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April Dan O.

BSCE: CE – 12
Mathematics in the Modern World
June 15, 2019

Importance and Application of Mathematics in Everyday life

Mathematics is a fundamental application of matter. It is said that the subject makes the man
systematic or methodical. Mathematics makes our life in order preventing chaos. Certain qualities
are nurtured by mathematics which are the power of reasoning, creativity, abstract and spatial
thinking, critical thinking and problem solving. To say that mathematics is the cradle of all
creations is just, for without it an idea cannot be put into life. A person with any profession, may
it be a farmer or a carpenter, an engineer, a physicist, a scientist, a shopkeeper, a doctor, and a
musician all of them uses mathematics to figure out and solve problems in their own respective
fields. The technology that we now experience and take pleasure of cannot be realized without the
application of mathematics.

Many of us never learn to appreciate mathematics at its own simplest application because we have
not yet grasp the extraordinary power of mathematics. Now, in the modern world, technology is
rapidly changing and evolving. The subject of mathematics is important more than ever because
we can see the creations of it. In our everyday life, we apply mathematics. In order to efficiently
spend our money we tend to use budgets that separates our needs and wants. Shopkeepers apply
mathematics daily to calculate profit and expenses. There are many more reasons but it is evident
that mathematics is a crucial to our everyday life.

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