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Megan Woodie

Professor Rieman

October 12, 2010

Looking Back and Looking Ahead

What is college writing? That is the question that I have asked myself many times before

I entered this course. I still find myself wondering what college writing truly is. So far

throughout the course we have began to answer this question. We have done different forms of

writing, some of which were easy and some that were not. Since some of the papers that we

have written in the past were hard, that only makes me wonder even more what is in store for the

rest of the semester.

When it comes to what we have done so far throughout the semester there has been a

wide variety of writing styles accomplished. We have done things such as forum posts, formal

papers, writing to explore papers, and others as well. Our day books have also played a large

role in what we have written about so far. By us writing in these different forms I believe that I

am going to meet one of my goals I set for myself, becoming a better writer in general. Another

thing that we have began recently is our preliminary papers. The question that I originally asked

was, what drives a person to want to spend their life expressing their self through poetry? Now

that I have began my research I found that maybe I should revise it to what drives a person to

want to spend the rest of their life expressing their self through poetry and what makes poetry so

special to them. While doing my research I have found that I am going to have to conduct

multiple interviews if I want to continue with this topic.

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When I think about looking ahead into the rest of the semester it makes me think about

what other types of papers we are going to have to deal with. The main paper that we are going

to have is our inquiry paper. Writing the inquiry paper is going to be a long process. It is

starting out with researching your topic, then it goes into the writing process. The writing

process is going to be the longer of the two. I believe that writing the paper is also going to give

me an understanding of poetry, which is another goal that I set for myself. I also hope to be able

to write in a timely manner with this paper. By researching this information on poetry I also

hope to be able to make meaning out of poetry as well.

A college writing course is something that I always knew I would have to take, but I

never knew what to expect. Well from this course I have gotten many things when it comes to

writing. A couple of those would be a new outlook on the different ways that you can write and

the different things that you can write about. There are also some things that I hope to be able to

achieve after finishing this course such as becoming a better writer, understanding poetry, and

writing things in a faster manner. Looking back from here the different types of writing have

helped shape my writing so far, and looking ahead today the inquiry paper is going to be a lot of

work. So all together I would say that college writing is something different from anything else,

but it also allows you to have a challenge in the work that you are doing.

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