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SCHOOL YEAR: 2019-2020 Animation 1

Name: Date:
Grade and Section: Score: /

Instruction: Read the following questions and WRITE the LETTER of the most appropriate answer on the space provided
before each number.

_____ 1. Scenes are regularly passed through this process which consists of quickly testing and checking key poses of an

A. Line-test
B. Pencil-test
C. Character-test
D. Animation-test
_____ 2. Also called cell or classical animation
A. Cut-out
B. Paperless
C. Traditional
D. Mix cut-out
_____ 3. For a cut-out style production, it is important that the storyboard is on model
A. True
B. False
_____ 4. It is consists of preparing the scenes for the animators and is similar to the traditional layout and posing
A. Animation
B. In-between
C. Scene setup
D. Layout and posing
_____ 5. Which step is common to all three workflow techniques?
A. Scan
B. Compositing
C. Color Styling
D. Exposure sheet
_____ 6. A generic audio read-through used by the storyboard artist to hear what the characters are saying and how it is said
A. Nat pause
B. Full pause
C. Audio pause
D. Animation pause
_____ 7. Which production step is included in the traditional and paperless workflows, but not in the cut-out workflow?
A. Scan
B. Layout
C. Library
D. Ink and paint
_____ 8. Colour styling is done before animation
A. True
B. False

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_____ 9. Consists of digitally drawing all of the images of an animation
A. Cut-out
B. Paperless
C. Traditional
D. Claymation
_____ 10. It is the central element of a digital cut-out production because it contains all the assets for the animation and scene
set up
A. Rig
B. Leica
C. Library
D. Storyboard
_____ 11. In cut-out animation, colour styling may be done before or after the animation and character breakdown
A. True
B. False
_____ 12. Animator must draw each frame individually and it does not involve any materials other than virtual tools
A. Cut-out
B. Classical
C. Paperless
D. Traditional
_____ 13. A sheet of paper that controls the timing of the animation
A. Dsheet
B. Xsheet
C. Key sheet
D. Timing sheet
_____ 14. What is the final phase of animation production pipeline called?
A. Rendering
B. Compositing
C. Storyboarding
D. Post-production
_____ 15. It is a gateway process between traditional and digital animation
A. Scan
B. Script
C. Animation
D. Storyboard
_____ 16. It refers to the illustrated script of the film
A. Leica
B. Script
C. Nat pause
D. Storyboard
_____ 17. There is no need to redraw characters because computers can handle a large part of the in-betweening
A. Mix cut-out
B. Digital cut-out
C. Classical cut-out
D. Traditional cut-out

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_____ 18. A step in cut-out animation where animator moves the parts frame by frame to animate the puppet
A. Animation
B. In-between
C. Scene setup
D. Layout and posing
_____ 19. It is used to link the storyboard artist and the animator
A. layout and posing script
B. layout and posing folder
C. layout and posing styles
D. layout and posing process
_____ 20. What does the storyboard artist use as a reference to do their work?
A. Script
B. Xsheet
C. Animatic
D. Background and layout
_____ 21. The following information are contained in a layout which is needed to complete an animation scene, EXCEPT for
A. Overlay
B. Key poses
C. Animatic
D. Background
_____ 22. Consists of drawing every image of an animation on paper, normally 12 to 30 drawings per second per character or
A. Digital
B. Cut-out
C. Paperless
D. Traditional
_____ 23. Animator manually moves the parts under a camera and shoots each frame before moving on to the next pose
A. Mix cut-out
B. Clay cut-out
C. Digital cut-out
D. Classical cut-out
_____ 24. It allows you to easily cut and paste parts of a drawing, undo actions in case of mistakes, and zoom in and out of
A. Digital
B. Cut-out
C. Paperless
D. Traditional
_____ 25. The first visual representation of the script is called what?
A. Animatic
B. Storyboard
C. Model Sheet
D. Character design

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_____ 26. Consists of breaking down a puppet into pieces that are moved frame by frame to animate
A. Cut-out
B. Classical
C. Paperless
D. Traditional
_____ 27. How does the digital cut-out animation technique save production time?
A. All of what is listed here
B. In-between positions are created by the software
C. The key (main) poses are created by the software
D. The production is spread out over multiple studios
_____ 28. Which person assembles all of the elements and creates the camera moves?
A. Director
B. Animator
C. Compositor
D. Storyboard artist
_____ 29. What is a major benefit of animating with the paperless technique
A. Instant line test
B. All of listed here
C. You don't have to draw every frame
D. The software tells you when your animation timing is incorrect
_____ 30. It is made from the storyboard where each scene is timed along with sounds, dialogue and music
A. Leica
B. Script
C. Nat pause
D. Storyboard
_____ 31. A person that creates the schedules based on the budget allocated for the series and the contracted delivery dates to
A. Director
B. Line Producer
C. Library Manager
D. Casting Manager
_____ 32. This person will supervise all of the writers in the creation of the premises, outlines and script drafts.
A. Story Editor
B. Storyboard Artist
C. Xsheet Technician
D. Storyboard Revision
_____ 33. A person that assists the director in all aspects of production.
A. Art Director
B. Layout Artist
C. Casting Director
D. Assistant Director
_____ 34. This person takes storyboard elements and assembles them against the recorded sound track.
A. Art Director
B. Animatic Editor
C. Animation Director
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D. Animation Supervisor
_____ 35. A person responsible for installing applications, building complex computer networks and information databases, as
well as the management and administration of entire systems.
A. Scan Operator
B. IT Professional
C. Render Operator
D. Effects Designer
_____ 36. This person is very knowledgeable about music, and maintains contacts with industry music writers.
A. Music Editor
B. Music Director
C. Music Producer
D. Music Operator
_____ 37. This person works with the line producer to facilitate the contract negotiations with the actors, and has a strong
grasp of performance rights and royalty requirements and can advise the line producer.
A. Art Director
B. Casting Director
C. Assistant Director
D. Animation Director
_____ 38. A person that imports the coloured background, the animatic reference and the sound as required. Also assembles
all of these elements and creates the camera moves and other necessary motions
A. Compositor
B. Colour Stylist
C. Line Producer
D. Effects Designer
_____ 39. They are responsible for providing the visual blocking and staging for the show based on the director's handout.
A. Storyboard Artist
B. Storyboard Editor
C. Storyboard Director
D. Storyboard Revision
_____ 40. A person that controls the voice recording session, works with the actors and readily pick out any problems in the
way that a line is phrased or spoken by the actor
A. Voice Director
B. Music Director
C. Casting Director
D. Recording Director
_____ 41. The animation team is supervised by this person, whose job is to break down the storyboard into sequences for
distribution to various animators, known as handout
A. Art Director
B. Animatic Editor
C. Animation Director
D. Animation Supervisor
_____ 42. He has a key role in production, and is responsible for setting the look of the show and is often a highly skilled
location/layout designer and a skilled background painter.
A. Art Director
B. Animator: cutout
C. Assistant Director
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D. Animation Director
_____ 43. A person whose job is to choose the colours and ambiance for the production and balance the characters, props and
effects with the locations' palettes.
A. Colourist
B. Compositor
C. Art Designer
D. Colour Stylist
_____ 44. A person that adds the sound effects and ambient noises for the entire production.
A. Sound Editor
B. Sound Scorer
C. Sound Director
D. Sound Effect Director
_____ 45. Job role of transforming the rough tradigital animation into cleaned and inked drawings
A. Clean-up Artist
B. Clean-up Editor
C. Clean-up Stylist
D. Clean-up Designer
_____ 46. This person will take the recorded musical score and, using the timecode markers provided by the composer,
assemble the new music against the picture, making any necessary adjustments.
A. Score Editor
B. Music Editor
C. Sound Editor
D. Music Score Editor
_____ 47. This person is responsible for maintaining storytelling style and characterization of action and dialogue.
A. Story Editor
B. Story Revision
C. Storyboard Artist
D. Xsheet Technician
_____ 48. Any studio or facility that is sub-contracted to perform any part of the art or animation production duties
A. Recording Studio
B. Second Unit Production
C. Post-production Facility
D. Sound Recording Studio
_____ 49. A facility that takes on a number of important responsibilities, among them combining the final audio and final
picture to create a final mix of the show.
A. Recording Studio
B. Second Unit Production
C. Post-production Facility
D. Sound Recording Studio
_____ 50. Specialized facility where voice and live music will be recorded
A. Recording Studio
B. Post-production Facility
C. Second Unit Production
D. Sound Recording Studio\r

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