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Preparation for job in interview stage by applying more simulation approach, so the
interviee have high self esteem
~kelas untuk mempersiapkan dalam tes wawancara dalam dunia pekerjaan dengan pendekatan materi good
communication skill, nervous, unexpected question, panic, pemakaian diction tinggi dan penggunaan standard
language yang dilakukan dengan praktek

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Let’s study these 10 strategies to enhance your interview skill. Interviewing is a learned skill, and
there are no second chances to make a great first impression.
1. Practice good non verbal communication
2. Dress for the job or company
3. Listen; Observe your interviewer, and match that style and pace
4. Don’t talk too much (eligiable time 30 – 40 Second)
5. Don’t be too familiar; because of formal situation
6. Use appropriate language; no slang
7. Don’t be cocky; between confidence, professionalism, and modesty
8. Take care to answer the question
9. Ask questions if you need and offering
10. Don’t appear desperate
Do at least 65 – 70% of the talking, state your case and be brief and organized in your answers.
Consider the STAR Method in framing your answers.
• Situation: Give an example of a situation you were involved in that resulted in a positive
• Task: Describe the tasks involved in that situation
• Action: Talk about the various actions involved in the situation’s task.
• Results: What results directly followed because of your action


a. Tell me about yourself!
b. What are your strength?

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c. What are your weakness?


d. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

e. What do you know about our company?
f. How well do you handle change?
g. Do you work well underpreasure?
h. How do you make important decision?

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UNIT 2: verbal and nonverbal communication in job interviews

Verbal communication encompasses any form of communication involving words, spoken, written
or signed. The conversation we have with our coworker at lunch, the morning news or the sports page
we read in the morning--even the text message you send to your spouse telling him to pick up some
milk is a form of verbal communication. Our ability to communicate with a language that is based on an
organized system of words, rather than merely sounds, is what sets us apart from lower species. Not
only do we have language, but we also have the technology that enables us to communicate with one
another no matter the physical distance.
We use verbal communication to inform, whether it is to inform others of our needs or to impart
knowledge. Clarification is a key component of verbal communication. Often, we do not articulate
ourselves clearly, or our words or actions are misconstrued. Verbal communication helps to clarify
misunderstandings and provides missing information.
We can use verbal communication to correct a wrong. The power of the words, “I’m sorry,” is
often more effective than an action. Verbal communication can also be used as a tool of persuasion. It
creates an opportunity for debate, stimulates thought and creativity, and deepens and creates new
relationships. Robert M. Krauss in the article, “The Psychology of Verbal Communication,” published in
the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences in 2002, explains, “A species’
survival depends critically upon its ability to communicate effectively, and the quality of its social life is
determined in large measure by how and what it can communicate.”


• It’s important to avoid common mistakes and stick to the fact

• Keep the information crips. Speak in short sentences. Give as much as information possible in the
least amount of time.
• Always be relevant. Do not give irrelevant or unnecessary information
• Don’t disclose too much information. It means keep some informations to yourself
• Tell it right, start it right. A good start with a positive impression affects the rest of the interview


Verbal communication coexists alongside non-verbal communication, which can affect people’s
perceptions and exchanges in subtle but significant ways. Non-verbal communication includes body
language, such as gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and posture. Touch is a non-verbal
communication that not only indicates a person’s feelings or level of comfort, but illustrates personality
characteristics as well. A firm handshake or warm hug indicates something very different than a loose
pat on the back or a timid handshake does. The sound of our voice, including pitch, tone and volume
are also forms of non-verbal communication. The meaning behind someone’s words is often entirely
different than the literal translation, as is seen in instances of sarcasm and mockery. The clothing we
wear and the way we design our living space are also forms of non-verbal communication that
frequently shape people’s judgments about others, regardless of whether or not the perceptions are
Body language trick to make anyone instansly like you
a. The flooding SMILE
b. Sticky EYES
c. The big BABY PIVOT
d. Limit the FIDGET
e. Using HANDS

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UNIT 4: Quadrant Theory of Robert Khiyosaki

EMPLOYEES. I do think that most
of us belongs here. We have a
job. We have to work hard,
follow instructions from our
bosses and superiors and get
paid. We don’t own our time.
These are people who love
security or tenure. They will work
hard to climb up the corporate
ladder. The higher they climbed
the ladder, the higher they pay is.
Sad to say, the higher their pay is,
the higher also their taxes. And
it’s not them getting rich, it’s
their bosses, it’s their company.
Time will come, they will get
tired. Their body will collapse
because of age. And when they
stopped working, they will also
stop receiving income.
SELF EMPLOYED – They work for themselves. The difference with the employees is that self-employed
own their time since they don’t have superiors. They can decide for themselves. These are people who
loves to be independent. They don’t want to work for others, instead they want to work for
themselves. These are doctors, lawyers, and small business owners. But still, they are an employee of
themselves. And if they stopped working, they will also stop receiving income.
BIG BUSINESS OWNERS – They love delegating tasks. They concentrate their efforts more on activities
which produces most profits. They hire people who are more intelligent than them to do the work for
them. They have built a solid system and they own it. They have built their resources to make this
possible. And so they can leave for vacation and can leave work for some time but still earns money
because there were people working for them. Examples of this are the taipans and tycoons and some
franchisers who have built a solid business.
INVESTORS – These are people who have built their assets and are not working for money anymore.
Instead, the assets they have accumulated works for them providing them constant income even if they
don’t work. These are people who are called “living on interests”. They are living thru the interests of
their assets and investments. Money works for them. They have invested their money to have more
money. They can differentiate which one is an asset and which one is a liability. Examples of these are
investors in the stock market, real estate, etc.


Ideal Financial Pie Chart

When I was taking my financial planning classes, my professor

gave us some general metrics to use when assessing our clients’
financial situation. He then used a pie chart to show what the
average person’s income breakdown should look like:
▪ Housing (including rent or mortgage payments, taxes and
insurance): 28% or less
▪ Other Debt Payments: 8% or less
▪ Taxes: 15%
▪ Risk Management (life, auto, health, liability and any other
▪ Retirement Savings: 10%
▪ Other Savings: 10%
▪ Daily Spending: 20%

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UNIT 5: USER Interview Questions


1. Fresh Graduate:
a. Could you describe about yourself? Similiar question: Tell me about your self!
Would you introduce yourself, please?
b. Why do you like your major? Similiar question: Give me the reason why do you
choose your major?
c. What activity do you like to do in your university? Similiar question: Do you join an
organization in university?
2. Experience:
a. Tell me about your last job!
b. Why did you quit?

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c. What do people usually say about you in the working place?

1. Optional:
a. What could you do to improve your relationship with a manager you didn’t like?
b. Do you prefer to work independently or on a team work?

c. Are you better at anticipating or reacting to the problem?

d. Are you risk taker or do you like stay away from risk?

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2. General Case:
a. Tell me honestly about the strong points and weak points of your boss
(company, management team, etc.)

b. Have you been absent from work more than a few days in any previous
c. How many hours a week do you normally work? How do you feel about working
nights and weekends?

d. What would you say to your boss if he’s crazy about an idea, but you think it
e. How do you define success…and how do you measure up to your own

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f. If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work?


g. Tell me something negative you’ve heard about our company!


h. Why should I hire you from the outside when I could promote someone from

i. On a scale of one to ten, rate us as a company that focus on this subject



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Cover Letter is a letter from your CV document you are going to send. Typically, Cover Letter contains:

The opening paragraph: how do you know this job vacancy, and why are you interested in this job

Paragraphs contents: The main reasons why companies should choose you for the position. In other
words, you have to "sell" or "promote" yourself.

The closing paragraph: thank you statements, any files that are included and hopes to be called the
interview (do not forget to include your contact!).

A resume is a one-page document that contains only a summary of the capabilities, experience, and
educational background you, so that the HRD is reading your resume instantly know whether you fit
the qualifications for the position they need, even if they only read your resume at a glance.

CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a document that is longer and detail about you. Typically, CV consists of 2-3
pages contain:
Personal data, such as name, address, date of birth and identity number.
Objectivity interests you with jobs in the company that you want to go.
History of education, formal and non-formal. Usually start high school. So no need to specify your
education history from kindergarten, yes!
The ability you have, including technical proficiency as the foreign language or computer program.
Competition awards or scholarships you've ever received.
Organizational experience, volunteer activities, experiences less, the theme of the thesis.
Work experience, job description, as well as the duration of the work in the company before.

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Did any assess in FGD? I honestly do not guarantee that I wrote about scoring points is 100% correct
FGD accurate because I have not been at all, Yes! Had never been a judge or superintendent in FGD.
Moreover, given the background of my studies of psychology which is odorless and is not related to the
science of all HRD's, so again I do not guarantee if this is 100% accurate. just yes to the points ratings are
rough -Please underline- APPROXIMATELY into consideration supervisors to pass from the stage of the FGD
3. First, Initiative. Participants who had the initiative in opening the discussion, provide solutions, and
remind a matter of time, typically will get more points than the supervisor. Initiatives also show that
participants have good leadership and confidence.
4. Second, Ideas or solutions offered. To make your ideas and your solution comprehensively assessed by
the supervisor is important not to underestimate the blank paper given to us the participants before the
discussion begins. Pour into paper TSB points regarding the situation and the problems facing the
company, plus also the idea and your solution to the problem. The more creative and relevant ideas and
your solution, you can expect to get more value in the eyes of supervisors.
5. Third, Submission of ideas and solutions in the discussion. Well, the supervisor will also see how we
convey our ideas and solutions in the discussion process. If you are too overbearing will usually reduce
your score. Similarly, if you are less obvious in presenting ideas or perhaps less confident. Keep
proportion in conveying ideas, but still look convincing. If there are tools such as whiteboards would be
very good if you can use it to present your ideas with other participants.
6. Fourth, The ability to direct the discussion. This honest the hardest part of a focus group. In one group
there are 5 or 10 people who must have had 5 or 10 different ideas. If you manage to do this fourth
point, just not the way to impose the will or in ways that sucks, I guarantee you'll step up to the stage
after the FGD. But if you can not do this, then do not be discouraged. There are still many other points
are taken into consideration. Hehehe.
7. Fifth, Concern. If it was in discussions so not possible to conduct the fourth point because there is one
person or a few of the participants were very dominating in the FGD, then you can do a fifth point is the
relatively easy, which is concerned with the other participants who may look less active or not yet
express an opinion.
Viewed points above assessment about what we should do or prepare? Now this is all part of the tips
and tricks.
In a district with a population of 1,000,000 inhabitants, there is a source PROBLEMS
of the power plant of 5 MW, the plant is not able to meet all the a. .......
electricity needs of the population because some residents have started
b. .......
establishing micro-industries that require electrical power is large
c. .......
enough. Due to the lack of electricity, most of the region should
experience rolling blackouts in the district when the great potential that
can be harnessed as electricity generation such as hydropower and a. .......
PLTAngin. Here are some actions you can take, determine the priority b. .......
scale: c. .......
1. Using diesel costly
2. Determine the specific times for micro industries to operate
3. Borrowing funds from the World Bank to build new plant
4. Invites Investors to develop plants
5. Establish a more expensive rate for residents luxury homes
6. Build NPP
7. Improving the existing power distribution system

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