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THIS BUSINESS OF ARTIST MANAGEMENT 4TH EDITION Xavier M. Frascogna, Jr. and H. Lee Hetherington ig 86H Hes oP URNS OPP pas ST Sm Bene 21 “wospu2}yefooy wos puDy si TRUE PPOL 1 Sy pe wa HH my 2599 vue say 29s myer a pss seme ‘suid we umn yo ea Sony oe oy ayo anpand ag 59009 SINAWOdFIMON DV vb nc rel Pent Sean a et moa ola wowed panto pase maton enc laparPer ea at ua sme ‘and Michell and all he many fends and Sty Support over the yt cre Wank contibutons you bite made dong the way TABLE OF CONTENTS Port 1 ESTABLISHING THE ARTIST- MANAGER RELATIONSHIP, Chapter One SHENG THE a PICTURE TW i tt apt "eh ei Shee oo PING THE BASICS OF ARTIST MANAGEMENT Thee et tye Teint age Th Foun! Tal gt Cha TAU Cha BNBNG A MANAGE/ANDING AN ABmST fad ge: ew, Fekete ep Yo Choptr Five EXATUATING THE ARTST/MANAGER RELATIONSHIP Eek fe aon sap. fh fe és fe lee, IREERSIANOING TH KEY Teas OF A MANAGEMENT CONTRACT Takes np get Ct iment nes Toso tnt 4“ 2 9 3 PLANNING THE ARTIST’S CAREER wor REG ani crane aoe Pereereet icone Soren ping whit Snorer SORTA, mae Shope Nine CREATVE nen OF THE ARST'S ABIES Ee Fein eg Fre Ae to hopes Tn MAPPING OUT THE ARTIST'S CAREER PLAN, Teh foe en, iy tC 8 en Es ot, "WS BUSINESS OF ARTY MANAGEMENT 6 aaa 7 7 a a9 92 95 95 Port 3 MAKING THE CAREER PLAN WORK. + Eleven MAKING THINGS HAPPEN INTHE ARTISTS CAREER Gog sa Gaps, inte Bj ice. ins on Cane. Chapter Twelve MAXIMIZING THE EFFECTIVENESS (OF THE ARTIST'S DEVELOPMENT TEAM, Titan Coe tosis Fei i en, (ont te is ets Chapter Thiteen ‘GETTING A RECORD DEAL. opts ino ay ag egg wh eres De Faby Pe Fhe Sood Pes, Sens ody Geos ang od Como ‘Chapter Fourteen UNDERSTANDING THE BASICS OF MUSIC PUBUSHING The eee Rk. Ih Ring Sac ote Fk ac he rvs g wh ed Abbi Rapes Chapter Fieen EXCITING THE AVAIAABLTY OF MEDUA EXPOSURE Acts ovo 100 tot 101 oe 17 107 109 0 Mm us Ne 17 ne 20 125 ie 1m 136 mi us us uw us 156 ‘aut oF contents crn omnes — BEE aomowene ese COMMERCIALS, AND CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP. = = = — sere TARDE AGESBa Bie Sect tzarene ie ire os EB manne no cone Se HEE ee epees ee perrentecritt syekaend = ‘ees iE ARTIST'S TOUR. Pri ch nto, iia 188 196 197 197 200 a 22 Chopter wenty-wa EVAIUATING THE ARTST’S PROGRESS egg es dt egg aA ay Chopler TwentyThree (COMING WITH THE STRESS OF SUCCESS: A CASE STUDY . rg Sas Chapter Twenty Five CONTEMPLATING THE QUALTES OF SUCCESSFUL ARTISTS. TieFeh Sinn ota Ya Pai. 1 IERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS (AF OF M) BOOKING AGENT AGREEMENT. append RICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS (AF OF M) PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT (LOCAL ENGAGEMENTS) eel 3 IREICAN reDeANON OF MUSCIANS [AF OF PERFORMANCE” AGREEMENT [TOURING}. dic A P MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT ie 5 THANICAL UCENSE AGREEMENT. rv SBReVitens Gunn oF ameica ‘WRITER-PUBLISHER CONTRACT. 2 215 218 ddaaVO S,LSILUV SHE ONINNV Td : Se cpp 0 vp fay quanto) @ Lad ae ay oxen ype ae a asp CCHAPTER SEVEN ASSESSING THE BUSINESS STATE OF THE ARTIST'S CAREER (Once the ems of the management contact have ben noord andthe doc: tment drafied and signed, the manager can finally gee down co busines. The ‘manage fit mater of concen to determine where de ade ue sande The means che manager mas, in ec, ake ventory ofthe cen bas res and ceatve asses. For sophisticated acs that ex subsancia aus, 3 Tsnes manage who is a special in nancial men wil not ely bande ‘he basins side of hings well cover hin depeh in che neat chapter Oa de other end of che income spectrum, fo those never ars who are employing Principles of lf management, che nade ke inventory isthe sme. Tn onder co simplify the mace inthis caper, we ree to whoever bas he reponstiy forthe business side of things a being the manage. Bu egurdss of hatin calles, a ase ath ands ou. Siply tates, poe: {ible plot a course othe Sure fyou dont haves cea grsp oF were you ot rely ate. This caper devoted to che busines potion of is elution. Generally he manages ans shoul ever the following the fom of bs ess employment agreements, service mat, banking, insuance, bookkeeping snd tx planing, budgeting, and legal overview DETERMINING THE ARTIST'S BUSINESS-ENTITY STATUS ‘The eating point of any bine evasion eats to the parcial fom of busines thesis working under. And what form of busines che arti shoud ‘working under. Basil cere ae tae radon forms of snes ein rable. Thy aresole propricionhip, partnership, and a corporation In cat ‘eas, «fourth has come int bring: Mors ater now egnie the mie i tity company, or LLC which ha the itd lability vantage of «corpo tion combined with the exe and informal of management ofa pueseshi. Each ofthese four forms of business has dines charac, advange, sand drawbacks. The manages should analy the various esis in view ofthe ards circumstances and needs before making the approsriateslezion. Of the advice ofan atomney or account will be necesary 19 make & prope zeminason of which form to selec. As wee advocated before, ithe man ‘gers any questions rearing the eeaon of patel busines enti, ‘cae should heat co see appropiate countel or ren recommend th of busines manager, provided that she ari income and busines waren such a move Le ry mon he abana an ndamags of te orbs en Sole Proprietorship tole propsctship san unincixporsted business operation owned by an individ. The advantages of the propitorsip form of doing business ae Bunerous. The primary advantage stat the ove the bas. He or she nas ll decisions regadig te operation of the busines without having te oni others, such asa baad of diets (a body asocated wih formulating ley mates andthe busines diction of«cororton), The ie fo uly o cone sociated withthe formation of» propricetip. The busines is fe to tade and operate anywhere withou having wo comply with Yrout eieon anti cha whe i es ute, The propia ot ject ini fo the acon of othe, which inherent in perenerh td wih offers ofa corporation. Moreover, che individual propiar not sb a my replay and paige atte fms of int eaerprise, aly prpsictoship maybe granted borovig power Seynd th vale of the busin tosh exe oft owners ase oui the ropicosbip wil allow ina dtr f ie oe-pee ine i o oe ctsan nes in act on elf th enerpite, exept ar an agen. Cmeuenty th buns has ined decion making cpabiiy and perc Maw de tubing is har the owner is subject to limited pesonal lily fora the aes and commercial succes you have ever dreamed of canbe desoyed by so incompetent, reckless, of dishonest lawyer, accountant, busine advo oF bins manage | Wes lawyers muse be cent by the ae in which hey practic, he “apc canoot aways be dof busines manages or nancial adv a Business Advisers ‘Well refer ro bankers, ce planners, insurance profesional, and inven advisers under the heading of busines adviser. Thesis ae ent i ‘maintaining a sootlyrnning, ecient bane “Agua, the banker can play cena role in the development ofa young anit career Finding the right personal banking conection should oe be or looked when the die comes to put together 2 profession suppor teu ‘The ext planer ia highly speciale profesional whove funtion plan the mor eine dntibusion of the ari ater in he event of ior leat, While mot atin ate hot concerned wih thie spec of busines par fe thao knowing whom you ate bringing on hear, ean cond CP, chan ings the outset oftheir aes i does become important liter. An ats aus. fee anderwte, and other indvcals who have aedenls beyond» ig ete causon when chosing an eae planner. There are many fim ai fof, = Oahy car anda toothy smal. The unfortnse face i the cher oe ‘ndivduals who profess 1 ave such sl. Anorneys, cried public accouni _uncupulous people inthe wold who gain people st only to sed thes anc, and charred life underwriters are generly qualifed co render i ae. Because you arin fet, handing over your checkbook, you need limportan sevice. Whoever is chosen, the artist and manager mus be ea be ertemely cael about whom you hand itt, That why you should they sclera welhqusifed profesional pains verse of healthy skepicism when c comes eo the subject of money “The invesent adviser rounds out the category of business advises Thi ‘means aking hard questions and alway ining upon references You peson can be stockbroker, nancial plasne, or other specials in the eof se your bank acount wil be la you did Industry Insight "The business manage’ rol ison alkencompassng potion. We selec the proper business shure and bosines ents to handle the vis sures of incom; ‘secure insurance, get the pension account in place, Fang ol receipts ond dabrsements; prepare ond fie various tax reporting docu, We hep theorist nderstond the fox ramifieaionsextciid wih te income and och hem how save mn” ‘Aron Vn Og, eon bins moze CHAPTER NINE TAKING CREATIVE INVENTORY _OF THE ARTIST'S ABILITIES ving ake sock ofthe aris’ busines ovgaizaton and ase the manager Should nes focus on aking create inventory. Before geting into the devas af he cea inventor biel word abou how to get the most out of the proces: A meaningfl anc evaluation requis coal honesty beeween the ‘manager and ars Tis is no time forthe arco ge his or he elings hurt. tlc ego stand in the way of process dha will ukimatey prove benfil Ofcourse, hiss easier sid than done, but nonetheless vill important. Because his isa touchy subject, the menage should take steps to suliieniy prepare the artis. The ats shouldbe reminded ehat any eis is meant to be constructive in nature. The manager should pont out that he or she woulda be involved with the ares here werent a song dedication tothe ui alent and ability 0 suczed. aly, he manage should sess the eed Sor complete honesty and mutual ra. The mzages tone and interpeoal sks allmporeane when i com to making ths process work. Both pat es should be aware ha this would probably be the int juncture in the ela: oosip where ther’ the possbilty of confrontation and fiction. Both pane should know thc and be ready. Ihe ney rapport and ts ae in place, things should go okay. [noe ... wah mapbe its aleady ime to ‘salute the cations, EVALUATING THE ARTIST ‘Tre fs level of inquiry by che manager should be a personal asexament of the arc. The same general pes of questions will pp to both individuals aad gongs The process should begin with basic questions involving the particular alent scents of teats. Besase this primarily book for spsng arts in the ‘tc industry, we know cat singing and petforning wl bea common le ment, but beyond tht, what ate the base quetions tat shuld be ake? “eadionally, the visual mediums of slesion and motion pictues lmanded chat 2 leading man or woman be either blesed with natal good Jools oy akernativey, have an incerestngeppearance, Fortunately or unfora- ‘ces the musi busines with inreated vdeo emphasis has moved in that tiecion. A suey ofthe manager, public, and record people we laters viewed led the fllowng espose to our querion, "What kind of physical sppearance must an artist have to enjoy succes in todays music industry” Plaingdifvent, and incresing were the rop answers. And sos all apecd hah odds were against someane who ws physically unacactve Acted fictorisage. Because the baby-boom genertion aging, this sles | ofafictor than ic once was, but ii sl ator for ati in thet i-th | nh ae coc yet established, Fortunately, the mires of dict, wade, and eumeticeahancement can work wonders wich amor anybody, But the fact naias that much of commercial rpusi apps wo 2 youth marker, even afer pu ficor inthe forre-young baby bootnes tha sell buy record in age umber. While these are always excepsone, a brand-new fryear-old ars _ ight be able co ge by on 2 CD, but he and expecially he wil act showing ‘i age on video. OF couse, none ofthis aplics to Mick Jagger or Rod _ Sova buc then the already have record dels and loyal flowing. Call i af bc thats the way cis in today's videondsiven, mule wold _The Total Image Package [Geri physi appearance is important, but i ely only one element in [eas oc image, Today, more than ee, oie and precnce are dominant ens in uiding and suvaininga succes oer, Because its often 224 Barada jo, is mportan foc an aso adopan image tha is both com Seale and cont wit his or het penooaty and values. Playing the part sfromcone he, expcilyromcone who doce ig tue wil back sooner tc ler, gen the nese mad sein sha comes wih nga high pele tli. Coming aco at genuine and cele whe genring charisoa sige the ati a mus in longer cater. Audiences want ore han jut god records. They want penonlios The subsance ofthat pesooalty Ign. b, wid, sane, and soon) i ar ls important than the unique “ples ther define the elec the pbc age and how foie hat image is projected ae viral dena. Like Secretar alsin he fort al he charisma inthe world amouns we nothing, it not pope and efecivly projected the public ee, Public photo “ths veo clips, imerviws, wardrobe, anderen the arts choice of char paca causes al combine wo el he publi who cheats i and what Beers isall about Thatimage, whatever it might be, and how is projeced Sound Inthe cate ofan apising recoding art without a cord deal the ist ie cof concern rete eo the atts sound. Does he o he have nique vor ye trie the sound reminiacens of other well-Laown receding artists! One of he primary compline of record producers and record company ABR people thar otherwise alentad, would-be recording artis ofen sound too much ie fomconealeadyon the radio. If an are i merely 2 ne of someone a there i litle chance a eeond company wil be incereted. No abel want needs another Sing, Sheryl Crow, or Faith Hill when they have eh origin Recoed buyer ate no diferent. Tha isnot minimize te importance of ceblshed rar influencing an aspiring new talent Is up vo the manage = ‘lp he art se the diftence beeen an influence and » ane. Material | ‘Another ciel importane fico fo snges ha to do with material: Des Sri write ir or her own son? Ifo, se chan for a long-em eord dl {regret enhanced. Fire ofall an arcie-vrter rote ely have a dine sound or spe by virtue of songs tha are custom-talred to his other om performing abilities. Secondly, an ardst-wrer is asured ofa sable source | ‘mater. This enbanceslongevicy andy inthe ees ofthe record comps | rece he risk fsgning the ate ‘OF coun, thre are many notable excepons: Hie Presley depend o& ‘other writes for materi over dhe span of her caee, Dionne Warwick hf say Been a pure singer who has eed on songwriters Burt Bachrach lf Hal David fora steady sueam of dsc hit, And many county acs ba sonsined creer fora deade or more while depending almost excuse f "Natl songwriter for material: But even tis changing, The eaclui ‘ear Ifan aris dest writ, ime a stare Physical Appeerance Tn todays tke, recog ais atin tesicy multimedia ari Like ta toe th some exception inthe rp ese et, and aernative mus al ply spperance is acta fort caret cee. Starting i she 198 MIV changed she fcr ofthe musi industry ao tha viewer ould no ot het, but sce an act aswel Since chen, VH-1, CMT, BET, ax wl the Wie production sis of the major abel, have woidfed wha wa a wend in Industry standard. The commercial musi industry ia sgh and sound bal res, andi ot ging back wo just audio anytime son, Nowadays, how Je Took and projec yourself in vdeo and on lve TV iim many insane, ry Bias important he song and how you sng

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