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Music (CD): “Baby I’m Yours”

Annc (SM 1): [Back Announce/Break]

That was “Baby I’m Yours” by the artist Breakbot,

featuring Irfane. That one goes out to Sylvia in

Belleville, Winston wants you to know that baby,

he’s yours. We’ll be back to give you all the gossip

after a word from our sponsors.


Annc (SM 1): [Celebrity Gossip/News]

And we’re back with all your hot gossip for this week.

Chicago authorities have dropped all charges against

“Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, reasons stated were

his forfeited bonds and “service in the community”.

On a completely different side of the spectrum, 55

year old actor Rob Lowe says he regrets not releasing

his sex tape 20 years ago, stating that it would’ve helped

his career, and that he was “ahead of the curve”.

Additionally, YouTube beauty guru and daughter of

Laurie Laughlin Olivia Jade is at risk of losing her beauty

trademarks for “Olivia Jade” and “Olivia Jade Beauty”

due to poor punctuation in her requests for them. I guess

money can buy college admission, but not education. Last

week was April Fool’s Day, and celebrities did not hold

back on the jokes this year. While some were harmless, like

Dr. Phil pretending to shave his mustache, fans were quite

upset with how Justin Bieber celebrated the goofy holiday.

Bieber posted a picture of an ultrasound on his Instagram

with no caption, and followed it up with pictures of his wife

Hailey in a doctor’s office with the caption “For everyone

who thought it was April Fools.” He then posted a picture of

an ultrasound with a puppy photoshopped into it, with the

caption “April Fools”. This may seem like a harmless joke,

but many people criticized the singer for joking about such

a sensitive subject, since so many people struggle with infertility.

On a more positive note, April the Giraffe, who gained

fame in April of 2017 for being on a livestream while

giving birth is pregnant again. Let’s hope this one comes

out quicker than the first. This has been your celeb news

for this week, brought to you by Emagine theatres of

Canton. Get your movie fix at Emagine Canton.

Annc (SM1): [Transition to Traffic/Weather]

It sure is a beautiful day today, let’s hope it stays

that way for a while. Let’s find out with this week’s

traffic and weather report, brought to you by Happy’s

Pizza in Ypsilanti. Happy’s Pizza, delivering more than

just good pizza.

Annc (SM2): [Weather/Traffic Report]

Annc (SM1): Thank you , for keeping our listeners prepared

For Michigan’s crazy weather and even crazier drivers.

You’re listening to WQBR, Eastern Michigan University

Student Radio. This next song is a call In request from

Ryan in Ann Arbor. Here’s “Wish I Knew You” by The


Music (CD): “Wish I Knew You”

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