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1. Who is the narrator in the narrative essay "buttermints"?

2. What fugure of speech is used in the phrase "he put out his smokes when we came"?

3. How did the narrator describe the grandfather's shleves?

4. "In life, expect. The unexpected". What figure of speech is used?

5. When did the grandfather passed away?

6. New year's eve is a rotten time to wait for the person you to love to die". What figure of speech?

7. What is the meaning of the symbol in the story?

8. ".. laboring for every breath" figures of speech?

9. What is the underlying theme of the essay?


The Gift of Compassion

1. Who is the narrator?

2. What is the difference of the essays "Buttermints" and "the gift of compassion"?

3. What is the essay all about?

4. How did the author describe compassion?

5. "From the darken womb of an oyster" what figure of speech is used?

6. " I came to learn that the thing i used to resent is the same thing that i am learning from"

What figure of speech is used?


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