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Fill in the sentence using the correct adverb of time.

Now tomorrow

Then tonight

Today yesterday

Can I see you ________________________ at noon to discuss the assignment.

I was late ________________________ for my meeting at work, I was caught in traffic.

Starting _________________________ I will leave earlier to be on time for work.

I had a wonderful day at work _______________________, I am planning on going to

the cinema.

After, the cinema , I will ________________________ take my co-worker out to dinner.

Today, I am going to ask my co-worker to go to the cinema _____________________

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. Close the door when you go ___________.

a. Out

b. Westward

c. Lightly

d. Here

2. The cat is hiding _______________ the couch.

a. On

b. Underneath

c. Somewhere
d. There

3. Will you be starting your plants ________________ or in a greenhouse?

a. Round

b. Home

c. Outside

d. Around

4. The ship sailed ________________, encountering heavy weather along the way.

a. Up

b. Down

c. Northwards

d. Backwards

5. When she saw me waiting, she ran __________________ me.

a. Around

b. Towards

c. Through

d. Forward

Circle the preposition in each sentence.

1. Dwight walked across the street.

2. Erin wandered into the pet store.

3. Michael left before lunchtime.

4. Jim's office is near the cafeteria.

5. Angela fell asleep during class.

6. Andy drove around the block.

7. Under a warm blanket, Pam rested.

8. Stanley sat on his new rocking chair.

9. I went to the store before dinner.

10. We told ghost stories during the night.

Direction: Read each sentence and label the kinds of sentence it is.





_______________________1. Please light the candles on the cake.

_______________________2. There are eight kittens under my house.

_______________________3. How far is the mall from here?

_______________________4. I never want you to do that again!

_______________________5. I brought my sweater to keep myself warm.

_______________________6. Can you hold on to my hand?

_______________________7. You need to laugh at the funny joke.

_______________________8. How much money do you have?

_______________________9. I am so excited about today!

_______________________10. It is a very warm day.

Direction: Put each group of word together in a sentence.

1. was The game interesting


2. under the tunnel The car


3. John the baseball hit


4. jumped on David the trampoline


5. climbed the tree My friends and I


6. I read books love to


7. name is My brother’s Michael


8. Will and I best friends are


9. the library Our class went to


10. on time I finished my homework


Direction: Create a compound sentence by combining the two simple sentences below
the conjunction ( and, or, but )

Example: David likes to swim. David likes to hike.

David likes to swim, and he likes to hike.

1. John likes video games. John likes reading.


2. Stephen must study. Stephen will not pass the test.


3. Jill should show up on time. Jill will not be able to enter.


4. The boy plays basketball. The boy plays soccer.


5. My mom will sleep. My mom will rest.


6. Susie loves to read books. Susie loves to do her homework.


7. Jim will share his food. Jim will be scolded.


8. Irene likes to draw. Rita likes to draw.


9. Michael likes basketball. Stephen likes basketball.


10. Make sure to sleep well. You will not wake up on time.


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