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Read and write tree, bush or grass. Then, match. aa. has.a short, woogy stem. bo ______ have a soft, flexible stam. rasa thick, woody stam cated a trunk. ‘y @ @ Bead ana complete tne words. a. They grow trom ine siems and branches. ae rere b. Thay fh tha plant to the ground, ae ©, They can be woody or sort, cee eee Q wat ao piants need to grow? Label the drawing. 2. Complete the sentences. (Cainivores omnivores ___herbwores.) a) .Camivores.. eat ober animals. b) eat grass and plants. ¢) eat plants and other animal 1. Read and match. Microorganisms. * * They move around and they can’ produce their own food Pras : «They can produce their own food Animals : © They can't move. Fungi . * They are very small 2. Read the sentences and write Yes or No. @) All living things have common characteristics Yes b) Animals, plants and fungi are nomliving things. ©) Microorganisms are living things. d) Planis and trees produce their own food. fe) We can use microbes to make yoghurt. 2. Complete the sentences. living grow die beta don't we + Living things are born. They nd then die. Birds and rees are: things. + Nontiving things grow. They are not bom and don't 3. Read the sentences and write True or False. 4) Allliving things are bom and die Tue b) Only animals and plants are living things. ¢) Things that don't live are called nonliving things ) Living things don't have common characteristics. ) Nomiving things can be natural or artificial. 4. Circle living things in green and non-living things in red. dog house mushroom tree insect bear horse stone water bird 3. Label the picture and write the part of the plant that corresponds to each sentence. Q) Holds planis in the ground. o's, b) Are the mast visible part of a plant. ¢) Plants make their own food here. d) Grows above the ground @) Obtains the water and mineral salis the plants need. f) Some are hard and some are soft and flexible. @) They are gr@2h. san onrbiconavonuan unr ainclalanterears h) Grows underground. m i) tt usually has branches and leaves.

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