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Alexander DeGuzman

Block 5
Debate Reflection
What did you learn about how to persuade others from participating in your debate?
 I learned that in order to persuade others in a debate you need to utilize logos, pathos, and
ethos in your arguments. These literary devices will make your argument stand out with
logic, credibility, and emotion. I also learned that confidence is vital in persuading others
in a debate. Even though a participant’s argument can be outrageous, they can still
persuade their audience with their assurance of their topic. People with confidence can
gain control of the crowd through their certainty of their facts, opinions, and the tone of
their voice.
What did you learn by observing others’ debates?
 I learned how people can have opinions that may not make sense in your own mind.
Although, these people that I observed were still able to make great arguments through
the confidence that they possessed. I also observed how my classmates used eye contact
effectively when stating their arguments. Eye contact captures the audience by making
them feel engaged in the debate. Lastly, my classmates used a variety of facts from
research and defined difficult words when presenting their arguments.

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