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Tired of paying huge monthly fees for a slow webhosting?

Get 5 Years of Blazing-Fast Web Hosting at a fraction of
what you pay to your current hosting for 1 year only.
Daily Backups

Free SSL Certificates

Firewall & WAF

Virus & Malware Protection

Unlimited Bandwidth

Unlimited Emails

Unlimited Subdomains

Unlimited MySQL DBs

1-Click CDN (Cloudflare)

1-Click App Install (Softaculous)

Multiple PHP Versions

Powered by cPanel®

Why ?
Deploy your website on our blazing-fast, easy-to-use, secure & ultra-
reliable cloud platform with enterprise servers, power by cPanel.

High Performance Hardware

Our powerful servers with 40 Cores Intel XEON CPUs and 128GB RAM,
RAID protected SSD storage, connected to the internet at 10Gbps will
boost your website's speed.

Fully Redundant Cloud

Our state of the art Cloud and 1Tbps Network infrastructure alongside
CloudFlare's CDN will keep your website online and will load it instantly
from any corner of the world.

Secure Infrastructure
Besides the fact that all datacenters are Tier 3 certified, each server has
it's own firewall, waf, anti-malware & anti-virus scanner and we take
daily bakups for each account.

Instant Activation
Your ordered product will be automatically and instantly activated as
long as you are using a verified PayPal account for your purchase.

Dedicated Support
Our dedicated in-house support team is available 24/7 to answer all
technical difficulties you may encounter with any of our products.
Powerful Automation
Stop doing manual work. With us you can setup your website, create
your email addresses and get online in minutes, with just a few clicks.

What if you already have hosting?

whether it's a blog, sales pages, landing pages or an ecom site, you've
got to have a rock solid foundation to build your business on.

Most marketers choose their first webhost without any real

understanding of what's important, let alone what it can cost if you
choose the wrong one and it all goes wrong... Imagine you've got your
website running to the stage where it's bringing in hundreds, or even
thousands of dollars a day and then the inevitably happens... Your site is
hacked or your server crashes and you have no backup, no way of
recovering what you've lost and getting your site back up and running!

The cost in lost income alone is frightening, then there's the hit to your
reputation, from existing customers, potential new customers (now lost),
and even your rankings in Google!

Why even take that risk in the first place?

And that's just one of the many things that can go badly wrong if you
choose a host that you can't rely on...

Your business, your peace of mind, and your bottom line needs a web
host that is fast, secure & scalable.
And instead of paying through the nose every month, this is your chance
to lock in an crazy low one off price for the next FIVE years!


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