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Samson Oak sat at the bar where he usually attended time to time to calm his crazy 

creative and smart brain. He was on his phone, discussing about his amazing breakthrough on 
creating the Alpha, Sigma, and Breeder formulas. His spark in making these was from an 
accidental experiment where Professor Kukui was a test subject for his growth potion, which 
was really the sigma formula all along. His strong reaction to it gave the young man a massive 
muscular yet hairy body which was once thought impossible. Now Samson dedicated his time in 
creating new versions of the formula and seek out for more test subjects. His main motive in 
focusing more on these formulas was due to the failure of the alpha formula. He tried it on three 
men but did not give any reaction what so ever.  
“Yes, Kukui had a very positive reaction to the sigma formula. Hm? How long ago was it? I 
believe seven or six months ago. He stopped teaching at the school ever since it happened but 
he’s engaged now so I wish him the best.” 
The voice at the other end was happy and glad that he heard the good news for Kukui. What he 
said next caught Samson off guard and caused him to panic a bit.  
“W-what? Of course I-I have all three I don’t want this to fall into the wrong hands you know 
Samson chuckled at the small joke and drank his beer before continuing the conversation. 
Unknowingly, a man entered the bar that gave the atmosphere a bit of a change. Walking it a 
few people stopped their conversation to see the man entering the room with the bartender even 
giving him a nasty look. Top of his hair was all white, looking like a snowy mountain with his 
bright sun like shades, his clothes making him look like he was stuck in the early 2000s. It was 
The leader of Team Skull scoffed and walked towards Samson, who was still talking on the 
phone. As he got closer and closer everyone slowly went back to their normal places and 
continued the night forward. Guzma was here for a reason. Well a more personal reason. He 
knew Kukui was with someone other than him, which crushed his heart when he heard about it. 
Everyday he regretted how he never confessed to him because he was afraid of the rejection 
Kukui might give to him. He was depressed and needed to bring himself up but everything he 
tried didn’t work. But drinking however, was his only way of coping on what could’ve been. But 
if Samson knew where the professor was he could find the love of his life. His one and only 
“Hey Samson, buddy, it’s been a while huh?” Guzma said as he placed both of his hands on the 
tanned shoulders. This started Samson as he quickly turned around and screeched, causing 
everyone to turn their heads at what just happened.  
“Guzma! What are you doing here! I said we’d never meet again-“ The middle aged man was 
quickly stopped by Guzma’s finger, shushing him as he gave him a fake smile.  
“I know you have info on where Professor Kukui is. Don’t ask why. I dream everyday about how 
my lover will moan out my name. Now obviously saying that I’m sure it’s obvious on why I came 
to talk to you.” The leader gave a soft smile to the older man but it was obvious something was 
hurting him inside. He needed to tell Kukui something. Something that he was holding onto 
him for far too long. 
“I-I’m a-afraid I c-can’t, uh, t-tell you that.” 
“No Samson wait, please.” 
The leader reached in and held onto Samson’s polo as he gave it a tight grip. 
“I need his address to confess something to him. I can’t wait any more.” 
The professor looked at the young man in front of him, face all red while his hands started to 
tremble a bit. He respected that Guzma wasn’t going to do something lewd or bad but he was 
still very uncomfortable about it. 
“W-well I’m sure you’ll find it without my help-” 
A loud slam on the table came from the leader, as he got up and let go of the nice looking outfit. 
“You don’t understand what the fuck is in my brain now alright? Give me the address and we’ll 
call it a night. Huh?” 
“O-oh! W-would you look at the time! I-I’ll mail you o-or text you the address when I get home!” 
Samson was startled by this as he took a step back and bumped onto the chair. He grabbed 
dressed himself up and quickly left the bar, making every eyes to follow his trail before all 
staring back at the Team Skull leader.  
“Ah whatever old man. I’ll find him myself.” 
He sat down where the professor left and noticed a small bottle that was next to a beer. Curious 
he reached forward and grabbed it, looking at the red liquid inside of it. There label had a big 
white letter “A” on it and was sealed very tightly. The leader thought it was a new type of beer 
or wine due to the fact he’s never seen it before. Guzma shrugged off the odd bottle and twisted 
the cap off, taking a big gulp of the mysterious liquid. Finishing it, he wiped his lips and gave 
out a small burp. Weird. The taste is bitter and the liquid felt kinda thick compared to the other 
beers he had here in the past. A few minutes passed by with everything happening normally but 
then something strange happened.  
“F-fuck what’s going? S-shit,” the young man said as he stood up. His head was spinning like it 
was going a million miles per hour and his eyes were throbbing in pain. He had to go home. 
Maybe he drank too much? If that’s the case then that drink had a lot of alcohol in it, which isn’t 
very safe. Stumbling his way out of the bar he called a cab. He was making his way home and the 
odd pain got way worse. The stomach felt like it was being twisted around to be those ballon 
animals you’d get from a clown. Guzma arched forward and held his stomach, preparing himself 
if he was gonna throw up. The cab made it back to his house and the leader waited long enough 
for the pain to get worse.  
He busted through the door and upon entering everything in his body was fine. The dizzyness, 
the stomach pain, and throbbing eyes were all gone for some unknown reason. Catching a 
breath of air, Guzma stood up and made it to his bedroom. Maybe he needs a shower or a nap? 
Yeah a nap would be nice. The more he thought of the nap he more drowsy he became.  
“Man I need,” he yawned as he tripped on his own foot. “I need a nap.” 
Turing the doorknob and entering his room, he rubbed his face before stripping himself with 
just his grey boxers. He didn’t bother to brush his teeth or even take a shower. All Guzma did 
was tossing his shades and falling face first to the comfy bed.  
The grumpy yet still sleepy leader slowly opened his eyes and was met with the bright morning 
sun in his face. Covering his face he leaned up from his bed and got up. When he stood up 
something felt off. The bed felt much smaller to the leader and everything looked, tiny. Guzma 
ignored it and walked to his bathroom, where he needed to take a piss. Lifting up the toilet seat 
he noticed how big his hands were compared to it. Confused he stood up and grabbed his cock 
before looking down in shock.  
“Holy shit!” He yelled out as he rubbed his eyes to double check if he was dreaming or not.  
Panicking, he stepped back and ran to the mirror where he finally got to see himself. He was 
massive! His body was much wider and way broader than usual. He was way more muscular 
along with his legs and chest showing more chest hair than any normal human could have. His 
chin started to develop a scruffy beard, which he thought was impossible. Not to mention his 
once small friend was hanging not too far away from his knees. He has to be standing at least 
eight feet or more! Something must’ve happened overnight that gave him this body right?  
Guzma was excited yet still worried on his newly grown body. He looked at his chest and 
grabbed them, which made the leader moan a bit. Butting his lip, he grabbed his thick rod and 
started to jerk off a bit. If he wanted to explore his body he wanted to do it the right way.  
“Mfh, Kukui you love this body don’t you~” Guzma spoke out loud. He used his freehand to 
twist his nipples and move around his chest to down his abs. Closing his eyes helped him 
imagine his crush muscle worshiping him, groping and sucking on his watermelon sized balls 
and kissing the veiny cock. The more he thought of that image or moment, the hornier he got. 
He smiled time to time but gave out loud moans with the nipple play he was giving to himself. It 
didn’t take long for him to shoot out his sperm, which he thought of Kukui opening his mouth 
to accept the large load.  
“F-fuck baby! Y-you’re so cute when you’re like that~” The leader said as he squirted out his 
manly cum. This was the first time Guzma was ejaculating with a massive cock and was not 
ready by how much he was shooting out or how long it was going. Enough time passed for him 
to collapse on the floor with a few cum puddles around him, especially his back. Huffing and 
opening his eyes he realized what just happened and blushed by how embarrassingly it was to 
think of Kukui worshiping him.  
But why? He got a new body similar to his crush but much bigger. He had the upper hand here 
and now that the two are massive muscle studs, they can have extreme sex! Oh the possibilities 
are endless for the two, think of the possibilities on what they can do with the godly bodies! So 
much to try out and how they can test their limits. Guzma smiled by thinking the life they were 
going to have very soon, if that is where he can find where Kukui lives of course. Just when he 
kept daydreaming about his future, his stomach growled. A rush feeling of hunger got to him 
with his lips getting watery just by thinking about food.  
“Mmm I could go with a lot of food right now~” 
He stood himself up, quickly used the toilet, and cleaned the bathroom up fast as he can so that 
no one can find out what really happened. But he did want to do that again. He didn’t bother to 
change into his usual clothes since it wouldn’t fit him anymore. Making his way downstairs he 
saw one of the teenagers of Team Skull in the living room playing video games. The booming 
footsteps of Guzma startled him, quickly pausing the game and turing around.  
“Oh shit you scared me there. What are you doing here? I didn’t call for a meeting did I?” 
“No sir! I thought I’d stay here for a while and ask if you’d wanna work out with me, wait a 
second why are you naked? And…. why are you so different !”  
Guzma chuckled as he crossed his arms and walked to the teenager. He could clearly see his 
massive cock swinging from the steps he took. The massive muscles of his leader made him feel 
small and weak. Sweating like crazy the teenager looked up at Guzma, looking confused and 
quickly gave a flexing pose.  
“Different? What do you mean different I feel the same.” The teenager was confused on why his 
leader was acting this way. He shrugged it off, thinking he had business with some of the other 
“Well alright then Guzma imma head out and gather more Pokémon. See ya.”  
Guzma wasn’t paying attention and kept on doing more body poses. The teen left the house and 
quickly ran off to find more Pokémon to capture along the island. With him gone and being all 
alone, the beefy leader walked his way to the kitchen and found the fridge. Opening it he looked 
around and was being very picky on what he wanted to munch on. It started to get boring and 
for some reason he started to jerk off his flaccid cock to make things interesting. He found a 
half filled carton of milk long with many meat and vegetables to choose from. First he wanted a 
drink so he grabbed the carton of milk and chugged it down within seconds. He was still bored 
and was still jerking his now semi-erected cock. He didn’t know how to cook of course, he 
usually left it to some of the older kids in the team to do it.  
“Ah fuck it I’m gonna eat everything except the veggies.” He used both hands to gather every 
single food he could find and brought them to the table. There were some food from some 
restaurants he couldn’t remember, jello packs, homemade cookies, a tub of ice cream, a day old 
stake, juicy cherries, seedless grapes, and spaghetti to name a few. He warmed the necessary 
foods that needed it but everything was already sorted out. Sitting down on the other end and 
looking at the food Guzma’s stomach growled in hunger.  
“Okay buddy we’re going to eat~” He smiled and rubbed his hands together before he grabbed 
as much food as he can. He stuffed his face with as much tasty goods as he can chew on to 
satisfy his belly. The steak was juicy and tasted rich, the ice cream was soft and creamy, and the 
grapes were all making him moan. It didn’t take long for him to complete everything that was 
on the table. It really only took him 15 minutes to complete the goal. His body remained the 
same however, with his hard abs not gaining weight at all. The leader sat there and let out a loud 
burp and covered his mouth with embarrassment. He rested there for a bit until the burning 
feeling in his body came back. Guzma closed his eyes and hoped it would go away but instead he 
felt a pain around his arms.  
“O-ow fuck! What’s going on today?” He cried out as he sat on the chair.  
The burns started to reach around his body and eventually down to his crotch. He looked down 
to see what was happening and noticed his pecs jiggling a bit. Were they getting bigger? The 
stud watched his pecs slowly push outward and gain more muscle to it. Guzma couldn’t believe 
it! He was growing more muscle from the food he just ate! Happily watching his body change, 
he reached down to his cock and gave it a jerk. Oh yeah, there’s a lot of change happening down 
there. It felt much thicker and longer than how it was earlier. The veins were throbbing as the 
leader started to twist his nipples for pleasure. Looking down his chests he saw how more body 
hair was growing out.  
“Oh fuck yes this is amazing~” Guzma said as he continued to jerk himself off. Whatever he 
drank must’ve gave him a very strong reaction! 
A few hours passed since the leader had his large feast. Since then the muscles started to 
grow rapidly and a drastic change to every feature of Guzma. He was at the beach, all alone and 
was having his 24th jerk off session of the day. He never felt this much horny in his entire life 
and now that his cock was an outstanding 10ft. His balls were almost the size of wrecking balls 
and could hold thousands of gallons of his sperm. No human could ever hold the power of a 
godly cock like his. If anyone dared to try to get the tip it, they would scream in pain. But 
Guzma wasn’t worried about that. He kept on dreaming on how Kukui would react to his body. 
Moaning his name out while he worshiped his hairy and extremely musky armpits. Gosh the 
thought of having the professor being shoved up and forced to rub his head around the manly 
pits was making the musclehunk’s rod throb.  
“Fuck yeah baby, you love sniffing daddy’s pits huh?” Guzma said to himself as he jerked off and 
played with his nipples. His voice was much deeper than it used to be and could shake a whole 
house if he screamed. The leader wasn’t leaning on a palm tree but rather laid down on the 
sandy ground. It was a good thing he visited the beach where there weren’t that many people or 
surfers. Just him to play with himself and imagine his future with Kukui.  
“Yeah suck out those nipples and show me who’s a little bitch~” He pictured Kukui climbing up 
his hairy abs and finding his way to the fat nipple. Guzma was way to big to enter a normal 
house now that his transformation was complete. He was standing at a whopping 14’6 and 
weighed what had to be 6,800lbs once he was completely transformed. He was taking up a large 
portion of space in the beach but he didn’t care. As long as he kept thinking about his future 
husband he’ll be fine.  
The massive ballsack started to slowly rise up and felt his cock throbbing harder than ever 
before. Guzma moaned as his mind kept picturing Kukui groping his beefy chest and praising 
how muscular he was. The more he kept thinking of that the closer he was to releasing his load. 
The stud yelled to the top of his lungs and arched forward, feeling the rush of pleasure filling up 
his entire body. His cock erupted gallons of his sperm to the sky, which eventually made it down 
to him and the sandy ground around his body. Moving his hand in the usual jerking motion, 
cum would squirt out more and making the leader moan. Many minutes passed by and he was 
still cumming until 25 minutes passed. He huffed and relaxed himself, feeling the cooldown of 
his countless jerkoff sessions.  
“Hah, t-that felt much better than the last one~” 
A new hobby of his was to swipe off his sperm and lick it off his hands, which he found 
addicting. Looking down he saw how his forest like chest was almost entire covered by the 
white substance. He did the action and moaned one he felt the hot load on his massive hands. 
Upon swallowing it he blushed and had a new thought of Kukui doing his hobby as well. An 
erection started to occur again but Guzma quickly got up and decided to head to the showers for 
a quick rinse.  
Now that he was a massive beefcake he had to get used to bending down quite a lot to do any 
sort of everyday activities for normal people. For example, he can’t fit in a shower anymore so he 
would have to take it by using a garden hose. But for the beach bathrooms he had choice. When 
he arrived to the bathrooms and showers he saw how the shower head was touching his soft 
penis. Groaning, he sat down on his thick ass and turned on the water. Guzma started to rub his 
body to get the messy load off since he did want to relax at the beach all covered in cum.  
Once he was all done he didn’t bother to check the area. Running was far too easy for him as he 
managed to reach to the ocean within a few seconds. Normally people wouldn’t go farther in the 
ocean where their feet can’t touch the ground. But for Guzma that was up to his rock hard abs. 
Once he was comfortable he lied down on his back and tried to float, but with his heavy body it 
was quite hard.  
“Tch, I can’t even float? Whatever, Kukui will love me no mater what I look like~”  
The thought of having the small professor rest on him and sleep on his abs made him blush and 
filled with happiness. He slapped his cheeks to snap out of his since he kept having a hard on 
every time he thought of Kukui. As he was hopping and playing around the warm water he 
heard a man yelling. Looking behind him he saw a smaller man waving at him and shouting his 
“Guzma! Come over here!”  
He squinted and out his hand behind his ear, hoping to hear better. Squinting his eyes he 
noticed something familiar about the man. He was wearing an alolan outfit and had a long white 
hair. Could it be? Guzma quickly got out of the water and jogged his way to the smaller man. It 
was Samson! The leader could not believe it! He thought the professor wouldn’t help him out 
but here he is! Once the two we’re met face to face Guzma was already beyond happy.  
“P-professor Oak! Samson I mean sorry. I never expected to see you here!” The beefy male said 
as he sat down, startling the smaller man in front of him.  
“My my Guzma you’ve gotten big haven’t you? I must say it’s impossible that you’ve gotten this 
big so fast but I just thought I wanna discuss what you asked for,” he said smiling while patting 
Guzma’s broad shoulders. 
Those words filled the stud up with excitement and quickly grabbed Samson’s hands, causing 
him to jolt from the strong hands.  
“Oh! Is this about Kukui? Please you have to tell me where he lives. There’s a thing I have to say 
and it’s something important.” 
Samson gave Guzma a soft smile. “Well alright, I’ll tell you. But you must promise me no funny 
business okay?” 
The leader nodded and patted the smaller hands he was holding.  
“I promise.” 
“Hey hon?” The smaller human asked to the massive professor. Kukui turned around and 
wiped his head from the sweat thanks to the extreme heat.  
“Yeah? What is it!” He yelled back, squinting a bit from how far his fiance was. It was a few 
months since the accident of Ash’s “secret trick” in catching wild Pokémon and a lot has 
happened since then. Kukui and Incineroar finally stopped their countless years of “research” 
time between the two. The beefy wrestler cat went out to, hopefully, find a partner of his own. 
Ash and Kukui have been preparing their wedding which was coming very soon. Kukui had 
stopped teaching at the school and had Ash take over, which gave him free time to do anything 
at the house. The smaller man would cook for his beefy scientist time to time as he was 
researching on new Pokémon with Samson. But the food he would cook was too much for them 
time to time and Kukui was already forming a small gut.  
Ash had to look back and was shaken a bit when he yelled out again. “There’s a man named 
Guzma looking for you! Uh, he’s at the front of our house he wants to talk to you!”  
It can’t be.  
“Tell him I’ll be right there!” Kukui quickly and got up from hammock, walking to the front of 
the house to meet his old friend.  
He never thought he’d see him again especially now that he was ruling a team that wasn’t 
friendly to Pokémon. Thinking on what he was going to say he saw a massive tall bearded man 
standing at the driveway of their house. He was extremely hairy all around and his odor was 
intoxicating! The hairy stud was flexing his biceps from the house windows that were reflecting 
what he was doing. His size cause the neighborhood people to take pictures and cause 
discussions about how ripped and hairy he was. The professor freaked out a bit since he couldn’t 
figure out who it was at first, but the yellow shades and white hair gave it away.  
“G-Guzma?” Kukui said, frightened by how much of a jurassic change he went through.   
The alpha male turned around and gave a cockily smile at Kukui. His massive and wide body 
was making his knees feel like jello and he was dwarfed by how tall he was. His old friend had 
so many piercings on him as well! They were on his fat and thicc nipples, one on his massive yet 
soft cock, and finally one on his ears. Not to mention they all had the Team Skull symbol on a 
big grey ball. Even his poor grey speedo had it, which was awful at holding his massive ballsack. 
Seeing Kukui in a big buff body made him horny. Too horny in fact that he started to pinch his 
nipples to please him a bit. He walked a little bit where he was able to see the shocked 
“My my Kukui it seems like you’ve grown a lot since we’ve met last time huh?” Guzma said as 
he stroked his cock. He knew that the man he loves was going to be his thanks to his new look.  
However Kukui couldn’t say anything and was still trying to process how Guzma was able to 
gain so much muscle and hair since their last encounter. He took a step closer and softly 
touched the rock hard abs in shock. The alpha above him cooed and grabbed the professor’s arm 
to reach the forest-like chest hair.  
“Yeah that’s it pup, why won’t you grope daddy’s pecs huh? Maybe he’ll give you a nice treat~” 
Guzma growled as he felt Kukui’s decently sized yet warm hand reach up further and further up 
his chest muscles. The more the smaller male below groped the hairy pecs caused the larger 
male to growl and give a warm smile at him. The two blushed as they were stuck in those 
positions but Kukui didn’t know how to react. The people who were looking at Guzma earlier 
started to come closer to the house and were amazed by how now there were two massive studs 
going beyond what the human body could do.   
“Guzma w-what happened to-“ The Professor was cut off by the massive thick hand that rubbed 
his chin.  
“Oh my sweet Kukui. I’ve been waiting for this moment since our last meet up. I’ve had this 
feeling inside of me whenever I saw your cute face. And now that I’m like this and finally seeing 
you again I just,” Guzma said as his voice trembled a bit.  
This was his chance to finally say something he never got to say all those years ago. This is 
moment to finally express his love for Kukui. His heart started to beat fast and his body 
temperature was rising fast. He can’t stop thinking about this moment coming true and now 
that it was it felt like a dream to him.  
“Kukui I love you.” 
Guzma stopped and closed his eyes in attempt to calm down a bit before he went on forward.  
“With all of my heart I love you. I want to be with you till the day we die and-“ 
He was cut off by a slap from his hand and saw how far Kukui walked back.  
His face wasn’t what Guzma expected. Fear, anger, and confusion were visible on his face. Did 
he mess up? Was it a bad moment?  
Is it something I did?  
“Guzma. You can’t say that.” 
No. Please no 
“W-What? Why not? Give me a good reason why cutting me off during my explanation on my 
feelings for you is okay?” The alpha yelled out loud, causing everyone including Kukui to flinch.  
“Guzma you don’t understand. You’re a bit too late to say that I-I’m afraid-” 
He was caught off by some odd laughter from Guzma as his face was starting to go from calm to 
angry really quickly.  
“Haha. Okay okay I see how it is. Your explanation better be fucking good alright? Tell me, why 
in the fuck am I too late-“ 
“Because I got engaged damnit!” Kukui shouted. He brought up his left hand to show Guzma 
that he wasn’t lying.  
What? How- 
It was there. The diamond ring that fit perfectly into his marriage finger. It’s true. He wasn’t 
lying. Of course now he knew Kukui wouldn’t be a lying type of person. But really? He got 
engaged with someone instead of him? The alpha was in shock as he took a few steps back, not 
wanting to look at the ring anymore.  
“Wh-why? Why did you get e-engaged?” Guzma said as his strong voice started to tremble.  
“B-because I thought we wouldn’t see each other again! How the hell did I know that you had 
feelings for me? Am I supposed to guess or ask you? You left me and I had to go through life 
alone and make new friends. I wasn’t going to wait for you and just waste time to change and go 
forward in life! You aren’t the Guzma I remember! You’re a leader for a team that uses Pokémon 
for popularity rather than loving them. How am I supposed to like that? I moved on okay. I’m 
sorry but, maybe we can talk about this inside?” Kukui took a few steps forward and hoped he 
could comfort the massive human.  
Just as he was doing this Ash came from the backyard and saw what was going on. Everyone had 
their phones out, taking pictures and videos of what was going on. Kukui quickly looked behind 
him and held out his arm so his fiancé could reach. Ash did this but was very cautious as he 
could see the burning rage in the massive stud’s eyes. But something was a bit off. There were 
tears running down his face.  
“Oh I see. Y-you couldn’t wait for me and just decided to marry that slut?” Guzma said as he 
wiped his eyes.  
“Guzma please don’t say that here, this isn’t the place to-“ 
“No!” The leader yelled out and raised his hand with his finger pointing at Kukui.  
“I was afraid you’d reject me all those years ago. I gained confidence when I achieved this body 
but…” His voice broke out a bit as he stood there. Shaking and having tears running down his 
face, he wiped it and tried to speak again.  
“B-But a-as it turns out…. it didn’t m-matter how long I’d w-waited....” 
“Guzma please wait-“  
“The outcome would’ve been the same anyways,” he said as he walked away. Everyone outside of 
the house cleared a path for him as Guzma started to cry out loud. He started to run, thinking 
about how much he wasted time and how stupid he was in imagining his future. Kukui tried to 
go after him but didn’t know what to do after once he caught up to him. He held Ash close and 
kissed his forehead while he asked everyone who surrounded their house to leave.  
The professor hoped everything would work out better between the two. It’s just a matter of 
It was dark and humid at night. Most people would be already asleep at their houses or 
going out for a party near a local bar. But for the massive leader he just wondered off and rested 
at a beach. Guzma wiped a tear off his face and looked at the dark sky. Why didn’t he tell Kukui 
all those years ago? He looked stupid for trying to have his long time crush be his and not 
knowing he was engaged. All the hopes of the future he wanted were thrown out the window. 
Guzma was really alone and this time he didn’t want to fight it back.  
“Really is a lovely night here isn’t it? Quite beauty like this helps a person when they are feeling 
their most vulnerable.” 
As the leader was still wiping tears off his face he looked at the man. There was something odd 
about him. His body was far to tall and wide for a normal human yet he still looked a bit smaller 
if he remembered Kukui’s size correctly. Hell, he might reach Guzma’s hairy thighs. As he kept 
observing him there was an interesting yet seducing smell coming from him. Whatever kind of 
perfume he used smells good. Guzma straightened himself up to look more tough than how he 
was actually feeling. Coughing and hitting his chest, he wiped his tears once more and spoke at 
the man.  
“Y-Yeah I agree. It’s perfect coming out here at night.”   
The man turned around and gave a soft smile. He looked a bit old but decently looked cute and 
handsome at the same time. His hair was grey on top as well having a small scruffy beard. 
Glasses were on his nose, probably to help him look at the sky. Outfit was usual like the other 
people in Alola, shorts with a tank top that had a Rowlet printed on it. The musclehunk thought 
the little human looked adorable. The man gave a wave to Guzma and slowly made his way to 
the beast.  
“Name’s Willow.”  
He walked up to Guzma and gave out his hand. The leader shook it and gave an awkward look at 
him while scooting over for him to sit.  
“M-My n-name is Guzma.” 
“Is something the matter? You’re eyes look red and puffy. Is it possible that you like to take 
strolls at this beach to stop the sadness inside of you?” Professor Willow asked as he sat next to 
Guzma. The difference between the two were super obvious and the head of the small professor 
was only reaching up to the alpha’s thick ass.  
The words of Willow caught Guzma off guard and made him panic a bit.  
“What? H-hah no me? A musclehunk stud being sad? Don’t be ridiculous I’m n-not sad. I’m 
happy! I g-get guys all t-the time,” Guzma said as his voice slowly got quieter and looked down 
at Willow.  
“Someone rejected you right? Someone who you cared about a lot?” 
There was a silence response from the two. Guzma didn’t want to admit it but he is sad for 
Kukui rejecting him. He doesn’t want to live alone forever and not have a lover. He hates that. 
He hates being alone or thrown away.  
“N-no I wasn’t. Heh, what makes you think that?” 
A small hand was rested on the hard and thick thigh, causing the larger male to flinch.  
“I’m here...If you want to talk about it that is.” 
What? No you don’t understand what I’m going through.  
Guzma started to get teary eyed again as he bit his lip to hold him back. He doesn’t want to 
explain to anyone about what happened today or how he was wanting a life with someone who’s 
already engaged. It’s his life and his fault for not telling Kukui earlier.  
“It’s not okay to keep it inside of you. It festers and builds, until one day it bubbles over. Try it. 
You’ll feel better.” 
The massive male finally gave in a sobbed as he placed his hands on his face. He was still sad 
and heartbroken from the rejection and hated how long the confession took. But it wasn’t 
Kukui’s fault. He had a point. He didn’t grow up with him like he promised and decided to do 
shady business. Now that he was a massive hunk who got engaged, Guzma was left out in the 
dark again. The professor down below patted and stroked the hairy thighs, blushing a bit from 
doing it.  
“Hey, hey it’s okay,” the small human said as he comforted the stud. “If you don’t wanna talk 
about it that’s fine by me. But I’m willing to listen though and I’m here for you.’ 
“No,” Guzma said as he cut off the sentence. He wiped his eyes again and took a deep breath. 
“No. I have to release it and explain why I’m a….mess.” 
Willow nodded as he respected the choice to come forward. He knew it was not always an easy 
thing to do. Guzma did was he said and told the professor everything what happened. He told 
about how he and Kukui met at a playground and became close friends until high school where 
Guzma decided to not attend college. Where he decided to form a team and use Pokemon just to 
‘look cool’ or earn some respect. He was sorry for all the things he had done, and finally saw the 
bad in it, which led him on a quest to find Kukui and confess. Not only that but to apologize for 
leaving him and not growing up like how they dreamed of. Then the unexpected growth 
happened and the hurtful rejection that made Guzma cry even more when telling it.  
“A-and I don’t kn-know what to do now. I have this body and power. It’s useless,” he said crying 
again. Professor Willow was understanding the pain and how heartbroken the other man was. 
He didn’t need to go through that, especially when he was willing to change.  
“It’s l-like I wasted my future just for pleasure. Why did I think g-gathering a team to use 
Pokémon just to gain popularity o-or respect? I’m a fucking l-loser that n-no one wants.”  
The alpha sniffed his nose while he wiped his eyes once again. He didn’t want to go on and tell 
more. He was just tired and destroyed for the stupid things he did in the past. The small 
professor patted Guzma’s thighs and stood up. He made his way around the huge leg and sat 
where Guzma’s massive cock was resting on the sand. Confused, the stud looked down and 
politely moved his monster to give Willow more space, which he didn’t seem to care.  
“Guzma. I have a question for you,” Professor Willow said in a gentle tone while standing in 
place professionally. “Are you going to beat yourself up on your past, or get over it to search for 
a new future?” 
The professor smiled as he looked at Guzma’s puffy eyes. The question made him arch an 
eyebrow. He did had a point. Was he going to cry all day and act bitchy or grow up to be a new 
man with a brighter life? The alpha thought about it and gave a nod to the second choice.  
“I-I suppose I can m-move on. It’ll b-be hard though.” 
“Well that’s why I’m here to help you. You are a good guy.” Professor Willow said as he gave his 
cheerful smile.  
That warm smile made Guzma blush with embarrassment as he started to become shy to the 
smaller human.  
“Oh n-no I’m not stop it,” the stud said as he chuckled with his face burning red.  
“No! If you were not a good guy under it all, you would’ve tried to force your will upon Kukui 
and his fiance. You are certainly big enough that they couldn’t stop you without a lot of help. 
But you didn’t and you respected Kukui’s decision. You’re willing to change for the better right? 
I would be glad to help you in that process.” Willow said before blushing and saying in a quiet 
voice “It also doesn’t hurt that you are really…. handsome… and big.”  
Guzma’s face was bright as a tomato as the praise he was getting from Willow was too much for 
“Haha okay okay relax bud. However under one condition. Will you be my boyfriend?” Guzma 
said as he teasefuly said while giving his biceps a flex.  
Willow’s eyes widened in shock at the question and how the biceps of the massive male 
exploded with size. Blushing now in a deep shade of red and stammering “I-I-I-I don’t…. How 
could? Is this? Do you really? Uh….Y-yes why not,” the professor said seeming to shrink in place 
at his embarrassing reaction and how he just said yes without much of a fight.  
The response was a surprise to the alpha as he quickly blushed and covered his mouth.  
“No! I-I was just kidding!” 
Willow deflated a bit, the professor’s own insecurities showing. “W-Well don’t offer something 
like that if you aren't going to follow up on it!”   
“W-well I do accept it! I-I think you’re hot and c-cute too...”  
The two stared at each other for a bit and burst out with laughter. They were staring for a while 
before one looked away. They gave some more embarrassing laughs but once it was quiet the 
two did it again. Guzma couldn’t believe that a man he just met was willing to go through his 
journey in becoming a better man. Hell Willow is even willing to be his boyfriend, which he still 
couldn’t believe. The hairy male opened his arms for a hug, which the smaller professor 
accepted instantly. His small head was trapped between the mountainous hairy pecs and gave a 
strong inhale to smell the powerful musk Guzma produced.  
“S-so I guess it’s official then?” The leader said as he gave Willow a soft hug.  
“Not exactly. Depends on how our first date goes.” 
A week has passed since Guzma and Willow encountered one another and became a 
couple. The alpha was fine for not having sex with Willow since he was scared to have another 
breakup again. But knowing how extremely kind the professor was made the leader calm down a 
bit with his sad thoughts.  
For their first date Willow was going to come over to Guzma’s house and cook. They were 
going to watch a horror movie, which was Guzma’s idea, and relax. The musclehunk had an 
hour before his first boyfriend came over to cook. This meant that he had to clean the house a 
bit and use a lot of air fresheners to at least lighten the smell that was filled with the smelly 
As the hour quickly passed, Guzma was trying on some clothes he was given by Samson that was 
specifically meant to fit him. What the alpha didn’t like was how ugly the designs were, all 
having a horrible color pallet and sometimes looking bland. What he did like were the various 
thongs and jockstraps he was given with one even having the Team Skull logo. 
“He really didn’t have to do that,” Guzma said to himself. He chuckled as he brought up the 
jockstrap and tried it on. For once he was able to wear something that covered up his entire 
junk. His cock and balls fit snugly inside of the soft fabric and was surprisingly stretchy, to a 
certain limit that is.  
While Guzma was checking himself out he heard the doorbell ringing, causing him to quickly 
run out of the room and not wear a shirt. Outside Willow was patiently waiting and looked in 
the grocery bag to see if he got every ingredient to make his new favorite dish, Huli-huli 
chicken. The door to the house quickly swung open which revealed Guzma’s lower, and hairy, 
body with his bulge blocking the entire door frame. 
“H-hey I’m so glad you came by safely!” Guzma said as he quickly bent down and smiled at 
Willow. The professor smiled as he too waved back. 
“I’m glad to have come by Guzma. You have a lovely place. A big house to yourself and it’s super 
clean outside. I love the mini garden you have outside as well I’d like to expand it a bit 
“Oh thanks heh. Yeah I cleaned the place up a bit before you arrived. It was fine but I just 
wanted to make it look a lot nicer.” The leader had calmed down a bit and smiled as he and 
Willow got lost into each other’s eyes again. 
“M-May I come in?” Willow asked to break the silence. 
“Oh of course! M-my bad heh.” 
The leader stepped aside from the door and allowed his smaller boyfriend to come inside. Upon 
entering Willow was hit with an intense smell of Guzma’s musk. He gave a sharp inhale, trying 
to get a lot of the masculine smell before he could get used to it again. Exhaling he let out a soft 
moan and felt his shorts getting tighter, which he covered with the grocery bag.  
“Where’s your kitchen? I was thinking of cooking now so we can enjoy the movie before dark.” 
“Oh I’ll show you, follow me.” Guzma walked in front and led the way, which gave Willow a 
perfect view of Guzma’s beautiful round ass. Though, as much as Willow wanted to appreciate 
the ass he wanted to know his boyfriend a lot more before they become more serious in their 
The professor wiped some sweat from his forehead and took a step back where Guzma 
was looking at the dish. His eyes were wide since the leader never had a dish like this before so 
it’ll be a new experience for him. But what he didn’t expect was how big it was! There was a 
mountain of chicken that almost reached the top of the kitchen lights. For Willow it was only a 
tenth of what was on the alpha’s plate. 
“Are you sure this is for all of me? I’m sure I’ll love your cooking don’t get me wrong but I feel 
like I should at least give you some of mine.” 
Willow showed one finger to his boyfriend and shushed him, forcing the stud to blush a bit. 
“Now now, we can both agree that we’re hungry men but for a big beefy man like you surely you 
need a big meal!” 
“O-okay then. Movie time?” Guzma asked as he offered a ride on his shoulder.  
“Certainly!” The professor blushed as he hopped up on Guzma’s mighty shoulders and sat down 
where the stud got their plates and made it to the living room. There was no couch since Guzma 
was a couch himself but Willow didn’t mind to sit anywhere besides the shoulders. He feared he 
could fall off. 
“Hey baby?” 
The name calling made Guzma blush hard as he looked at his small boyfriend. 
“Can you put me um, t-there?” Willow’s face turned bright red as he pointed the small crack 
between Guzma’s soft jockstrap and his hefty cock. The alpha widened his eyes and softly 
brought the professor down to his bulge, which felt weird to have a human sitting on. 
“W-well I guess we can start the m-movie and eat.” 
Guzma gave a soft nod and turned on the tv while he gave Willow his plate. The alpha grabbed a 
handfull of his food, pinching some of the large chicken with his massive fingers. When he 
opened his mouth he quickly dropped the yummy meet down and moaned. The chicken tasted 
great! He started to eat more and more before he finished the plate within seconds.  
It took Willow a while but he managed to finish before the first act could reach the halfway 
point. He placed the plate on his lap and rested on Guzma’s cock, which he still didn’t seem to 
be bothered by. Really he was focusing on the movie. The hairy chest hair was rubbing on the 
professor’s ears but he didn’t mind that much. Really he was scared on the movie since horror 
was kinda his weak genre. 
The plot about an innocent man summoning a demon and having to deal with the side-effects 
was too much for Willow. He didn’t want to know how the victim would end up but for Guzma 
he was enjoying every second of it. Horror was his bread and butter. A jumpscare happened on 
screen which showed a gruesome image of various people being killed and mutilated, causing 
Willow to scream and quickly hug Guzma’s abs. The alpha looked down and quickly turned off 
the tv, comforting his little boyfriend with some pats. 
“Hey I turned the tv off its okay,” Guzma said as he started to feel his stomach getting wet.  
“C-can we like, n-not watch horror movies anymore?” Willow asked as he cried a bit. 
“Anything for you babe of course we will.” 
The alpha kept patting the professor’s back but wanted to hug him. Downside of having massive 
pecs and being 14 feet tall: You can’t hug your boyfriend. 
“L-Listen I want to hug you but I can’t from this position so-” 
“Lay on your back.” 
Guzma was confused and stopped his pats. 
“I-I’m sorry wha-” 
“Lay down. That way we can hug…” 
The alpha did as he was told and rested down on his back. The space was a bit limited but it 
wasn’t that bad. He moved his arms once he felt Willow’s arms unwrap him and make his way 
up to the hairy chest. Seeing the tears run down his face made Guzma feel guilty. As the smaller 
human came to a halt he found a soft spot on the left pec to lay down on. The two lovers faces 
weren’t that far from one another as the alpha could see Willow’s brown eyes while he too could 
see the familiar grey. 
“Listen baby, I’m sorry you had to go through that I should’ve asked first.” The musclehunk ran 
his finger through Willow’s sharp chin.  
“I-it’s okay. It really isn’t your fault. I should’ve t-told you.” 
There was an awkward silence that filled the room and the only thing that could be heard of was 
Guzma’s heavy breathing. He could feel the smaller human’s chest beating fast while the same 
for the stud. Both men quickly looked up at one another and smack their lips together. The two 
quickly moaned and rubbed each other’s faces. Guzma was blushing hard and shed a tear while 
he shoved his tongue inside of Willow’s. The kiss was electric for both of them, as the strong 
thick tongue of Guzma’s roamed around the inside of Willow all while he was rubbing the 
alpha’s beard. The two were stuck there for a while but eventually broke the kiss when the 
smaller human needed air. 
They were both huffing and gasping after the strong kiss but did it once again. Guzma couldn’t 
believe what was happening right now but he didn’t want to stop. They were interrupted and 
broke the kiss again when the doorbell rang. The alpha quickly got up and set Willow down, 
seeing his tent and blushed a bit. 
“St-stay there I’ll check who’s at the door.” 
The alpha nodded and watched Willow’s tiny feet run as he made his way to the door. The 
doorbell rang again and again, which ticked off the professor a bit. Upon opening the door he 
heard a man yelp. 
“Yeah who is it?” 
The man looked up and saw a familiar face and he too yelped. It was Kukui, standing at the door 
and quickly hugged the smaller human. 
“How have you been man it’s been a while?” 
“O-Oh I”m doing great! What brings you here Kukui?” 
“Oh shoot my apologies. I was here to tell you about-” 
A booming cough was heard down the hall, which startled the two men. The sounds of the 
footsteps grew larger and larger and once Guzma came into frame both stopped talking. The 
engaged professor feared for the massive alpha to kick him out but instead he shut the door 
behind him. 
“Hey man,” Guzma said as he looked a bit sad. 
Confused, Kukui looked at Willow in which he walked to the other side of the hall to leave the 
two alone. Anxiety filled up the musclegut male, seeing the stud above him gave his thoughts 
scary ideas on what would happen next. 
“Look, I’m not mad at you anymore. It should be me who’s got to apologize.” 
The answer shocked Kukui but he immediately accepted it. “W-wait Guzma I have to tell you 
something first dude.” 
“Hm? Go ahead I guess.” 
The retired teacher sighed and looked down at his legs before he took a few steps closer to 
“I forgive you. I’m sorry for overreacting back there but I still forgave you even for leaving me. 
We were teenagers so of course we didn’t know what’s right or wrong but… Now that we’re 
seeing each other again I think it’s best if we leave the past behind. Trust me I’ve been in the 
same spot you’re in right now,” he said laughing a bit. Guzma smiled as he looked at Kukui. 
“Hey thanks for saying that.” 
“Why? You were going to say the same thing but with, ‘I was a dummy for leaving you for 
popularity’?” Kukui said jokingly. 
“Oh shut it you,” Guzma said as he softly punched the engaged professor’s shoulders. The two 
laughed again and started to feel comfortable being with one another. 
“Listen, I’m sorry for calling your fiance that name I hope he doesn’t mind that. I was a crybaby 
back there but hey I’m happy for you guys. Whatever you two do make sure you’re both happy 
and enjoy each other.”  
Guzma placed his hands on Kukui’s shoulders, causing him to flinch a bit but smiled afterwards. 
The two were starting to become friends once more and their past selves were left behind. 
“Oh! I have to say something to you and Willow.” 
“Really? What is it?” 
Kukui opened his small lab coat and pulled out two light blue envelopes which had Guzma and 
Willow’s names on it. 
“No. You didn’t.” 
“Would you and your boyfriend like to attend our wedding?” Kukui said as he gave a wink to 
The alpha was shocked and was shaking with the envelopes in his hands. He looked up at his 
best friend and gave a nod. 
“We’d be honored.” 
The wedding day came way faster than expected to the new couple. Guzma got his 
extremely large dark purple vest from Samson the night before, which gave him a bit of a small 
anxiety attack since he had nothing else but the jockstraps. Willow was happy to see his 
boyfriend get excited for his friend’s wedding as well seeing the happy faces of Ash’s and 
Kukui’s families. They held it at a beach, which was a breather for the alpha and chubby 
professor since they were the biggest men around. Willow and Ash gave both of their beefy 
mates many showers and perfumes to get their musk away but it was no use.  
As Guzma walked in he saw how massive the stage was and was very impressed by it. Of course 
the normal humans down below saw this as a concert type but for his friend’s case it was 
necessary. Kukui noticed Guzma looming around and observing the place and thought it would 
be nice to talk to him.  
“Hey! I’m glad you can make it,” the professor said as he came up to Guzma.  
“Of course man! You thought I would miss my bud’s wedding?” The two laughed it out as they 
shook hands and hugged each other.  
The alpha noticed how Kukui was already panicking and felt his palms being a bit sweaty.  
“Nervous?” Guzma asked to release the tension.  
The well dressed man laughed as he played with his collar a bit. It was clear that Kukui thought 
he was ready for this but now he was panicking.  
“Heh, yeah I guess so. Do you think I smell weird?” Kukui asked as he lifted his arm. Their 
outfits were very similar since it was given by Samson. The vest allowed Kukui’s hairy pits to be 
in view to the leader’s face, which he rolled his eyes and shrugged it off.  
“Dude we’re like massive hairy buff dudes who’re always horny 24/7. It’s not our fault that we 
smell good~” Guzma said as he winked at his friend.  
“Oh shut up you asshat~” The professor said in response. He looked down at his watch and was 
in shock at how close it was to starting time.  
“Oh shit! Okay dude uh, here we go! Wish me luck!” The muscleguted hunk waved to his friend 
as he made his way to the stage. The alpha laughed as he saw the belly of the professor jiggle 
and slosh with every booming step he took. As he was minding his own business, the stud felt a 
familiar small hand wrap around his large fingers. Guzma looked down and saw his boyfriend, 
Willow, all dressed up in a very expensive looking suit.  
“Hey there hon, did you find our seats yet?”  
The massive male above him stood still as his face turned red.  
“Guzma? Is everything alright sweetheart?” 
The alpha shook his head and wiped his forehead with his handkerchief before tossing it behind 
him. He gave the small hand a tight grip and smiled.  
“Yeah! Everything is great.” 
He and Willow walked to their seat, which was all the way in the back due to Guzma’s massive 
size. The two didn’t mind about it since no matter where they looked, the entire area looked 
fantastically themed. When Ash arrived everyone stood up, including Guzma which gave a few 
people looking at his odd body. The wedding went perfectly and many people, including the 
professor and leader, cried here and there. When Ash and Kukui were saying their vows they 
couldn’t help to cry and laugh while it was happening. The chubby professor’s Incineroar was 
also crying but was recording a close up look of his long time friend’s crying face. It was mostly 
so he could look back to it and make fun of him. They thought that this special day would never 
happen but here they were, crying while they’re getting married.  
Once it was over everyone made it to the afterparty, which was being hosted in a big tent. 
Again, it was to accommodate the two stud’s large size but at this point everyone got used to it 
already. Guzma and Willow has their own table, which was close to the newly wedds. The area 
was filled with many white and blue decorations as well the table sheets being similar to an aqua 
type color. Music was being played out as the food was being placed in the long trays. As 
everyone was taking their seats, Kukui and Ash came up to the two.  
“Hey hey guys! I’m glad you two showed up,” Ash said as he was riding his husband’s broad 
“We are both so happy for you two. Of course we couldn’t miss this wonderful occasion!” 
Willow exclaimed as he was resting on Guzma’s bulge.  
“Is there anything you want? We can bring you a lot of food if you want buddy,” The 
musclehunk teased as he lightly punched the alpha’s biceps.  
“Nah I think we’re fine. Willow stayed up all night cooking breakfast for the both of us.” 
Ash gasped. “Willow! Don’t pull off all nighters again! You could’ve asked for an extra hand 
with that cooking.”  
“Oh that won’t be necessary. It’s your wedding day! Have fun with one another. Do not worry 
about me and Guzma we’re fine.”  
Kukui and Ash blushed deeply as they had no choice but to accept what their friend said. And 
he was right! It’s their wedding day. They need to rest a bit before a long “research” tonight.  
“Plus he’s done it before. Pulling all nighters is kinda his thing.” 
“Ugh tell me about it. Living as a Pokémon professor has its downside sometimes.” 
The two chuckled and had more conversations for a bit until the entire tent was now filled with 
people. Incineroar came out with a microphone and was, apparently, the host for the night. He 
was well dressed as well with his outfit having a violet color to it. Kukui gave it as a gift for him 
but it was mostly due to how he joked about coming in casual. And by the wrestler’s term of 
casual it was coming in naked. 
“What’s up guys? We’re glad you could come on down to the afterparty! Now take a seat before 
we can start but can we give a big round of applause to the newly wedds?” 
Incineroar smiled as he started to clap very loudly, making a chain of people doing the same 
thing. Guzma was screaming with joy and clapping with everything he had while Willow was 
calm with his and smiled. The two sat in their chairs with a smile and red face, feeling a bit 
overwhelmed by the love they were receiving.  
“Ah man I love those two. Now many of you know that Kukui was secretly Masked Royal, until 
obviously he slipped the truth out of his mouth. But what you didn’t know was that I was with 
this guy since he was a little kid. No not in this form silly, I was a tiny Litten when we made our 
first encounter. Also don’t ask me how I remember every detail I might just be making this up.” 
The crowd gave a light laughter as Incineroar smilled with his dumb joke. Kukui rolled his eyes 
as of course, his buddy wouldn’t stop with his attitude. Ash was just enjoying the story he never 
got to hear. 
“I was angry at him, giving him a scratch on his arms but he didn’t leave me. The day after he 
found me again while I was asleep and waited for me to wake up. No Pokeball thrown to capture 
me or poking a stick. He waited for me. And when I finally woke up he asked if he wanted to be 
his friend. Which was weird since I never had a human ask me that before but, I liked it. Ever 
since then we grew up together up to this point. I’ve seen this handsome man grow up and be a 
loving husband that he was meant to be. So Kukui,” Incineroar said as he turned away from the 
“It has been a privilege and honor, for being a best friend for almost my entire life. I wish the 
best of marriage for you and Ash, and pray to Arceus that you don’t lose that muscle bro.” 
The professor laughed as he patted his belly and out came a thunderous applause. Guzma was a 
bit teary eyed when it happened but that wasn’t because he was sad. He was happy seeing his 
friend gain a new chapter in his life.  
“Alright then everyone! Let’s go and eat!” The fire type Pokémon grinned as many people stood 
up from their chairs and made their way to the food. A Chesnaught was standing at the end of 
the table, giving out plates for everyone to eat. Guzma and Kukui were having their catch up 
conversations while everyone was getting their food. Meanwhile Ash and Willow talked about 
cooking techniques and what new recipes the two could try. As the wrestler saw the Chesnaught 
he felt his heartbeat rising a bit. The outfit he was wearing looked cute on him. It looked a bit 
similar to what a butler might wear but big enough for a fighter type like him to wear. The grass 
Pokémon gave him a plate and winked at him, making the wrestler blush.  
A few hours passed with the afterparty being filled with many activities and games for everyone 
to enjoy. When the DJ announced it was a dance party a few people went to the dance floor and 
let loose. The newly wed did the same with the professor bending down a bit so that his little 
lover wouldn’t have to worry about dancing on his tippy toes.  
The alpha leader watched the dancers go away but was feeling a bit nervous. He looked down at 
his soft boyfriend, who was humming along the loud song. Guzma prepared for his moment but 
he wasn’t sure the outcome. As he steadied himself he softly patted the middle aged man’s back.  
“H-hey babe? Can we go outside for a while my hips are killing me,” Guzma said as he started to 
sweat a bit.  
“Oh sure! Here let me get off and then we can go.” 
As so, Willow hopped down his beefy stud’s massive bulge and let him walk outside while he 
followed behind. What was odd about Guzma was how he was sticking his arm far away from 
“Guzma, baby, what are you doing?” 
“Just take it.” 
Without hesitation the professor followed as he was told and walked behind his lover. The two 
walked for a bit across the sandy beach. It was already getting dark which made Willow a bit 
scared but they weren’t too far away from the massive tent. However the kind man noticed how 
they were getting a bit close to the location he’d walk on some sad nights. The beach where he 
and Guzma met. A sudden halt came from the alpha, as he turned around and looked down. He 
cupped both of Willow’s small hands between his massive ones and gave a sharp inhale.  
“Willow. I brought you out here for one reason only. But that reason must be told back when we 
first met. I was sad, depressed, broken how the man I loved was getting married without me. I 
had recently gained this godly body but still felt worthless. That is, until you came around. You 
comforted me when I was at my lowest. You didn’t judge me when I told you about my life or 
the fact that someone who looked like I did was crying. You were encouraging and you were 
kind. Y-You made me f-feel like I-I had w-worth!” 
The alpha was starting to get a bit teary eyed and had his voice trembling a bit after speaking 
the last words. He wiped his eyes but felt Willow patting his hands for comfort.  
“Oh honey no please don’t cry-“ 
“N-no. Shhhh just…..wait.” 
The professor stood still and kept himself silent. Guzma reached inside of his pocket and pulled 
out a white small box.  
“That is why, I Guzma, am asking....”  
Before he could finish the sentence, Guzma went down on one of his knee and looked straight at 
Willow. He was already crying and sobbing from what was about to be asked.  
“Will you marry me?” 
The answer he got was a warm and loving kiss from the smaller human. The alpha knew that it 
was a yes as he too kissed back and started to cry. The two hugged each other and remained 
locked into each other’s lips until the professor moved away to catch some air.  
“Y-Yes! O-of course I will! Y-you have no idea how much I wanted this day to come!”  
Guzma smiled happily and cried even more when he removed the diamond ring with a gold 
band into his lover’s finger. It fit perfectly and once it was on the two kissed again, but this time 
being longer. Willow moaned as he shoved his tongue inside of the alpha’s mouth. During this 
he was roaming around Guzma’s manly chest and gave it a few gropes. He seemed to like it as 
he gave a loud growl to the smaller human. The stud wrapped his arms around the professor and 
fell onto his hairy back, bringing down his horny lover.  
“Oh you’ve been wanting to roam this body haven’t you~” 
“Just shut up and kiss me ya big dork~” 
Guzma grinned as he pulled Willow close to his lips and gave him the same treatment he 
received not too long ago. They both laid down on the beach and kept on kissing for a while, 
minding their own business and not wondering on what’s happening around them.  
As this was happening, the newly weds were talking a stroll down the same path the leader took 
not too long ago. This time they were having their fun as they joked around and even loosened 
their tight outfits.  
“Man I can’t believe you actually waited for him to wake up,” Ash said as he held onto the 
muscleguted male’s arm.  
“Please, I read a book about Incineroar being the cool Pokémon.” 
“What? That’s bullshit you know he’s a decent Pokémon.” 
“Hey! Don’t say mean things about our best friend like that~”  
It was clear the two had a lot of drinks as Kukui kept on laughing and burping a bit. He was 
holding a keg of beer after all while Ash was holding a normal sized one. As they went a bit 
further down they heard moaning and loud kissing noises. Curious, they two walked closer and 
hid behind a rock to see the action. What they were surprised was that the sounds were coming 
from Guzma and Willow!  
The two were going all out with it. The vest Samson made for the alpha was open, revealing his 
hairy chest and abs to the smaller human. Willow was just rubbing and licking every bit of the 
chest of his boyfriend, making sure he didn’t miss a spot.  
“Hmm. Didn’t they start dating like a month ago?” Ash asked as he took a sip from his beer.  
“Yeah so? It took us three days into that Paris trip and we got engaged.” 
“Baby that was our one year anniversary of dating.”  
The professor turned around and gave Ash a confused look. He blinked his eyes and let out a 
hiccup before drinking the keg.  
“True. Alrighty we need to go back to the tent cuz I’m starving.” 
“Awww daddy! Why can’t we join them?” Ash said as he was being dragged away from the sexy 
scene that was happening.  
“Let them be it’s their special day too.” 
Guzma and Willow stopped to catch some air before they went back to another round of the 
long awaited body worshiping. Now that the piercings were gone the professor was able to wrap 
his mouth around the fat nipple and give it a suck. The alpha above him growled and pushed 
him closer to it, making him moan and feel the massive size of it. He couldn’t take it anymore as 
he pulled away and let out a loud pop sound. The two huffed for air before they kissed again.  
It’s going to be a long night for the both of them.  
Many hours passed during the afterparty but it did hold a decent amount of drunk people 
inside the tent. The people who stayed over were mostly there to get wasted or hook up with 
someone. Incineroar was one of those people as he and the Chesnaught he saw earlier were 
drinking away and flirting with one another. Guzma and Willow however had other plans and 
quickly left to make it back to the house. During the trip back, the professor had a raging boner 
and was constantly groping and sucking on his boyfriend’s massive nipples. The alpha was 
enjoying it mostly due to how nipple play was one of his favorite things to do.  
“Now now baby, you need to wait when we get back home. Once we’re inside your ass belongs 
to daddy now~” Guzma said as he growled at the smaller human.  
“Y-Yes daddy.” 
Guzma chuckled as he gave Willow a kiss to be forehead and still walked his way back. Since it 
was way past midnight, the two didn’t bother about their outfits. The stud had his vest opened 
to reveal his massive manly chest while his godly rod and ballsack swung side to side freely 
without the pants he wore earlier. Willow had his top half of clothing gone with his pants 
unbuckled, showing his erect cock. It didn’t take long for the two to make it back home. Upon 
reaching the doorstep, Guzma opened the small door and bent down to enter. Once he closed it 
he fell down onto his back and started to remove his remaining clothes.  
“W-Wait! Don’t y-you think we need lube f-for this?” The professor asked shyly as he too started 
to strip off his pants.  
The alpha was starting to go wild as he didn’t bother to answer and immediately turn the 
smaller human around. Willow yells as he was faced with the mountainous cock, smelling the 
musk Guzma was producing. The stud noticed that the horny man was smelling a bit odd but 
once he got a good sniff of it all hell broke loose. The musclehunk brought the plump round ass 
close to his face and started to lick it. The strong tongue made his little pup moan out loud, 
huffing as he started to lick some parts of Guzma’s cock.  
“D-Daddy likes my ass r-right? Y-you, AH!”  
Professor Willow was cut off when he felt his tight donut stretching at a unbelievable size. The 
tongue of his alpha boyfriend was inside of his asshole, stretching him before the big event. 
However the leader had different ideas in his mind. Pulling away he wiped his mouth before he 
brought up three of his fat fingers close to the gaping ass. The professor couldn’t continue his 
work due to how forceful Guzma was, but he wasn’t lying how much he thought of about his ass 
being destroyed.  
Without warning Guzma shoved his fingers down the warm ass, making Willow scream out in 
pleasure. Instead of going deeper he spread his fingers apart, making the donut stretch out more 
than ever before. Willow’s heart was racing, eagerly wanting to get fucked by his alpha daddy’s 
“P-please Daddy! Please! F-fuck me and m-make me your b-bitch!” The professor cried out as he 
by his lips.  
Guzma smiled and retracted his fingers from the now wide asshole. Gently he turned the 
smaller human’s body around, seeing how an absolute mess he was. His little lover was smiling, 
tears of happiness was running down his face all while his cock was throbbing with lust. It was 
clear that he wanted to have his daddy’s cock inside of him. It was just the alpha who was 
teasing him too much.  
“Aw, look at you. Hungry for your daddy’s cock aren’t ya?” Guzma said as he slowly got up.  
“Yes! Please, please Guzma I want to be filled with your seed. P-please!” 
The stud shushed his horny lover as he got on his knees. He slowly brought down the professor 
and stroked his manly rod. He saw his foreskin slowly pull back and show the tip in all of its 
“Go on all fours pup.” The musclehunk spoke with a demanding tone.  
“Y-Yes d-daddy.” 
Willow did as he was told to do, getting on all fours and faced away from his alpha. Out of 
nowhere he felt, what was supposed to be, the tip of Guzma’s cock. He yelled as he did not 
expect it to be that big! The ass still felt tight even though the leader stretched it out far enough. 
Huffing he gave a powerful thrust, only pushing in a foot of his dick inside of the professor’s 
ass. An outline was quickly shown bulging out of the smaller man’s stomach. The alpha pulled 
out a few feet again before he shoved in deeper, managing to get half way in. Professor Willow 
could no longer react to the pleasure he was getting, already blowing his load into the wood 
“Uh oh, someone cummed when they weren’t supposed to~” Guzma said as he lowered himself. 
He hugged his horny fiancé and kissed him before he pulled back and shoved his dick in all the 
way. The alpha groaned as he felt the donut being tight again. Oh well that will change soon. He 
didn’t have to worry about Willow’s stomach as the belly was surprisingly stretchy. This allowed 
Guzma to pull back and thrust in every foot of his dick inside of the professor.  
“You okay pup? Daddy wants to make sure his living sex doll is ready for a good pounding~” 
Willow moaned and whimpered as he felt his shoulder being nibbled on. He quickly nodded but 
felt the strong force of Guzma’s thrusts stretch his stomach out more.  
“I didn’t hear you~” 
The scream of the professor was music to Guzma’s ears. Now that his lover was ready, the alpha 
stud started to thrust his hips with all of his might. He wrecking ball sized ballsack slapped 
against the smaller man’s thighs, sending out loud sounds of slapping in the entire house. The 
hairy crotch slammed against the plump ass, making it jiggle or wobble every time it made 
contact. The alpha groaned and bit his lip as he tried to go slower. He remained the same pace 
but at this point he’ll might just cum already!  
The professor was enjoying every second of it though. He moaned and let out a few words of 
praise to his alpha daddy, blushing a bit when he got bite marks as a thank you. The load of 
precum gave him a small belly that’s sloshed around in sync with the movement. It felt a bit 
weird for him that his stomach was stretching out to accommodate the world’s best cock in 
existence. But who cares? His ass belonged to the sexiest and beefiest man that ever walked the 
earth! He did like the thrusts and slapping on his ass or thighs. It made his body jolt and send 
waves of pleasure across his whole body. It felt like eternity with the constant thrusts but he 
wouldn’t mind staying in this position forever.  
Minutes to hours passed for the two of them as they tried different positions and even went to 
different rooms. There was no stop for Guzma’s horniness but how can you blame him? The two 
waited to have sex with one another for a month of course they’d want this to last forever. Both 
made it to the bathroom and moved everything from the sink so that Willow had something to 
rest on. Then the two love birds kissed each other and gave out compliments all while the thick 
cock was making the once loose donut get used to his new toy. 
“Mfh, you love this cock don’t you~” Guzma said as he spooned his special loved one.  
“I-I love it! I wouldn’t m-mind if we, ah!” The professor was cut off from the sudden throb 
inside of his stomach.  
“A-ah f-fuck I’m c-close.” 
“G-Guzma I’m s-scared!” 
Willow wasn’t thinking much ahead of time on how big the load would be but he had no choice 
but to face it soon. Would the load be so big that he’ll be immobile and full of cum? Again he 
wouldn’t mind being a water ballon with cum inside he’s just worried way how it happens. Well 
maybe a little bit.  
“Shh, I-it’s okay daddy’s g-got you baby,” Guzma said as he flew his balls rising up a bit. “You 
trust me right?” 
Willow whimpered again but nodded, coming close to his face and kissing him before relaxing 
his body. The stud winked at his lover before thrusting his hips faster and faster. Then the 
sudden force of the alpha’s sperm was released, quickly filling up the professor’s belly and 
making a large stomach. Guzma roared as he arched is cock in all the way, making sure that he 
got every inch in and not let the load leak out. The professor closed his eyes and moaned out as 
he felt his stomach getting wider and being filled up with alpha cum. Within seconds the load 
reached max capacity inside of the stomach and forced Willow to shoot out the sperm out of his 
nose and mouth.  
It then started to leak it’s way out of the stretched out anus, making the floor form a puddle of 
cum. The musclehunk stayed this way for a good half hour before he felt his rock hard cock 
slowly turn soft. Willow gasped and wiped his mouth to get the sperm out but he decided to lick 
it. He then did the same with his cum covered pecs and managed to decently clean it by 
swallowing every bit of sperm from his fingers. The alpha above him blushed and rubbed the 
round cumgut he gave to the professor. The smaller male moaned and did the same before he 
placed his hands above the musclehunk.  
“N-now that wasn’t t-that bad huh?”Guzma asked as he quickly opened the drawers and pulled 
out a massive purple butt plug, similar in thickness to his monster friend.  
“Oh darling y-you were great. I-I would love to huff, s-see that side of you again~” The professor 
winked at him before he felt the plug go up his ass. Now that he felt the size of Guzma’s dick he 
at least was used to basically anything now.  
“You like me being demanding, playing the daddy/pup role~” The alpha winked at the professor, 
who was blushing like crazy.  
“O-Oh be quiet you and come here and give me a kiss~” 
“I was going to anyways~”  
The two gave each other a loving kiss, with a little bit of Willow stroking Guzma’s fuzzy beard.  
“Bed time?” 
“Absolutely my alpha daddy~” 
The two giggled as the musclehunk carried his fiancé in a bridal style. The sloshing of the 
stomach full of cum made the professor blush but he loved it. The fact that he was now going to 
be married to a beautiful, handsome man like Guzma made his heart warm.  
Both of their lives are going to change forever. And they can’t wait for that to happen. 
In the morning after the wedding, Guzma thought it would be nice to cook breakfast for 
the two of them. He wanted to get a little bit of taste with Willow’s cooking and also wanted to 
treat him as well. It was a usual type of breakfast however. Just pancakes with bacon and eggs 
but jumbo sized basically. Now of course he’s bigger than a normal human being so bending 
down was an option he had no choice to go against. However he found that it was making his 
back hurt a lot so now he’s sitting in a crisscrossed way.  
As the alpha hummed to himself, he heard the steps of the stairs creaking. Happily he got up 
and saw the morning version of his beautiful fiancé. His hair was all messed up and had bags 
under his eyes. Everything was fine but what was very odd was how the saggy belly now looked a 
bit smaller and rounder.  
“Morning hon! I made breakfast for the both of us. Did you get a good night sleep?” Guzma 
asked as he gave a soft kiss to the professor’s head.  
“Oh I did thanks for asking. I never want to leave that bed but I had to wake up with a sharp 
pain on my stomach.” 
Those words made Guzma panic and activate his worried dad mode.  
“Are you okay? Is there something you need? Do I have to call 911? Tell me how many fingers 
I’m holding.” 
The alpha was smooching and hugging his lover as his way to comfort him. Willow giggled as 
he calmed the stud down.  
“Oh there’s nothing to be worried about. I took a pregnancy test and I found the answer to my 
The leader stood still in front of the professor and arched an eyebrow.  
“What do you mean by, ‘I took a pregnancy test’? Baby you’re out of your mind men can’t get 
“Okay then tell me your reason why this came out as a positive.”  
Willow held out the pregnancy test device to Guzma, who was frantically taking away from the 
small hands. The couldn’t believe it. There it was, the two lines were there! The leader was 
shaking and took a step back before he lost his balance. He fainted before landing on his back, 
still holding the pregnancy test in his hand.  
“Guzma? Baby are you okay?” The pregnant professor asked as he came close to his alpha 
daddy. He shook his arms and cane close to his mouth, feeling air rushing in and out. Good, he 
didn’t die from the unexpected pregnancy.  
“Oh dear, he isn’t ready.” Willow said to himself as he held his big round belly. “I’m not even 
The two soon to be husbands are having a bright future in front of them!  
(E N D) 

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