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Haunt of Hightower Campaign Prep

Old Gregory has called for the gang to help him oust the undead living in his old
temple after he went insane for 30 years, living under their spell. Old Greg is a
dwarven priest, if statblocks are needed but has limited spell casting. He is a
practitioner of Alcool- a god celebrating the wonders of alcohol. He is frequently
seen drinking from his tankard. He likes to throw booze on things and set them on

“I see they answered my prayers to the blasted crystal ball. My name is Gregory
Hlidenbower Frankfurt-child the VIIIIth, but most call me OLD GREG-no relation.
Now, I’ve been under the spell of –leans and whispers “the haunt”- for over 30 years
and I’ve just, in the past oh month or so, gained my sharpness and mental frakalties
back. Everyone asks Old Greg, why oh WHY did you come back to the haunt that
controlled you so and I say HE WAS AFTER MY HOOCH AND I WANT IT BACK. It’s
down in the bottom basement of our temple and YOU are gonna protect me and help
me oust this great evil on our way to defeat –the haunt. Any questions?!”

Old Greg will then be senile and asinine to the party.

Upon reaching the doors of the cathedral, have the party make a DC 11 fortitude
save. The stench of alcohol is overwhelming. A failed save will result in being
intoxicated (advantage on strength/charisma checks, disadvantage on
intelligence/wisdom/dex checks for d8X3 real minutes. This effect can stack (if their
timer is active) as we get further into the cathedral’s basement).

After reaching the doors, the party will notice a magical lock preventing the massive
doors from being opened. After being pulled upon, it will display in fiery text. (write
this down for the PCs)

The Haunt

“Those who wish to disturb Him be warned- Every foolish Heathen who Arrogantly
decides to Unearth what rests here will Never be free from Torment.

Who offers you this fair warning?”

A DC 15 arcana check will reveal that this is a magical trap if one attempts to disarm
it by normal means. A DC 20 arcana check will be able to disarm the trap. A DC 20
attempt to disarm the trap will result in success for either wizards or rogues. 3d6
fire damage upon failure.

They can utter the phrase, disarm the trap, or just bust out some windows to get in.

The Cathedral Main Floor

Loot: 3 potions of heal moderate in priest’s office, 1 ale of strength (+4 strength, +1
drunken state)

Ecounter: the choir boys of Old Greg. Play this by ear, but they were upset Old Greg
left them. Old Greg claims to not know them. 3-5 indentured spirits. They will try to
smash ale glasses into the party during combat or strike them with their claws.

The Fellowship Hall

Old Greg reminisces about the mess hall and all the experimental alcohol they would make
here. The kitchen is full of ancient/dried food and ruined pots and pans, along with dozens
of dusty glasses and bottles. They won’t find anything of note on the chef’s body. Should
they disturb the gold and symbol under the bar, they will start the chef’s encounter with the
armors. If the chef (wight) is defeated, the armors fall apart. Behind the bar, a particularly
ugly painting will be seen with a passage behind it leading to the library. Should the party
drink from barrel, roll random potion table and add +1 drunken stage. Loot is 193 gold and
tankard symbol necklace (allows you to reroll potion effects)

The Great Library of Alcool

The library is completely (and magically ) pitch black. Light spells below 3rd level
will fail to light more than 5 feet in front of the party. As the party treks through the maze in
soft combat, books will fly at them and specters will taunt/scare them. (DC 13 dexterity
save or take 1 d4, DC 13 wisdom save or take frightened effect) Upon finding the chandelier
switch on the second floor, thanks to Old Greg remembering the switch, the party is able to
easily see in the room. They will see a dead choir boy slumped over a desk, this can
potentially be where a party member joins. Should party take alternate path, they find a
gelatinous cube after finding a sacred text. (Fine Drinks and How to Curate Them, which will
allow rerolls on potion effects)

The Great Hop Gorge

A rickety bridge suspends over an enormous ravine full of hop ore, just waiting to be
mined. These ores of Alcool are said to be what gives this church its powerful booze
and are a well kept secret. Two hop ore gargoyles are on either side of the ravine
and will animate the moment the PC’s touch the bridge. The bridge has 50 hit points.
Should those hitpoints be broken or the ropes be inadvertently hit, the bridge will
collapse. Should the PC’s fall, it will result in 8d6 falling damage if they do not
succeed a DC 13 dexterity save to grab the bridge and hang on, or attempt to brace
the fall. 7x20

The Sacred Chamber of Alcool

The final battle. They face Thiccolas Theodore Cagenson, the Haunt, aka a very thick
vampire. They come into the room seeing the statue of Alcool pissing his sacred
booze, it being sucked upon by Thiccolas. Thiccolas attempts to reason with the
party to leave his new home. Combat ensues. If party drinks from the alcohol pools,
they roll d100, 100 resulting in death, 99 and lower being successful. They go
catatonic for d3 rounds and wake up having learned a random third level spell.

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