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Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2018;29(1):1-9

© 2018 Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation Saudi Journal
of Kidney Diseases
and Transplantation

Review Article

Contrast-Induced Nephropathy: Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, and

Mohammad A. Hossain1, Eric Costanzo1, James Cosentino1, Chirag Patel1, Huzaif Qaisar1, Vikas
Singh1, Taimoor Khan1, Jennifer S. Cheng1, Arif Asif1, Tushar J. Vachharajani2
Department of Medicine, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Seton Hall-Hackensack
Meridian School of Medicine, Neptune, New Jersey, 2Department of Medicine, Nephrology
Section, Salisbury Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Salisbury, North Carolina, USA

ABSTRACT. Contrast-induced acute kidney injury is a common iatrogenic complication

associated with increased health resource utilization and adverse outcomes, including short- and
long-term mortality and accelerated progression of preexisting renal insufficiency. The incidence
of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) has been reported to range from 0% to 24%. This wide
range reported by the studies is due to differences in definition, background risk factors, type and
dose of contrast medium used, and the frequency of other coexisting potential causes of acute
renal failure. CIN is usually transient, with serum creatinine levels peaking at 2–3 days after
administration of contrast medium and returning to baseline within 7–10 days after
administration. Multiple studies have been conducted using variety of therapeutic interventions in
an attempt to prevent CIN. Of these, careful selection of patients, using newer radiocontrast
agents, maintenance of hydration status, and avoiding nephrotoxic agents pre- and post-procedure
are the most effective interventions to protect against CIN. This review focuses on the basic
concepts of CIN and summarizes our recent understanding of its pathophysiology. In addition,
this article provides practical recommendations with respect to CIN prevention and management.

Introduction health-care resource utilization by extending

the hospital stay, increasing the short- and
Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is an long-term mortality, and accelerated progres-
increasingly common cause of iatrogenic acute sion of underlying chronic kidney disease
kidney injury (AKI) associated with increased (CKD).1,2 It is an important reversible and
Correspondence: transient cause of hospital-acquired renal
failure, the incidence of which varies between
Dr. Tushar J. Vachharajani, 0% and 24% depending on patient’s risk
Department of Medicine, factors, the amount and type of agent admi-
Nephrology Section, Salisbury Veterans nistered, and the types of radiological proce-
Affairs Health Care System, Salisbury, dures performed.3 In simple terms, CIN is
North Carolina, USA. defined as impairment of renal function
E-mail: (measured as either a 25% increase in serum
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2 Hossain MA, Costanzo E, Cosentino J, et al

creatinine from baseline or a 0.5 mg/dL the outer medulla is reduced by 40% following
increase in absolute serum creatinine value) contrast material administration and is asso-
within 48–72 h of administration of contrast ciated with a 60% reduction in oxygen
material.4,5 CIN is potentially preventable; delivery. These changes result in ischemic
high-risk patients can often be identified ahead injury, which contributes to the histo-
of time, and most procedures requiring con- pathologic findings seen in CIN models.9,10
trast material are performed on a nonemergent Multiple agents are implicated in producing
basis with ample time to institute prophylactic renal vasoconstriction. For instance, there is
measures. Recent studies have confirmed that significant evidence for the role of endothelin
the use of low or iso-osmolar agents, with in the pathogenesis of CIN. A seminal study
lowest effective dose possible, and the admi- demonstrated a significant elevation in plasma
nistration of preprocedure intravenous (i.v.) endothelin level within 5 min of contrast
isotonic crystalloid solution mitigated the risk material administration.11 Importantly, the
of CIN in high-risk patients. The proposed study revealed that no significant change in
pathophysiologic mechanisms of CIN are plasma endothelin levels was detected until the
complex including intrarenal vasoconstriction volume of the contrast material exceeded 150
with resultant medullary hypoxia, generation mL. Adenosine has also been found to induce
of reactive oxygen species, and direct renal local renal vasoconstriction.11 In addition to
tubular toxicity. This article will review the the presence of vasoconstrictors, there is
recent evidence concerning the incidence CIN, concomitant impairment of vasodilatation in
its pathogenesis, and risk factors that increase patients with CIN.10 Nitric oxide (NO) is a
the likelihood of developing CIN.6-8 In addi- potent vasodilator produced from L-arginine in
tion, this report provides vital information on the presence of the enzyme NO synthase.
prevention and management of CIN. High-osmolar contrast agents reduce NO pro-
duction, and this reduction was proportional to
Pathophysiology osmolality of the solution.10,12 However,
concerns regarding NO inhibition following
The pathophysiology of CIN is complex and contrast administration and its negative impact
poorly understood. Multiple mechanisms act in on renal function have been raised by Sancak
concert to induce CIN. Intrarenal vasocons- et al.13,14
triction, generation of reactive oxygen species, A compromised medullary blood supply
and direct tubular damage are the predominant brought on by contrast administration creates a
factors that lead to CIN.6,7 However, relative mismatch between the metabolic demands of
contribution of each mechanism alone is not thick ascending limbs of the loop of Henle and
known.6,7 its own blood supply resulting in the produc-
Several groups have documented immediate tion of superoxide (a potent reactive oxygen
vasoconstriction and reduction in renal blood species) leading to oxidative tubular damage.15
flow occurring after administration of contrast Preexisting chronic renal failure, increased
medium.6-12 Multiple studies in animal models age, and diabetes decrease the ability to
have shown that intra-arterial infusion of ionic accommodate oxidative stress and lead to
contrast medium caused transient initial increased risk of CIN.15
increase in blood flow followed by an intense Contrast administration induces osmotic
and prolonged constriction of renal vascu- diuresis in euvolemic patients with normal
lature.6,7 Although the mechanism for this kidney function.16 Exposure of renal tissue to
vasoconstriction is not completely known, high osmotic radiocontrast agents results in
these investigators demonstrated the impor- characteristic histopathologic changes called
tance of calcium influx in the vasoconstrictive “osmotic nephrosis.”16 The most frequent
phase following contrast exposure.8 Recent histopathologic features of “osmotic nephrosis”
information has demonstrated that the flow to include intense focal or diffuse proximal
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Contrast-induced nephropathy 3

tubular vacuolization as well as full-blown Table 1. Important risk factors that increase the
tubular necrosis. Iodinated contrast media risk of development of contrast-induced
reduce the viability of cultured renal cells and nephropathy
induce apoptosis.16 Other toxic effects include  Diabetes with chronic kidney disease (at
cellular energy failure, disturbance of cellular least stage III)
calcium, and alterations in tubular cell  Preexisting chronic kidney disease (at least
stage III)
polarity.16 Investigators have demonstrated
 Advanced age
contrast material retention within renal cortex
 Intravascular volume depletion
as well as medulla and its association with  High volume of contrast and high-osmolarity
CIN.16-19 A recent study revealed that renal agents
cortical contrast retention at 24 h, as deter-  Concomitant use of common medications
mined by computerized tomography scan, had - Diuretics
a better predictive value for the development - Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
of CIN than did the 24-h serum creatinine - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
level. This was seen more intensely in patients - Aminoglycosides
with preexisting renal damage as well as older - Calcineurin inhibitors
Taken together, renal vasoconstriction coupled low risk of CIN (increment of creatinine levels
with impaired vasodilatation is important of at least 0.5 mg/dL) in patients with normal
mechanism that can result in CIN. In this renal function compared to those with pre-
context, ischemic damage to the kidney can be existing CKD (creatinine level exceeding 1.2
seen with the administration of contrast mate- mg/dL). These investigators found that the risk
rial. Contrast agents can be retained by the for CIN increased significantly (20%) when
kidney and are capable of causing tubular toxi- serum creatinine exceeded 2.0 mg/dL.
city and generating reactive oxygen species
that can further augment renal injury.18,20 Diabetes mellitus with preexisting chronic
kidney disease
Risk Factors Diabetics with CKD are reported to have a
four-fold increase in the risk for development
For optimal management, it is critically of CIN when compared with patients without
important for providers to be able to stratify diabetic nephropathy.20 Diabetes mellitus with
patients according to their risk for CIN. associated renal insufficiency has been iden-
Preexisting CKD with concomitant diabetes tified as an independent risk factor for contrast
mellitus poses the highest risk for CIN. Other nephropathy, with as many as 56% of those
factors that increase the risk for CIN include who develop the condition progressing to
advanced age, cardiovascular disease, pre- irreversible renal failure. Diabetics with
procedure hemodynamic instability, and con- advanced CKD (serum creatinine >3.5 mg/dL)
comitant use of certain drugs. Table 1 summa- are at a particularly higher risk for the deve-
rizes some common risk factors.20-30 A quick lopment of CIN.20,21
review of the risk factors could be very helpful
in evaluating patients who would be at risk for Age
the development of CIN. In many studies, higher prevalence of CIN
was observed in patients with increased age,
Preexisting impairment of renal function possibly reflecting the decline in renal function
Preexisting CKD is of paramount importance with age. Advanced age is associated with
and places patients at a high risk for the deve- increased vascular stiffness with declined
lopment of CIN. In a series of 1144 patients, endothelial function resulting in reduced vaso-
Davidson et al19 investigated patients under- dilator responses as well as a reduced capacity
going cardiac catheterization and documented a for vascular repair with pluripotent stem cells.
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4 Hossain MA, Costanzo E, Cosentino J, et al

All these factors together increase the risk of more likely to have contrast-induced AKI
CIN in the elderly patient and reduce the (odds ratio: 1.43, 95% confidence interval:
potential for prompt recovery.22 1.06–1.94).31 Thus, it is prudent to review the
list of medications before contrast administra-
Reduction of effective intravascular volume tion. If possible, nephrotoxic drugs should be
Reduction of effective intravascular volume withheld at the time of contrast administration.
(due to congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis,
or abnormal fluid losses), prolonged hypo- Management of Contrast Nephropathy
tension (especially when induced by intensive
antihypertensive treatment combined with To date, there is no definitive treatment of
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhi- AKI following radiocontrast administration.
bitors, and diuretics, most notably furose- However, prevention still remains the corner
mide), and dehydration have been reported as stone of this entity and as such demands a
contributing to prerenal reduction in renal careful analysis of the risk factors and imple-
perfusion, thus enhancing the ischemic insult mentation of preventive strategies noted
of contrast media.22-25 below.

Contrast volume and timing of contrast Maintenance of volume status

administration Avoidance of intravascular volume depletion
High doses and repeated injections of con- is the single most important strategy to reduce
trast material administered within 72 h the risk of contrast-induced renal injury. In this
augment the risk of AKI due to contrast context, maintenance of adequate hydration is
material. The first-generation contrast agents of paramount importance. Often patients are
are rarely used today and are ionic and receiving NSAIDs. Such agents should be
hyperosmolar compared with plasma and stopped 24–48 h before the procedure. Recom-
impart a higher risk of nephrotoxicity.27 In mended regimens for volume replacement for
contrast, low osmolar (iohexol, ioversol, and hospitalized patients undergoing contrast ad-
iopamidol) or iso-osmolar (iodixanol) agents ministration include normal saline adminis-
are associated with a much lower risk of tered at 1 mL/kg/h for 6–12 h preprocedure,
causing CIN. Iodixanol is a nonionic dimeric intraprocedure, and continued for 6–12 h post-
iso-osmolar contrast medium and offers an procedure.32,33 In patients with compensated
even lower risk of nephrotoxicity than low- congestive heart failure, fluids should be
osmolar contrast agents.26,28 administered based on physician discretion
and with frequent lung examination. Normal
Concomitant use of medications saline produces better volume expansion and
Diuretics lead to volume depletion and cause has been shown to have superiority over
intrarenal vasoconstriction. In this context, hypotonic solutions such as 0.45% saline.34-36
they increase the risk of contrast nephropathy. While diuretics are not recommended, a recent
There are other agents that can cause direct study demonstrated that loop diuretics may
nephrotoxicity. These include cyclosporine A, decrease the incidence of CIN.37
aminoglycosides, amphotericin, and cisplatin. Conflicting data continue to surround the use
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of sodium bicarbonate versus normal saline.
(NSAIDs) inhibit the local vasodilatory effects Thus far, the largest randomized clinical study
of prostaglandins and increase the risk of failed to show any benefit of sodium bicar-
CIN.29,30 Likewise, ACE inhibitors and bonate over normal saline.38,39 As such, normal
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) can saline is the best available solution to reduce
potentially increase the likelihood of contrast the risk of contrast nephropathy.
nephropathy. In a large study (n = 5299),
patients taking an ACE inhibitor/ARB were
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Contrast-induced nephropathy 5

N-acetylcysteine tially no cost, oral hydration is an attractive

The sulfhydryl group of N-acetylcysteine is and viable option compared to i.v. fluid
an excellent antioxidant and scavenger of free replacement. A recent meta-analysis of rando-
oxygen radicals. However, it has failed to mized clinical trials demonstrated that oral
show conclusive evidence of protecting against hydration with water was as effective as
the development of CIN.40,41 Because of its hydration using i.v. saline.43 Statins, oral
low cost, lack of adverse effects, and potential sodium citrate, atrial natriuretic peptide, ascor-
beneficial effect, this agent is frequently a part bic acid, theophylline, and nifedipine have all
of the protective strategies of multiple medical been studied and failed to show any benefit
centers against contrast nephropathy. Never- against CIN.41,42,44
theless, based on the lack of conclusive evi-
dence, we do not recommend this agent.40,41 Logistical barrier to contrast-induced
nephropathy prevention
Prophylactic hemofiltration and hemodialysis While i.v. hydration has been reported to be
Clinicians often ask for dialysis therapy soon the single most important element in halting
after the administration of contrast material. CIN, from a purely opinion-based point of
However, there is no conclusive evidence that view, there are several barriers that create a
prophylactic dialysis prevents renal injury due problem for the implementation of this
to contrast administration.42 At present, we do strategy in clinical practice (Table 2). Often,
not recommend prophylactic dialysis therapy. procedures are scheduled in an emergency and
Dialysis itself is not devoid of complications at times with coexisting confounding factors
and requires an invasive procedure of a large (congestive heart failure, etc.,) limiting the use
bore catheter insertion. of i.v. hydration. In addition, the lack of space
in radiology suites to provide i.v. hydration
Oral hydration and other measures adds to the complexity in implanting strategies
Due to the ease of administration and essen- to prevent CIN. The infusion centers provide an
Table 2. Potential barriers of preventing contrast-induced nephropathy in clinical practice from various
perspectives. These barriers may be overcome by systematic analysis of this problem and best
coordination of care.
Perspective Complicating factors
 Lack of optimal clinical information on the patient
 Decision and implementation of intravenous fluid administration
Radiologist for outpatients
 Multiple imaging procedures and emergency add-on procedures
 Limited communication with clinician
 High patient census
 Limited coordination with the radiology department
 Limited procedure-related information
 Length of stay
 Need for admission/observation status to provide hydration
 Length of stay
 Outpatient procedure
 Space to provide hydration before the procedure
 Distance from radiology department
 Busy schedule with intravenous iron therapy, chemotherapy,
Infusion centers
immunoglobulin, blood transfusions, etc.
 Insurance coverage
 Lack of preprocedure billing code for hydration
Billing service
 Denial of admission/insurance coverage and cost incurred
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6 Hossain MA, Costanzo E, Cosentino J, et al

alternative for i.v. hydration; however, these several imaging studies performed on a daily
centers are often overbooked with other basis in hospitals worldwide. The required
critically important therapeutic infusions (i.v. space and personnel to administer i.v. hydration
iron, blood transfusions, chemotherapy, etc.,). would stress the limited existing resources.
It is worth mentioning that there is always an From the clinician’s standpoint, at times, the
opportunity for improved coordination of care exact time of the study is not known. Hence,
between clinicians and radiologists. For ins- i.v. hydration orders are difficult to implement.
tance, a preprocedure practice of disallowing Throughout the world, clinicians in the
oral fluid intake for 12-h before any contrast hospital frequently carry a busy ward service
imaging study can potentially lead to sub- making it difficult to keep up with the changes
clinical volume depletion and thereby increase in imaging study times. Importantly, some of
the risk of CIN. Implementing strategies to the imaging services are performed on an
improve coordination will have a positive outpatient basis. In this context, from a hos-
impact on minimizing the risk of CIN. pital standpoint, a 12-h hydration cannot be
Rightfully so, there are practical and logis- performed unless the patient is brought to the
tical complexities at multiple levels (Figure 1). hospital at least 12 h before the procedure.
From the radiology perspective, the question is Such an approach introduces short-term ad-
who would write the order for i.v. fluids and mission and use of limited resources. Finally,
who would administer and monitor? There are from the billing standpoint, preprocedure

Figure 1. Factors affecting coordination of care for patients undergoing contrast imaging.
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