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Bracero program. Cultural imperialism Drying out the wetbacks
Repatriation. Chicano Nationalism Bracero.
“Balanced Budget Conservatism” Commonwealth Status Spanish-American War 1898
Plebiscite “Corky” Gonzalez José Ángel Gutiérrez
LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens Chicanismo
Mexican Americanism El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan

1. What was the agreement between the United States and Mexican government concerning the Bracero Program?
2. During what time period did the Bracero Program exist?
3. How did the Bracero Program establish patterns for contemporary Mexico/U.S. migration?
4. According to John Chavez, how did the perceptions of the Southwest change for Chicana/os after World War II.
5. What was the main goal of League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) during the 1930s-1950s?
6. Discuss the three major forces that affected the development of Chicana/os during the XX century.
7. Which major Push Factors influenced heavy immigration from Mexico during and after 1910?
8. What is the traditional theory on immigration that Gonzalez and Fernandez challenged in their work?
9. Give examples of “pull factors” that attract Mexican workers to the U.S.
10. According to Gonzalez and Fernandez what are the four process in Mexico, in the latter part of the nineteen
century, that forced Mexicans to migrate to the U.S.?
11. After the heavy investment of U.S. capitalists in the Mexican railroad system, what were the social
consequences for the Mexican people?
12. What does the term Porfiriato mean? During what time the Porfiriato took place in Mexico?
13. What was the impact of the Mexican Revolution in the immigration process to the U.S.?
14. For Gonzalez and Fernandez, what are the recent theories that maintain the premises of the “push-pull”
15. What was the manifestation in 1967 that Mexico has abdicated its economic sovereignty to the U.S.?
16. Explain the causes the made possible the Chicana/o Civil Right Movement?
17. Chavez suggested that Chican@s identified with which ethnic group at the beginning of the 1960's.
18. Through what actions did non-whites reestablish cultural/racial pride while combating feelings of
inferiority imposed by colonialism after World War II?
19. Why was President John F. Kennedy popular among Chicana/os and Mexican Nationals?
20. Why was Cesar Chavez’s struggle for equality successful?
21. What was Reies Lopez Tijerina’s goal?
22. Who influenced the Mexican American National Farm Workers Association (NFWA)to join the Filipino
Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC)?
23. During the time of the Civil Rights Movement, how Chicanos understood the concept of Aztlan?
24. What was the Plan of Delano?
25. Who was the leader of the Alianza Federal de Mercedes (the Federal Land Grant Alliance).
26. Was the founder of Raza Unida Party and the most “educated” of the Chicano Leaders.
27. What role did MECHA (Student Movement Chicano de Aztlan) play in the Chicano Civil Right
28. What type of data (statistics) Nevins uses to prove that the concept of “illegal” is supported by Racialized
29. What are the agent or agencies that historically have constructed the term “illegal.”
30. What was the main cause of immigration for Salvadorian to the U.S.A.?
31. What are the legacies of the CCRM in our days?
32. Discuss the identity of the Mexican Americans before the CCRM.
33. What are the most important concepts that Chican@s used during the CCRM to regain their sense of
34. Identify the most important contributions of the CCRM to the U.S. academia.
35. What does Rosales mean by the term “Chicano Renaissance.”?
36. What are the words used in the CCRM that has survived to this day?
37. What were the goals of the Chicana Feminists in the Movimiento?
38. For Rosales, what was the long-lasting legacy of the CCRM for the Chicano people?
39. What are the causes for the decline of the Chicano Civil Rights Movement?

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