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8/17/2019 Notes on Computer Security and Viruses

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Notes on Computer Security and Viruses

299 upvotes 72 comments Updated : Mar 29, 2016, 16:40

By : Vijay Kumar

Dear Aspirant

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As you know Computer is very important section to get a good score for Bank Exam
2016.Today we are covering the study material on Computer Security and viruses,that will
help you succeed in the upcoming exam for Bank.

Computer Security:  

Computer security also known as cyber security is the protection of information systems
from theft or damage to the hardware, the software and to the information on them, as well
as from disruption of the services they provide.

Security is based on the following issues:

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Privacy: The ability to keep things private/con dential.

Trust: we trust data from an individual or a host. 1/6
8/17/2019 Notes on Computer Security and Viruses

Authenticity: Are security credentials in order.

Integrity: Has the system been compromised/altered already.

Why do I need to learn about Computer Security ?

Good Security Standards follow the "90 / 10" Rule:

10% of security safeguards are technical.

90% of security safeguards rely on the computer user ("YOU") to adhere to good
computing practices
We need both parts for effective security.

Example: The lock on the door is the 10%. You remembering to lock the lock, checking to
see if the door is closed, ensuring others do not prop the door open, keeping control of the
keys, etc. is the 90%.

Threats classi ed into one of the categories below:

Back doors : A back door in a computer system, a cryptosystem is any secret method
of bypassing normal authentication or security controls. They may exist for a number
of reasons, including by original design or from poor con guration.
Denial-of-service attack : It designed to make a machine or network resource
unavailable to its intended users.
Direct-access attacks : An unauthorized user gaining physical access to a computer is
most likely able to directly download data from it.
Eavesdropping: It is the act of surreptitiously listening to a private conversation,
typically between hosts on a network.
Spoo ng : Spoo ng of user identity describes a situation in which one person or
program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data.
Tampering: It describes a malicious modi cation of products. So-called "Evil Maid"
attacks and security services planting of surveillance capability into routers.
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Phishing: It is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames,
passwords and credit card details directly from users.

Good computing practices and tips that apply to most people who use a computer.

Use passwords that can't be easily guessed and protect your passwords.
Minimize storage of sensitive information.
Beware of scams.
Protect information when using the Internet and email.
Make sure your computer is protected with anti-virus and all necessary security
"patches" and updates. 2/6
8/17/2019 Notes on Computer Security and Viruses

Secure laptop computers and mobile devices at all times: Lock them up or carry them
with you.
Shut down, lock, log off, or put your computer and other devices to sleep before
leaving them unattended and make sure they require a secure password to start up or
Don't install or download unknown or unsolicited programs/apps.
Secure your area before leaving it unattended.
Make backup copies of les or data you are not willing to lose.

Computer Viruses: 

A virus is a parasitic program that infects another legitimate program, which is sometimes
called the host. To infect the host program, the virus modi es the host  so that it contains a
copy of the virus.

Boot sector viruses: A boot sector virus infects the boot record of a hard disk. The
virus allows the actual boot sector data to be read as through a normal start-up were
Cluster viruses: If any program is run from the infected disk, the program causes the
virus also to run . This technique creates the illusion that the virus has infected every
program on the disk.
Worms: A worm is a program whose purpose is to duplicate itself.
Bombs: This type of virus hides on the user’s disk and waits for a speci c event to
occur before running.
Trojan Horses: A Trojan Horses is a malicious program that appears to be friendly.
Because Trojan Horses do not make duplicates of themselves on the victim’s disk. They
are not technically viruses.
Stealth Viruses: These viruses take up residence in the computer’s memory, making
them hard to detect.
Micro Viruses: A macro virus is designed to infect a speci c type of document le,
such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel les. These types of documents can include
macros, which are small programs that execute commands.

The following are some well-known viruses.

CodeRed : It is a worm that infects a computer running Microsoft IIS server. This virus
launched DOS attack on White House’s website. It allows the hacker to access the
infected computer remotely.
Nimba : It is a worm that spreads itself using different methods. IT damages computer
in different ways. It modi ed les, alters security settings and degrades performance.
SirCam : It is distributed as an email attachment. It may delete les, degrade
performance and send the les to anyone. 3/6
8/17/2019 Notes on Computer Security and Viruses

Melisa : It is a virus that is distributed as an email attachment. IT disables different

safeguards in MS Word. It sends itself to 50 people if Microsoft Outlook is installed..
Ripper :It corrupts data from the hard disk.
MDMA :It is transferred from one MS Word le to other if both les are in memory.
Concept :It is also transferred as an email attachment. It saves the le in template
directory instead of its original location.
One_Half :It encrypts hard disk so only the virus may read the data. It displays
One_Half on the screen when the encryption is half completed.

A computer system can be protected from virus by following precautions:

The latest and updated version of Anti-Virus and rewall should be installed on the
The Anti-Virus software must be upgraded regularly.
USB drives should be scanned for viruses, and should not be used on infected
Junk or unknown emails should not be opened and must be deleted straight away.
Unauthorized or pirated software should not be installed on the computer.
An important way of protection against virus is the use of back up of data. The backup
is used if the virus deletes data or modi es it. So back-up your data on regular basis.
Freeware and shareware software from the internet normally contain viruses. It is
important to check the software before using them.
Your best protection is your common sense. Never click on suspicious links, never
download songs, videos or les from suspicious websites. Never share your personal
data with people you don’t know over the internet.

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