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Kelompok 5

Lablab purpureus
Classification :

Kingdom : Plantae
Divisio : Marchantiophyta
Class : Marchantiopsida
Ordo : Fabales
Family : Fabaceae
Genus : Lablab
Species : Lablab purpureus

Founded by : group 5 rombel 2 Founded at

Place : Gabus, Purwodadi, Central Date : October 6th 2018
Java Place : Gabus, Purwodadi, Central Java
Habitat : Lablab purpureus can flourish
in areas with an altitude of 500 m above sea
level with rainfall ranging from 800 mm to
1,300 mm per year. the temperature needed
for the cultivation of Lablab purpureus is
around 28 ºC to 32ºC. if the temperature is
below 10 ºC will inhibit the growth of Lablab
purpureus so that the flowers will not grow
properly. in addition, Lablab purpureus also
requires air humidity ranging from 65% to
75% with soil pH between 6.0 to 6.5. the
frequency of sunlight is also one of the
important things for the development of
Lablab purpureus.
Fabaceae (Leguminosae). This plant is mainly developed as a producer of grain food and
vegetables; but also good as animal feed, green manure, ground cover crops, and ornamental
plants. This species is the only member of the Lablab monotypic clan
In the long dry season, when grass is difficult to grow, coma is often cultivated as animal
feed. This forage is not automatically devoured by livestock, sometimes it takes habituation to
several days before the cattle want to eat it. Comes also need to be mixed with other forages,
such as leaves or other nuts, so that cattle do not experience bloating. Giving Lablab purpureus
can immediately increase cow's body weight and milk production
Lablab purpureus forms nodules in its roots, where it is symbiotic with Rhizobium which
binds nitrogen, although symbiosis is not always easy between Lablab purpureus and local
Rhizobium strains. In addition, Lablab purpureus enriches the nitrogen content of the soil
through the decomposition of falling leaves and branches.
Human Uses
The nutritional content of Lablab purpureus has a protein content of 30.36% equivalent
to soy. Dried Lablab Purpureus contains 66% carbohydrate, 2.6% fat. Many contain 358 mcg of
folic acid. So Lablab purpureus can replace soy as tempe or tofu.
Can reduce blood sugar levels of diabetics, maintain endurance, avoid heart disease. And
also can help the body that lacks diabetes and diabetes. Leucorrhoea, colosterol in the blood.
References :
Kimball,John W.2005.Biologi Jilid 2.Jakarta:Erlangga

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