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Optical anisotropy of organic layers on GaAs„001…

A. M. Paraiana)
Institut für Physik, TU Chemnitz, Reichenhainerstr. 70, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany
U. Rossow
Institut für Technische Physik, TU Braunschweig, Mendelssohnstr. 2, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany
S. Park, G. Salvan, M. Friedrich, T. U. Kampen, and D. R. T. Zahn
Institut für Physik, TU Chemnitz, Reichenhainerstr. 70, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany
共Received 26 March 2001; accepted 5 June 2001兲
The application of the linear-optical, polarization sensitive methods, in situ reflectance anisotropy
spectroscopy 共RAS兲, and ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry, for the characterization of organic
layers is discussed and the results of the investigation of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic
dianhydride 共PTCDA兲 layers on sulfur passivated GaAs共001兲 surfaces are presented. The organic
layers were grown via organic molecular beam deposition at room temperature. The RA spectrum
of the sulfur terminated GaAs surface shows a derivative like feature at E 1 gap and a feature in the
higher energy range related to E 2 of bulk GaAs. Upon the PTCDA deposition, additional features
appear in the spectra which can be attributed to PTCDA while the GaAs feature near E 1 remains
unchanged indicating that the surface reconstruction stays intact. The imaginary part of the
pseudo-dielectric function is found to be angular dependent. This dependence also changes as a
function of azimuthal angle. While the first can be well described using existing models for optical
uniaxial layers, the latter is likely to be related to in-plane optical anisotropy. © 2001 American
Vacuum Society. 关DOI: 10.1116/1.1387462兴

I. INTRODUCTION and perpendicular to the plane of incidence, respectively.

Organic materials are used to an increasing extent for the Here in a very simple picture optical anisotropy may result in
fabrication of 共opto-兲 electronic devices such as organic light an angular dependent effective dielectric function if the op-
emitting diodes.1 One of the most widely investigated or- tical constants are different for directions parallel 共x or y
ganic molecules is 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhy- direction兲 and perpendicular 共z兲 to the surface plane. On the
dride 共PTCDA兲. PTCDA has already been used for the depo- other hand, optical anisotropy within the x⫺y plane may
sition of films on various substrates ranging from van der show up when the effective dielectric function is measured
Waals crystals2 to metals such as Ag and Au.3 It has recently for different azimuthal directions.
been demonstrated that the growth of organic molecules on
Se-passivated GaAs共001兲4 is considerably improved with re-
spect to the growth on the corresponding bare substrate.
However, studies of optical properties involving reflec- In this study, a n-type Te-doped GaAs共001兲 substrate with
tance anisotropy spectroscopy 共RAS兲 and spectroscopic el- a doping concentration of 3⫻1017 cm⫺3 was used for the
lipsometry are rather scarce. Unlike the substrate used which deposition growth of the organic films. Prior to growth the
is optically isotropic within the bulk due to its cubic symme- GaAs substrate was sulfur passivated using a wet chemical
try, the organic layers represent highly anisotropic systems, etching procedure under atmospheric conditions.7 This etch-
therefore complicating data analysis. Optical anisotropy ing procedure consists of a sequence of three steps. In the
can for instance be determined by RAS. Here the value first step the substrate was cleaned using an ultrasonic bath,
⌬r/r⫽2(r ␣ ⫺r ␤ )/(r ␣ ⫹r ␤ ) 5 which is the relative difference by acetone, ethanol, and de-ionized water for 5 min each.
in the complex reflectance, r ␣ and r ␤ , for the light polarized Afterwards the GaAs was dipped into a solution consisting
along the ␣ and ␤ directions perpendicular to each other in of a 3:1 mixture of CCl4 and S2Cl2 for 10 s. In the last step
the surface plane is measured. As a result RAS predomi- the substrate was rinsed by dipping it successively into CCl4,
nantly probes the optical anisotropy in the plane parallel to acetone, ethanol, and de-ionized water for 5 s each. After this
the surface 共x⫺y plane兲. treatment the substrate was transferred into an UHV system
The measured ellipsometric data are expressed in terms with a base pressure lower than 2⫻10⫺8 Pa and annealed at
of the effective dielectric function 具 ⑀ 典 ⫽sin2 ⌽ 430 °C. This procedure leads to a well ordered, (2⫻1) re-
⫹sin2 ⌽ tan2 ⌽关(1⫺␳)/(1⫹␳)兴2 where ␳ ⫽r p /r s tan(⌿)ei⌬ is constructed surface as revealed by low energy electron dif-
the complex reflectance ratio,6 ⌽ is the angle of incidence of fraction. The sulfur dimers are likely oriented in 关110兴
light, ⌿ and ⌬ are so-called ellipsometric angles, and r p and direction.8
r s are the Fresnel coefficients of the light polarized parallel The PTCDA film was deposited at room temperature onto
the sulfur passivated GaAs substrate with an evaporation rate
Electronic mail: of about 0.36 nm/min under the ultrahigh vacuum condi-

1658 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 19„4…, JulÕAug 2001 1071-1023Õ2001Õ19„4…Õ1658Õ4Õ$18.00 ©2001 American Vacuum Society 1658
1659 Paraian et al.: Optical anisotropy of organic layers on GaAs„001… 1659

FIG. 2. RAS spectra of chalcogen-passivated GaAs upon PTCDA deposi-

FIG. 1. RAS spectrum of sulfur-passivated GaAs共001兲.

nesses of 1, 3, 5, and 10 nm. Note that the features in the RA

tions. The film thickness was measured with a quartz mi- spectrum of clean GaAs appear as very weak in this figure
crobalance. The deposition was interrupted for RAS mea- clearly illustrating the pronounced optical anisotropy in-
surements at certain thicknesses. duced by the presence of the PTCDA layer. Features indi-
For the in situ RAS measurements a spectrometer similar cated by arrows can clearly be assigned to PTCDA and their
in design to that described by Aspnes5 was employed. The energy positions are listed in Table I. It is important to note
spectrometer was operated at near normal incidence in the that these positions do not necessarily coincide with transi-
photon energy range from 1.8 to 5.3 eV. The spectra were tion energies observed in optical absorption or ellipsometry
recorded by measuring the relative reflectance difference of (Im具⑀典) spectra due to the low symmetry of PTCDA. Still a
the sample in two directions ␣ and ␤ corresponding, respec- comparison of the region enlarged in the inset of Fig. 2 with
tively, to the 关⫺110兴 and 关110兴 directions in the surface optical absorption spectra12 reveals good correspondence
plane of GaAs共001兲, respectively. corroborating the assignment to PTCDA. The observation of
The following ellipsometric measurements were per- a finite RAS response in the energy range 2–2.7 eV where
formed ex situ using a spectroscopic ellipsometer from J. A. no GaAs related features are present and the anisotropy of
Woollam Co., Inc. with the capability of measuring under the starting surface is small rules out that crystallites are
various angles of incidence from the near ultraviolet and vis- completely random in their azimuthal orientation. The RA
ible spectral range. The incidence angle was varied in steps line shape of the GaAs related feature at 3 eV hardly changes
of 5° from 60° to 75°. The spectra were measured in two by deposition of PTCDA thus suggesting that the underlying
azimuthal directions by changing the azimuthal sample ori- GaAs surface is quite likely to remain intact and chemical
entation, i.e., with the 关110兴 or 关⫺110兴 direction of the interaction between organic molecules and the sulfur passi-
sample surface, respectively, parallel to the plane of incident vated substrate is weak.
light. PTCDA features discussed so far are weak compared to
the RA features observed above 4 eV, which show a dra-
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION matic increase with coverage. It was already shown that in-
A typical reflectance anisotropy 共RA兲 spectrum measured
for a sulfur terminated GaAs共001兲 surface is shown in Fig. 1 TABLE I. Spectral position of PTCDA features in the case of both reflectance
and represents a RA fingerprint for the sulfur induced anisotropy spectroscopy 共RAS兲 and spectroscopic ellipsometry 共SE兲.
(2⫻1) reconstruction of the GaAs surface. The sharp
derivative-like feature around 3 eV is attributed to the E 1 and Energy/eV
E 1 ⫹⌬ 1 critical points of GaAs,9 while the broad dip at 4.7 RAS SE
eV is associated with the E 0⬘ and E 2 critical points of GaAs.
2.15 2.21
The feature near 3.5 eV is related to the sulfur passivation. 2.29
Its origin is, however, still under discussion. While Hughes 2.37 ¯
et al. attributed its occurrence to a transition involving sulfur 2.42 2.47
dimers,10 other explanations like transitions within Ga–S 2.54 2.57
2.63 ¯
bonds are also possible.11
¯ 3.38
The evolution of RA spectra with increasing PTCDA cov- ¯ 3.52
erage is demonstrated in Fig. 2 for layers with nominal thick-

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FIG. 4. Simulated Im具⑀典 of effective dielectric function and the imaginary

parts of the PTCDA dielectric function in the substrate plane used for simu-

following assumptions: The planar PTCDA molecules pref-

erentially lie almost flat on the substrate surface when depos-
ited at room temperature and with low deposition rate. This
is supported by our own unpublished infrared investigations.
Consequently the films are supposed to be uniaxial thus ex-
hibiting different optical constants in the x⫺y plane and per-
pendicular to it. The high number of unknown parameters
and their strong correlation makes it impossible to determine
FIG. 3. Imaginary part of the pseudo-dielectric function of 100-nm-thick optical constants from the measurements of a single film.
PTCDA layer on sulfur-passivated GaAs共001兲. Therefore optical constants previously determined by a
multi-sample analysis of PTCDA films in the energy range
up to 4.2 eV were used to simulate the effective dielectric
terference effects are predominantly contributing to these function. The in-plane imaginary part of the dielectric func-
high energy range features.13 Unfortunately, optical absorp- tion ( ⑀ 2 ) of PTCDA is also shown in Fig. 4 by a thin solid
tion data for PTCDA are not available for this energy range. line. The corresponding in-plane optical constants together
It is known from other experimental results, e.g., obtained with the out-of-plane ones served as input for the simula-
by Raman spectroscopy14 that PTCDA layers deposited at tions. The starting point was the simplest model of an
room temperature are not single crystal but are polycrystal- uniaxial layer of PTCDA on GaAs. For the best match with
line in nature. A future more detailed RAS analysis may help experimental data a thickness inhomogeneity of about 8%–
to understand the structural order. 10% and an additional surface roughness of about 2.5% of
After PTCDA deposition ellipsometric measurements the film thickness had to be included. The latter was deter-
were carried out at a different angle of incidence ex situ for a mined to be about 150 nm which is higher but still in fairly
PTCDA layer of 100 nm nominal thickness. Figure 3 pre- good agreement with the nominal thickness of 100 nm.
sents the corresponding imaginary part of the effective di- Comparing the simulated spectra with the experimental
electric function (Im具⑀典) for both azimuthal orientations. results, it is apparent that satisfying agreement in line shape
In the ellipsometry spectra characteristic absorption fea- considering all angles is achieved only for the spectra with
tures of PTCDA at 2.21 eV and also between 2.47 and 2.57 关110兴 azimuthal direction in the photon energy range from
eV occur in agreement with the results of absorption 1.5 to 4 eV. This also holds for a comparison of measured
spectroscopy.12,15 Even two weak features at 3.38 and 3.52 and simulated real parts Re具⑀典 of the dielectric function.
eV appearing in the absorption spectra are also present in the Looking, e.g., at the dip at 3.75 eV and its angular depen-
spectra of Im具⑀典. The features assigned to PTCDA are also dence the model is able to describe the spectra measured in
listed in Table I. 关110兴 direction but not the upward shift in magnitude with
At the first view the spectra measured in both azimuthal increasing angle of incidence in the 关⫺110兴 direction. In
directions look very similar. There are, however, differences principle, such upward shift can be modeled for one angle by
as can, for instance, be seen in the spectral region around an increased inhomogeneity of film thickness, but the angu-
3.75 eV. At this spectral position a simple spectral shift is lar variation should then also only induce a horizontal shift
observed for the 关110兴 direction while the shift is accompa- of the dip rather than the observed upward shift. The current
nied by a change in the magnitude of Im具⑀典 in the case of model can thus not account for the observed changes of
关⫺110兴. Attempts were made to simulate the line shape. The Im具⑀典 with angle of incidence at 关⫺110兴 azimuth and re-
results are shown in Fig. 4. These were obtained under the quires further refinement.

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1661 Paraian et al.: Optical anisotropy of organic layers on GaAs„001… 1661

For a first simulation in the higher energy range⬎4 eV the RAS and ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry. The RA spec-
complex dielectric function was approximated up to 5 eV trum of passivated GaAs shows bulk-like features induced
assuming an almost absorption free film on GaAs. The cal- by the presence of a reconstructed surface. During film
culated strong peak at about 4.5 eV does not reflect the mea- growth the development of anisotropy was detected by RAS
sured Im具⑀典. Therefore a point to point fit of the measured and after growth confirmed by spectral ellipsometry. The re-
real and imaginary part of the effective dielectric function sults indicate a preferential in-plane orientation of organic
共关110兴 azimuthal direction兲 was performed keeping all pa- crystallites.
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