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Cabus, Jade Ann O.

BSN-2 November 5, 2019

“Gender Ideology and Gender Equality”

Everyone is aware of gender. Gender, is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and
differentiating between, masculinity and femininity. Depending on the context, these
characteristics may include biological sex, sex-based social structures, or gender identity. But what
we don’t know, we all remain conscious of our gender roles. This term brings up a lot of

In our practice, the woman should be at home cooking, cleaning, and caring for the children
while the man is at work making money to support the family. These norms are called gender
roles, which are specific roles men and women are expected to perform within society or even
within the family. In past decades, this is how it was. This was all we knew for the past years. But
nowadays, women are doing almost the same jobs as men. Gender roles are not natural to men or
women, rather, they are learned and imposed with values. But everything that a man can do, a
woman can do too, and vice versa!

“Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and
no less favorably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or
belief, sexual orientation, and age.” In terms of gender, gender equality means equal opportunities,
rights and responsibilities for women and men, girls and boys. Equality does not mean that women
and men are the same but that women’s and men’s opportunities, rights and responsibilities do not
depend on whether they are born female or male. It implies that the interests, needs and priorities
of both women and men are taken into consideration.

I think it’s important for everyone to be aware of the kind of mistreatment that each
individual in this community goes through on a regular basis. There should be more awareness of
how each community is treated in our society, and each one of us should be more open to
differences in other people. We all deserve to be respected, loved and treated equally by those
people who are surrounding us.
Jade Ann O. Cabus Br. Renee John Advincula

Families are bound together in love and solidarity. Every individual family is called to be
an expression of love and solidarity. Solidarity, is the acceptance of our social nature and things
we share with all our brothers and sisters. Solidarity creates an environment in which mutual
service is encouraged not just in the family but also to the society.

The family has a special role to play throughout the life of its members, from birth to death.
It is truly the sanctuary of life or the vital cell of the society. Where life is nourished, loved and
protected. The duty of each member is to safeguard this sanctuary with understanding,
responsibility, and make God as its center. Parents are called to love and nurture their children in
the family unit. By their self-giving love, day in and day-out, parents reflect the love of God, and
guide and lead their children to authentic freedom. They serve us instruments, not just for their
children but also in the society for its betterment and for the peaceful living of the community.

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