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Printed aids combine words, pictures, and diagrams to convey accurate and clear information.
It can be read at any available time and can be kept for record.
It includes,
 posters,
 leaflets
 pamphlets,
 circular letters,
 newspapers,
 magazines.

It is an unbounded booklet, without a hard cover or binding. It may consist of a single sheet of
paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in third, or in fourths or it may consist of
a few pages that are folded in half and stapled at the crease to make a simple book.

Preparing Pamphlets

Discuss the purpose, the message, the target people and

Discuss the quantity and quality of pamphlet.
Each side should also carry the organization’s logo or name.
Keep the language simple by avoiding long and complicated sentences.
The best pamphlets are short and simple.
All facts should be correct.
1. The tutorial style
2. The frequently asked question style
3. The testimonial style

The tutorial styles

 It is basic style .
 It basically involves easing in to the topic of the pamphlet so that the reader reading it
gradually understands the content.
 It can be done by using different sections by explaining every step, producing key definition
of the hardest words that they have to tackle in to the pamphlet.

The frequently asked question style

 It preparing by frequently asked question format,
 this involves listing down the frequently asked questions about pamphlet topic and answers
are provided afterwards .
 By this Reader can centre on to the area of the pamphlet with their question and read the
information they want.

The testimonial style

 It is just like a story telling mode. A story is narrated about the pamphlet issue and concepts
are introduced one by one.
 It makes the learning process ease for most learners as they see how all concepts are united

 They cheap to produce and can be distributed easily.
 Important tool for political protest and political campaigning.
 This can be very useful for advertisers as compared to advertising on the Internet.
 It can be use in a particular geographical area.
 They can fit a pocket or diary or the purse so it is for individuals to carry them home and
read latter.
 They can be distributed in many ways or easily.
E.g. - handed out in the streets or inserted in the newspapers or left in the post-boxes.
 They are easy and simple to produce.
 They are very cost effective and consumer friendly.
 They are very attractive and bright.

 Pamphlets should be stored carefully.
 Can be easily crushed and torn when shelved along with hard cover books. So, it should be
kept in file folders in a file cabinet , or kept in boxes and kept it on shelves vertically same
as books.
 Pamphlet are not always used up fully before they expire or require changes and therefore
are a waste of paper, toner and ink
 A pamphlet is delivered, mailed or handed out specifically to customers by paying cost
someone to mail the brochures or hand deliver them to other customers.
 This medium may not always give you a wide reach. Like Internet can target a global
 Pamphlet have a limited space that is not enough to reel detail information
 A pamphlet, even when printed on recycled paper, is not an eco- friendly means of
advertising. X

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