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A. HistoryBusiness Competition Supervisory Commission

Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) is an

independent institution in​Indonesia,​which was established to fulfill the

mandate of Act 5 of 1999 on the prohibition


duty to oversee the three things in thelaw:

1. Treaty prohibitions, to enter into agreements with other parties to

jointly control the production and / or marketing of goods and / or

services that can lead to monopolistic practices and / or unfair

competition as agreement price fixing, price

discrimination,​boycotts,​the agreement is


, and agreements with foreign parties which could lead to unfair


2. the activities are prohibited, that is to control the production and / or

marketing through supply arrangements, setting the market which


can lead topractices ​monopolistic​and / or unfair business


3. the dominant position, business operators are abusing the dominant

position it has to restrict the market, hindering the rights of

consumers, or hamper businesses other business actors.

the existence of the Commission is expected to ensure the

following things in society: consumers no longer fall victim to the

position of manufacturers as​price take, ​diversity of products and

prices may facilitate the consumers determine piliha and efficient

allocation of natural resources, consumers are no longer in Deceive

high prices but the quality roughing and which is prevalent in a

monopoly market, customer needs can be met because the

manufacturers have improved the quality and services, making the

price of goods and services is ideal both in quality and production

costs, open up the market so that the opportunities for businesses are

becoming more and create innovation within the company.

B. History Cooperative Employees Business Competition

Supervisory Commission (KPPU)


in general, people regard the cooperative is as a social

organization, namely, conducting economic activities by non-profit.

There are also those who say that the cooperative was only to meet

the needs of their members. And more extreme to say that it was

only prosper cooperative managers alone. I think this notion or

thought wrong. Because the truth of the cooperative is a form of

business activity that is most ideal in which its members, it also acts

as a producer, as a consumer, as well as the owner.

There are a variety of definitions of the cooperative and if

examined carefully, it appears that the definition was evolved in

tandem with the changing times. The initial definition generally

menekannkan that the cooperative is the container for economically

weak groups, such as the definition given Dr.Fay (1908), which

states that the cooperative is an association with the aim of trying to

joint consisting of those who are weak and cultivated always with a

spirit not to think so much so that each one capable of carrying out

its obligations as a member and has been rewarded in proportion to

their use of the organization

Prof. Marvin A. Schaars a professor of a professor from the

University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA said: ​"Thecooperative is a

​ halia Indonesia, Jakarta,
Muhammad Firdaus and Edhi Agus Susanto, ​Cooperatives,G
2002, p. 38.

business entity voluntarily owned and controlled by members who

are also its customers and operated by them and for them on the
basis of a non-profit or above dsar costs ".

Cooperative is a joint venture entity struggling in the

economic field with the path of right and steady with the aim of

freeing themselves members of the economic difficulties that

commonly suffered by them. In Europe, for example in Germany,

people say that the cooperative is Kinder DER NOT that means

"children born out of misery", it implies that a society in which

members berkeadaan weak economy, the cooperative has an

important role to tackle / overcome these difficulties economy.

As with HE Erdman, in his book ​"Passing Monopoly as an

aim if cooperative" ​that the cooperative is a collective effort, a legal

entity, a member is the owner and who use the services and return all

proceeds over the cost to the members in accordance with the

transaction on which they run by cooperatives.

From the above definition, it can be concluded cooperative is

a joint effort to improve the lot of penhidupan economy by helping

Muhammad Firdaus and Edhi Agus Susanto, ​Cooperatives,​Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta,
2002, p. 39.
G. Kartasapoetra,,​Koperasi Indonesia,​PT Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 1993, p. 1.
Subandi, ​EconomicC​ ooperation,Alfabeta, Bandung, 2011, hlm.19.

where member is the owner and who use the services and return all

receipts in accordance with their transactions in a cooperative.

As far as the trip organizing institutions Business

Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) until the end of 2008

are not yet available organs organize a variety of resources

potentially available to be utilized for the welfare of the employees.

Organizing deposits or savings of employees are needed and it is one

of the economic opportunities that potentially large to be moved.

In addition, the fulfillment of the various needs of

employees, both in the framework of official and non-official is the

economic potential that should be organized to generate added value

for well-being of the employees themselves. Thus the existence of a

business entity as an organ COOP is expected to organize a variety

of potential economic resources with fixed efficiency values ​need

was felt to be formed. Therefore, then on Wednesday, 21 January

2009 of the Commission's initiative and be willing to come together

to form and run the organization COOP.

The existence of co-operative enterprises are expected to

organize a variety of potential economic resources by taking into

account the values ​efiensi. This is very hard for cooperative

nonkoperasi because other companies have done the same efficiency


movement, so that if the cooperative wants to get public sympathy,

the cooperative should be able to increase increase better efficiency.

And is expected also cooperative Commission employees can

progress from year to year, as for the direction of view of the

Commission's Cooperative Employees are then formulated in a

vision and mission of the Commission. Vision Commission as an

independent agency to carry out the mandate of Law No. 5 of 1999

is: "Manifests National Economy Efficient and Fair for People's

Welfare". In order to realize this vision, the defined mission of the

Commission as follows:

● Prevention and Repression

● Internalization of Values ​of Competition

● Institutional Strengthening

Dedy Sany Ardi which has a position as head of the welfare

of employees at the Commission and Mrs. Istiqomah form a

cooperative employees because look at the needs of the members,

especially savings borrow. Initially, the cooperative has only 93

members where only some of the Commission is interested in

participating in a cooperative form, with an initial capital of only Rp.

12.93 million derived from the collection of funds of 93 employees

who are interested in becoming members of the cooperative. At the


beginning of the new members stand provides savings in the form of

principal savings amounting to 100,000, mandatory savings of Rp.

10,000 and voluntary savings are given voluntarily from members.

In 2010 the cooperative members increasingly so as the

board decided to bring this cooperative to kontrakk law in order to

truly become a cooperative which has been endorsed and approved

by the State and be legally incorporated. In February 2010 the

Chairman and Treasurer takes care of the notarial deed of the

Cooperative Commission later on October 30, 2010 was approved by

the cooperative cooperatives minister with the approval number 29 /

BH / XII.1 / 1,829,31 / III / 2010. Once approved by the minister of

cooperatives, the members of the cooperative and savings deposits

also grew up owned by 65 million.

In 2012, the business unit that was originally only savings

and loan coupled with other business units such as ticketing and

other employee needs. Other business units was opened as a business

opportunity for the cooperative whereby employees do more of the

work official who require employees to buy tickets and from which

reason the cooperative cooperate with vyatour and BSM to provide

the needs of the members, not just ticketing but the cooperative also

opened a canteen for each of the Commission.


members of this Commission in the cooperative from year to

year has increased for the years of initial establishment of

cooperative Commission itself.

Table I.2 total membership of the cooperative


No. year

1 2009 93
2 2010
215 3

272 2013
2014 300 6
2015 301 7
Source: Data by author

C. Organizational Structure

As is known, according to Law No. 12/1967 concerning the

PokokPerkoperasian article 19, fittings cooperative organization

consisting of a meeting of members, the board and the auditing

body. Meanwhile, according to the new by Law, namely by Law No.

25/1992 on Cooperatives Article 21 stated that the co-operative

organization consists of: Meeting members, administrators and


Below is the organizational structure that applies in the Cooperative

Employees Commission:

Figure II.1 Cooperative Organization Structureof the


explanationorganizational structure:

1. member Meeting

member meeting is an opportunity for the board to

mmelaporkan to members about the activities during the past year.

Together with members reviewed the work plan next year to

enhance the progress of cooperative efforts.

Meetings of members is the highest authority in the

cooperative. In a meeting of members, the members of the


cooperative are free to talk, give suggestions, views and feedback

as well as suggestions for the progress of cooperative efforts.

The decision taken by the meeting of members of

deliberation to reach a consensus. If the decision is not obtained by

means of deliberation, the decision made ​by a majority vote. In this

case a vote, each member has the right to one vote.

2. The management

Based on Article 9 of the Articles of Association Cooperative

Employees Commission's board consists of at least 1 (one) Chair, 1

(one) of the Secretary, and 1 (one) Treasurer and if necessary plus

each one (1) representative from each of the support functions

carried out at the Commission. Within this cooperative Commission

consisted only of officers and employees and no supervisor to

oversee these cooperative and no manager in the cooperative is due

to the presence of a competent person who is believed to hold these

responsibilities. There was a time when the board hired an employee

to work in co-operative Employees Commission, after some time

working there are issues related to finance contained within the

Commission itself that makes the financial statements so problematic

that the employee is not employed anymore because it is considered

dishonest in preparing the financial statements.


Structure Employees cooperative management of the Commission

are as follows:

a. Board:

Chairman of the cooperative:Dedy Sani Ardi

Treasurer: Istiqomah

Secretary: Wiwit Widodo

Employees: Vika Silvia

stewardship role in cooperative Employees Commission

selected and agreed upon by all members of the cooperative. Board

elected deemed to have met certain criteria and was approved in the

Meeting of Members. Board carry out their duties and should be able

to give an answer to members to report to the annual meeting of


The tasks of the cooperative board are:

1. Chairman

Assigned to lead the organization, holds a general policy

either into or out, direct and control an organization in

accordance the statutory provisions in the AD / ART as well as

decisions / regulations other, signed suarat decrees or rules other


that are of general policy or involving other agencies along with

the secretary, and chaired the meeting, especially the plenary

meeting and the plenary.

2. Treasurer

Tasked to do structuring financial administration such as

the organizing of bookkeeping routine, proposed a number of

bills, and distribute funds on a program of work cooperatives that

have been planned at the meeting of members.

3. Secretary

in charge of performing the act of governance

cooperative together with the chairman signed the papers and

also make arrangement secretariat Employees cooperative

Commission. In addition, joint secretary of the chairman to sign a

letter that is internal with a copy to the chairman and schedule

implementation of the program adopted at the board meeting.

4. Employees

Employees in the cooperative is responsible for

operations and cooperatives in both the savings and loan or in

unit sales, other than that employee cooperative Commission is

also tasked to assist the completion of the administrative and


financial reporting in the savings and loan and unit sales.

Employees Cooperative Commission taken instead of employees,

current employees working in a cooperative Commission named

Vika Silvia.

D. General Activities Cooperation

To reach the objective being to the welfare of the members, Koperasi

Pegawai Commission carries out the following activities:

1. Save borrow

Unit savings and loans are business units has existed

since the beginning of the Commission's first cooperative

was established. Unit savings and loan is also the reason for

the establishment of cooperative Commission, at which time

the employees often make loans to the treasurer of the

Commission but the provision of such loans difficult to do,

the management saw an opportunity so that it formed a

cooperative of the Commission.

Based Accountability Report Employees Cooperative

Commission per the period of January 2013 s / d in

December 2013 presented in the Annual member Meeting

dated February 28, 2014, saves members of net (after

deducting taking deposits) collected during 2013 amounted


to Rp. 34.29303 million, -. Taking into account the balance

of deposits in the previous period, total deposits were

collected during the period of 2009 s / d in 2013 to Rp. 377

061 805.

Throughout the year 2012 the total amount of

revolving loans to members of Rp. 1,352,583,574, -. Total

outstanding receivables member per December 31, 2013

amounted to Rp. 284 357 206, -.

Solid in 2013, loans service which has been a

contributor to the income omitted or set at 0%. This is

because their spirit not to apply the concept of usury in the

operation of cooperatives. However, the aggregate total

income of the cooperative in 2013 rose significantly with an

increase in sales of merchandise coupled with the

contribution of revenue of cooperation with third parties. The

total amount of gross income cooperative in 2013 was Rp.

80,754,984, - while the total expenditure of cooperatives

throughout the year 2013 amounting to Rp. 39.43131 million,

Cooperative opens two types of loans namely:

1. PIBI (Ordinary loans)


outstanding loan is a loan that is given to the

members in a large amount of money and the

restrictions on the maximum amount of Rp.


2. PILUBI (Outstanding loans)

outstanding loan is a loan that is given to

members who need funds suddenly and numbers are

also not as big as PIBI, where PILUBI maximum loan

of Rp. 3,000,000

3. Other business

Other business consists of the sale of ticketing,

sales of snack foods such as bread, snacks and drinks and

a rental service cafeteria. Board hired a room on the 4th

floor of the building to the State Secretariat for the

Commission are still the property of the State secretariat

and by the board serve as the cafeteria and in the rental

with a month rental fee of Rp. 400,000

Then officials see opportunities on the money

savings of members and canteen rental yield is exploited

and turned back into money that is productive, then the

cooperative is to start a business selling bread and snacks


as well as beverages such as bottled tea, mizone, aqua

gallons and others. The turnover earned from these sales

amounted to Rp 57,331,365

Later in 2012 the board saw an opportunity to

open a business selling tickets for as many employees of

the Commission who are members of the cooperative

who do out of town so that cooperative work together

with third parties are vyatour that cooperate with the

Commission in the cooperative ticket sales. Ticket

payment process can be done either by cash payment or if

it is already included in the Commission's member

cooperatives ticket payment can be made ​by payroll


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