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‫منظومة املقدمة فيما جيب على قارئ القرآن أن يعلمه‬

‫من نظم إمام احلفاظ وحجة القراء حممد بن حممد بن حممد بن علي بن يوسف ابن اجلزري رمحه اهلل تعاىل‬

The Jazariyyah (Tajweed) Poem

َّ ُُ‫ـج َـز ِري‬ ِ ‫اجــيُعـ ْفـ ُِوُربُُس‬
ِ ‫يـ ُقـولُُُر‬
َ ْ‫ـنُال‬
ُُ ْ‫ُم َح َّـمـ ُدُب‬ ُ‫ـامـ ِع‬ َ َ َ َ َ 1
1. In the hope of pardon and forgiveness from his Lord, All-Hearing.

Muhammad ibn Al-Jazaree Al-Shafi’ee (meaning following the Shafi’ee school of thought)

ِ ِِ
ْ ُ‫ُ نَـبِـي ــهُُ َوم‬‫عَـلَــى‬
ُُ‫ـص ـطَـ َف ـاه‬ ُ ُ‫صـلَّـى‬
ُ‫الل‬ َ ‫ْح ْـمـ ُد ُللَُّهُ َو‬
َ ‫ال‬ 2
2. All Praise is due to Allah and May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon

His Prophet  and the chosen one,

ُ‫آنُُ َم ـ ْـعُُ ُم ِـح ـب ِـه‬

ِ ‫ومـ ْقـ ِر ِئُُالْـ ُق ـر‬ ُِ‫ـح ـبِــه‬ ِِ
ْ َُ ْ ‫ص‬َ ‫ـح َّـم ـدُُ َوآل ــهُُ َو‬
َ ‫ُم‬ 3
3. Muhammad , his family and companions,

and the reciter of Quran together with the one who is devoted to it.

ُ‫ُقَـا ِرئِ ُِـهُأَ ُْنُيَـ ْعـلَ َـمـ ْه‬‫فِي َـمـاُ َعـلَـى‬ ِ ‫ُإِ َُّنُ َه ـ ِـذ ُهُِ ُمـ َقـد‬:‫َوبَ ْـع ـ ُد‬
ُ 1 ُ‫َِّ َم ـ ْه‬ 4
4. And thereafter: this is an introduction

concerning which the reciter of Qur’an is required to learn.

ُWritten with both a fathah and a kasrah, so the reader has the option to choose either one.

ُّ ‫ـلُُال‬
‫ـش ُـرو ِعُُأ ََّولُاُ أَ ْنُُ يـَ ْع ـلَ ُـم ـوا‬ َ ْ‫قَـب‬ َ ُ‫إ ْذُُ َواج ــبُُ عَ لَـيْ ـ ِه ُـمُُم‬
ُ‫ـح ـتَّـ ُـم‬ 5
5. It is without any doubt required for the recitor

to know before starting recitation:

ِ ‫لِيـلْ ِـفـظُـواُبِـأَفْـص ِـحُُالـلُّـغَـ‬

ُ‫ـات‬ ُِ ‫ـح ُـر‬
ُِ ‫وفُ َوالـصـ َف‬
َ َ ُ ْ‫ِجُال‬
َُ ‫َمـ َخـار‬ 6
6. The articulation points )‫ف‬ ِ ‫احلرو‬ ِ ‫ص خفات ح‬ ِ(
‫ ( خَمخارِج حُُ ح‬and characteristics of letters )‫احلُُرحوف‬
So that they can articulate in the most eloquent of languages.

ِ ‫وم ـاُالَّ ِـذ يُ ر ِس ـمُُ فِـيُ الم ص‬

ِ ‫ـاح‬ ِ ِ‫ـجـ ِوي ُِـدُوالمـواق‬
ُ‫ـف‬ َ َ َ ُ ََ ُ‫ـف‬ ََ َ ْ َّ‫ـحـر ِريُالت‬
َ ‫ُم‬ 7
7. In order to make clear the application of tajweed and the stops

and that which is written in the (‘Uthmani) copies of the Qur’an,

ِ ُ‫ـب‬
‫ُ َهـا‬:ُ‫ب‬ ُْ َ‫ـنُتُ ْكـت‬ ُِ َ‫َوت‬
ُْ ‫ـاءُأُنْـثَـىُلَ ُْـمُتَ ُك‬ ‫ص ولُُ بِ َـه ـا‬ ِ
ُ ‫م ْـنُُ ُك ـلُُ َم ْق طُـوعُُ َو َم ْو‬ 8
8. As regards to all those words that are separated and joined in it (in writing in the

and the feminine ‘taa’ (‫ )ت‬which is not written with a ‘haa’ (‫)ـة‬.

Articulation Points of the Letters chapter)‫احلُروف‬
‫ح‬ ُ ‫ِج‬
ُ ‫اب خَمخار‬
ُ ‫(بخ‬
ُ‫ـارهُُُ َم ـ ِنُُا ْختَـبَ ْـر‬ ِ َّ
ُ َ‫عَلَـىُال ـذيُيَ ْخت‬ ُ‫ش ْـر‬ ُِ ‫الح ُـر‬
َ ‫وفُ َس ْب َـعـ ُةَُ َعـ‬ ُ ُ‫ِج‬
ُُ ‫َم َخـار‬ 9
9. The articulation points of the letters are seventeen
According to those who chose it by examination

ُِ ‫وفُ َمــدُُللْ َـه َـو‬

‫اءُتَـنْـتَـ ِهـي‬ ُُ ‫ُحـ ُـر‬ ‫ُ َو ِهــي‬،‫ـاهـا‬ ِ ُِ ‫ُلِلْـجـو‬
َ َ‫فُأَلفُُوأُ ْخت‬ َْ 11
10. The empty space in the throat and mouth has the alif and its two sisters (i.e. the
wow ‫ و‬and yaa ‫ )ي‬and they are;
the medd letters which stop with the (stopping of) air.

ُ ‫ُفَ َـع ْـيـنُُ َح ـ‬:‫َوِم ْنُُ َو َس ِط ُِـه‬

ُ‫ـاء‬ ُ ‫ُ َه ْـمـزُُ َه‬:ُ‫الحـلْ ِـق‬
ُ‫ـاء‬ َ ‫ثُ َُّـمُألَق‬
َ ُ‫ْصـى‬ 11
11. Then from the lowest part of the throat are: ‫ هاء‬, ‫مهزة‬,

and from its middle then the ‫ حاء‬,‫عني‬

ُ‫ـاف‬ ُِ ‫س‬
ُ ‫ُثُـ َُّـمُالْـ َك‬،‫ـانُفَ ْـو ُق‬ َ ‫ْصـىُالل‬
َ ‫أَق‬ ُ‫ـاف‬
ُ ‫ُوالْـ َق‬،‫ُغَ ْـيـنُُ َخـا ُؤ َهـا‬:ُ‫ـاه‬
ُ ‫أَ ْدنَـ‬ 12
12. Its closest (the throat’s area closest to the mouth) are: ‫ غني‬and ‫خاء‬. And the ‫قاف‬:
the deepest part of the tongue above (meaning looking from the mouth inside the mouth,
the ‫ قاف‬is deeper), then the ‫كاف‬:

‫ـنُ َحافَـتِ ُِـهُإِ ُْذُ َولِـيَــا‬

ُْ ‫ُِمـ‬:‫ـاد‬ َّ ‫َوال‬
ُُ ‫ـض‬ ُُ ‫ُفَ ِجي ُُـمُالشـي‬:‫ط‬
‫ـنُيَـا‬ ُ ‫ُ َوال َْو ْسـ‬،‫ـل‬
ُ ‫َس َف‬
ْ‫أ‬ 13
13- Lower (meaning closer to the mouth), and the middle (meaning middle of the tongue),
then ‫ ياء‬,‫ شني‬,‫جيم‬

And the ‫ ضاد‬from its (meaning the tongue’s) side when it is close;

‫ـاهـا‬ ِ ‫ُأَ ْدنَـ‬:‫والـ ـالَُّم‬ ِ ‫ضر‬

َ ‫ـاهــاُل ُم ْنـتَ َـه‬
َ ُ َ ‫ـاه ـا‬
َ َ‫ـس َـرُُ أ َْوُُ يُ ْم ن‬
َ ْ‫اسُُ م ْـنُُأَي‬
َ َ ْ ‫ال‬ 14
14. To the molars from its (the sides of the tongue) left or right
And the ‫الم‬, its (sides of the tongue) lowest part (closest to the mouth), until it (sides) ends (at the

ُُ‫ُيُ َد انِـيـهُُِ لِظَ ْـه ـرُُ أَ ْد َخ ـل‬:‫َوالـ َّـرا‬
‫اج َعـلُـوا‬ ُْ ‫ُ ِم‬:‫ َوالنُّو ُن‬15
ُُ ‫ـنُطَ ْرفِ ُِـهُتَ ْح‬
ْ ُ‫ـت‬
15. And the ‫ نون‬from its tip (meaning tip of the tongue) it is found under (under the ‫الم‬,
meaning closer to the mouth),
And the ‫ راء‬is close to it (meaning close to the ‫ ) نون‬it uses the top (meaning the top
of the tip, with the tip).

ُ‫ُ ُم ْس تَـكِ ْـن‬:ُ‫والص ِف ـيْ ُـر‬

َّ ُ،‫عُلْيَـاُالثـَّنَـايَـا‬ ُ‫ُ ِم ـنْـهُُُ َوِم ْـن‬:‫َوالطَّـاءُُُ َوالـدَّالُُُ َوتَـا‬ 16
16. And the ‫ تاء‬,‫ دال‬,‫ طاء‬from it (tip of the tongue from the top side) and from
The upper incisors, and the whistle (meaning the letters that have the inherit characteristics of the
whistle which are ‫ سني‬,‫زاي‬,‫ )صاد‬are cozy,

‫ُلِلْعُـلْـيَـا‬:‫َوالـظَّـاءُُُ َوالـ َّـذالُُُ َوثَــا‬ ُّ ُ‫ِمنْهُُُ َوِم ْـنُُفَ ْـو ِقُُالثـَّنَـايَـا‬

‫الس ْفـلَـى‬ 17
17. from it (meaning the tip of the tongue) and above the two lower incisors.
And the ‫ ثاء‬,‫ ذال‬,‫ ظال‬with the upper (the upper two front incisors),

ُ‫الم ْش ِرفَـ ْه‬ ِ

ُ ُ‫فَالْ َف ـاُ َم َـعُُاطْـرافُُالثـَّنَايَـا‬ َّ ُُ‫ُ َوِم ْـنُُبَـطْـ ِن‬،‫ِم ْـنُُطَ َرفَـ يْ ِه َم ـا‬
:ُ‫الش َف ْه‬ 18
18. from the edges of them both (the edges of the two from the upper incisors and the
tongue); and from the inside of the lip,
so the ‫ فاء‬with the edges of the towering incisors (front upper).

ُ ‫ش‬ ُ ‫ُ َم ْخ َـر ُج َـه ـاُال َخ ـيْـ‬:ُ‫َوغُـنَّــة‬ ُ‫لش َف تَـيْـ ِنُُالْـ َـو ُاوُُبَــاءُُ ِم ـيْـ ُـم‬
َّ ِ‫ل‬ 19
19. Using the lips are ‫ ميم‬,‫ باء‬, ‫واو‬

And the ghunnah has the nasal passage as its articulation point.

ِ ‫احلر‬
)‫وف‬ ِ ِ ‫(ب‬
The Characteristics of Letters chapter
ُُ‫اب ص خفات ح‬
ُ ‫خ‬
ْ ‫ُم ْنـ َفـتِـحُُ ُم‬
ُ‫ُ َوالـض َُّـدُقُـ ْـل‬،‫ص َمـتَـة‬ ُْ ‫ص َفاتُـ َهـاُ َج ْـهـرُُ َوِر ْخــوُُ ُم ْستَ ِـف‬
‫ـل‬ ِ 21
20. Its (the letters’) characteristics are ) ‫ (جهر‬apparent, ) ‫ رخاوة‬/ ‫ (رخو‬softness, and

( ‫ استفال‬/‫ ) مستفل‬lowered

Opened ( ‫ انفتاح‬,‫ )منفتح‬desisted, ( ‫ اصمات‬/‫) مصمتة‬, and the opposite (of them) say:
[The following are the opposites of these named characteristics and their letters. The first group of characteristics
has the remaining letters left after the opposite characteristic’s letters are taken out.]

ْ ‫َج ـ ُْدُقَــطُُبَـ َك‬ ُ ‫َش ِديْ ُد َهـاُلَ ْفـ‬
ِ ‫ُُأ‬:‫ظ‬ ُْ ‫ُُفَ َحثَّ ُـهُُ َش ْخـصُُ َسـ َك‬:‫وس َهـا‬
‫ـت‬ ُ ‫ َم ْه ُم‬21
21. Its whispered ( ‫ مهس‬/‫( )مهموس‬letters are :) “‫ت‬ ‫”فخ خحثَّهُ خش حخص خس خك ح‬,
Its strengthened ( ‫ شدة‬/‫( )شديد‬letters are :) “‫ت‬ ِ
‫”أج حد قخط بخ خك ح‬.

ُ‫ص ْـر‬ ْ ‫ض غْـطُُقِـ‬

َ ‫ظُُ َح‬ َ ُُ‫ص‬
َّ ‫ُُ ُخ‬:ُ‫َو َس ْب ُعُُعُلْو‬ ُْ ِ‫ُُل‬:‫الش ِدي ُِـد‬
‫ـنُ ُع َم ُْـر‬ َّ ‫ـنُ ِر ْخـوُُ َو‬
َُ ‫ َوبَـ ْي‬22
22. And between soft and strengthened (‫( )رخو والشديد‬are the letters :) “‫”لِ حن ُع خم حر‬

And the seven elevated are gathered (‫ استعالء‬/‫( )علو‬in the phrase of) “‫ظ‬ ‫ض حغط قِ ح‬ ‫ص خ‬ َّ ‫” ُخ‬.

ُ‫ْم ْذلَ َقـ ْه‬ ِ

ُ ‫وفُُال‬
ُ ‫الح ُـر‬
ُ ُ:ُ‫َوُُفَُ َّـرُُم ْـنُُلُـب‬ ‫ُ ُمطْبَـ َقـ ُْه‬:ُ‫ـاءُُظَـاء‬
ُ َ‫ضـادُُط‬
َ ُ‫ـاد‬
ُُ ‫ص‬َ ‫ َو‬23
23. (The letters) ‫ ظاء‬,‫ طاء‬,‫ ضاد‬,‫( صاد‬have the characteristics of) ‫ اطباق‬/‫مطبقة‬.

And the letters in the phrase “ ‫( ”فخـ َّر ِم حن لُب‬have the characteristic of) ‫ذالقة‬/‫مذلقة‬.

ُ‫ـن‬ ُ‫صــادُُ َو َزايُُ ِسـيـ ُـن‬ ِ 24

ُ ‫ُ َوالـل ـي‬، ‫ـبُُ َج ــد‬
ُ ْ‫ُُقُـط‬:ُ‫قَـ لْ َق ـلَـة‬ َ ُ:‫صفي ُـر َهـا‬
24. Its whistle ‫( صفري‬has the letters of) ‫ سني‬,‫ زاي‬,‫صاد‬.

The ٌ‫( قخـ حل خقلخة‬has the letters) “‫جد‬

‫ب خ‬
ُ ‫قُطح‬.” And (the letters of) softness ‫( اللني‬are)

‫ـحـا‬ ِ ْ‫الن‬
ِ ‫ُو‬،‫قَـ بْـلَ ُهُـم ـا‬
َ ‫ـح‬
َّ ‫ص‬
ُ ُ:ُ‫اف‬
ُ ‫ـح ـ َـر‬ َ َ ‫ـح ـا‬
َ َ‫ُ َوانْـ َف ـت‬،‫ َواوُُ َويَـاءُُ ُس كُنَـا‬25
25. ‫ واو‬And ‫( ياء‬that have a) sukoon and a fathah ‫فتخة‬

ُ ‫اال حِْنخر‬
before them. And the drifting ‫اف‬ ِ is correct,

ِ ُ‫ضــادا‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ
ْ ‫استُـط‬
ْ ‫ُ َ ا‬،‫ُالش ْـي ُـن‬:‫َوللتَّـ َفشـي‬ ْ ‫ُ َوب تَ ْك ِريـرُُ ُجـع‬،‫ ف ـيُالالَّ اِمُُ َوال َّـرا‬26
26. On the ‫ الم‬and the ‫را‬, and on it (the ‫را‬, the characteristic of) repetition.

And (the characteristic of) spreading (‫ )التفشي‬is on the ‫ شني‬, and (the letter) ‫ ضاد‬has (the characteristic

of ) lengthening (‫استطالة‬/‫)استطل‬.

Tajweed chapter ِ ‫) باب التَّج ِو‬

)‫يد‬ ‫خ ُ ح‬
ُ‫حُالْـ ُق َـرآ َُنُآثِـ ُـم‬
ُِ ‫ـصح‬
َ ُ‫ـنُلَـ ُْـمُي‬
ُْ ‫َمـ‬ ُ‫ـجـ ِوي ُِـدُ َح ْـتــمُُل ِز ُم‬
ْ َّ‫َواألَ ْخـ ُذُبِالت‬ 27
27. The practical application of tajweed is without doubt compulsory
Who does not read the Quran correctly is a sinner. 2

ِ َ‫ألَنـَّ ُـهُُبِـ ُِـهُا ِإللَ ـ ُـهُُأَنْ ـ َـز ُل‬

َ ‫ َكـ َذاُم ـنْـهُُُإِلَـيْـنَـاُ َو‬‫َو َهـ‬
َُ‫ص ـ ـال‬ 28
28. Because this (Qur’an) was revealed to us by Allah in this form
And exactly like this (with tajweed) it reached us (from our Prophet, then related in authentic chains over
generations to our present day shuyookh and those with ijaazah).

ُِ‫و ِزي ــن ـ ـةُُاألَد ِاءُُوالْـ ِـق ــراءة‬ ُِ‫ض ـاُ ِح ـل َِـيـةُُالـتـالَوة‬
ََ َ َ َْ َ َ ْ ‫َو ُه َـوُُأَيْـ ا‬ 29
29. And it (tajweed) is also a beautification of recitation
And an adornment of pronunciation and reading.

‫ح ـقَّ َـه ـا‬ ِ ِ ُِ ‫ـح ُـر‬

‫وفُ َح َّق َـهـا‬ ُ َ‫ُإِ ْعـط‬:‫ َو ُه َُـو‬31
َ َ‫م ـ ْـنُُ ُك لُُ ص ـ َف ـةُُ َومُ ست‬ ُ ْ‫ـاءُُال‬
30. And it (tajweed) is giving each letter its required rights )‫رف‬ ِ ‫احل‬
‫( خحق ح‬
Of each and every characteristic as well as (giving each letter its) presented rights [or dues] )‫ف‬ ِ ‫احلر‬ ‫( ُم حستخ خحق ح‬,

Mistakes are of two types ‫جلي‬ ‫ حلن‬and ‫حلن خفي‬. The clear and obvious mistakes are labeled as: ‫جلي‬ ‫حلن‬, this type of mistake

should be corrected and avoided because it may lead to change in the meaning, grammar, or incorrect in the Arabic language. ‫حلن‬
‫ خفي‬are the hidden mistakes that one should also make an effort to fix.

ُ‫ظُفِــيُنَ ِـظ ْـيـ ِرُهُِ َك ِمـثْـل ِـه‬
ُ ‫َواللَّـ ْفـ‬ ُ‫َصـلِـ ِـه‬ ِ
ْ ‫َو َر ُّدُُ ُك ــلُُ َواح ــدُُأل‬ 31
31. To take every one (of the letters) back to its origin (i.e. place of articulation),
And to pronounce the equivalent letter in the same way (as you would pronounce that letter).

ِ ‫ـس‬
ُ‫ـف‬ ُّ ‫الَُتَـ َع‬ ُِ ْ‫ـفُفِـيُالنُّط‬
ُ ‫ـقُبِـ‬ ُِ ْ‫بِاللُّط‬ ُ‫ـف‬ َ ُْ ‫ُ ِم‬3‫الا‬
ِ ُّ‫ـنُغَـيْـ ُِرُمــاُتَ َكـل‬ ُ ‫ُم َك َّم ِِـ‬ 32
32. Complete (with all its characteristics) yet without any exaggeration,
Being gentle in pronunciation without any abuse.

ُ‫ـاض ـةُُ ْامـ ـ ِرئُُبِـ َفـكـ ِـه‬

َ َ‫إِ ُلَُّ ِري‬ ُ‫ـنُتَ ْـركِ ِـه‬
َُ ‫ـسُبَ ْـيـنَ ُـهُُ َوبَ ْـي‬
َُ ‫َولَ ْـي‬ 33
33. There exists nothing between (applying the ‫َّج ِويحد‬
‫ ) الت ح‬and leaving it,
Except for a person to exercise (correctly) with his jaws.

ِ ‫التَّـحنبِيه‬
The Chapter Mentioning Some Warnings )‫ات‬ ‫خ‬ ِ ‫(بخاب ِف ِذ حك ِر بخـ حع‬

ِ ‫ـظُُ األَلِـ‬
ُ‫ـف‬ ِ ‫ـاذ ر ْنُُ تَـ ْف ِخ ـيـمُُ لَـ ْف‬
ِ ِ ‫فَـ رق ـ َق ـنُُ م س ت ِـف ـالُاُ ِم ـنُُأَح ــر‬
َ َ ‫َو َح ـ‬ ُ‫ف‬ ُْ ْ َْ ُ ْ َ 34
34. Make attenuation (tarqeeq) “‫ ”ترقيق‬the letters of istifal “‫”استفال‬.

And beware of making (be careful not to make) the letter alif “‫ ”األلف‬with velarization (tafkheem )
[when it occurs after a letter of ‫استِ خفال‬
‫] ح‬.
‫ُلِـلَّـ ُِـهُلَــنَــا‬:ُ‫ُثُـ َُّـمُلَِم‬،ُ‫اَلـلَّــه‬ ‫ْح ْـمـدُُأَعُــوذُُاِ ْه ِـدنَـا‬
َ ‫ُاَل‬:ُ‫َو َه ْـم َـز‬ 35

‫اخ ح‬ , ُ‫أخعُ حوذ‬ , ‫اِ حه ِدنخا‬

35. And the hamzah "‫( "مهزة‬be careful not to give it tafkheem in): ‫حلخ حم ُد‬

ُ‫اخهلل‬ and then the ‫ الالَّم‬of (likewise be careful not to give it tafkheem in): ِ‫هلل‬ , ‫لخنخا‬ ,
ِ ِ ِ
ْ ‫ص ـةُُ َوم ْـنُُ َم َـر‬
َ ‫ُ َم ْخ َم‬:ُ‫َوالْم ي َـمُُم ْـن‬ ْ ‫ـفُ َو َعلَـىُالـلَّ ُِـهُ َو ُلَُال‬
ُ‫ـض‬ ُْ َّ‫َولْيَتَـلَط‬ 36
36. (Also) ‫ف‬ ِ
‫ خولحيختخـلخطَّ ح‬ , ‫اهلل‬ ‫ خعلخى‬ and ‫ني‬
‫ خوالخ الضَّال ح خ‬,
And (likewise) the ‫ الح ِمحيم‬of ‫صة‬
‫َمخح خم خ‬ and of ‫ خمخرض‬ (be careful not to give it tafkhem),

It was written as such in the original version, with a fathah and kasrah on the meem. So one can choose either of the vowels. ُ

‫الج ْهـ ِرُُالَّ ِـذي‬ ِ ِ ‫ُب‬،‫ُبــرق‬:‫ـاء‬
‫ُبِ ِـذي‬،‫ُبِـ ِه ْـم‬،‫ـاطـل‬
ْ ‫اح ِر‬
َ ‫صُُ َعلَـىُالشـدَّةُُ َو‬ ْ ‫َو‬ َ ْ َ َُ َ‫َوب‬ 37

ِ ‫ب‬ , ‫بِِم‬ and ‫بِ ِذي‬

37. And [be careful not to give tafkheem to] the ‫ الحبخاء‬of ‫بـخ حرق‬ , ‫اطل‬‫خ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ح‬
and take care on (observing the characteristics of) ‫ الشدَّة‬and ‫اجلخ حهر‬
‫ ح‬that are
ُ‫ـج ـ ِر‬ ْ َّ‫اج تُـث‬ ُ‫الص ْـبـ ِر‬ ِ ‫فِيهـاُوفِـيُال‬
َّ ُُ‫ ُحـب‬:‫ْجي ُِـمُ َُك‬
ْ ‫ُالْ َف‬، ‫ُ َو َح ــج‬، ‫ـت‬ ْ ُ، ‫َِ َربْـ َـوة‬ َ َ 38

‫ ح‬as in ‫الص حِب‬

38. In it (i.e. the ‫ ) الحبخاء‬and in the ‫اجلِحيم‬ َّ ‫ ُحب‬ ,

‫اُ حجتُث ح‬ ,and ‫ خحج‬, ‫الح خف حج ِر‬

‫ خربحـ خوة‬ , ‫َّت‬
ُِ ْ‫ـنُفِـيُال َْوق‬
‫ـفُ َكــا َُنُأَبْـيَـنَـا‬ ُْ ‫َوإِ ُْنُيَ ُك‬ ‫ُإِ ْنُُ َس ـ َكنَـا‬4‫ـق ِِـالُا‬
َ ْ‫َوبَـي ـنَ ْـنُُ ُمـ َقـل‬ 39

39. And make clear the letter of qalqalah "‫ "الح خقلح خقلخة‬when it occurs with a sukoon (unvoweled)

and when stopping on it, (meaning the qalaqalah letter) it should be even clearer (‫)القلقلة الكبى‬.

ِ ‫ُم‬:ُ‫و ِس ـيـن‬
‫س ـ ُق ـو‬ ْ َ‫ُ ي‬، ‫س تَق ـيـ ِم‬
ْ َ‫ُ ي‬،‫س ـطُـو‬ ُْ َ َ ُّ ‫ْح‬
ُ‫ـق‬ َ ‫ال‬،ُُُّ‫َح ـطـت‬
َ ‫ُأ‬،‫ـص‬
َ ‫ص َح‬
ْ ‫ُ َح‬:َُ‫َو َح ـاء‬ 41

‫ ح‬of ‫ص‬
40. And (read with attenuation [tarqeeq]) the ‫احلخاء‬ ‫ خح ح‬ , ‫أخ خحطحت‬ and ‫احلخق‬
‫ص خح خ‬ ‫ح‬
ِ of ‫مست ِقيم‬ , ‫يسطُو خن‬ and ‫يس ُقو خن‬ .
And (likewise read with attenuation [tarqeeq]) the ‫الس حني‬ ‫ُ حخ ح‬ ‫خح ح‬ ‫خح ح‬

ُThis word was written with both a fathah and a kasrah, so the reader has the option to choose either one.

ِ ‫الراء‬
‫ات‬ ِ ‫الراء‬
chapter )‫ات‬
‫خ‬ َّ ‫اب َّ خ‬
ُ ‫)بخ‬

ُ‫ـت‬ ُ ْ‫س ـ ِرُُ َح ي‬

ْ َ‫ـثُُ َس َك ـن‬ ْ ‫اكُُ بـَ ْع ـ َدُُالْ َك‬
َ ‫َك ـ َذ‬ ْ ‫اءَُإِذَاُ َمـاُ ُك ِـس َـر‬
ُ‫ت‬ ُِ ‫َوَرقـ‬
ُ ‫ـقُالـ َّـر‬ 41
41. And attenuate [make tarqeeq of] the letter ‫ راء‬when it has a kasrah.

Likewise (attenuate the ‫ )راء‬if it follows a letter with a kasrah when the ‫ راء‬has a sukoon.

َُ‫َص ـال‬
ْ ‫ـتُُأ‬
ْ ‫ـس‬
َ ْ‫س َـرةُُ لَي‬
ْ ‫أ َْوُُ َك انَـتُُال َك‬ ُ ‫استِ ْعـ‬
َ‫ال‬ ْ ُ‫ف‬ ُِ ‫ـنُ ِم ُْنُقَـ ْب‬
ُِ ‫ـلُ َح ْـر‬ ُْ ‫إِ ُْنُل‬
ُْ ‫َمُتَ ُك‬ 42

42. If [the ‫ راء‬with a sukoon] it is not before a letter of ‫االستِ حعالخء‬


Or the kasrah (before the ‫ راء‬with a sukoon) is not a fixed one.5

ُ‫َّد‬ ِ ‫وأَ ْخ ـ‬
َ ‫ـفُُتَـ ْكـ ِريْ اـراُإِذَاُتُـ‬ ِ ِ ِ ُ ْ‫خل‬
ُ ‫ش ــد‬ َ ُ‫وج ـد‬
َ ُ‫ُل َك ْس ـرُُي‬،‫ُف ْـرق‬:‫ـفُُف ـي‬ ُ ْ‫َوال‬ 43

43. There are different allowed ways (the ‫ راء‬having velarization or attenuation [tafkheem or
tarqeeq] in the word): ‫فِ حرق‬ due to the ‫سخرة‬
‫ خك ح‬present (on the ‫)الح خقاف‬

And supress the (characteristic of) ‫ التَّ حك ِريحر‬when it (the ‫ )راء‬occurs with a ‫ خشدَّة‬.

Meaning, the conditional or temporary kasrah either due to a hamzah wasl, or a conditional/temporary kasrah on a letter
preceding the hamzah al-wasl. (If this happens, then in both cases the ‫ راء‬will be read with velarization [tafkheem])

ِ ‫ الالَّم‬and Other Different Rules )‫ات وأخح خكام متخـ خفرقخة‬
‫ات‬ ‫خ‬ ُ ‫اب الالَّخم خ ح‬
ُ ‫) بخ‬
ِ ُُ‫عَـبـد‬:ُ‫ض ــمُُ َك‬
ُ‫الل‬ َ ُُ‫ـحُُ ْأو‬
ِ ْ‫عَ ْـنُُفَـت‬ ِ ُ‫وفَخ ُِـمُال ـالَُّمُِم ـ ُِنُاسـ ُِـم‬
ُ‫الل‬ 44
ْ ْ َ َ
44. And make velarization [tafkheem] of the laam (‫ )الالم‬in the name of ‫اهلل‬
[if the laam ‫ الالم‬in the name ‫ ]اهلل‬is preceded by a fathah or a dammah as in ‫اهلل‬ ‫ خعحب ُد‬

‫صـا‬ ِ ِ ُ‫ف‬
َ ‫ُقَـالَُُ َوال َْع‬:‫ُنَ ْح ُُـو‬‫قُأَقْ َـوى‬
َُ ‫الطْبَـا‬ َ‫ص‬ُ ‫ُ َوا ْخ‬،‫الست ْعـالَ ُءُفَخ ْـم‬
ْ َُ ‫َو َح ْـر‬ 45

45. And velarize [make tafkheem] the letter (that has the characteristic) of ‫االستِ حعالخء‬
‫ ح‬and single out
The (letters of) ‫ االطباق‬are stronger [than the letters that have ‫االستِ حعالخء‬
‫ ح‬without ‫ ]االطباق‬like [the difference]
between ‫ال‬
‫قخ خ‬ and ‫صا‬
‫الح خع خ‬.

ُِ ُ‫ـف‬
ُ‫نَ ْخلُ ْق ُّـك ُْـمُ َوقَـ ْـع‬:‫ب‬ ُُ ‫ـتُ َوالْ ُخـ ْل‬
َُ ‫سط‬
َ َ‫ب‬ ُ‫ـتُ َم ْـع‬
ُُ ‫َحـط‬ ُْ ‫قُِم‬
َ ‫ـنُأ‬ َُ ‫َوبَـيـ ُِنُا ِإلطْبَـا‬ 46

46. And make obvious the [characteristic of] ‫ ا ِإلطحبخاق‬of [the letter ‫ الطَّاء‬in]: ‫خحطحت‬
‫أ خ‬ along with ‫ت‬
َّ ‫بخ خسطح‬

and there is a difference of opinion (in the word) ‫َنحلُ حقك حم‬
‫ خ‬6
‫ضلَلْـنَـا‬ ُِ ‫ض‬
َ ُ‫ـوبُ َمـ ُْـع‬ ُ ْ‫المغ‬
َ ‫ـتُ َو‬
َُ ‫أَنْـ َع ْم‬ ‫ـونُفِـيُ َج َعلْنَـا‬
ُِ ‫الس ُك‬ ُْ ‫اح ِر‬
ُّ ُ‫صُ َعلَـى‬ ْ ‫َو‬ 47
47. Take extra caution (in order the letter does not get voweled or a qalqalah on it) on the sukoon of ‫ج خع حلنخا‬
‫ خ‬,
‫أخنحـ خع حم خ‬ ,and ‫ض حوب‬
ُ ‫الح خم حغ‬ together with ‫ضلخحلنخا‬
‫ خ‬.

‫ـصـى‬ ِ ‫فُا ْشتِب‬

ُِ ُ‫اه ُِـه‬ ِ ِ ‫و َخل‬
َ ‫ُ َع‬،‫ـورا‬
‫ َم ْحظُ ا‬:‫ب‬ َ َُ ‫َخ ْـو‬ ‫ـسـى‬
َ َ‫ُع‬،‫ورا‬
‫ـحـ ُذ ا‬
ْ ‫ُ َم‬:ُ‫ـاح‬
َ َ‫صُُانْفت‬ َ 48

48. Make clear and obvious the (characteristic of) ‫ االنح ِفتخاح‬of (the ‫الذال‬
َّ of) ‫ خححم ُذ حورا‬ [and the ‫ الس حني‬of] ‫ خعسى‬
out of fear of confusing it with ‫حمظُحورا‬
‫ خح‬ and ‫صى‬
‫ خع خ‬.

The difference of opinion is in terms of the presence or absence of ‫ االستعالء‬in the letter ‫ ق‬when merging of the ‫ ق‬into the ‫كاف‬.
This difference is not according to the way we read, therefore ‫ حفص عن عاصم‬only reads this word a complete merging of the ‫ ق‬into
the ‫ كاف‬only, so a pure ‫ كاف‬is only heard.

ُAnother mistake commonly found in the word ‫ َج َُعُْلنَا‬is that the reader makes idghaam or merges the ‫ الم‬into the ‫ نون‬instead of
pronouncing it clearly.

َ‫ ِش ْـركِـ ُك ُْـمُ َوتَـتَ َـوفَّـىُفِ ْـتـنَـ ُة‬:‫َُك‬ ‫اعُ ِش ـ َّـد اُةُبِ ـ َكــافُُ َوبِـتَـا‬
ُِ ‫َو َر‬ 49

49. Observe (the characteristic of) ‫ الشدَّة‬in the ‫ الح خكاف‬and ‫التَّاء‬

ُ ِ‫ ِش حرك‬ , ‫تخـتخـ خو َّّف‬ and ‫فِحتـنخة‬.

As in: ‫ك حم‬
ُ‫ـلُ ُلَُ َوأَبِـ ْـن‬ ُْ ُ‫ُق‬:‫أَ ْد ِغ ُْـمُ َُك‬
ُْ ‫بَـ‬:‫ـلُ َربُُ َُو‬ ُ‫َيُ ِمـثْـلُُ َو ِجـ ْنـسُُإ ُْنُ َسـ َك ْـن‬
ُْ ‫َوأ ََّول‬ 51

50. If the first (letter) of ‫[ الح ُمتخ خماثِالخن‬two like letters] and ‫ان‬
ِ ‫[ الحمتخجانِس‬two similar letters] has a sukoon
‫ُ خ خ‬
Then make ‫( إدغام‬merge) as in: ‫قُ حل َّرب‬ and َّ‫بخ حل ال‬; and make clear without any merging:

ُ‫ُفَـلْتَـ اقُ ْـم‬،‫ـوب‬ ُْ ُ‫ق‬:‫ُ َُو‬،‫ُقَالُـواُ َو ُه ْـم‬:‫فِيُيَـ ْوُِمُ َم ُْـع‬

ُ‫ـلُنَـ َع ْـم‬ 51
َ ُ‫غُقُـل‬
ُْ ‫ُلَُُتُ ـ ِز‬،ُ‫ـحـه‬
ْ ‫َسب‬

51. [the ‫ ياء‬in] ‫ف يـخ حوم‬ِ

‫ ح‬ together with [the ‫ واو‬in] ‫قخالُحوا خوُه حم‬ ,[the ‫ ]الم‬‫قُ حل نـخ خع حم‬ ,
[and also make clear with no idhgaam these letters which have close articulation points] ُ‫حه‬
‫سب ح‬
‫ خ‬,
‫الخ تُ ِز حغ قُـلُ حوبـخنخا‬ and ُ‫فخالحتخـ خق خمه‬.8

ُThe letters that are close in articulation point that one needs to be careful to pronounce clearly with no merging (idhgaam) are:
the ‫ حاء‬and ‫ هاء‬in: ُُ‫حه‬
ْ ‫سب‬,
َ ُْ ‫ ُلَُتُ ِز‬, and ‫ الالم‬and ‫ التاء‬in ُُ‫فَالْتَـ َق َمه‬.
‫ الغين‬and ‫ القاف‬in ‫غُقُـلُ ْوبَـنَا‬

‫‪ Chapter‬الظَّاء ‪ and the‬الضَّاد ‪The‬‬ ‫َّاد خوالظَّ ِاء)‬
‫)باب الض ِ‬
‫خ ُ‬
‫ـنُالـظَّ ِ‬
‫ـاء‪َ ُ،‬وُكلُّ َـهـاُتَ ِـجـي‬ ‫َمي ُْـزُ ِم َُ‬ ‫اس تِـطَـالَـةُُ َو َم ـ ْخ َـر ِجُ‬
‫َّـادُُبِ ْ‬
‫َوالـض َ‬ ‫‪52‬‬

‫االستِطخالخة )‪ with (the characteristic of‬الضَّاد ‪52. And the‬‬

‫‪ and its articulation point,‬ح‬

‫‪ that occur in the Qur’an] are mentioned as‬الظَّاء ‪, and all of them [all the‬الظَّاء ‪is distinguished from the‬‬
‫ظُوأنْظُ ُـرُعظْ ُـمُظَـهـ ُِرُاللَّـ ْف ِ‬ ‫ْح ْف ِ‬ ‫فِي‪ُ:‬الظَّ ْع ُِنُ ِظـلَُُّالظُ ْهـ ُِرُعُظ ُُ‬
‫ـظُ‬ ‫أيْ ِقـ ُْ َ ْ َ َ ْ‬ ‫ـظُ‬ ‫ْمُال ِ‬ ‫‪53‬‬

‫احلِحفظ ‪ُ ,‬عظحم ‪ ,‬الظ حهر ‪ ,‬ظخ َّ‬

‫ل ‪ ,‬الظَّ حعن ]‪53. In [the words‬‬ ‫‪ ,‬ح‬

‫‪ ,‬اللَّ حفظ ‪ ,‬ظخ حهر ‪ ,‬خعظحم ‪ ,‬أخنح ِظ حر ‪ ,‬أخيحـ خق حظ‬

‫ظُُظَـالمُُظُ ْف ـرُُانْـت ِ‬
‫ـظ ْـرُُظَ َـم ـا‬ ‫اُغْلُـ ْ‬ ‫ظُ َكـظْـمُُظَلَ َمـا‬ ‫ظَ ِ‬
‫اه ُْـرُلَظَـى‪ُ ُ‬ش َـوا ُ‬ ‫‪54‬‬
‫َ‬ ‫َ‬

‫ظخ ِ‬
‫اه حر ‪54.‬‬ ‫‪ ,‬ظخلخ خما ‪ ,‬خكظحم ‪ُ ,‬ش خواظ ‪ ,‬لخظخى ‪,‬‬

‫‪ ,‬ظخ خما ‪ ,‬اِنحـتخ ِظ حر ‪ ,‬ظُحفر ‪ ,‬ظخالخم ‪ ,‬ا حغلُ حظ‬

‫َّح ُِ‬
‫ـلُ ُز ْخ ُـرفُُ َس َـوا‬ ‫ِع ِ‬ ‫ـفُ َجـاُ َو ِعـ ُْ‬
‫ظُ ِس َوى‬
‫ـلُالن ْ‬
‫ـنُظَ َُّ‬
‫ضي َُ‬ ‫أَظْ َف َُـرُظَنًّـاُ َك ْي َُ‬ ‫‪55‬‬

‫‪ however it occurs [meaning wherever and in whatever form each of these words occur in‬ظخنا ‪ ,‬أخظح خفر ‪55.‬‬
‫‪ِ except,‬ع ح‬
‫ظ )‪the Qur’an, i.e. with attached pronouns],and (the word‬‬

‫)الظَّاء ‪ are the same, (meaning both written with‬سورة الزخرف ‪ ) in‬ظخ َّل( ‪ and‬سورة النَّحل ‪ in‬ظخ َّل )‪ِ , (the word‬ع ِ‬
‫ض حني‬ ‫ح‬ ‫حُ‬
‫ـج ـ ِر ‪ُ،‬ظَـلَّ ْ‬
‫ـتُُ ُش ـعَ َـراُنَـظَـلُُّ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ـتُُظَلْـتُ ْـم ‪َ ُ،‬وبِ ُـرومُُ ظَـلُّـوا‬
‫َك الْح ْ‬ ‫‪َ 56‬وظَـلْ ُ‬

‫ت ‪56.‬‬
‫ظخل حوا )‪ )the word‬سورة الرحوم ‪ , and in‬ظخحلتُ حم ‪ ,‬ظخحل خ‬

‫جر ‪The same (word is found) in‬‬ ‫‪,‬سورة الشعراء ‪ in‬نخظخل ‪ as well as‬ظخلَّت )‪, (the word‬سورة حِ‬
‫احل ح‬ ‫ح‬ ‫خخ‬

َُ ‫ُ َو َج ِم ْـي‬،‫ـتُفَـظًّـا‬
ُ‫ـعُالـنَّـظَـ ِر‬ َُ ‫َوُكـ ْن‬ ُ‫ـوراُ َم َُـعُال ُْم ْحتَ ِـظـ ِر‬
‫ـنُ َم ْحـظُ ا‬
َُ ‫يَظْلَ ْل‬ 57

‫ خح‬together with [the word] ‫ الح ُم ححتخ ِظر‬,

57. ‫ يخظحلخحل خن‬, ‫حمظُحورا‬

‫ت فخظا‬ ‫ ُكحن خ‬and all [forms and derivatives of the word] ‫النَّظخر‬.
ِ َ‫الر ْعـ ُدُو ُهــودُُق‬ ِ َ‫ُوأُولَـىُن‬،‫ُوي ـلُُ َه ـل‬:ُ‫ب‬
‫ـاص َـرُْه‬ َ َّ َُُ‫ظُل‬ ُ ‫َوالْغَْيـ‬ ُ‫ـاض َـر ْه‬ َ ْ ْ َ ِ َُُّ‫إِل‬ 58

ِ ‫( نخ‬it occurs in
58. Except in ‫( خويحل‬meaning ‫)سورة املطففني‬, ‫( خه حل‬meaning ‫)سورة اإلنسان‬, the first ‫اضخرة‬
‫ ) سورة الح ِقيخ خامة‬the first one is read with a ‫ ضاد‬whereas the second is read ‫اظخرة‬
ِ ‫)نخ‬,

And (the word) ‫ الحغخحيظ‬not the one in ‫الر حعد‬

َّ ‫ سورة‬and ‫ ُه حود‬is shortened (to a ‫ضاد‬
‫ )خ‬,
ِ ‫فُس‬
‫ـامـي‬ ِ ِ ِ ُ‫ـضُعَـلَـىُالطَّ َع ِـام‬ ُُّ ‫ْح‬
َ ُُ َ‫َوفــيُ َِظنـيْـنُُالْـخـال‬ ُُّ ‫ْح‬
َ ‫ـظُلَُُال‬ َ ‫َوال‬ 59

59. (The word) ‫احلخظ‬

‫ ح‬not the one in ‫احلخض خعلخى طخ خعام‬
‫[ ح‬not the ‫]ض‬,

and the difference (in recitation) concerning (the word) ‫ ظخنِ حني‬is sublime.10
ُ‫ـضُالظَّـالِ ُـم‬
ُُّ ‫ُيَ َـع‬،‫ـضُظَ ْـه َـر َك‬
َُ ‫أَنْـ َق‬ :ُ‫َوإِ ْنُُتَـالَقَـيَــاُالـبَــيَــانُُلَ ِز ُم‬ 61

60. And when the two (letters i.e. the ‫ الضَّاد‬and the ‫ ) الظَّاء‬meet it is necessary to make clear and
distinct [the articulation points for both letters],

‫ أخنحـ خق خ‬and ُ‫يـخ خعض الظَّال‬
[as demonstrated in the words] ٌ‫ض ظخ حهخرك خ‬

ُ َ‫ُ ِجب‬:‫صــفُُ َهــا‬

ُ‫اه ُـهـمُ َعلَ ْـيـ ِه ُـم‬ َ ‫َو‬ ُ‫ضـتُ ُـم‬ َُ ‫ضطُّ َُّـرُ َم ُْـعُ َو َعظ‬
ْ َ‫ْتُ َم ُْـعُأَف‬ ْ ‫َوا‬ 61

61. And in (the following words) ‫ضطَُّر‬

‫ اُ ح‬, ‫ت‬
‫ خو خعظح خ‬together with ‫ضتُ حم‬
‫ أخفخ ح‬,
ُ ‫ جبخ‬and ‫ خعلخحي ِه حم‬.
And distinguish the ‫ ا حْلخاء‬in ‫اه ُه حم‬

ُ The difference between the letters ‫ ض‬and ‫ ظ‬is the long stick on the ‫ ظ‬, so the shortening refers to the lack of the "stick”.
ُ In some of the different qira’aat the word ‫ بضنني‬in aayah 24 of surah At-Takweer is read with a ‫ظاء‬- ‫بظنني‬

)‫الساكِنخ ِة‬ ِ ِ‫َّدت‬
َّ ‫ني خوالح ِمي ِم‬ ِ ِ
‫اب النون خوالحمي ِم الح ُم خشد خ‬
ُ ‫)بخ‬
The ‫ ن‬and ‫ م‬with a Shaddah and ‫الساكِنخة‬ َّ ‫الح ِمي ِم‬

ُ‫ُ َوأَ ْخ ِـف ـيَ ْـن‬،‫ِمـيْـمُُإِذَاُ َم ــاُ ُش ــد َدا‬ ُ‫ـنُنُــونُُ َوِمـ ْـن‬
ُْ ‫وأَظْ ِهـ ُِرُالغُنَّـ ُةَُِم‬ 62

62. Make clear the ghunnah of the ‫ النـ حون‬and

‫ الح ِمحيم‬when they occur with a shaddah; and read with ‫ا ِإل حخ خفاء‬:

َ ُ‫ـل‬ ُْ ‫الم ْختَـا ُِرُِم‬
ُِ ‫ـنُأ َْهـ‬ ُ ُ‫بَـاءُُ َعلَـى‬ ُْ ‫ال ِْم ْـي َُـمُإِ ُْنُتَ ْسـ ُك‬
‫ـنُبِغُـنَّـةُُلَ ـ َدى‬ 63

63. the ‫ الح ِمحيم‬when it is has a sukoon and meets the

(letter) ‫ الحبخاء‬according to the preferred view of the scholars [of Qur’anic recitation].
‫احـ َذ ُْرُلَـ َدىُ َواوُُ َوفَــاُأ ُْنُتَ ْختَ ِـفـي‬ ِ ‫وأظْ ِهرنْـهـاُ ِعـ ْنـ َُدُبـاقِـيُاألَحـر‬
ْ ‫َو‬ ُ‫ف‬ ُْ َ ََ َ 64

64. And make ‫) ا ِإلظح خهار‬meaning make the ‫ الح ِمحيم‬clear and obvious if it follows) any of the remaining
letters, (meaning all the letters except ‫ الح ِمحيم‬and ‫)الحبخاء‬

and be careful not to make ‫( ا ِإل حخ خفاء‬of ‫ )امليم الساكنة‬when it meets [is followed by] the letters ‫ الح خواو‬and
‫الح خفاء‬.

)‫الساكِ ِنة خوالتَّـحن ِوي ِن‬ ِ ‫)باب أخح خك ِام الن‬
َّ ‫ون‬ ‫خ ُ ح‬
The Chapter on the Rules of ‫ التَّـحن ِويحن‬and ‫الساكِنخة‬
َّ ‫النـ حون‬

‫ُإ ْخـ َف ــا‬،‫ُ َوقَـلْـب‬،‫ُا ْد غَــام‬،‫إِظْ َـه ـار‬ :‫َو ُح ـ ْك ُـمُُتَـنْـ ِويْـنُُ َونُـونُُيُـلْـ َفـى‬ 65

65. The rules for the ‫ التَّـحن ِويحن‬and ‫الساكنة‬

َّ ‫ النـ حون‬consist of:

‫( ا ِإلظح خهار‬clear and obvious), ‫( ا ِإل حد خغام‬merging), ‫( الح خق حلب‬change) and ‫( ا ِإل حخ خفاء‬hide).
‫فِـيُالـالَُِّمُ َوالـ َّـراُ ُلَُبِغُـنَّـةُُلَ ـ ِزُْم‬ ِ ‫ُواد‬،‫ـقُأَظْ ِهـر‬ ُِ ‫فَ ِع ْنـ َُدُ َح ْـر‬
‫َّغ ُْـم‬ َ ْ ُِ ‫ْح ْل‬ َ ‫فُال‬ 66

66. Upon meeting the letters of throat make ‫[ ا ِإلظح خهار‬meaning make clear the ‫ التَّـحن ِويحن‬and ‫الساكِنخة‬
َّ ‫ ;]النـ حون‬and
make ‫ا ِإل حد خغام‬

[meaning merge the ‫ التَّـنح ِويحن‬and ‫الساكِنخة‬

َّ ‫ ]النـ حون‬when followed by the letters ‫ الالَّم‬and ‫الراء‬
َّ without ‫غُنَّة‬
[meaning nasalized sound] a required (merging).
‫ ُدنْـيَـاُ َعـ ْن َـونُــوا‬:‫إِ ُلَُّبِكِـلْ َـمـةُُ َكـ‬ ُ‫ـن‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ
ُ ‫ُيُـوم ـ‬:‫َوأَ ْد غ َـم ْـنُُب غُـنَّـةُُ ف ـي‬ 67

67. And make ‫( ا ِإل حد خغام‬of the ‫ التَّـحن ِويحن‬and ‫الساكِنخة‬

َّ ‫ )النـ حون‬with a ‫ غُنَّة‬into (the letters of the group) "‫"يـُ حوِم ُن‬,

except when within a single word as in: ‫ ُدنحـيخا‬and ‫ خعحنـوان‬.

ِ ‫وفُُأ‬
‫ُخ ـ َذا‬ ِ ‫ل ْخ َف ـاُلَـ َدىُب اقِـيُالحـر‬ ‫ُ َكـ َذا‬،‫ـبُ ِعـ ْنـ َُدُالـبَـاُبِغُـنَّـة‬
ُُ ْ‫َوال َقل‬ 68
ُُ َ

68. 11‫( الح خق حلب‬which means change) is applied when it (the ‫ التَّـحن ِويحن‬and ‫الساكِنخة‬
َّ ‫ )النـ حون‬meets the letter ‫الحبخاء‬
with a ‫;غُنَّة‬

and likewise is ‫( ا ِإل حخ خفاء‬hiding) is applied with the remaining letters [meaning the letters remaining
after taking out the letters of ‫( ا ِإلظح خهار‬clear and obvious), ‫( ا ِإل حد خغام‬merging), and ‫( الح خق حلب‬change)].

ُIt also called iqlaab; either term is acceptable.


ُ In the iqlaab or qalb, the noon as-saakinah or tanween changes into a meem saakinah, and read with a ghunnah.

The Lengthening Chapter )‫الحمد‬
‫اب خ‬
ُ ‫) بخ‬

ْ َ‫ُ َو ْهـ َُـوُ َوق‬،‫َو َجـائِـز‬

‫ـصــرُُثَـبَـتَـا‬ ِ ‫ُوو‬،‫والـم ـ ُّـدُُلَ ِزم‬
‫اج ــبُُأَتَــى‬ ََ َ َ 69

ِ ‫( و‬required)
69. The ‫( الح خمد‬lengthening) occurs as ‫( الخ ِزم‬compulsory), ‫اجب‬ ‫خ‬
And ‫جائِز‬
‫( خ‬allowed) and both (the lengthening) and shortening have been affirmed [in the allowed
or ‫جائِز‬
‫ خ‬lengthening].
ِ ُّ‫ُوبِالـط‬،‫َس ـاكِـنُُ َح الَـيْـ ِن‬
ُ‫ـولُُيُ َـمـد‬ َ ُ ُِ ‫ـاءُبَـ ْعـ َُدُ َح ْـر‬
ُ‫فُ َمــد‬ َُ ‫فَـالَ ِزمُُإِ ُْنُ َج‬ 71

70. The ‫( الال ِزم‬compulsory) is when after a ‫ح حرف خمد‬

‫( خ‬medd letter)

there is a ‫ساكِن‬
‫ خ‬in both states (i.e. while continuing reading or stopping) and is lengthened for six
counts (‫)الط حول‬.
ُ‫الاُإِ ُْنُ ُج ِـم َـعـاُبِـكِـلْ َـم ِـة‬ ِ َّ‫مـت‬
ُ ‫ـصـ‬ ِ‫ـلُهـمـزُة‬ ِ ‫وو‬
ُ َ ْ َ َُ ‫ـاءُقَ ْـب‬
َُ ‫ُإ ُْنُ َج‬:ُ‫اجــب‬ ََ 71

ِ ‫[ الحو‬required lenghtening] is when it (the ‫ حرف الحمد‬or medd letter) comes before a hamzah,
71. The ‫اجب‬‫خ‬ ‫خح خ‬
joined (meaning a medd letter is followed immediately by a hamzah) if they are together in one word.

ُ ‫ـجـ‬ ِ ‫ُمـ ْنـ َف‬‫ُإِذَاُأَتَــى‬:ُ‫وجـائــز‬
َ ‫الس ُكـو ُنُ َوقْـ افـاُ ُم ْس‬
ُّ ُ‫ض‬
َُ ‫َوُ َع َـر‬
ُْ ‫أ‬ َ‫ال‬
ُ ‫ـصـ‬ ُ ََ 72

72. The ‫اجلخائِز‬

‫[ ح‬allowed lengthing] is when it occurs separately (meaning when the medd letter and
the hamzah meet but in two different words(. 14

or (another type of lenghtening when) stopping on a phrase due to a temporary sukoon (‫) مد عارض‬.

ُThe “medd” letters or ُ‫ حروفُالمد‬are: the alif preceded by a fathah, the ya’ saakinah preceded by a kasrah, and the wow saakinah

preceded by a dhammah. Anytime any of these three letters occur under these conditions, it is a “medd” letter, which means a
lengthened letter.
ُThis medd (lengthening) occurs when the ُ‫ْمد‬
َ ‫ َح ْرفُال‬is the last letter of the first word and the hamzah is the first letter of the
second word.

ِ ‫االبتِد‬ ِ ِ
The Chapter on Knowing the Stops and Starts )‫اء‬ ‫و ِح خ‬ ‫اب خم حع ِرفخة الح خوقحف خ‬
ُ ‫)بخ‬

ِ ‫لَب ـ َّـدُُ ِم ــنُُ م ع ـ ِرفَـةُُِ الْـوقُـ‬

ُ‫ـوف‬ ِ ‫وب ـع ـ َدُُ تَـج ـ ِوي ِـد َكُُ لِلْـح ـر‬
ُ‫وف‬ 73
ُ َْ ْ ُ ُُ ْ ْ ْ ََ

73. And after (having the knowledge of) the tajweed of the letters,

It is without doubt necessary to have the knowledge of the stops

ُ‫ـسـ ْـن‬
َ ‫ثَـالَثَـ ُةاُتَــامُُ َوَك ــافُُ َو َح‬ ُ‫ـس ُُـمُإِذَ ْن‬ ُِ ‫البْـتِ ـ َد‬
َ ‫اءُ َو ْهـ َـيُُتُـ ْق‬
َ 74

74. and the starts. And they (meaning the stops and starts ) are thus divided into

three (categories): ‫( تخام‬complete stop/start), ‫( خكاف‬sufficient stop/start) and ‫سن‬

‫( خح خ‬good stop/start) .
‫تَـعَـلُـقُُأ َْوُُ َك ــا َنُُ َم ْع ـنَ اـىُُ_ُفَابْـتَـدي‬ ُ‫ـوج ِـد‬ ِ ُ ‫و ْه‬
َ ُ‫ـيُل َمـاُتَ َُّـمُفَــإ ُْنُلَ ُْـمُي‬
َ َ 75

75. They (all three) refer to what is complete (a stop that is complete in meaning), then if there be
no attachment (to what comes after it in meaning or grammar then this stop is ‫)وقف تام‬

or )when) there is an attachment in meaning (this type of stop is ‫)وقف كاف‬, then start (with what follows).
ُ‫ـس ْـن‬
َ ‫ـح‬ ِ ُُ‫وس‬
َ ْ‫اآليُُ َج ــو ْزُُفَال‬ ِ
َ ‫إلَُُّ ُر ُؤ‬ ُ‫ُفَ ْامنَـعَ ْـن‬:‫ُ َولَ ْفـظاـا‬،‫ُفَالْ َك ـافِـي‬،‫ـام‬
ُ َّ‫فَالت‬ 76

76. The complete ‫[ التام‬stop]15 and ‫اف‬
‫– الح خك ح‬the sufficient [stop] , and in grammar [if there is an

attachment to what comes after in meaning and grammar], then it is forbidden (to start with what

Except when stopping at the end of an aayah then it is allowed (to start with the beginning of the next
ayah). For then it is ‫سن‬
‫احلخ خ‬

ُ The complete stop( ‫ )التام‬is the stop that has no attachment to what comes after in meaning or grammar.

ُ The sufficient stop (‫ )ُالْ َكافِ ُْي‬is attached to what comes after in meaning, but not in grammar. The rule for these two stops (the

complete stop and the sufficient stop) is that it is allowed to stop and then start with that which comes next.

The rule for ‫احلخ خسن‬
‫ ح‬is that it is good to stop on it, but not good to start on what follows it except if the occurs to be at the end
of an aayah then it is allowed to start with what follows, because stopping at the end of an aayah is sunnah.

ُُ‫ُ َويَُـبْـ َداُقَـبْـلَـه‬،‫ضـطَ ًّـرا‬
ْ ‫ـفُُ ُم‬
ُ ْ‫ألْ َـوق‬ ُُ‫ُ َولَــه‬، ‫ُ قَبِـيْ ـح‬: َُّ‫َوغَـيْ ُـرُُ َم ـاُ تَـم‬ 77

77. That which is not complete is repulsive (‫[ ) قخـبخـحيح‬stop],

And there is the compelled (or forced)18 stop for which the reciter should start [afterwards]with
what preceded it.
ُ‫ـب‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ‫ولَي‬
ْ َ‫َو ُلَُ َح َـرامُُغَ ْي ُُـرُ َمــاُلَـ ُـهُُ َسـب‬ ُ‫ـب‬
ْ ‫سُُ ف يُالْ ُق ْرآنُُ م ْـنُُ َوقْـفُُ يَج‬
َ َْ 78

78. There does not exist in the Qur’an a stop that is necessary

nor a stop that is prohibited except for a reason (for its prohibition).

ِ ‫والحموص‬
The Chapter on the [words written] Separated and Joined )‫ول‬ ُ ‫وع خ خ‬
ِ ُ‫اب الح خم حقط‬
ُ ‫) بخ‬
‫يمـاُقَـ ُْدُأَتَـى‬ ِ ُِ ‫ـفُا ِإلم‬
ِ ْ ‫فِـيُالْم‬ ِ ْ ‫وا ْع ـ ِر‬
َ ‫ـامُف‬ َ ُ ‫ص َح‬ ُ ‫ص ـولُُ َوتَـا‬
ُ ‫فُُ ل َم ْق طُـوعُُ َو َم ْو‬ َ 79

79. Know the ‫[ الح خم حقطُحوع‬those written separately as two different words]and the ‫ص حول‬
ُ ‫[ امل حو‬those words ‫خ‬
written as one word] and the ‫( التخاء‬the female ‫ هاء‬which is written as ‫) ت‬

In the Qur’anic copy of the Imam (referring to the Uthmani script) in what follows.
َّ‫ـجـُأَُ َو ُلَُإِلَـ ـ ُـهَُإِ ُل‬
َ ْ‫ـعُ َمـل‬
ُْ ‫َم ـ‬ ‫فَاقْطَ ْـعُُبِـعَـ ْش ـ ِرُُ َكـلِ َـم ـاتُُأ ْنُُل‬ 81

81. Separate in ten words "‫( "أخ حن الخ‬meaning the words are written separately as two words in ten
ِ ِ 20
‫ خم حل خ‬, َّ‫ الخ إلخهخ إال‬,
places which are): with ‫جأ‬ 19

َُ ْ‫ـنُتُ ْشـ ِركُُْيَ ْد ُخل‬

‫ـنُتَـ ْعلُـواُ َعلَـى‬ َُ ‫يُ ْش ِرْك‬ َ ‫ـنُُثَانِـيُ ُه‬
َُ‫ـودُُ ل‬ ِ
َ ‫َوتَـ ْع ـبُـ ُد واُ يَاس ـي‬ 81

ِ ‫( سورة ي‬aayah 70) and the second place in ‫( سورة هود‬aayah 26),
81. ‫ تخـ حعبُ ُد حوا‬in ‫اس حني‬‫خ‬ ‫ُح‬
‫ سورة الح ُم حمتخ ِحنخة( يُ حش ِرحك خن‬:14), ‫تُ حش ِرحك‬ 21
, ‫خلخ َّن‬
ُ ‫ يخ حد‬, ‫ تخـ حعلُ حوا خعلخى‬,
22 23

ُ Some reasons for a compelled or forced stop are sneezing, coughing, or an unanticpated running out of breath.
ُ ‫َّوبَة‬
ْ ‫ سورة التـ‬: 118
ُ ‫ سورة ُه ْود‬:14
‫سورة احلج‬: 26
‫ سورة الح خقلخم‬: 24
ُ ‫ُّخان‬ َ ‫سورة الد‬: 19

‫ـلُُ َو َعـنُ َّمـا‬ ِ ُ ُ‫الر ْع ُِـدُوالم ْفت‬ِ ‫أَ ُْنُلُيَـ ُقـولُـواُلَُُأَقُ ــولَُُإِنُ َّمــا‬
ْ ‫ـوحُص‬
َ َ َ َّ ‫ب‬ 82

82. ‫ أن الخ يـخ ُق حولُحوا‬24, ‫الخ أخقُـ حو ُل‬ 25

; and (separate the words) "‫[ "إِن َّما‬with a kasrah on the hamzah]

in ‫الر حعد‬
َّ ‫( سورة‬aayah 40), and join the "‫ "أخ حن خما‬with a ‫) فخـحت خحة‬on the hamzah) ; and (the words) “‫" خع حن خما‬:
26 27

‫ـسـا‬ َُ ‫ـفُال ُْمنَافِ ِقـي‬ ِ ِ

َ ‫َس‬
َّ ‫ـنُأ‬
ُْ ‫ـنُأَمُ َّمـ‬ ُُ ‫ُخـ ْل‬ ‫سـا‬
َ ‫نـُ ُهواُاقْطَعُـواُم ْـنُُ َمـاُب ُرومُُ َوالن‬ 83

83. separate in ‫ نـُ ُه حوا‬28(and write separately) "‫ " ِم حن خما‬in ‫سورة الرحوم‬: 28 and ‫ساء‬
‫الن خ‬:25
and there is a difference [in the copies of the Qur’an as to whether the word "‫ " ِم حن خما‬is written
‫ مقطوعة‬or] in ‫ني‬ ‫ سورة الح ُمنخافق ح خ‬:10 (and separate) " ‫ "أ حخم خم حن‬in ‫س‬ ‫خس خ‬َّ ‫ أ‬29(as well as in)
‫ـس ُـرُُإِ َّنُُ َم ــا‬
ْ ‫ـوحُُ َك‬
َ ُ‫الم ْف ـت‬
َ ُُ‫َوأَنُل ـ ِم‬ ُ ْ‫س ـاُ َو ِذ بْـحُُ َح ـي‬
‫ـثُُ َم ـا‬ ِ
َ ‫فُص لَـتُُالن‬ 84

84. ‫ت‬
‫( سورة فصلخ ح‬aayah 40), ‫( سورة الن خساء‬aaayah 109) and ‫( الذبحح‬i.e. ‫الصافَّات‬
َّ ‫ سورة‬aayah 11), (and separate)
"‫ث خما‬
ُ ‫" خححي‬,

"‫ "أخ حن خلح‬with a ‫( فخـحت خحة‬on the hamzah)31, and (write separate) "‫ "إِ َّن خما‬with the ‫( خك حسخرة‬on the hamzah)
‫ـح ـلُُ َوقَـعَـا‬ ِ ‫ـفُُالنْـ َف‬
ْ َ‫ـالُُ َون‬ ُ ْ‫َو ُخ ـل‬ ‫ـوحُُيَ ْدعُـو َنُُ َمـعَـا‬
َ ُ‫الم ْفـت‬
َ ‫ـامُُ َو‬
َ َ‫ الَنْـع‬85

َّ ‫ "أ‬with the ‫( فخـحت خحة‬on the hamzah) in ‫ يخ حد ُع حو خن‬both of

85. In ‫( سورة األخنحـ خعام‬aayah 134) and (separate)"‫خن خما‬
them; 32

It differs33 in ‫ سورة األنفال‬: 41 and ‫َّحل‬

‫ سورة الن ح‬: 95.
ْ ‫ص‬ِ ُ‫ـل‬
َُ ‫ص‬
ْ ‫س َمـاُ َوال َْو‬ ِ ُ ُ‫ردُّواُ َك َذاُق‬
َ ‫ـلُب ْئ‬
ْ ُ ْ ِ‫ـوهُُ َوا ْخـتُـل‬
ُ‫ـف‬ ُ ‫َوُكـلُُ َمـاُ َسـأَلْتُ ُـم‬ 86

ُ ‫ سورةُاألعراف‬: 169 and in aayah 105 for ُُ‫ ُلَُأَقُـ ْول‬in the same surah

ُ There is one place not mentioned in the poem in which there is a difference in the copies of the Qur’an as to whether the

word "َ‫ل‬ُ ُ‫ "أَ ُْن‬is written separately or joined [ ‫ ]أال‬which is in ‫سورةُاألنبياء‬. All the remaining places the word "َ‫ "أَ ُْنُ ُل‬are written joined).
ُ All the remaining places the words "‫ "إِ ُْنُ َما‬are written joined together:‫إمُا‬
ُ These two words are always written joined (‫ )موصولة‬as ‫أما‬.

‫ سورة ُاألعراف‬: 177
ُ ‫َّوبَة‬
ْ ‫ سورة التـ‬:109
ُThese two words occur only two times in the Quran, both in surah Al-Baqarah, and both times they are written as two
separate words.
ُ These two words are written as two separate words wherever they occur in the Quran.
ُMeaning in ُ‫ْحج‬
َ ‫سورة ال‬:62 and ‫سورة لُ ْق َمان‬:30.
َُّ ‫ "أ‬is written joined or separately in the words in
ُThere is a difference in the different copies of the Qur’an as to whether "‫َنُ َما‬
the aayaat that follow.

86. And [separate in writing] "‫ " ُكل خما‬in ُ‫سأخلحتُ ُموه‬ 34
‫ خ‬and it differs

in ‫ُرد حوا‬ and likewise (there is a difference as regards to the words) ‫ بِحئس خما‬in ‫س خما‬ ِ
36 37
‫قُ حل بحئ خ‬ ‫خ‬ and (the

places where the words"‫ "بِحئس خما‬are written) joined are as follows:
‫ـتُيَـبْـلُـواُ َم َـعـا‬
ُْ ‫ضتُ ُُـمُا ْشتَـ َه‬
ْ َ‫ـيُأَف‬ ِ ‫أ‬
ُْ ‫ُوح‬ :‫َخلَ ْفتُ ُمونِيُ َوا ْشتَ َـرْواُفِـيُ َمـاُاقْطَ َعـا‬ 87

87. 38ٌ‫خلخ حفتُ ُم حوِن ح‬ ِ ِ 40 41 ‫ أخفخ ح‬, in 42

‫ خ‬and ‫ا حشتخـخرحوا‬ . Separate (the words) "‫ف خما‬ ‫ " ح‬in ‫ أ حُوح خي‬, ‫ضتُ حم‬ ‫ت‬
‫ ا حشتخـ خه ح‬and both

‫ "لِيخحبـلُ خوُك حم‬43,

ِ ُ‫ُوغَـيـر َها‬،‫تَـنْ ِزي ـلُُ ُشع ـرا‬
َُ‫ص ـال‬ َْ َ ََ ُ ْ ُ ‫ـتُ ُرومُُكِـ‬
َ‫ال‬ َُ ْ‫ثَـانِـيُفَـ َعـل‬
ُْ ‫ـنُ َوقَ َـع‬ 88

88. The second ‫فخـ خعلح خن‬ , also in ‫ت‬ ِ

‫ سورة الح خواق خعة( خوقخـ خع ح‬:61), in ‫ سورة الرحوم‬:28,

both places in ‫ سورة الزخمر( تخـحن ِزيحل‬:30) and in ‫ سورة الش خعخراء‬: 147 and join what is besides these

ْ ‫ص‬ِ ‫ابُُ والن س ـاُ و‬
ُ َ َ ِ ‫َح َـز‬ ُّ ُ‫فِي‬
ْ ‫الش عَ َراُاأل‬ ْ ِ‫ـلُ َوُم ْختَـل‬
ُ‫ـف‬ ِ ُ‫ـل‬
ُْ ‫ص‬ ُِ ‫ـح‬
ْ َّ‫فَأَيْـنَ َمـاُ َكالن‬ 89

ُ ‫ سورةُإبراهيم‬: 34
ُThe difference is in the different copies of the Qur’an as to whether the words "‫ " ُكلُُ َما‬are written joined as one word or
separately as two words.

‫ سورة النساء‬: 91. There are three other places which are not mentioned in this poem that are written differently in the various
copies of the Qur’an for the word "‫" ُكل خما‬. Another scholar, Sheikh Ibraheem As-Samanoodiyy wrote in the following lines
explaining further:
‫ف خجا ُردوا خوأُل ِحق خي خد خخلخت‬
ُ ‫ت خو ُخلح‬
ِ ُ‫وُكلما سألحتُموه ف‬
‫صلخ ح‬ ُُ ‫خ خ خ‬
Which means: And (separate) "‫ " ُكلُُ َما‬in ُُ‫( َسأَلْتُ ُموه‬in ‫ُسورةُإبراهيم‬: 34) and there is a difference (in the various copies of the Qur’an as to
the word "‫ " ُكلُُ َما‬being written separately or joined) in ‫(كلُماُ َجا‬inُ‫ؤمنُون‬ ِ ‫ سورة الْم‬:44) and (the word) ‫(كلُما ُردُّوا‬in ‫ سورة النساء‬:91) and (the
ُ ُْ َ
word) ‫(كلُماُ أُلْق َُي‬inُ‫ سورة ال ُْملْك‬:8)ُand (the word) ‫(كلُماُ َد َخلَت‬in ‫ سورة األ ْع َراف‬28)
ُ in ‫سورة الْبَـ َق َرة‬:93
ُ in ‫ سورة األَ ْع َراف‬:150
ُ in ‫ سورة الْبَـ َق َرة‬:90
ُin ‫ سورة األَنْـ َعام‬:165
ُ in ‫ُّور‬
ْ ‫ سورة النـ‬:14
ُ in ‫سورة األَنْبِيَاء‬:102
ُ Meaning in ‫ سورة ال َْمائِ َدة‬:48 and ‫ سورة األَنْـ َعام‬:240.
ُThe second place where this word comes in ‫ سورة الْبَـ َق َرة‬:240.

‫َّحل ‪" 45 as in‬أخيحـنخما" ‪89. Join‬‬
‫‪ :76 (join as well) and there is a difference (in the copies of the‬سورة الن ح‬
‫خحخزاب ‪: 42,‬سورة الش خعخراء ‪Quran)46 described in‬‬
‫‪ :78.‬سورة الن خساء ‪ : 61and‬سورة األ ح‬
‫ـلُ‬ ‫ـودُأَلَّـ ُْ‬
‫ـلُفَِإلَّ ُْـمُ ُه َُ‬ ‫وِ‬
‫ْس ْـواُ َعـلَـى‪‬‬
‫الَُتَ ْح َزنُـواُتَأ َ‬
‫ـعُ َك ْيـ ُ‬
‫نَ ْج َم َُ‬ ‫ـنُنَ ْج َـع َ‬ ‫ص ُْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫‪91‬‬

‫ل ‪ (aayah 14),‬سورة ُه حود ‪" in‬إِ َّلح" ‪90. Join‬‬ ‫‪َّ 47‬‬
‫‪ ,‬أخل حن خحَن خع خ‬

‫خحَتخزنـُ حوا ‪ :‬لِ خكحيالخ )‪ 48, (also join‬خحَن خم خع‬ ‫‪49‬‬

‫تخأح خ‬
‫س حوا خعلخى ‪,‬‬ ‫‪50‬‬

‫ـنُتَـ َولَّـى‪ُ‬يَ ْـوَُمُ ُه ْـمُ‬

‫ـاءُُ َم ُْ‬
‫شُ‬ ‫ـنُيَ َ‬
‫َعنُ َّم ُْ‬ ‫ـكُ َح َـرجُُ َوقَطْـعُ ُـه ْـمُ‬
‫َحــجُُ َعلَ ْـي َُ‬ ‫‪91‬‬

‫كحيالخ[ ‪91. As well as‬‬

‫خعلخحي خك خحخرج ‪, in‬سورة حاحلخج ‪ ]in‬خ‬ ‫‪51‬‬
‫]‪. And separate [in writing‬‬

‫شاءُ ‪ " in‬خع حن خم حن"‬ ‫‪" .‬يـخ حوخم ُه حم" )‪:29) and (separate‬سورة الن حَّجم ‪ in‬خع حن خم حن( خم حن تخـ خوَّىل ‪ ,‬يخ خ‬
‫‪52‬‬ ‫‪53‬‬

‫ـلُ َوُوه ـ ُ‬
‫ص ُْ‬‫ـامُ ِ‬
‫اإلم ُِ‬ ‫تَ ِحي ُ ِ‬ ‫ـالُ َه ـ َذا‪َ ُ،‬والَّ ِـذيـ َـن‪َ ُُ،‬هـ ُـؤ ُلَ‬
‫ومـ ُِ‬
‫ـنُ‪ُ:‬فـيُ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫‪92‬‬

‫‪" 54,‬م ِ‬
‫ال خه خذا" )‪92. (And write separately the words‬‬ ‫خ‬
‫‪ ) 56‬خم ِال خه ُؤالخ ِء ( خه ُؤالخ ِء ‪ ) and‬خم ِال الَّ ِذيح خن ( الَّ ِذيح خن‬

‫”والت حني“ )‪(The word‬‬ ‫‪57‬‬

‫‪is forbidden to pronounce according to the Imam as joined into one‬‬

‫ال‪ُ،‬وي‪ُ‬وهـ‪ُ‬لَُُتَـ ْف ِ‬
‫ـص ِـلُ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ـوه ُـمُ ِ‬
‫صـ ِـلُ‬
‫َكـ َذاُم َـنُ‪َ َ ْ ُ:‬‬ ‫ـوهـ ُُـم‪َ ُ،‬وَكـالُ ُ ْ‬
‫َوَو َزنُ ُ‬ ‫‪93‬‬

‫‪ :115‬سورة ُالْبَـ َق َرة‬

‫‪ written as two words or one‬أيحـنخ خما ‪as to‬‬


‫‪:48‬سورة الْ َك ْهف ُ‬
‫‪:3‬سورة ال ِْقيَ َامة ‪ُ ُِْ in‬أَلَّن‬
‫‪:153‬سورة آلُ ِع ْم َرا َُن ُ‬
‫ْح ِديْد ‪ in‬لِ َك ْي ُ‬
‫الَ ُ‬ ‫‪:23‬سورة ال َ‬
‫َح َزاب ُ‬ ‫‪:50‬سورة األ ْ‬
‫ُّور ُ‬
‫‪:43‬سورة النـ ْ‬
‫الذا ِريَات ‪ :16 and‬سورة غَافِر ُ‬
‫‪ :14‬سورة َّ‬
‫‪:8‬سورة الْ ُف ْرقَان ‪ :49 and in‬سورة الْ َك ْهف ‪ُ In‬‬
‫‪:36‬سورة ال َْم َعارِج ُ‬
‫ساء ُ‬
‫‪:78‬سورة الن َ‬
‫‪:3‬سورة صُ ُ‬

93. Join (the words in writing) “‫”وخزنـُ حوُه حم‬
‫ خ‬and “‫” خكالُحوُه حم‬

And similarly (join)"‫ "أ حخل‬,"‫ "يخا‬and"‫ " خها‬do not separate (these from what comes after).59

ُboth in ‫سورة ال ُْمطَف ِف ْي َُن‬:3
ُMeaning it is not allowed to separate these words or letters in pronunciation from the words they are joined to in the writing
of the mushaf. For example the word ‫ األرض‬there is ‫ ال‬followed by the noun ‫أرض‬. It is not allowed to start on this word as: ‫أرض‬
without the attached ‫ ال‬, we can only read this as one connected word: ‫األرض‬.

‫اب التَّاءخات)‬
‫)بخ ُ‬
‫التَّاءخات ‪The Chapter on the‬‬

‫ـودُ َكـ ِ‬
‫ـافَُُِالْبَـ َق َـرْهُ‬ ‫الَ ْع َـر ُِ‬
‫افُ ُرومُُ ُه َُ‬ ‫ـتُال ُّـز ْخ ُـر ُِ‬
‫فُبِالـتَّـاُ َزبَ َـرْهُ‬ ‫َوَر ْح َم ُُ‬ ‫‪94‬‬

‫”ر حمحخت“ )‪94. (The word‬‬

‫‪ (two places) is written [ in the Uthmani script] with an open‬سورة الز حخُرف ‪ in‬خ‬

‫)"ة ‪ /‬ـة" ‪ like‬خهاء ‪" and not with a‬ت" ‪ (meaning‬تخاء‬

‫خعخراف )‪(and likewise in‬‬

‫‪ :217.‬سورة الحبخـ خقخرة ‪:2) and‬سورة مرمي( خكاف ‪ :73,‬سورة ُه حود ‪ :50,‬سورة الرحوم ‪ :56,‬سورة األ ح‬
‫ـودُُالـثَّ ِ‬
‫ـانُُ َهُــمُ‬ ‫َخيْ َـراتُُعُ ُق ُ‬
‫َمعاـاُأ َ‬ ‫ـحـلُُإبْ َـر َهـ ْـمُ‬ ‫نِ ْع َمتُ َـهـاُثَ ُُ‬
‫ـالثُنَ ْ‬ ‫‪95‬‬

‫"نِ حع خمت" ‪ is the word) is‬تخاء ‪95. (Also written with a‬‬ ‫‪61‬‬
‫َّحل ‪and the last three (places) in‬‬
‫‪ :72, 63,‬سورة الن ح‬
‫‪ :28, 34.‬سورة إبراهيم ‪114 and the last two (places) in‬‬

‫" خه َّم" )‪ :11, where it is mentioned with the word‬سورة الح خمائِ خدة ‪ (i.e.‬الح ُع ُق حود ‪and the second (place) in‬‬
‫ِع ْـم َـرا َُنُل َْعـنَ َُ‬
‫ـتُبِ َـهـاُ َوالـنُّــوِرُ‬ ‫لُ ْقـمـا ُنُثُ َُّـمُفَ ِ‬
‫ـاطــرُُ َكـالـطُّـوِرُ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫‪96‬‬

‫اطر ‪ :31, then in‬سورة لُ حق خمان ‪" ) in‬نِ حع خمت" ‪96. (Likewise the word‬‬
‫‪ :3 as is the case with‬سورة فخ ِ‬
‫;‪ :29‬سورة الط حور‬

‫)‪ :61‬سورة آل ِع حمخران ‪" in it (meaning‬لخ حعنخت" ) تخاء ‪ : 103 and (also written with a‬سورة آل ِع حمخران ‪and‬‬
‫‪ :8‬سورة النـ حور ‪and in‬‬
‫ـتُُبِ َقـ ْدُُ َس ِم ْـعُُيُ َخـصُ‬ ‫تَح ِريـمُُم ْع ِ‬
‫صيَ ْ‬ ‫ـصُ‬ ‫وامـرأَتُُيوس َُ ِ‬
‫ْ ُْ َ‬ ‫ص ْ‬‫ـفُع ْم َـرا َُنُالْ َق َ‬ ‫َ َْ ُ ُ‬ ‫‪97‬‬

‫سف ‪ " in‬حامخرأخت" ) تخاء ‪97. And (also written with a‬‬
‫‪ (in two places aayah 30 and 51),‬سورة يـُ حو ُ‬
‫صص ‪ : 35,‬سورة آل ِع حمخران‬
‫‪ :9‬سورة الح خق خ‬

‫َّح ِرحمي ‪and‬‬ ‫ِ‬

‫ت" ) تخاء ‪ (in three places in aayah 10 and 11), And (also written with a‬سورة الت ح‬
‫سورة ‪ " in‬خم حعصيخ ح‬
‫‪ :8 and 9.‬اجملادلة‬

‫الز ْخ ُرف‬
‫‪ : 32‬سورة ُ ُّ‬
‫‪ :231‬سورة الْبَـ َق َرة ‪ُ meaning in‬‬

‫ـالُ َوأُ ْخ َرى‪ُ‬غَـافِـ ِرُ‬
‫الا‪َ ُ,‬والنْـ َف ُِ‬ ‫ـتُفَ ِ‬
‫ـاطـ ِرُ‬ ‫ُّخ ُِ‬
‫ـانُ ُسـنَّ ُْ‬ ‫تُالد َ‬
‫ـج َـر َُ‬
‫ُك ـ ُ‬ ‫َش َ‬ ‫‪98‬‬

‫جخرت" ) تخاء ‪98. And (also written with a‬‬ ‫ِ‬

‫‪,‬سورة فخاطر ‪ُ " in‬سنَّت" )‪ :43, all (of the words‬سورة الد خخان ‪ " in‬خش خ‬
‫‪ :85.‬سورة خغافِر ‪ and the last (occurrence) in‬سورة األخنحـ خفال ‪(aayah 58) of‬‬

‫ـتُُ َُوابْـنَـتُُ َوَكلِ َـم ْ‬

‫ـتُ‬ ‫تُُبَ ِق ـيَّ ْ‬
‫فِطْ َـر ْ‬ ‫تُ َع ْيـنُُ َجـنَّـتُُفِـيُ َوقَ َـع ْ‬
‫ـتُ‬ ‫قُ َّـر ُُ‬ ‫‪99‬‬

‫جنَّت" ‪" 62and‬قُـ َّرت خع حني" ) تخاء ‪99. And (also written with a‬‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ت ‪ " in‬خ‬
‫‪ :87),‬سورة الح خواق خعة ‪ (i.e.‬خوقخـ خع ح‬

‫ت"‬ ‫‪ِ 63‬‬ ‫‪ِ 64‬‬ ‫ِ‬

‫ت" ‪" and‬ابحـنخت" ‪" ,‬بخقيَّت" ‪" ,‬فطحخر ح‬ ‫" خكل خم ح‬

‫ف‬ ‫َج ْم اعـاُ َوفَ ْـر اداُفِ ْي ُِـهُبِالـتَّ ُِ‬

‫ـاءُعُ ـ ِر ُْ‬ ‫افُُ َوُك لُُُّ َم ـاُا ْخ تُلِ ْ‬
‫ـفُ‬ ‫طُُالَ ْع ـر ِ‬
‫َ‬ ‫‪ 111‬أ َْو َس ـ َ‬

‫‪100.‬‬ ‫خعخراف ‪In the middle of‬‬

‫‪ (aayah 137), and all that on which there is difference (in the‬سورة األ ح‬
‫)‪copies of the Qur’an‬‬
‫‪ .‬تخاء ‪in terms of being plural or singular is known to be (written) with a‬‬

‫صص ‪ُ in‬‬
‫‪ :40‬سورة الْ َق َ‬
‫الرْوم ‪ُin‬‬
‫‪:30‬سورة ُّ‬
‫‪:86‬سورة ُه ْود ‪ُ in‬‬
‫َّح ِريْم ‪ُ in‬‬
‫‪:12‬سورة الت ْ‬

The Hamzah Al-Wasl Chapter )‫ص ِل‬
‫الحو ح‬ ِ ُ ‫) بخ‬
‫اب خمهحز خ‬

ُ‫ض ْـم‬ ُِ ‫الف ْـع‬

َ ‫ـلُيُـ‬ َُ ‫إ ُْنُ َكـا َُنُثَالِـثُُ ِم‬
ِ ُ‫ـن‬ ُ‫ض ْـم‬ ُْ ‫ـلُ ِم‬
َ ِ‫ـنُفِ ْعـلُُب‬ ْ ‫ َوابْ َدُأُْبِ َه ْم ُِزُال َْو‬111
ُِ ‫ص‬

101. Start on the hamzah al-wasl (at the beginning of a verb) with a ‫ض َّمة‬
if the third letter of the verb has a a ‫ض َّمة‬
ُِ ‫لس َم‬
‫ـاءُغَيْ َُـرُالـالَُِّمُ َك ْس َر َهـاُ َوفِــي‬ ْ ‫ َوا ْك ِس ْرهُُُ َح ـالَُُالْ َك ْس ـ ِرُُ َوالْ َفتْ ِـحُُ َوفِـي‬112

102. And (start the ‫صل‬

‫ ) خمهحخزة خو ح‬with a kasrah (when the third letter of the verb has) a ‫ خك حسخرة‬or ‫ فخـحت خحة‬.
‫( األ ح‬i.e. nouns) other than the ‫( الالَّم‬i.e. other than those starting with the definite
and in the ‫خْسخاء‬
article "‫ ) "أ حخل‬start it (the hamzah al-wasl) with a kasrah , and in:
ُ‫ـعُاثْـنَـتَ ْـيـ ِن‬
َُ ‫اســمُُ َم ـ‬
ْ ‫َو ْامـ َـرأةُُ َو‬ ُ‫ ابْـنُُ َم َـعُُ ابْـنَـةُُِ ْام ـ ِرئُُ َواثْـ نَـيْ ـ ِن‬113

103. ‫ خك ح‬and they are:) ‫ابحن‬, together with ‫ابحـنخة‬, ‫ حام ِرئ‬, ‫اثحـنخـ حني‬,
(and start the irregular nouns also with a ‫سخرة‬
‫ حامخرأخة‬, ‫اسم‬ ِ ‫ اثحـنختخـ ح‬.
‫ ح‬together with ‫ني‬

Stopping on the Ends of Words Chapter )‫كلِ ِم‬
‫الح خ‬ ِ ‫ف علخى أخو‬
‫اخ ِر‬ ِ
‫اب الح خوقح خ خ‬
ُ ‫)بخ‬

ِ ‫ وح‬114
ُ‫ـضُاُلْ َح َـرَك ـ ْه‬ َُ ‫إِ ُلَُّإِذَاُ ُرْمـ‬
ُُ ‫ـتُفَـبَ ْـع‬ َ ُُ‫ـفُبِـ ُكـل‬
ُ‫الح َـرَكـ ْه‬ َُ ْ‫ـاذ ُِرُالْ َـوق‬ ََ
104. Beware of stopping with a full vowel
except if you are applying ‫الرحوم‬
َّ then (pronounce) a portion of the vowel
َ ‫ـارةاُُبِالضَّـمُُفِـيُ َرفْــعُُ َو‬
ُ‫ضـ ْـم‬ َ ‫إِ َش‬
ِ ‫َوُبِـنَـصـبُُوأ‬
ُ‫َشـ ْـم‬ ِ
َ ْ ُْ ‫ إِ ُلَُّبـ َف ْـتـحُُأ‬115

105. Except ( meaning you are not allowed to stop with ‫ )ال َّـرحوم‬on the ‫حـة‬
‫ فخـحت خ‬or its ‫ص حـوب‬
ُ ‫ ; خمحن‬and
apply ‫ا ِإل حٌ حْشخام‬
[by] showing a ‫ض َّمة‬
‫( خ‬of the lips) in the case of (the last letter having a) ‫الرفحع‬
َّ or ‫ض ََّّمة‬.
ُِ ‫ِمـنـيُلِـ َقـا ِر‬
ُ‫ئُالـ ُق َـرا ُِنُتَـ ْق ِـد َمـ ْه‬ ُ‫الم َقـد َمـ ْه‬ ِ
ُ ُُ‫ َوقَـ ْدُُتَـ َق ـضَّـىُنَظْـم َـي‬116
106. My poem of this introduction has come to an end

from me to the recitor of the Quran I give (this poem) as a present.

َّ ِ‫َّج ِويـ َُدُيَظْ َف ُْـرُب‬
[‫الر َشـ ُْد‬ ِ ُ‫م‬
ْ ‫ـنُيُ ْحسـ ُِنُالت‬
َْ ُ‫ ]أَبْـيَاتُـ َهـاُقَــافُُ َو َزاىُُفِـيُالْـعَـ َد ْد‬117

107. Its verses are ‫( قخاف‬i.e. a hundred) and ‫( خزاي‬i.e. seven) in number, 67
whosoever beautifies recitation with ‫َّج ِويحد‬
‫ الت ح‬will truly gain true guidance.

ُ The two lines that are in red and in brackets (107 and 109) are additions by some scholars and are not found in the original

manthoomah (learning poem).

The Arabs before had the custom of representing numbers with letters.
)‫ضـظخـ حغ‬
‫ـخـ حذ خ‬
‫ث خٌ خ‬
‫(أ حخْبخد خه َّـوز ُحـطي خكـلخ ُـمـن خس حـعـ خفـص قخ خـر خشـت خ‬

The letter Its no. The letter Its no. The letter Its no. The letter Its no.
‫أ‬ 1 ‫ح‬ 8 ‫س‬ 60 ‫ت‬ 400
‫ب‬ 2 ‫ط‬ 9 ‫ع‬ 70 ‫ث‬ 500
‫ج‬ 3 ‫ي‬ 10 ‫ف‬ 80 ‫خ‬ 600
‫د‬ 4 ‫ك‬ 20 ‫ص‬ 90 ‫ذ‬ 700
‫هـ‬ 5 ‫ل‬ 30 ‫ق‬ 100 ‫ض‬ 800
‫و‬ 6 ‫م‬ 40 ‫ر‬ 200 ‫ظ‬ 900

ُ‫ـس ـالَ ُم‬
َّ ‫ـصـالَةُُبَ ْـع ـ ُدُ َوال‬
َّ ‫ثُـ َُّـمُال‬ ُ‫ـام‬ ِ ِ
ُ ‫ـح ْـمـدُُللُُلَ َـهـاُخ ــتَـ‬
َ ‫ َوال‬118
108.“All Praise is due to Allah” for the conclusion to it (this poem) as well

And thereafter the peace and blessings be:

[‫ـحـبِ ُِـهُوتَـابِ ِـعـيُ ِمـ ْن َـوالِـ ُِـه‬
ْ‫ص‬ َ ‫َو‬ ُ‫صطَـ َفـىُُ َوآلِ ِـه‬
ْ ‫الم‬ ِ
ُ ُُ‫ ] َعـلَـىُالنَّـبـي‬119
109. On the chosen Prophet , his family,
and his companions, and those who follow his example.

‫( تختِ َّمات‬some other tajweed rules from other scholars)
ِ ‫احلرخك‬
)‫ات‬ ِ
‫ (إحْتخ ُام حخخ‬Completion of Vowels
‫الشافعي خ‬
‫الدين بن إبراهيم الطخييب خ‬
‫الدين أمحد بن أمحد بن بدر خ‬
‫من العالمة املقرئ شهاب خ‬

‫ض َّـمـا‬ َّ ُُ‫إلُبِـضــم‬
َ ُ‫الشـفـتـيـ ُِن‬ ‫ض ُـمـومُُفَـلـَ ُْنُيَـتِ َّـمـا‬
ْ ‫ـلُ َمـ‬
ُُّ ‫َوُك‬ 1
1. Every (letter which has a) dhammah is not complete

except by circling of the two lips, a complete circle.

ُُ ُ‫يَـتِ ُُّـمُ َوال َْمـفـْت‬

ُِ ‫ـوحُبِالـَْف ْت‬
ُ‫حُافْ َـه ِـم‬ ُ‫َوذُواُانْ ِـخـ َفـاضُُبِانْ ِـخـ َفاضُُلِ ْلـ َف ِم‬ 2
2. And (similarly) the ‫( اَنفاض‬kasrah) is by lowering of the jaw

completely; and the ‫ فتحة‬is by opening of the mouth, therefore understand this.

ُْ ‫وفُإِ ُْنُتَ ُك‬ ِ

ُِ ‫َص‬
ُ‫ـلُالحـركـ ْه‬ ْ ‫جُأ‬
ُُ ‫يَـ ْش َـرُك َهاُ َم ْخ َـر‬ ُ‫ـنُمـُ َح َّـرَكـ ْه‬ ُ ْ‫إِ ُذُال‬
ُُ ‫ـح ُـر‬ 3
3. If the letters have a vowel on them,
then associated along with it (vowel) is the original articulation point of that vowel.

ْ ‫اءُُفِـيُ َم ْخ َـرِج َهاُال ِـذيُ ُعـ ِر‬

ُ‫ف‬ ُ َ‫َوالْي‬ ُْ ِ‫جُاألَل‬
‫ـف‬ ُُ ‫جُالْ َـوا ُِوُ َوَم ْخ َـر‬
ُُ ‫َيُ َم ْخ َـر‬
ُْ ‫ أ‬4
4. meaning the articulation points for the ‫[ الواو‬for the dhammah] and articulation point for the ‫األلف‬
[the fathah]
And the ‫[ الياء‬for the kasrah] from its articulation point that is known.

‫ـحقـقـا‬ َّ ِ‫ـاه ُـهُُب‬ ِ ‫ـنُتَـ ْنطَـبِ َقـا‬ َُ ‫فَِإ ُْنُتَ َـرىُالْ َقـا ِر‬
َ ‫ـنُ ُم‬
ُْ ‫الضـمُُ ُك‬ ُ ‫شـ َف‬ ُْ َ‫ئُل‬ 5
5. If you see any recitor not applying
his lips with the ‫ الضمة‬, as it should be complete and accurate;

‫ـقُبِ ُِـهُ ُمـتَ َّـمـا‬

ُُ ْ‫ـبُالنُّط‬ ِ ‫والْـو‬
ُُ ‫اج‬ َ َ َ ُ‫بِأَنَّـ ُـهُُ ُمـ ْنـتَـقـِصُُ َمـا‬
ُ‫ض َّـمـا‬ 6
6. Because his ‫ الضمة‬is incomplete
And it is required to pronounce it completely.

ُ‫ـب‬ ِ ِ ِ
ُُ ‫إِتْ َم‬
ْ ‫ـامُ ُكـلُُم ْن ُـه َماُافْ َـه ْم ُـهُُتُص‬
ْ ‫ـسـرُُيَج‬
ْ ‫اكُذُوُفَـ ْتـحُُ َوذُوُ َك‬
َُ ‫َكـ َذ‬ 7
7. Similarly it is a requirement for the ‫ فتحة‬and the ‫ضمة‬.
to complete (the vowel for) each one of them. Understand this to achieve correctness (in recitation).

)‫اال حستِ حعالخء‬
ِ ‫وف‬ ِ ‫(مراتِب التَّـ حف ِخي ِم ِحلر‬
ُُ ُ ‫خخ‬
The levels of ‫خي ِم‬ ِ ‫ التَّـ حف‬for the letters of ‫االستِعالخء‬
‫ الشهري باملتويل‬,‫من العالمة الشيخ حممد بن أمحد بن عبد اهلل‬
‫َعـلَـىُ َم َـراتِـبُُثَـالَثُُ َو ِهـيَـ ُْه‬ ‫ـاتُ َعـ ْنـ ُه ُْـمُآتِـيـ ُْه‬
ُُ ‫َّم‬
َ ‫ثُ َُّـمُالْ ُـم َفـخ‬ 1
1. Then the vearlized (letters of tafkheem) ones come
at the three levels and they are:

‫َوتَـابِـعُُ َمـاُقَ ْـبـلَ ُـهُُ َسـاكِـنُـ َهـا‬ ‫ورَها‬

ُ ‫ـس‬
ُ ‫وم َهاُ َمـ ْك‬
ُ ‫ض ُـم‬
ْ ‫وح َهاُ َمـ‬
ُ ُ‫َمـ ْفت‬ 2
2. The one with a ‫فتحة‬, then the dhammah, then the kasrah,
And the saakin [voweless] follows what preceded it.

ُ‫ْح َـرَك ْه‬ َُ ‫الاُبِتِـل‬

َ ‫ْكُال‬ ْ ‫فَـافْـ ِر‬
ُ ‫ض ُـهُُ ُم ْش َك‬ ُْ ‫ـنُقَـ ْبلِ ُِـهُ ِم‬
ُ‫ـنُ َح َـرَك ْه‬ ُْ ‫فَ َمـاُأَتَـىُ ِم‬ 3
3. So what came before it in a vowel

Then assume for it that vowel (preceding it-as far as rank of tafkheem) .

ُ‫ـف‬ ُِ ‫ـوحُ ِم ُْنُ ُد‬

ْ ِ‫ونُأَل‬ ْ ِ‫ـوح َهـاُ َم َُعُاألَل‬
ُُ ُ‫َوبَ ْـعـ َدُهُُالْمـَْفـت‬
ُ‫ـف‬ ُ ُ‫ـلُ َم ْفـت‬ َُ ِ‫َوق‬
ُْ َ‫ـيلُب‬ 4
4. And it is said, “No, they are: (the ranks) the fathah (‫ )فتحة‬followed by an alif

And after it is a fathah (‫ ) فتحة‬without an alif.

َُ َ‫فَ َـه ِـذ ُهُِ َخ ْـمـسُُأَت‬

‫ـاكُ ِذ ْكـ ُـرَهـا‬ ‫ـورَها‬
ُ ‫ـس‬
ُ ‫وم َهـاُ َسـاكنُـ َهـاُ َم ْك‬
ُ ‫ض ُـم‬
ْ ‫َم‬ 5
5. The one with the dhammah (‫)ضمة‬, the voweless (‫)ساكن‬, then one with the kasrah (‫)كسرة‬
So that is five, its mention came to you.”

ُ‫فَ ِـخي َـمـةُُقَطَ اـعـاُ ِم َُنُال ُْم ْستـَِفـلَ ْه‬ ُ‫ـنُبِـأَ ْدنَـىُ َم ْنـ ِزل ْه‬
ُْ ‫فَ ْـه َُيُ َوإِ ُْنُتَـ ُك‬ 6
6. And if it is in the lowest level,
7. It has tafkheem, cut off from istifal (‫[ )استفال‬lowering of the tongue].

ُ‫ـح ِقيـ َقـ ْه‬ ِ َُ ‫ـضـدَّهـاُتِـل‬ ُ‫الَُيُـ َقـالُُُإِنَّ َـهــاُ َرقِـيـ َقـ ْه‬
َ ْ‫ْكُه َُيُال‬ َ ِ ‫َك‬ ُ ‫فَ ـ‬ 7

8. So it cannot be said it has tarqeeq (attenuation),

Like its opposite, that is the truth.

ُ ‫ات الح ُم خؤنـَّثخةُ اليت قرأها بعض القراء باإلفراد وبخـ حع‬
)‫ضهم باجلخ حم ِع‬ ُ ‫ (الح خكل خم‬The feminine words
which some of the ways of reading read in singular form and others in plural
‫ الشهري باملتويل‬,‫من العالمة الشيخ حممد بن أمحد بن عبد اهلل‬

ُ‫َج ْـم اـعـاُ َوفَ ْـر اداُفَـبِـتَـاءُُفَـا ْد ِر‬ ‫فُيَ ْجـ ِري‬ ِ ‫ـلُمـاُفِـي ُِـهُال‬
ُُ َ‫ْخـال‬ َ ُُّ ‫َوُك‬ 1
1. And all in which there is a difference are as follows:

In regards to the singular and plural (words) then know it by the ‫تاء‬.

ُِ ُ‫ـفُ َوال َْع ْنـ َكب‬

‫وتُيَاُفَـتَـى‬ َُ ‫ـوس‬ ِ ‫َوذَاُ ِج َـمــالَتُُ َو َءايَــاتُُأَتَــى‬
ُ ُ‫فـيُي‬ 2
2. The word "‫ " خَجخالخت‬in (‫ )سورة املرسالت‬and "‫ "ءايخات‬occurs in

‫ سورة يوسف‬and ‫ سورة العنكبوت‬, O lad.

ِ ‫أَنْـع‬
َُ ُ‫ـام ُِـهُثُ َُّـمُبِـيُـون‬
‫ـسُ َم َـعـا‬ ُ‫ـولُ َم َـع‬ ُُ ‫َوَكلِ َم‬
ُِ َّ‫ـاتُ َو ْه َُـوُفِـيُالط‬ 3
3. The word "‫ "كلمت‬and it is in ‫ )سورة غافر( الطول‬along with

‫سورة األنعام‬, then two places in ‫سورة يونس‬

ُ‫ـت‬ ِ َ‫فِـيُف‬
ْ َ‫ـاطـرُُ َوثَمـََراتُُفُصـل‬ ْ َ‫ـاتُفِـيُ َسبَـُأُْ َوبـَيـن‬
ُ‫ـت‬ ُِ َ‫َوالْغُ ُـرف‬ 4
4. The word "‫ "غرفات‬in ‫ سورة سبأ‬and "‫"بـخيـنخت‬

in surah ‫ فاطر‬and "‫ "خَثخخرت‬in ‫سورة فصلت‬

‫ـولُفَـ ُِعُال َْم َعـانِـي‬

ُِ َّ‫ـسُ َوالط‬
َُ ُ‫يُـون‬ ‫ـفُثَـانِي‬
ُُ ‫ْجـبُُ َو ُخـ ْل‬ ُِ َ‫غَيَـاب‬
ُ ‫ـتُال‬ 5
5. The word "‫اجلُب‬
‫ت ح‬ ِ ‫( " خغياب‬both places in ‫ )سورة يوسف‬and there is a difference (between the different copies
of the Qur’an) in the second
[occurence in] ‫ سورة يونس‬and ‫ ) غافر( الطول‬so understand their meaning. 68

ُ The difference mentioned here is in regards to the ‫ ناء‬either writtenُ as a ‫ ت‬or ‫ة‬. These lines of poetry are considering a completion of

compliment to line 100 of Al-Jazariyyah poem in which Imam Al-Jazaree stated that all words which end in ‫ ة‬are written as ‫ ت‬when there is a
difference in the different qira’aat as to whether the word is read in the singular or plural form. This poem lists all of those words.

)‫(تخـحنبِ خيهات ِف ُح حس ِن األ خخد ِاء‬
Precautions to take when in embittering performance [of recitation]

‫من اإلمام العالمة علم الدين أبو اجلسن علي بن حممد ابن عبد الصمد السخاوي‬

ِ ‫ْوُأَئِ َّـمـ ُةَُا ِإلتْـ َقـ‬

ُ‫ـان‬ َُ ‫ودُ َشـأ‬
ُُ ‫َويَ ُـر‬ ِ ‫ومُتِـالَوةَُُالْ ُقـر‬
ُ‫آن‬ ْ َ ُُ ‫ـنُيَ ُـر‬ ُْ ‫يَــاُ َم‬ 1
1. O you who desires to read the Quran,
And intends thereof to be among the scholars who aim for mastery

ِ ‫َوُم َُّـدُمـاُ ُلَُم َُّـدُفِـيـ ُِـهُلِـو‬

ُ‫ان‬ ُِ ‫ـس‬
‫ـبُالتَّجـْ ِوي َُدُ َمـدًّاُ ُم ْفـ ِرطاا‬
َ َ َ َ ُْ ‫أ‬ َ ‫ُلَُتَ ْح‬ 2
2. Do not consider of tajweed to be extravagant in a lengthening (medd)

Or to make a lengthening (medd) in a place where there is no color (trace) of it.

ِ ‫الس ْكـر‬
ُ‫ان‬ َ َّ ‫فُ َك‬
َُ ‫ْح ْـر‬
َ ‫ـوكُال‬
َُ ُ‫َوُأَ ُْنُتَـل‬
ُْ ‫أ‬ ‫شـد َُدُبَـ ْعـ َُدُ َمـدُُ َهمـْ َـزُةا‬
َ ‫َوُأَ ُْنُتُـ‬
ُْ ‫أ‬ 3
3. Or to put a shaddah on the hamzah after a medd letter.
Or to chew the letters like one is intoxicated.

ِ ‫فَـي ِـف َُّـرُس ِامـعهـاُمـِ ُنُالْغَـثَـي‬

ُ‫ـان‬ ‫ـوهَُبِ َه ْـم َـزةُُ ُمتَ َـهـو اعا‬
ُ ‫َوُأَ ُْنُتَـ ُف‬
ُْ ‫أ‬ 4
َ َ َُ َ َ
4. Or to pronounce the hamzah between a hamzah and ‘ayn ‫( عني‬a very sharp and deep sound)

So that the listener runs away from nausea.

ِ ‫ـكُمـ ْخ ِـس ُـرُال ِْمـيز‬

ُ‫ان‬ ِِ ِ َ‫كُط‬ ُ ‫فُ ِمي َـزانُُفَـ‬
ُِ ‫ْح ْـر‬ ِ
َ َ ُ ُُ َ‫في ُـهُ َو ُلَُت‬ ‫ـاغياـا‬ ُُ َ‫الَُت‬ َ ‫لل‬ 5

5. Each letter has its balance so do not transgress

in it, nor make any deficiency in the balance.

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worked on this. Jazakum Allahu khairan. The staff at


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