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Baby massage is a slow and gentle stroking of the baby's entire body starting from
the baby's legs, stomach, chest, face, hands and back. Baby massage is one form of
touch stimulation. Touch stimulation is the most important in child development.
Touch sensation is the most developed sensory at birth. Baby massage is a fun way
to relieve tension and anxiety, especially in infants. Gentle massage will help relax
the muscles so that the baby becomes calm and sleeps soundly. The gentle touch of
a baby means of a beautiful bond between a baby and its parents.


The benefits of baby massage (Parenting, 2015) are as follows:
a. Massage gives a soothing touch, and reminds the baby of feeling comfortable
while in the womb.
b. Make it less sick, sleep better, and eat better. Also, baby's digestion will be
c. Strengthening the attachment (bonding) between children and parents, and make
babies feel comfortable.
d. Streamlining blood circulation and make baby's skin look healthier.
e. A baby who is often massaged rarely experience colic, constipation, and diarrhea.
f. Makes baby's muscles stronger, and body’s coordination better.
g. The baby's immune system will be stronger, and make it more resistant to
infections and various other health problems.
h. A baby who is often massaged grows into a happier child.

How to Massage a Baby

a. How to Massage on the Baby's Head and Face

Lift the back of the head with both hands and rub the scalp with the tips of fingers.
Then, rubbing the earlobe and eyebrows, eyelids were closed, and starting from
the top of nose bone crossed to cheeks. Massage baby’s chin by making small

b. How to Massage Baby's Arm

Hold the baby's wrist with one hand and pat along the arm with the other hand.
Massage up and down starting from the tip to the base of the arm, then massage
baby’s palm of hands and press, then pull each fingers. Repeat on the other arm.

c. How to Massage the Baby's Stomach

Using your fingertips, make small circular massages. The following stages of
massaging are:
1. Massage the baby’s left body from the bottom of the ribs down (letter I)
2. Massage through from baby's right to the baby's left, then down to the bottom
(letter L)
3. Massage from the baby's lower right, up to the baby's top right, curved to form
a U and down again to the baby's left. All movements end in the baby's left

d. How to Massage Baby's Feet

Hold the baby's legs with one hand and pat along the legs with the other hand.
Rubbing it up and down from the toes to the hips and back. Then, massage the
soles of feet and pull each of fingers. Use your thumb to rubbing the bottom of foot
from the heel to the foot and massage around the ankle with small, circular

e. Stretching
While the baby is supine, hold both legs and knees together and attach the knee
to the stomach. (Warning: This movement can make the babies fart). In addition,
hold both feet and knees and rotate in a circular motion, left and right, to relax his
hips. It also makes the stomach ache heal.

f. How to Massage Baby's Back

Place the baby on the floor or on both feet and the move of your hands up and
down starting from the top of back to buttocks. Do a massage by forming a small
circle along the backbone. Curl your fingers like a rake and scratch the back

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