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Incorporate Mystery Into Your Lessons

Learning may be the most fun for your students when they don't know what to expect.
Try to incorporate a sense of surprise and mystery into your lessons. When you're about
to unveil a new lesson, give students a new clue each day up until the last day before the
start of the lesson. This is a fun way to make your lesson mysterious, and you may find
that your students are actually looking forward to finding out what they'll be learning
about next.

2. Don't Repeat Classroom Material

It's appropriate and essential to review classroom material, but try not to repeat it
verbatim because this can make it less interesting for students. The next time you need
to review material, try playing a review game during which you present the information
in a way that's different from the first time you taught the students. The 3-2-1 strategy is
a fun way to review and not repeat material. For this activity, students draw a pyramid
in their notebooks and write down three things they learned, two things they thought
were interesting, and one question they still have.

3. Create Classroom Games

Whether you're 5 or 25, playing a game can be fun. Games are also a great way to keep
lessons interesting. If your students need to remember their spelling words, conduct a
spelling bee—a contest in which participants are eliminated when they misspell a word.
Or if the students need to practice math, have a math bee, which is similar to a spelling
bee, but with math problems or facts instead of spelling words. Games make learning
fun, and games in class are a prescription for happy kids.

4. Give Your Students Choices

One strategy that teachers have found to be effective is offering their students the ability
to make their own choices when it comes to learning. Choice can be a powerful
motivator because it helps to foster student interest and independence. The next time
you're planning an activity, try making a choice board. Print out a tic-tac-toe board and
write down nine different tasks for students to complete. The goal is for each student to
choose three tasks in a row.

5. Use Technology

Technology is a great way to keep your lessons interesting. Children love electronics, so
try incorporating it into your overall teaching strategy. Instead of standing in front of
the room and lecturing, try using a Smartboard interactive display. Expand
your cooperative learning activity lessons by connecting to a classroom in another city or
country via videoconferencing. Use technology in a variety of ways, and you'll see the
interest level in your classroom increase by leaps and bounds.

6. Don't Take Teaching so Seriously

Being an effective teacher is an important job, but that doesn't mean that you have to
remain serious in class at all times. Try to loosen up a bit and acknowledge that your
students may have different interests and learning styles than your own. It's OK to laugh
at yourself at times and to have some fun. You may find that your students are more
interested when you're a little more relaxed.

7. Make Your Lessons Interactive

In a traditional classroom, the teacher stands in front of the room and lectures to the
students as the students listen and take notes. Unfortunately, this is not the most
effective way to hold students' interest. Make learning interactive by creating hands-on
lessons that involve students every step of the way. Try using the Jigsaw cooperative
learning activity in which each student is responsible for his or her own part of a group
activity. Or try a hands-on science experiment. When you involve students and make
your lessons interactive, your class becomes more interesting.

8. Relate Material to Your Students' Lives

Try to create a real-world connection to what your students are learning. This will give
them a better understanding of why they need to learn what you're teaching. If they're
constantly asking you why they need to learn something and you're always answering
with “because,” you will soon lose credibility. Instead, try giving them a real answer such
as, "You're learning about money because in the real world, you'll need to know how to
buy food and pay your bills." By giving a straightforward answer, you're helping them
make a connection between what they're learning in class and how they'll use this
information in the future.

9. Flip Your Lessons

The flipped classroom has been gaining in popularity since the term "flipped" entered
the broader education world in 2012. When it was first presented, the idea that students
could learn new information at home and then come to school and use class time for
critical thinking activities and reinforcement of concepts was unique. However, many
teachers are using this strategy and achieving positive results. Students in a flipped
classroom are able to work at their own pace (which is great for differentiated learning)
and engage with their peers in a more interactive, meaningful way when they're in the
classroom. Try using the flipped teaching strategy for your next lesson and observe the
depth of your students' engagement.

10. Think Outside the Box

Lesson plans don't have to include worksheets or lectures during which students sit and
take notes time and again. Try thinking outside the box and plan a lesson that's
completely out of the ordinary. Invite a guest speaker, go on a field trip, or take learning
outdoors. When you try something new and different, there's a good chance that your
students will respond positively. When planning a lesson, try collaborating with another
teacher or taking your students on a virtual field trip. Learning that engages students is
the most effective. Your students will find it more interesting to learn when you present
the material to them in a variety of creative ways.



Оюутнууддаа суралцахдаа бүтээлч эрх чөлөө олгох нь нэн чухал юм. Тогтсон хэлц үг

хэллэгийг сурах нь цэг хүртэл ашиг тустай байдаг.

Ерөнхийдөө бага ярих, оюутнуудыг оролцуулах. Хичээлээ интерактив байдлаар хийх,

технологи ашиглах тусам суралцагсдын сурч мэдсэн зүйлээ таашаах болно.



Оюутны уйтгартай байдлын нэг судалгаагаар оюутнуудын бараг 65% нь лекцүүдийнхээ

тал хувийг уйтгартай, 35 орчим хувь нь лекцийнхээ ихэнхийг эсвэл бүх зүйлийг уйтгартай

гэж үздэг.


Та хичээлийн явцад зугаатай байхын тулд хэрхэн суралцах вэ?

 Science Шинжлэх ухааны энгийн туршилтуудыг бий болгоно. ….

 Students Оюутнуудыг хамтран ажиллахыг зөвшөөрөх. ….

 Hand Гар ажиллагаатай үйл ажиллагааг нэгтгэх. ….

 Students Оюутнуудад тархины завсарлага өгөх. ….

 Review Тойм цагийг хөгжилтэй байлгах. ….

Та уйтгартай ангийг яаж хөгжилтэй болгодог вэ?

 Үсээ эсвэл өөрөө чимхэх. ….

 Аль болох цөөн хэдэн хувцас өмс. ….

 More Илүү сонирхолтой унших материалыг нуу. ….

 Class Ангийн гадаа байрлуулахыг санал болго. ….

 Бохир утгатай үгсийн жагсаалтыг гарга. ….

 Давамгайлахгүй гараараа тэмдэглэл хөтлөөрэй.

Та оюутнуудыг сурахад хэрхэн оролцуулдаг вэ?

 Оюутнуудын өмнөх мэдлэгтэй танилцаарай.

 Оюутны сонирхлыг судал.

 Classroom Танхимын хэлэлцүүлэг зохион байгуулах.

 Highly Сургалтын үйл ажиллагаанд хамааралтай.

 Modern Орчин үеийн технологийг нэгтгэх.

 Students Оюутны дунд Фостер тэмцээн.

Хичээлээ хэрхэн сонирхолтой болгох вэ?

 Нууцлаг зүйлсийг хичээлдээ оруулах. ….

 Ангийн материалыг давтахгүй байх. ….

 Class Танхимын тоглоом үүсгэх. ….

 Your Оюутныхаа сонголтыг өгөх. ….

 Технологийг ашиглах. ….

 Заахад тийм ноцтой хандах хэрэггүй. ….

 Хичээлээ интерактив байдлаар хий.

Танхимын менежментийн стратеги юу вэ?

 Ideal Хамгийн тохиромжтой зан төлөвийг загварчлах. ….

 Students Суралцагчдад удирдамж тогтооход нь тусал. ….

 Баримт бичгийн дүрэм. ….

 Ангийнхныг шийтгэхээс зайлсхий. ….

 Initiative Санаачлагыг дэмжинэ. ….

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