard
    While earthquake prediction is still unrealistic, long-term probabilistic forecast of large earthquakes might be an
alternative feasible strategy. This series of lectures provide students the fundamental knowledge of active
faulting based on both geological and seismological studies, and then explain the role of fault interaction to evaluate
the time-dependency of seismic hazard, introducing several case studies such as the 2011 Tohoku earthquake.
⑴ To understand the generation process of interplate earthquakes in subduction zones.
⑵ To broaden the views of earthquake phenomena from multi-disciplinary fields, and further improve the
understanding of spatiotemporal earthquake clustering heading to realistic seismic hazard assessment.
⑴ We introduce the history of the models explaining the inteplate earthquakes and recent research results. We
expect that the students will obtain deep understanding of the generation process of the interplate earthquakes
through discussions.
⑵ We introduce both classical and the latest researches on paleoseismology and hazard assessment on the plate
boundary and inland crustal earthquakes. We then explore the probabilistic approach of long-term earthquake
forecasting. In addition, the students will learn several basic calculations about the earthquake statistics and
physics of stress transfer to understand the time dependency of seismic hazard.
Books required/referenced:
Handouts given in the lectures.
Report and attendance.
Contact information:
Prof. Matsuzawa
;Tel:022-225-1950(secretary office)

Course Semester/Credits Instructor Affiliation
Advanced Earth Spring Semester
Science Ⅰ 掛川 武 教授 地球惑星物質科学講座
(先端地球惑星科学Ⅰ) 2 Credits

Course Title:
Advanced Earth and Planetary Science Ⅰ
This is a course for IGPAS doctoral students only. This is a virtual course and no scheduled classes
will be arranged.
This is a course for IGPAS doctoral students only. This is a virtual course and no scheduled classes
will be arranged.
This is a course for IGPAS doctoral students only. This is a virtual course and no scheduled classes
will be arranged. A student who wish to grant a credit from this course, please consult to your
supervisor. He or she will arrange a class(existing scheduled class)that you need to take and then
convert the credit of a scheduled class into the credit of Advanced Earth and Planetary Science 1.
Books required/referenced:

Depending on the class schedule
Please contact Professor Takeshi Kakegawa for details.

Course Semester/Credits Instructor Affiliation

Advanced Earth Fall Semester
Science Ⅱ 掛川 武 教授 地球惑星物質科学講座
(先端地球惑星科学Ⅱ) 2 Credits

Course Title:
Advanced Earth and Planetary Science Ⅱ
This is a course for IGPAS doctoral students only. This is a virtual course and no scheduled classes
will be arranged.
This is a course for IGPAS doctoral students only. This is a virtual course and no scheduled classes
will be arranged.
This is a course for IGPAS doctoral students only. This is a virtual course and no scheduled classes
will be arranged. A student who wish to grant a credit from this course, please consult to your
supervisor. He or she will arrange a class(existing scheduled class)that you need to take and then
convert the credit of a scheduled class into the credit of Advanced Earth and Planetary Science Ⅱ.
Books required/referenced:


Please contact to Prof. Kakegawa for more information.

Course Semester/Credits Instructor Affiliation
Topics in Solid Earth Spring Semester 松澤 暢 地震・噴火予知研究観測センター(沈み込み帯物理学分野)
(固体地球物理学特殊講義Ⅱ) 2 Credits 遠田 晋次 災害科学国際研究所 災害理学研究部門 国際巨大災害研究分野

Course code/number:SGP-EPP722
Course Title:地震の発生とその評価
 ⑴ プレート境界型地震の発生過程
 ⑵ 地震発生の長期評価と地震ハザードの時間変化
⑴ プレート境界型地震の発生過程についての現在の知見を理解し、自分の研究に役立てる。
⑵ 地震学と地形・地質学との境界分野を理解し、地震現象への視点を拡げる。また、地震の時空間クラスター性について理解を
 ⑴ プレート境界型地震に関する過去の知見と最新の研究成果を紹介し、議論を通じて理解を深める。
 ⑵ 海溝型地震と内陸地殻内地震の地形・地質学的研究成果の主要な研究成果を紹介し、地震の長期評価手法を概説する。地震
Books required/referenced:
Preparation and review:

Tel:022-795-3928(直通) ;Tel:022-225-1950(代表)


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