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Evaluation of project plan and process
I think we took a long time in finalising an aim for our group project because we wanted to make
sure it was something we all wanted to do and something that would be suitable for us to do.
The planned activities took longer than we anticipated and it wasn’t always clear who was
supposed to do what work. Hence we decided to allocate each member of the group a specific
task rather than all of us doing the same. For example Suprita conducted research, I drafted
survey questions and analysed the results of the survey and Sagar helped with the designing of
our poster. I think this approach helped us speed up and complete the project in the allotted
time period. We used a few good sources which was sufficient for achieving our aim and
possibly could have saved us from confusion if we took a variety of sources. It was effective to
have a plan as it helped us execute our planned activities and produce an outcome that we
believed to be good. However it would have been much more helpful if we planned everything
from the start and maintained concentration throughout the project, which would have made our
project work even more effective.

Evaluation of outcome
I think we were quite successful in raising awareness about the importance of saving water. I
think our poster was impactful because it was very attractive and had very short information
pieces, which made it easier for our audience to grasp the information it had. However we could
have improved on the use of our cultural perspectives, by considering more cultural groups, but
we ran out of time. We created a survey before we started the project to check how many
people were aware of water-saving techniques and one survey after we completed our outcome
to check how successful we were at raising awareness. After analysing the first survey we found
out that 73% of people were aware of these techniques and 71% of people were utilising these
techniques. After analysing the second survey we found out that the percentage changed to 92
and 83 respectively. This means that we successfully influenced them and raised awareness,
hence achieving our aim. The main limitation on the impact of our aim would probably be the
scale of people we influenced and to change this we should have been more focused about our
project and made sure to deliver the message across to a larger audience. Perhaps if we had
managed time efficiently we could have improved the lacking elements and produced a better

Evaluation of personal work and contribution

I think I did a good job on whatever I had to do for the project. For example I drafted a survey to
find out how many people were aware of water-saving techniques and how many used those
techniques and analysed them as well. I did this on time and provided the analysis of the survey
to the group members on time as well. I sometimes decided to work alone because I was tired
of discussion and reliance on the other group members. Next time when working in a group I will
try to ensure everything proceeds in an organised way. Throughout our research process I read
a variety of sources to get exposure to different cultural and societal perspectives. Collaborating
with different cultural backgrounds was interesting and made me understand that everybody's
perspective is interesting and should be taken into consideration. I think I didn’t voice out my
opinions as much as I should have and after the completion of the project I have realised how
important it is to voice your opinion, as it helps in the development of the project itself. I realise
that the survey I conducted may be inaccurate to some degree and a much wider survey will be
necessary to find out how impactful the project actually was.

What I’ve learned from cross cultural collaboration

I think I’ve learned a lot from cross cultural collaboration, not just from interacting with different
cultural groups in our school and society but also considering international cultural perspectives.
One of the most important things that I learnt is that everybody has an interesting perspective
which matters no matter what. By cross cultural collaboration I have also become more social
and would look forward to talking to foreigners and locals from different cultural backgrounds.

Benefits and challenges of teamwork

At the initial stages of the project we struggled to work together effectively, however drafting a
plan lead us to collaborate well with each other in a better way. We did not stick to the deadlines
of the plan sometimes, but we were successful in the completion of the project. I think putting
our ideas together at the start was quite useful as Suprita as well as Sagar thought of ideas that
I did not think about. This shows that “two heads are better than one head” as I did not even
think about their ideas. The small size of our group enabled maximum participation by all three
of us which in overall helped us achieve our aim. It was difficult sometimes to reach consensus
on how to go about raising awareness to the different cultural groups, but eventually we worked
together and designed a poster to raise awareness about the importance of saving water. This
journey had its ups and downs but it was a great experience and surely all of us learnt how
effective proper teamwork can be.



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