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Final Bitácora Report

After having reflected on your objectives, designed your own personal plan of work in Bitácora 1,
explored strategies and learning resources throughout the course, you will submit a final report describing
that process and your learning achievements.


Answer the questions below honestly and completely.

Describe the objective that you were pursuing since you submitted Bitácora 1

Recognize new words within the general and engineering scope.

Distinguish and infer verbal use of vocabulary.
Reunite needed knowledge to initiate a fluid conversation.
What kind of activities did you do to reach those objectives? How long did you carry
them out?

Read an English article related to mechanical engineering.

Find out new words to maintain a conversation.

Read everyday conversations on internet.

Find out words on engineering subjects.

Listen to music and write every word of the lyric.

Watch movies in English without subtitles.

Describe the learning strategies that you used to carry out those objectives.

Every week read an article or magazine that have topics about mechanical engineering.

Speak in English with my roommate every two days.

Write and pronounce every word every single night.

Use the game lyrics training every time i listen a song in English.

Watch conferences and movies in English every weekend.

Did you reach those goals? Why?

I reached at least a half of my objectives and i feel very proud of it. i can understand
many words of my field work as turbine, sensors, axis, etc... i can maintain fluidly a
conversation with my roommate and interpret most of the words he says, also i
increased my score playing lyrics training which it means that i improve my listening
abilities, but i realized at all that the most important objective i could and i reach was
the determination to improve my skills.

Evaluate your own learning process

Direction: Read every criterion and underline (or color) the scale (number) that you consider that you deserve


Criteria: Needs
Poor improvement Fair Good Outstanding Total
1 Realicé la primera bitácora participando en el 1 2 3 4 5
foro propuesto, fijándome un objetivo y
completando el formato sugerido.
2 Siempre me tomé el tiempo necesario para 1 2 3 4 5
reflexionar, analizar y realizar las actividades
propuestas de manera completa.
3 Fui capaz de establecer objetivos concretos de 1 2 3 4 5
aprendizaje en inglés basados en mis gustos,
intereses, y planes futuros.
4 Fui capaz de establecer un plan de trabajo 1 2 3 4 5
coherente con los objetivos que me plantee.
5 Aprendí sobre estrategias de aprendizaje que 1 2 3 4 5
puedo usar en el futuro para seguir
aprendiendo inglés.
6 Busqué material específico que me ayudara a 1 2 3 4 5
alcanzar mis objetivos de aprendizaje.
7 Dediqué el tiempo suficiente para alcanzar mis 1 2 3 4 5
objetivos de aprendizaje.
8 Mi resultado final refleja mi progreso en mi 1 2 3 4 5
proceso personal de aprendizaje de la lengua
9 Soy autocrítico y entiendo cuáles son mis 1 2 3 4 5
fortalezas y debilidades en mi proceso de
aprendizaje de la lengua.
10 Después de realizar todas las actividades de la 1 2 3 4 5
bitácora siento que soy más independiente
para aprender la lengua.

Adapted by Myriam Arroyave, Álvaro Yepes, Joana Tamayo & Alejandra Jiménez
January, 2014

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