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By Torkom Saraydarian

It is an esoteric fact that waste of sexual energy burns certain parts of the mental mechanism. No one
else can determine for you how often it is healthy for you to have sex; only the physical and
psychological results reveal this to you.

Those engaged in higher creative work and abstract thinking must conserve sexual energy. They will
then notice how creativity, understanding and higher inspiration are developing successfully. If sexual
energy is saved or economically used, it helps to develop the personality.

Sexual energy is spread throughout the aura. It creates the magnetic mechanism which secures higher
impressions. If this substance is weak, disturbed, or even absent, impressions are not correctly secured,
and with incorrect reception, confused interpretation results.

I remember a person who came to my Teacher in the monastery and asked for help. “My mind is not
together,” he said. “I am becoming lazy, diffused, forgetful and irritable. I have many problems.” The
Teacher looked into his eyes and asked, “How many women do you love?” “Three,” he answered. “You
need to stay in the monastery for six months to restore your brain,” the Teacher said.

The man stayed in the monastery after making arrangements to take care of his family. He attended
classes and participated in sacred dances, sports and labour. The Teacher did not let him have a
moment’s rest from 5:00 am until 10:00 pm. The results were amazing. He became a new man.

I remember the Teacher saying to him, “Excessive sex disturbs the rhythm and harmony of your mental
atoms and you hallucinate instead of think. It even causes visual deceptions. The section of your mind
that records events mixes the events of the past and present and you experience mental chaos. You
develop hypocrisy an eventually you hate yourself.”

Intercourse is a process of fusion with a person of the opposite sex. This fusion is physical, emotional
and mental. When you fuse with someone else, you share each other’s karma. One person’s karma
becomes two people’s karma through sexual relations, which can be good or bad. That is why you must
have sexual relations with only one partner so that you do not load yourself with the karma and
pollution of many others. Sexual relations multiply our karma and sometimes make us indebted to the
other person forever. Their karma ties us to them until we pay it.

The Teaching says it is best to have only one wife or husband. In this way a couple can gradually build
real fusion or unity on all levels. This is the goal of marriage.
The average person is not able to be truly strict in his sexual behaviour. It is better for a person on the
spiritual path who is dedicated to a great service to have fewer burdens and debts. We must not forget
that advancement on the path and expansion of our field of service is in direct proportion to the degree
of our karmic debt. Often people who are ready to enter higher levels of consciousness are prevented
from doing so by past karma and are chained to a routine life.

Having multiple sexual partners increases your ties. Often these ties prevent you from having freedom
to advance in service. Those who stay together for longer periods or even for many lives, evoke deeper
beauty from each other. Those who are married and have affairs with others create serious
complications in their families, especially in the lives of their children.

Those who want to go forwards on the path of spiritual evolution must be very discriminative in their
sexual life. Sex is a powerful and precious energy which must not be wasted. Intercourse must be an
effort to contact the highest within each other and to provide vehicles for incoming souls or for
precipitating higher ideas and visions.

Masturbation is an abuse of sexual energy. Masturbation is very unhealthy for men, women and
children. It creates a tremendous pressure in the grey matter of the brain; the pineal and pituitary
glands are affected, and mental concentration is weakened.

If a person feels an urge to masturbate, an excellent remedy is to wash the sexual organs or to douche
with acidophilus. Acidophilus stops sexual stimulation because it disinfects germs and microbes that
create artificial sexual stimulation. Even children who want to masturbate should wash with acidophilus.

There is a great difference between intercourse and masturbation. In intercourse the man’s aura and
the woman’s aura mix, and their etheric, emotional and mental counterparts slowly adjust with each
other, filling the reservoir with the creative sexual energy used during intercourse. In masturbation, the
reservoir of energies which creates and replenishes the sexual energy is not formed. In masturbation,
one draws upon his reserves and wastes them. So much pressure is put on the grey matter of the brain
from the depletion of energies brought about by masturbation that lack of concentration, lack of daring
and creativity, and even insanity can result.

In healthy sexual intercourse, the man absorbs the woman’s energies and the woman absorbs the man’s
energies. The energy which is absorbed replaces the secretions released during intercourse. That energy
creates etheric energy which recharges the blood. In masturbation there is no exchange or absorption of
energies; there is only loss. Furthermore, during masturbation a person creates sexual thoughtforms
which are difficult to eliminate.

*Sexual Abuse and Its Effects

By Torkom Saraydarian*

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