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Keller 1!

Dan Keller

L215: Critical Thinking

23 January 2020

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation Assignment

Throughout the article “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation”, author Jean Twenge

discusses the difference between various generations, specifically focusing on iGen or

Generation Z. Twenge makes the argument that the rise of cell phones and social media have

made iGen unhappy. Through numerous examples, he builds on this claim. Instead of

participating in extra curricular activities or getting a part time job, teens nowadays “are on their

phone, in their room, alone and often distressed”. Family dynamics have also changed. Instead of

being connected with their parents, teens are distracted by technology. Even time spent with

friends has shifted. Twenge makes sure to note those who are well versed in their online and in

person presence are not necessarily unhappy. Rather he focuses on the generational level and

point out “loneliness is more common” with those who spend more time on social media. Even

in my own personal life, I definetly see a correlation between the two. It is very easy to compare

yourself to others who seem to be living a better life than you. Our generation has to learn how to

stay in our own lane, which isn’t always easy.

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