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1.- Match the sentences.There is one extra options.

1. (E)It was very foggy in the morning. A.-because there is so much snow
2. (D)because it was so windy
B.- I think it’s going to rain
3. (A)today is perfect for skilng in the
mountains. C.- because it is hot and sunny
4. (B)The scky is very cloudy
D.- a big tree fell in front of my house

E.- so,I couldn’t see very far when Iwas driving

F.- Iam so tired of the cold weather.

2.- Complete the sentences using the words in the boxes.There is one extra option.

Ocean rained sunny stormy snowy island

We took a small boat across the (0) ocean to the (5) island of Hawaii.Is was a horrible trip because
the weather was terrible.It was very (6)stormy that morning.It (7)rained very much and we got
wet because we forgot our umbrellas. Luckily,it was ‘really warm and (8) sunny in the afternoon so
went for a walk on the beach.

3. Choose the correct words

I’m going
(0) /I’II/ I won’t buy a new car.My old one has too many problems,but
I’don’t know wath kind of car to buy,yet. I(9)might /will/won’t get a sports car because i
have for children a sports car is too small.I (10) might /will/won’t buy a new Honda
minivan,but it (11) won’t/may/will be too expresive for me.(12) I’m going to /I’IIgo to/I
won’t check my credit at the bank. So,dependingon the results,I (13) will/wont/may
difenitely make mi decisión.
Hi Laura
Did you know that Lucy (14) might,wiil/won’t take a lenguaje course in Canada next
summmer?She isn’t sure yet because she (15)may/maight not/Iwon’t have enough
money.She (16) is going to/might /will talk with her mom and dad this afternoon. They
(17) might /might not/will help her.(18)will/I may/I’m not going to text yiu as son as I
know wathv happens.

4.- LISTENING: Listen to the weather firecast and chosee the correct option A,b or c,

0) According to the presenter,tomorrow’s weather will be …

A.- Interesting

B.-boring C.- unusual

19)Tomorrow in the south…

A.- there will be sunshine B.-It will be dry

C.- It we be cold

20) In the sounth,the presenter recommendes…

A.- staying indoors

B.-going to the beach C.-having a picnic

21)The weather in the east tomorrow…

A.-will be sunny

B.-will be foggy C.-will be corder

22)The wather in the east tomorrow will be good for..

A.-going to the beach B.-sitting around the fire at home C.-weatering the plants in the garden

23)Tomorrow,In the west …

A.-It will rain only in the morning B.-It will raing all day C.-It will rain only in the evening

According to the text

0)Climate change and global warming are two very different thinks

A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn’t say

24)Most people arev very certain that global wearming wiil happen soon.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn’t say

25)Scientists think that people are too lazy to make changes to their lifestyles

A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn’t say

26)There are some people who have experirnced the effects of global warming

A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn’t say

27)There will be wildfires and more storms in the Pacific and Indian island in the future

A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn’t say

28)The Earth’s climate has never changed before

A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn’t say

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