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Reseach Topic:

Grade 11 STEM Student Performance in Mathematics and Science whose not Inclined on
two subjects.

Title: Perception of Teachers Teaching STEM Students Towards Low Performance of Grade 11
Stem Student of BISHS in Mathematics and Science

General Question

 What are the perceptions of teachers teaching grade-11 STEM students in mathematical
and scientifical abilities?

 Specific Questions:

 1.What strategies do teachers do to help grade-11 STEM students to preform and leard better in
Math and Science?

 2. What are the factors that affects the low performance of grade-11 BISHS students in
mathematics and science as perceived or observed by teachers.

 3. What are the perceptions of teachers on the performance of grade-11 STEM Students before
and today?

Theoretical Framework

 Over the past decade, research has confirmed that teachers have substantial impacts on their
students’ academic and life-long success (e.g., Chetty, Friedman, & Rockoff, 2014; Jackson,
2012; Nye, Konstantopoulos, & Hedges, 2004).

 One reason for this posed by Murnane and Cohen (1986) almost three decades ago is the
“nature of teachers’ work”. They argued that the “imprecise nature of the activity” makes it difficult
to describe why some teachers are good and what other teachers can do to improve.

 Recent investigations also have uncovered some characteristics of effective classroom

environments, including teachers’ organizational skills and interactions with students (e.g.,
Grosmman, Loeb, Cohen, & Wyckoff, 2013; McCaffrey, Miller, & Staiger, 2013).

 Through mathematics, we can formulate representations to model and interpret both physical and
social phenomena. Mathematics is the unifying and integral thread that runs through the sciences
(NRC, 1986), facilitating the connection of ideas in an increasingly information and knowledge
driven society (Ogena and Tan, 2006).
Chapter 1

 Abstract

Mathematics is a difficult subject to ace by understudies, from grade school to college as

stated by Shafie, Shahdanb and Liew, 2010. Also in science, scientific abilities, critical thinking
and specialized skill advance the abundance of countries. In the World, science and technology
are rapidly growing yet scientific and technologic improvement requires the enhancement of
science education. Science education improves the education of future scientists and fosters a
greater and more relevant understanding of nature and the findings of science among the
population as a whole according to Lewis & Kelly, 1987. Mathematics and science is significant
and beneficial to our country. Over the previous decade, inquire about has affirmed that
educators impact affect their understudies' scholastic and deep rooted achievement according
to Chetty, Friedman, and Rockoff, 2014; Jackson, 2012; Nye, Konstantopoulos, and Hedges,
2004. Science and Mathematics subject is challenging thus it needs a not just professional and
skilled teachers but also can influence the student to work hard and encourage to be competent
and proficient this two subject. Teaching practice influences students’ achievement according to
Grigg et. al, 2013. According to Nye et al. (2004), Chetty et al. (2014) that are teachers have
substantial impacts on their students’ academic and life-long success. Clements et al. (2013)
agreed and stated that teacher as an aspect of mathematics instructional environment is related
to student achievement.

When TIMMS was first conducted in 1995 among 42 countries, the Philippines placed 41st
in science and 30th in mathematics. The two subjects are premium in the entrance exams to
national science high schools. (same url) "With similar results obtained in TIMMS-R, it is evident
that there is no significant improvement of our students from 1995 to 1999. No immediate
conclusions could be made as to the reasons behind this," DOST said.

According to Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and International Association for
the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) 2003 that, “data revealed the alarming facts for
the participating countries most especially the Philippines”. The recent TIMMS 2003 data
showed that Filipino students’ poor mathematical performance has placed the country in the
36th rank out of 38 nations worldwide.

In the Trends in International Math and Science Study (Martin, Mullis, Gonzalez, & Chrostowki,
2004), the average international rating was 489, and the highest rating by any country was 565.
The grade 8 students ranked fourth from last out of 46 countries with an average rating of 377
in science. The average international rating was 474, and the highest rating by any country was
 Learning Mathematics in the Philippines In 2012, the Department of Education of the Philippines
embraces the K-12 curriculum, which means that the Philippine Basic Education observes the
Kindergarten plus 12 years to complete its Basic Education Program (DepEd, 2012). This move is
taken because of the poor quality of the Philippine Basic Education as reflected by the low
achievement scores of Filipino students in the National Achievement Test and the international
test known as the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) (Tatsuoka, Corter,
& Tatsuoka, 2004; DepEd. 2012).

According to PISA, Philippines ranked at lowest among 79 countries.

Still for all most years, Phillipines in the lowest of this academics and so this reseach is very significan
and calls an action.

 purpose

In recent years, significant numbers of academics from the science and health disciplines at our
institution have found that their students lack the appropriate ‘mathematical and scientifical’
background to cope with first-year science subjects.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem

According to the recent survey of Programme for International Student Assessment

(PISA), the Philippines ranked second to the lowest in terms of the subjects math and science.
The result of this survey appears that the Philippines attain a score of 353 and 357 in math and
science which is far from the average score of 489 and 483 in math and science respectively.
This is very alarming because this clearly shows that there are issues and gaps in the current
educational system of the Philippines that limits the students from being competent to the
international academic standards.

Significance of the study

The results of the study will be a great benefit to the following:

STUDENTS. The results of this study will provide knowledge to students who are not doing well
in mathematics and science as provided by the perspectives of interviewed Math and Science
Grade 11 STEM teachers. At the end of this study, students’ will finally have certain information
that can help them to improve their performance and abilities in the two major subjects.

TEACHERS. The gathered information and data from Math and Science teachers will be
combined to form precise information that can be resourceful to them in terms of discovering or
improving their teaching strategies in a way that can help students to learn efficiently in science
and mathematics.

Definition of terms
Science is define as; the systematic observation of natural events and conditions in order to discover facts
about them and to formulate laws and principles based on these facts, the organized body of knowledge
that is derived from such observations and that can be verified or tested by further investigation, any
specific branch of this general body of knowledge, such as biology, physics, geology, or astronomy,
“Academic Press Dictionary of Science & Technology”

Science is defined as applied knowledge (Kibet, Mbugua, Muthaa & Nkonke, and 2012:87

. This implies that science subjects continue to be of the most important subjects, as the world is
currently at a stage where its wealth and economic development is highly dependent to the science
workforce (Laugksch, 1999:86; Muzah, 2011:1; Kibet et al., 2012:87).

According to Reuben Hersh, mathematics is a science, like physics or astronomy; it constitutes a body of
established facts, achieved by a reliable method, verified by practice, and agreed on by a consensus of
qualified experts. But its subject matter is not visible or ponderable, not empirical; its subject matter is
ideas, concepts, which exist only in the shared consciousness of human beings. Thus it is both a science
and a “humanity”.


1. (e.g., Chetty, Friedman, and Rockoff, 2014; Jackson, 2012; Nye, Konstantopoulos, and Hedges,

(Shafie, Shahdanb & Liew, 2010).

 According to Nye et al. (2004), Chetty et al. (2014) Nye B, Konstantopoulos S, Hedges LV
(2004) How large are teacher effects? Educ Eval Policy Anal 26(3):237–257. In: Blazar D (2015)
Effective teaching in elementary mathematics: Identifying classroom practices that support student
achievement. Econ Educ Rev 48(2015):16–29. Downloaded 20
Apr 2016
 Clements et al. (2013) Clements D, Agodini R, Harris B (2013) Instructional practices and student
math achievement: correlations from a study of math curricula. National Center for Educational
Evaluation and Regional Assistance. Institute of Education
Sciences. Accessed 20 Apr 2016
Title: Perception of Teachers Teaching STEM Students Towards Low Performance of Grade 11
Stem Student of BISHS in Mathematics and Science

Mathematics and science abilities

Interaction of students and teacher

 Teacher
 Low performance of students
 Mathematics and science
 Students
 Teaching styles/approaches/techniques (Perceptions)
 Attachment of students and teacher
 Environment / Classroom setting


Effectiveness of Teacher through:

Environmental or Interaction of Teaching styles,

Classroom teacher and approaches and
Settings student techniques

of Students

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