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Chapter 1

The sky, motionless and dim, hovered in its murky indigo defiance. Few students
lingered around the dim school compound. Ivryl, arriving earlier than the other students,
had taken a bulky fictional book from her schoolbag and was picking a moderately bright
corner along the corridor to continue the part of the story where she had left yesterday.
She sat down and stooped over the book. Her auburn hair cascaded down her shoulders,
obscuring her face. Unable to shake away the feeling that she was being watched, Ivryl
swept a brief glance around her. Her olive eyes barely paused upon a solitary figure
before returning to her book, her fingers fidgeting nervously.
Swathed in darkness, the silent stranger stuffed his hands in his pockets and
propped himself against a post with palpable masculinity. His head was vaguely turned to
a side, appearing deliberately bowed in search of shelter from the shadows. Thenceforth,
Ivryl screwed her eyes onto the words of the book without understanding them.
The heavens brightened within an hour, and clouds reflected the rich orange and
bright scarlet of the awakening sun. The dark peach walls of the town’s secondary school
complemented the luminous radiance of dawn. Students began to gather around the
corridor, brewing up a faint hum of excited murmurs. Ivryl trudged toward the
classrooms with her friends. The boy slung his bag over his shoulders and left his post
languidly, eyes settling on her back as he ambled a few steps behind her. Ivryl smoothed
her hair hastily.
‘Stop gawking at her, Jacqueleem, unless you want her complaining to her
parents,’ Zanders glimpsed sideways at the boy. ‘Besides, she’s in a different class, the
second class. You don't even know her… do you?’
Jacqueleem averted his emerald eyes swiftly, his russet hair blown loose from the
breeze as they entered the classroom, which buzzed with aimless blather. The students
immediately quietened as Madam Nabila strode into the classroom. The students greeted
her in dull unison. Jacqueleem froze into granite as he spotted a girl lingering at the
doorway; her eyes flickered in his direction. He tensed rigidly, oblivious as the teacher
waved a hand at the girl.
‘Class, a student from the neighbouring class will be joining you from today
onwards. Please have a sit, Ivryl.’
Realising the only empty seat available was right before him, his breathing
became unconsciously shallow and ragged.
Zanders, who sat next to Jacqueleem, whispered in a low voice, ‘So are you going
to gawk at her every second now?’
Jacqueleem seemed unperturbed on the outside. He dropped his intent gaze
politely as she neared him, or rather, the seat.
‘Oh, I’ve never noticed the vacant chair before. Ivryl, you may sit in front of
Jacqueleem,’ the teacher droned on.
‘Wow, that’s a dream coming true; can’t put the blame on me if I’m jealous.’
Zanders continued.
Jacqueleem murmured quietly, ‘Why would you be when your own girlfriend’s
sitting in front of you?’ He suddenly looked smug. ‘At least your girlfriend could try
introducing me to Ivryl.’
Both of the boys stopped talking when Ivryl reached the seat.
‘Welcome to 5A, the best and cutest class,’ it was the teacher’s voice again.
Students are assigned to different classes according to their annual examination results.
5A, apparently the first class, is occupied by twenty students with the highest past year
Pang! Ivryl accidentally dropped her book on her way towards her seat.
Jacqueleem dashed forward to help just when she began to reach for her books,
momentarily stunning her with his quicksilver poise. Within the few seconds their eyes
truly met for the first time, incandescent emerald and olive burning into each other like
molten metal. The whole class became completely hushed.
Madam Nabila’s voice broke through the silence when Ivryl and Jacqueleem
stared at each other like fools. ‘Yup, what did I tell you? This is the best and cutest class
where boys know how to take every girl's heart.’ Her words seemed to be directed at
Jacqueleem. All of the students in the class laughed including Zanders, while Jacqueleem
struggled to keep his face composed.

During a short, 20-minute breakfast recess, Ivryl and Zanders’s lover, Nicol, who
have been friends since childhood, went to the school canteen together. Near the end of
recess, Ivryl saw the boys talking casually a few strides away.
Ivryl asked, ‘Nicol, who’s that guy?’
Nicol looked at Ivryl disbelievingly. ‘I’m sure you’ve heard the teachers calling
his name.’
Ivryl rolled her eyes. ‘Yeah but…I hardly know him.’
‘Oh, come on, then. I’ll introduce Jacqueleem to you.’ Nicol walked toward them.
‘What do you think of him?’ Ivryl kept up with her pace.
‘Jacqueleem’s a nice guy, I think.’
‘You think?’
‘Sometimes he could be humorous, and sometimes… sometimes he could be too
cool for my liking. I don’t know how you’d make of him, though.’ Nicol said as she
reached the boys.
‘Zanders, can I introduce her to Jacqueleem?’ Nicol asked her boyfriend.
‘Sure. The both of them would surely click at once, like the both of us.’ Zanders
grinned at Nicol as he hooked his arm behind Jacqueleem’s shoulders playfully, speaking
without bothering to lower his voice, ‘Hmm…Ivryl’s quite attractive. What do you think,
Ivryl turned around to look at the surroundings, suddenly self-conscious.
‘Hey, cool it, Jacqueleem.’ Ivryl ignored Zanders’s words. ‘I was joking. Unlike
you, I don’t find her attractive at all.’ Zanders and his lover let out long peals of laughter.
‘Well, don’t just stand there. Shake hands when you meet a new friend. Proper
courtesy, you know.’ Zanders winked good-naturedly. ‘Uh, guess we’ll leave now.’ Nicol
followed him back to their classroom.
Ivryl’s blood abandoned her extended arm when he took her hand in his and
shook. ‘Nice to meet you, Ivryl,’ he pronounced each syllable perfectly.
‘Nice to meet you, too,’ echoed Ivryl, heart thudding against her sternum wildly
as warmth radiated from his palm. If Jacqueleem noticed how cold her hands were, he
didn’t mention it.
Ivryl cleared her throat softly; Jacqueleem dropped his hand.
‘Oops,’ said Jacqueleem lackadaisically as the school bell rang.
‘What did you have for breakfast?’ Ivryl asked.
‘Zilch,’ Jacqueleem looked at the empty canteen solemnly before turning his back
to it. ‘I prefer getting food when students were lesser. But I’d skip a light meal for you.’
He grinned. They strolled back to class, ignoring the swarm of students walking past
‘I guess you really like being solitary,’ Ivryl mumbled thoughtfully.
‘Thank you.’ His grin widened charmingly. ‘Come, let’s not tarry any longer. Sir
Ripin scolds those who are late for his classes.’ Jacqueleem’s stride lengthened.
Zanders smiled deviously at Jacqueleem a couple of minutes before the teacher
entered the class. Jacqueleem looked at Zanders sternly.
Zanders mumbled, ‘I’m not saying it’s funny.’
Chapter 2

The stranger propped his arm on the same post and leaned his forehead against it
heavily, sighing exasperatedly to himself. The emerald tint in his eyes glinted warily as
he observed the distant girl with… adoration? Infatuation? Love?
His jaw was firmly set as he probed blindly through a maelstrom of emotions,
neither certain of the friendliness he held for her nor the reasons for being exceedingly
devoted to her in a way that every strand of his constant attention stays irrationally
watchful over her. He remained unmoving as the girl lifted her head to scan her quiet
surroundings. The sky was still gloomy; the students were still few. His gaze sharpened
as her eyes lingered on him for a fleeting second just as she did yesterday. As usual, he
left his post once dawn broke.
Ivryl pursed her lips as today’s final lesson neared its end; Sir Ripin was just
finishing the third chapter in History. Jacqueleem made no move in starting a
conversation with Ivryl. He did answer her futile questions that were meant to get him
talking, yet almost seemed not to acknowledge her presence throughout the day. Ivryl
mused over her thoughts silently as she trod down the corridors toward the school gates.
Ivryl pursed her lips again as she recalled the strong features of his gorgeous face
frowning in abstruse concentration. Jacqueleem had left himself detached from the rest.
Nobody bothered him, not even Zanders.

‘Why aren’t you in the second class?’ Jacqueleem asked on the third day, slightly
sociable than he had been the day before. His mellow voice revealed nothing but
courtesy, not sounding like he wanted her to return to her former class. Every so often, he
would frown in fervent absorption at a particular thought briefly before slipping his
expression into the impassive facade again. His sculptured nose and lips moved
obediently, taut when they should be, relaxing when he wanted them to.
Ivryl paused a while before answering, ‘I’m too smart to be in 5B.’ A spontaneous
smile broke across her elfin face.
Understanding swept over his face, but his emerald eyes remained unyielding
upon a distant notion. ‘5A never had more than twenty students.’ Jacqueleem’s shrewd
eyes flicked toward Ivryl’s. ‘You must’ve been striving to get accepted into this class…’
The school bell rang earlier, signifying the end of lessons. In front of the school
gates, shady trees cosseted weathered benches from the glare of the noon sun. A girl sat
on one of the benches and bent over a book, her face hidden behind a curtain of hair.
A boy stood in front of her with his hands in his pockets. ‘Remember me, Ivryl?’
‘Sure, Jacqueleem.’ Ivryl answered without lifting her head.
There was a gap before he continued. ‘Barely knowing me for a day and you’ve
been able to recognise my voice?’
‘I’d wager you would easily recognise my voice as well, especially when you’ve
been spying on me for two years.’ Ivryl finally closed her book and looked up at him with
her intense olive eyes, revealing her soft neck. Her auburn hair slid back naturally.
Jacqueleem’s unfathomable emerald gaze caressed her appealing beauty. He
could never upset her feelings. Jacqueleem remained externally calm and collected but
very formal. ‘I apologise for intruding on your privacy. Please forgive me. My attention
keeps turning toward you without… sense. It’s very frustrating.’ None of the emotions
showed on his face.
Ivryl trusted his words, somehow. ‘You’d never speak to me once.’
‘Never till now,’ Jacqueleem nodded in sombre agreement.
‘I knew, yet let you continue spying on me. I have nothing to forgive.’ Ivryl
thought aloud, her hand reaching up to touch his hand comfortingly.
His palm flicked up swiftly to grasp her hand in his. ‘Thank you. I feel like an
egotistic, self-centred maniac, Ivryl, but thank you for not holding any grudges on me.’
Jacqueleem kept quiet for a while. ‘Would you mind if I… continue watching?’
Ivryl stared into his emerald eyes to find him frowning again, but in an apologetic
way. Jacqueleem’s gaze dropped to her hand as his thumb stroked her alabaster fingers.
Ivryl’s mind became mush. ‘Uh… I don’t mind. In fact, it makes me feel safe.’
‘I’m glad.’
A grey van turned from a corner. Jacqueleem gallantly brushed his sensual lips
across her fingers. ‘The driver’s a pleasant guy. He winked at me once when I…’
‘You spied on me after school, too?’ Ivryl asked incredulously.
‘You don’t like it? We’ll talk about it tomorrow, he’s waiting. Take care.’
Jacqueleem gently released her hand.
Chapter 3

Jacqueleem and Ivryl had kept their distance between each other for one whole
week. Jacqueleem and Ivryl wanted to be with each other very much, but they had no
choice. Nicol and Zanders were watching them every second. During school Nicol and
Zanders watched Ivryl and Jacqueleem, during assembly Nicol and Zanders watched
Ivryl and Jacqueleem, in class Nicol and Zanders watched Ivryl and Jacqueleem, during
recess Nicol and Zanders watched Ivryl and Jacqueleem, after school Nicol and Zanders
STILL watched Ivryl and Jacqueleem, so Jacqueleem was afraid to sit at the bench with
Ivryl under the tree. Why do Nicol and Zanders ALWAYS pay one-hundred percent
attention to Jacqueleem and Ivryl every day? Ivryl and Jacqueleem did not want Nicol
and Zanders to feel suspicious about them. Only one week ago, Nicol introduced
Jacqueleem to Ivryl… only one week ago. So, if Zanders and Nicol see Ivryl and
Jacqueleem very close together after one week only, Nicol and Zanders will ask a lot of
Jacqueleem wanted to share his love with Ivryl in secret. But Jacqueleem finally
cannot take it anymore. His love for Ivryl is too strong until he began to act strangely.
It was Mathematics Class in 4A but Madam Nabila was late. The whole class was
very noisy because no teacher was teaching in the class.
Jacqueleem asked the boy next to him, ‘Zanders, can you sit with Nicol ah?’
Zanders looked at Jacqueleem curiously.
‘Please… I want to sit with P-…Uh…Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease…You sit with Nicol
lah…’ Jacqueleem paused and looked at Zanders with surprise. Jacqueleem asked, ‘Why
are you looking at me like you want to eat me? You should be happy to be able to sit with
your Nicol mah…’
Nicol and Ivryl heard the conversation between the boys behind them. They
turned around to join in with the boys.
Zanders said, ‘Jacqueleem, if I sit with Nicol, then Ivryl will have to sit with
you… Why do you want me to sit with Nicol?’
Jacqueleem ran his hand through his hair nervously. ‘Because I want to sit with P-
… Uh…Because…Hai…’
Nicol spoke, ‘Why are the both of you so close to one another already eh? I also
never see you talk together.’
‘Yeah loh.’ Zanders said.
‘See, I knew you two will disturb me and ask many questions about me and Ivryl.
Hai…’ Jacqueleem’s heart whispered to himself.
‘Uh…Uh… I cannot see the blackboard.’ Jacqueleem quickly answered.
Zanders raised his eyebrows suspiciously. ‘What? If you cannot see the
blackboard, then YOU should sit in front mah. Why did you ask ME to sit in front with
Nicol spoke to Zanders, ‘Let Jacqueleem sit in front with me lah, Ivryl can sit
with you, Zanders.’
Jacqueleem looked at Nicol and Zanders with very big eyes, ‘Why everybody
want to take my Ivryl away from meeeeeeeee? This Zanders and Nicol, two also soooo
naughty.’ His heart asked himself. Then, Jacqueleem spoke. ‘Ayoyo, what are you two
talking about, Jacqueleem sit in front with who… Ivryl sit with who… soo confusing!
Hai… I want to sit in front of Ivryl. Okay, end of discussion.’
Zanders and Nicol laughed quietly behind Jacqueleem and Ivryl.
Just then, Mathematics teacher Madam Nabila entered the class. After greeting
the teacher ‘Good Morning’, the 4A students sat down. Madam Nabila immediately saw
Jacqueleem sitting with Ivryl and Zanders also sitting with Nicol at the same time.
‘What happened to this Class 4A? Why boys sitting with girls and girls sitting
with boys?! No dating dating and couple couple ah! Now is studying time, if you want to
go dating with your lover, you must be over 18 then only you can go…dating dating and
couple couple. You all are 4A students, the BEST CLASS!!! Must get A for every
subject in SPM!!! Understand?! Zanders! Nicol! Why you changed your places?!’
Madam Nabila shouted for a very long time.
Then, Madam Nabila saw Ivryl and she became very gentle to Ivryl because she is
a new student in Class 4A. ‘ Ivryl, why you let him sit beside youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Why
are you so good to Jacqueleem, he also is not a gentleman… Remember the first time he
let you pick up his Mathematics textbook for him? One day, Jacqueleem will ask you to
pick up his books every time he accidentally drops his books.’
‘It is so unfair. I can’t believe teacher became so gentle to Ivryl just because she is
a new student in Class 4A.’ Zanders’s heart whispered quietly.
Jacqueleem’s face turned red after hearing Madam Nabila’s words.
Ivryl supported Jacqueleem and said to Madam Nabila, ‘Jacqueleem has been
very gentle to me, teacher.’
The whole class said ‘Oooooooooohh’ when they heard Ivryl’s words --
‘JACQUELEEM has been VERY GENTLE’. Hai… Hai…
But Ivryl was too busy thinking of the other day when Jacqueleem kissed her
hand so lovingly and gently, and the way Jacqueleem looked at her, soooo… soft…
Then the whole class was so noisy until Madam Nabila finally gave up. She
continued to teach Chapter 4 – Mathematical Reasoning from the textbook.
The bell rang and it was recess time. All the students rushed to the canteen.
Jacqueleem quickly pulled Ivryl into the canteen so Nicol and Zanders cannot see them as
there were too many students in the canteen.
Jacqueleem whispered in Ivryl’s ear, ‘What is wrong with Nicol and Zanders.
Last week they put us alone together during recess, and now they look at us every minute.
What do you want to eat?’
‘What? Hamburger again? Ok, Ivryl. Wait here, I want to buy it for you and
return the hamburger you gave me last week.’ Jacqueleem smiled and went to buy it for
When Jacqueleem returned, Ivryl saw Nicol and Zanders coming. Ivryl called
Jacqueleem’s name and pointed at Nicol and Zanders.
So when Nicol and Zanders were finding for Ivryl and Jacqueleem, they saw Ivryl
sitting at a table eating her hamburger alone, and they saw Jacqueleem coming out from
the canteen to go back to class alone.
After school, Jacqueleem saw Ivryl buying ice cream from a stall outside the
school gate. Suddenly Jacqueleem felt like reaching towards Ivryl, but he saw Nicol and
Zanders from a distance.
‘I cannot take it anymore, there is too much pressure! I just want to be with Ivryl,
I want to hug her tight. There is nothing wrong with loving the girl I care so deeply.’
Jacqueleem said to himself quietly to himself so that no one could hear him. He ran
towards Ivryl.
Ivryl was about to pay for her ice cream when she heard familiar footsteps coming
from behind her.
‘Let me pay for your ice cream.’ She heard Jacqueleem’s deep voice behind her.
His voice sounded so calm and gentle. Ivryl felt Jacqueleem’s warm body against her
back, and his hand came up beside her with the money in his hands for the ice cream.
Jacqueleem nodded at the ice cream hawker, who took the money from Jacqueleem’s
‘Jacqueleem, you really don’t have to pay-…’
‘Shhh…I just want to help you. I like you.’ Jacqueleem said. ‘But actually, I don’t
just like her, I LOVE her. But what if Ivryl doesn’t love me the way I love her?’
Jacqueleem’s heart whispered.
Then, Jacqueleem saw a little ice cream on Ivryl’s nose. ‘You have something on
your… Here…’ Jacqueleem used his finger to gently wipe the ice cream on Ivryl’s nose,
and then licked the ice cream from his finger. His eyes were looking at Ivryl lovingly.
‘Um…Nicol and Zanders are looking…’ Ivryl said softly.
‘Of course I know they’re looking. But I cannot take it anymore. I missed you
very much.’ Jacqueleem hugged Ivryl close to him. Ivryl rested her head against
Jacqueleem’s chest. Nicol and Zanders’s mouth were opened very big at Ivryl and
Jacqueleem hugging together.
Nicol asked her boyfriend, ‘What are Ivryl and Jacqueleem doing ah?’
‘I don’t know… Maybe they are practising the drama for English oral test.’ Said
Zanders. Zanders continued, ‘I didn’t know Jacqueleem was a gentleman eh? Wow, see
how Jacqueleem looked at his Ivryl? Tut tut tut tut, I wish I can be like him so that I can
take my Nicol’s heart.’ Zanders smiled at Nicol charmingly.
While was Jolie was looking at Jacqueleem and Ivryl through her binoculars,
Ivryl asked Jacqueleem a question, ‘Jacqueleem, do you love me?’
Jacqueleem was surprised. He kept quiet and did not answer. He hugged Ivryl in
his arms, breathing in her fragrance.
Ivryl continued to speak, ‘Actually, I like in you since two years ago, too.’ Ivryl
hid her face in Jacqueleem’s chest as she blushed a pinkish colour in her cheeks. She felt
the warmth at his body. Ivryl took a deep breath and said, ‘I love you, Jacqueleem.’
Jacqueleem gently pushed Ivryl away from him so he can look at her eyes. ‘I love
you too, Ivryl.’ Jacqueleem bent down slowly to kiss Ivryl’s cheek. ‘Your van is here
Ivryl looked behind her and saw the same grey van here to bring her home. Ivryl
sighed and spoke, ‘Hai… why does my van always come so early?’ She looked at
Jacqueleem. ‘I want to be with you more, Jacqueleem.’
Jacqueleem touched Ivryl’s cheek tenderly. ‘Let me get your schoolbag for you.’
Jacqueleem gave Ivryl her schoolbag. Ivryl took her schoolbag sadly and started towards
the grey van with a heavy heart.
But Jacqueleem took Ivryl’s hand in his. She looked at him with hope.
Jacqueleem held up Ivryl’s hand and placed it on his lips tenderly. Jacqueleem closed his
eyes, he kissed Ivryl’s hand passionately and breathed in her smell. He opened his eyes
and looked at Ivryl, ‘Don’t be sad, Ivryl. I will kiss you everyday before you go home.
And tomorrow I will spend more time with you. Smile, Ivryl.’
She smiled, and said, ‘Thank you. Take care, Jacqueleem. See you tomorrow.’
‘See you tomorrow.’ Jacqueleem let go of her hand reluctantly. He stood there and
watched as Ivryl went into the van.
Chapter 4

Suddenly, Diona passed by Zanders and Nicol, and stopped in front of them. She
holding a pair of binoculars in her hands.
Zanders looked at Diona with hatred. Three years ago, Diona tried to steal Zanders away
form Nicol. Nicol almost wanted to break up with Zanders forever. Now Diona is spying
on Jacqueleem. Nicol looked at Diona angrily.
Diona looked at Jacqueleem and Ivryl through her binoculars in her hands. “You two
should bring binoculars so that you can see how sweet and lovingly Jacqueleem looked
into Ivryl’s eyes. Ohh… Any girl would want a guy like him.” Diona spoke.
Zanders blinked. By hearing Diona’s voice, Nicol knew Diona was jealous.
Diona shouted, “I can’t believe Jacqueleem actually LOVES Ivryl. It is so clear and
obvious. I hope Ivryl does not know that Jacqueleem LOVES her. Now I know why
Jacqueleem did not want to be friends with all the other girls. Jacqueleem declined every
girl in his way. HE pushed ME away too. I cannot believe it I’m sooo pretty. Why this
idiot Jacqueleem choose Ivryl?! I should’have known what Jacqueleem was doing every
morning. He was LOOKING at Ivryl!! And I thought I was acting cool and hot so he can
attract girls. But NO, he only wanted to look at HIS Ivryl because… because… Ahhh!!!”
Diona pulled the binoculars down from her eyes and walked away angrily.
Nicol saw Diona’s hand holding the binoculars so tight until the binoculars were
trembling with the anger coming from Diona. Diona hold the binoculars so tight, it
looked like Diona can easily break the binoculars into half with her strength.
Zanders said, “Wow, I never see ANY girl get so angry like Diona.”
Nicol looked at Zanders, who looked at Jacqueleem.
It was forty-five minutes past six. Ivryl’s mother drove Ivryl to school. Her mum always
had to rush to work. As the car stopped in front of the school gate, Ivryl opened the car
door and got down from the car. She waved her mum good-bye and closed the car door
before turning around towards her school.
The school had very few people around. Ivryl only saw two girl students in the school
canteen. Ivryl sat in her hut and took another storybook out to read. Only a few lights
were switched on along some brightly lit corridors. The other places of the school were
very dark.
It was almost seven o’clock in the morning when Jacqueleem finally reached the school.
But the sky was dark and there were still very few students around although it was
already seven o’clock in the morning.
Jacqueleem was walking along the corridor towards the hut where Ivryl was sitting. But a
door beside Jacqueleem was opened slightly. Jacqueleem looked into the room and saw
Madam Nabila inside the room. Then, Jacqueleem remembered a math problem that he
did not understand. Jacqueleem started to enter the room, but his eyes were still looking
at Ivryl. So when his right leg stepped into the room, Jacqueleem’s right foot hit the leg
of a table accidentally. “Ow...,” Jacqueleem said as he hopped on his left leg. His right
toe felt pain.
“Ei! Be careful! I forgot I put the table there,” Madam Nabila continued, “I came to
school early today because I wanted to clean this room, Jacqueleem. LOOK AT THIS
ROOM! IT IS SO DIRTY!” Madam Nabila shouted at the pile of rubbish in front of her.
“Teacher.....,” Jacqueleem said
ROOM BE SO DIRTY HA?!” Jacqueleem mathematics teacher shouted loudly.
“Can I ask....,” Jacqueleem started.
TODAY I AM GOING TO HAVE A BAAAD MOOD!” Madam Nabila kept shouting at
the pile of rubbish in front of her like a mad woman.
“Hai…” Jacqueleem turned around and walked toward Ivryl. He stepped into Ivryl’s hut
and saw that Ivryl had started to read a new storybook. Ivryl saw Jacqueleem coming.
“Jacqueleem!” She hugged him. “Is everything alright. You’re late today,” Ivryl looked
at him worriedly.
Jacqueleem tightened his arms around Ivryl. “I’m okay. I just did not have enough sleep
last jacqueleem,”
Jacqueleem smiled at Ivryl. “I’ve been thinking about you, about us, yesterday,”
“I’m serious,” Ivryl said.
“It’s true. After what you told me yesterday, I could not help thinking about you,”
Jacqueleem looked at her. He took her hand and kissed it softly and slowly, just like
“Oh…” Ivryl blushed.
“Yes, oh,” Jacqueleem bent down to kiss Ivryl’s cheek. “I better go. The students are
increasing. We would not want any rumors about us to spread, would we?” Jacqueleem
walked and stepped out from the hut. He waved quickly at Ivryl and walked away with
the other students. Ivryl look around and saw many student arriving to school and the sky
was bright. Jacqueleem was right, the students are increasing.
Then, after the some, boring assembly, all the students queued up to their own classroom.
In class 4A, Madam Nabila the mathematics teacher, was really in a bad mood.
“Probably because of the dusty room she cleaned this morning,” Jacqueleem’s hearts
whispered. However, the whole class 4A was very happy, they don’t care even if Madam
Nabila was in a very bad mood.
Chapter 5

But then there was surprising news from Madam Nabila because she asked, “Ivryl!
Jacqueleem! ...” The math teacher stared at Ivryl and Jacqueleem. “The both of you…
This morning, a student report to me that the two of you were hugging in front of the
school gate? CLASS! Has anyone happened to see Ivryl and Jacqueleem hugging and
kissing in front of the school gate after school?”
Immediately, the whole class turned their heads too look at Ivryl and Jacqueleem like
aliens. Nicol and Zanders kept quiet; they just look at the teacher like they don’t know
anything about Ivryl and Jacqueleem. Ivryl and Jacqueleem face were very very red.
Then a boy named Jiro, asked a question, “Teacher, who is the student who report to
teacher about Ivryl and Jacqueleem hugging in front of the school gate?”
Madam Nabila looked at the boy angrily, as if the boy did something wrong. Then, she
answered loudly and quickly, “The student is Diona, a girl student from class 4C,”
Before Madam Nabila can finish her sentence, the whole class started whispering loudly
when they heard the name Diona. 4A students looked very angry at the name Diona.
“Oooh, this Diona is so popular in class 4A ah? I also don’t know…” Madam Nabila
whispered to herself, she looked at the students talking loudly and angrily.
A student with the name David said to the Math teacher. “Teacher, do not trust that
Diona. She’s a very bad and naughty girl. She likes to disturb other students. She always
disturb the boys in 4A! 2 years ago, ah, this bad Diona keep disturbing me, and she tells
all the students that she and I are couples. Then, last year, this crazy girl comes to disturb
us again. She almost break up Nicol and Zanders’s relationship…” David suddenly close
his mouth. He accidentally let Madam Nabila know about the relationship between
Zanders and Nicol. Nicol and Zanders stared at David like they want to kill David.
Madam Nabila was sooo sooo very angry, she exploded like a giant volcano. Smoke was
coming out of Madam Nabila ears and nose and eyes and mouth. “LIAR! YOU ARE A
Many of the boys in class 4A was very angry. Some boys clenched their fists under the
table, Jiro, David, Zanders and Jacqueleem were also clenching their fists and staring at
the mathematic teacher with BIG eyes.
Madam Nabila stared at the students, and the students stared back at her. Teacher and
students were both very angry. The class was completely quiet. You can ALMOST feel
thunder and lightning in class 4A, angry shockwave striking across the classroom.
Jacqueleem stared at the teacher, “That idiot Diona, I REALLY FEEL LIKE CHOKING
whispered fiercely.
“DON’T STARE AT ME LIKE THAT!!” Madam Nabila shouted, so loud until the next
class also can hear, the teacher teaching next class suddenly became quiet. Madam Nabila
turned towards to write at the blackboard.
Very slowly and stubbornly, the boys stopped staring at Madam Nabila. Now, they was
staring at the blackboard with BIG EYES. The boys are too angry to stop staring.
The teacher shouted at the class, again. “GOOD! CONTINUE STARING AT THE
MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Madam Nabila turned around to write on the blackboard
again. She was so angry until her chalk broke into half.
The teacher continued to write on the blackboard. Her back was facing the students, Ivryl
saw Jacqueleem face red with anger. She hold Jacqueleem’s hand under the table so no
one can see. Jacqueleem felt Ivryl’s hand holding his hand. He blinked, his anger then
disappeared. Jacqueleem was as clam as the ocean. He took Ivryl’s hand in his, used his
other hand to copy the Math equation from the blackboard into his exercise book.
One hour went pass just like that, then the bell rang, it was recess time, Madam Nabila
took her handbag and walked out of the classroom. She did not wait for the class to say
“Thank you, teacher.”
A boy said, “Hmph! I don’t even feel like saying THANK YOU TO HER”
Another boy said, “Yeah loh! I think she hates boys, she always help the girls, and
remember yesterday when she speak so gently to Ivryl? And today she said Diona is
a GOOOOOOOD girl. YUCK!!!”
Ivryl heard the boys’ words, she looked at the boy. The boy saw Ivryl looking at him. He
said, “Sorry Ivryl, I know you’re good. I’m just saying how bad Madam Nabila is.”
The whole class laughed including Ivryl.
Chapter 6

AT the canteen, many students were buying and eating their food. It was very noisy
because the students were talking. Suddenly, Jacqueleem shouted because Alfron
punched Jacqueleem in the stomach. Every one at the canteen looked at the boys. A
screamed with fright. Alfron was also going to kick Jacqueleem. But Jacqueleem wuickly
punched Alfron’s face. Alfron’s face was red, his right eyes already began to become
blue-black. Jacqueleem kicked Alfron’s groin. But Jacqueleem was too slow, Alfron
avoided his kick. Alfron was very angry, he punched Jacqueleem’s stomach again for the
second time. Jacqueleem clutched his own stomach and fell to his knees, vomiting blood
from his mouth.
“Jacqueleem!!” a girl shouted. It was Ivryl. She looked at Jacqueleem with worry.
At the same time, JOlie came into the canteen with a discipline teacher, Sir Ripin
following her. The teacher Sir Ripin looked at the students around him. He asked,
“Someone bring Alfron to the Health Room.”
Jolie looked at the teacher, “Ivryl is a member of Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah!!!!!”
“Good. Ivryl, bring Alfron to the Health Room and check Alfron to make sure he is
okay.” Sir Ripin said to Ivryl.
Pealy was not sure what to do. Jacqueleem is more hurt than Alfron because he is
vomiting blood and Alfron only got a red face and a bruised eye. “That stupid Sir Ripin”
but Ivryl had no choice, Sir RIpin is the discipline teacher. So Ivryl carried Alfron’s arm
on her shoulder and brought Alfron to the Health Room.
The Health Room had no people in it. They were alone. Ivryl put some medicine on
Alfron’s face, and around his eyes.
“You are not bleeding so you are okay. Jacqueleem vomited blood…..I’m worried about
him….” Ivryl said sadly.
Suddenly, Alfron gripped Ivryl’s hand tightly. Ivryl’s surprised. Alfron said, “Jacqueleem
attacked me first, he told me not to touch you. He is crazy!!!!!!!!! He is addicted to
you!!!!!” Alfron’s big eye were looking at Ivryl.
Pealry pulled her hand away from Alfron. But Alfron did not let go of Pealry’s hand.
“Ivryl….. Ivryl, thank you. Your hand is so soft when you put the medicine on my face.
You are so kind to me. I…. I like you.” Alfron pulled Ivryl close to him and hugged her
tight. Ivryl struggled but failed.
Jacqueleem saw Ivryl and Alfron through the window. He opened the door roughly and
stared at the scene in front of him.
Chapter 7

Jacqueleem pushed the door open and stared at Ivryl and Alfron. Ivryl struggled; Alfron
was still hugging her and smiling at Jacqueleem. Ivryl pushed Alfron and slapped
Alfron’s face as hard as she could. Then she turned around and walked angrily towards
the door where Jacqueleem was standing. Jacqueleem quickly stepped to the side to let
Ivryl walk out of the room. Ivryl did not even look at Jacqueleem, but Jacqueleem saw
tears in Ivryl’s eyes.
Jacqueleem took a step forward. He wanted to console Ivryl’s and hug her in his arms
again. He did not want their relationship to end just like this, but he was too late, Ivryl
had already disappeared from Jacqueleem’s eyes. Jacqueleem felt angry and frustrated at
the same time.
Suddenly, Alfron punched Jacqueleem’s stomach again.
“Ha! Alfron said. He walked out of the room also.”
Jacqueleem was alone in the room now. He clutches his stomach and vomited blood onto
the floor. He snatched a clean towel form the shelf and wiped the blood off the
floor, then threw it back onto the shelf. Jacqueleem was breathing heavily, he leaned
against the wall.
“I should have hugged Ivryl when she neared the door towards me. Why did I just let her
leave me like that? I should have done something.” Jacqueleem’s heart whispered to
The bell rang, recess has ended. Jacqueleem stood up, grimaced, then walked back to
class 4Amanah.
After school, Jacqueleem on the bench, under the tree, in front of the gates alone. He
looked very very sad and frustrated.
Just then, Ivryl walked towards him and said, “I’m sorry about what happened this
“Leave me alone, please.” Jacqueleem spoke quietly without looking Ivryl.
“You don’t think I’m coupling with Alfron, do you?” Ivryl asked warily.
“So? You might be pretending or acting when you slapped Alfron. You slapped him too
soft.” Jacqueleem spoke without any trace of emotion.
Tears welled up in Ivryl’s eyes. “B-……”
“Leave me alone!” Jacqueleem looked at Ivryl without hurt in his gaze. He slung his bag
on his shoulder and walked home.
Ivryl watched Jacqueleem helplessly. The figure of Jacqueleem slid in and out of focus as
her eyes watered. “Jacqueleem never told me that he walks home. He always
accompanies me when I wait for my van to bring me home. What have I given him in
return….? He deserves so much more……” Tears rolled her pale cheeks.
“Jacqueleem is coupling with another girl behind your back.” A male voice spoke to Ivryl
form behind.
Ivryl whirled around to see Alfron looking at her.
A few of other girl students passed by Ivryl and Alfron. Ivryl can hear them whisper.
“Alfron sooooo handsome!” A girl whispered to her friend softly.
Another girl said, “Yeah loh.”
“I don’t like that Ivryl. She also not so beautiful, why so many boys like her ah?” A third
girl softly quietly.
“Yeah loh, just now with Jacqueleem and now with Alfron. Tomorrow we tell
Jacqueleem about Ivryl and Alfron.”
“Shhh…. I think Ivryl can hear us talking ah…” Another girl said. Then, the group of
girls slowly walked away.
Ivryl ignored the girls and looked at Alfron angrily. “WHAT do you want? Are you not
satisfied enough that you have taken Jacqueleem form me?!” Ivryl spoke loudly.
Alfron’s face’s expression did not change. He said, “Did you hear what I said just now?
Jacqueleem is coupling with another girl behind your back.”
“I don’t believe you.” Ivryl said.
“Whatever. One day, you will believe me Anyway, the girl that Jacqueleem is coupling
with is Jolie. Do you know who is she? Jolie is from class 4C.” Alfron smiled.
Ivryl was becoming impatient. “I STILL do not believe in you.” She took a deep breath to
calm herself.
Alfron ignored Ivryl’s word and continued to speak, “Jacqueleem told Jolie to tell
Madam Nabila about you and him hugging in front of the school gate. He wanted to get
rid of you. Madam Nabila is also our Mathematics teacher, too. Do you know that?”
Alfron asked.
Ivryl turned around to walked way form Alfron, but he snatched Ivryl’s hand, he gripped
her hand tightly and pulled Ivryl very very near to himself, until Ivryl can feel Alfron’s
breath on her face.
“Jacqueleem is playing with you, girl.” Alfron smiled again.
Ivryl stared at Alfron in disgust. She stepped on Alfron’s shoes as hard as she can, Then,
pulled her hand away from him and took her school bag to find another place to sit.
Nicole and Zanders exited the school gate and saw Alfron. But Alfron did not see
Zanders or Nicole.
Alfron shouted at Ivryl, “You should be careful, P-Ivryl!”
Ivryl saw Nicole and Zanders first. She ran towards Nicole….But Ivryl suddenly think of
Jacqueleem and became sad again. Tears came back into Ivryl’s eyes. Ivryl turned away
from Nicole and Zanders and Ivryl’s eyes. Ivryl quickly turned away from Nicole and
Zanders and sat in the bus stop alone. Nicole and Zanders walked curiously towards Ivryl
at the bus stop.
Nicole saw Ivryl’s eyes become pink. “Why is Ivryl crying?” Nicole’s heart
whispered. Nicole looked at Zanders and he understood what Nicole want him to do.
Zanders walked very far from Ivryl and Nicole and sat at the far end of the bus stop.
“What happened, Ivryl?” Nicole asked worriedly.
“Jacqueleem entered the Health Room when… when that idiot Alfron was
hugging me… I… I don’t want to talk about it.” Ivryl feel tears in her eyes again, and
said to Nicole, “Leave me alone”
So Nicole kept quiet and walked towards Zanders. They spoke softly.
Then, suddenly, Ivryl blinked. Her heart whispered to herself, “Just now I said
‘Leave me alone’ to Nicole… Jacqueleem also said ‘Leave me alone’ this morning…
Oh… was Jacqueleem feeling sad like me also…? Of course he is sad lah… what am I
thinking?! I already cannot think clearly ah!”
Then Ivryl’s grey van came to bring her home. Ivryl waved at Nicole and
Zanders, who waved back. She entered the van and reached home.
Chapter 8

The next morning, Ivryl sat in the hut as usual. But she did not have any mood to read
storybooks, so she just took out a piece of paper and a pencil… She felt like writing ALL
her feelings into the paper… But Ivryl’s mind was confused.
Jacqueleem passed by Ivryl’s hut and stopped for a while. He walked around the
hut quietly, and find another new place to hide so that Ivryl cannot see him. He stood in a
very very dark corner of the school. He eyes looked at Ivryl very softly and gently,
Jacqueleem sighed with content.
During Mathematics class, the relationship between Madam Nabila and 4A
students complately change forever. Madam Nabila never smile or joke with 4A students
anymore. Ivryl had sat with Nicol again.
The bell rang after two hours of boring History class with Sir Ripin, now it is
recess time. Nicol and Zanders went to the school canteen together. The class was empty
except for Ivryl, Jacqueleem and a few small groups of girls who are listening to music
from their hand phones in the classroom. Ivryl had no appetite to eat anything. She took
out a piece of paper to write down History notes… But Ivryl was looking at Jacqueleem
for a very long time sitting in a corner of the classroom very far from herself. She stared
at the blank white paper on her table. Ivryl did not write any History Notes. Instead, she
wrote a poem… a POEM about…about…

Because of you,
I wanted to be in 4A very much.
To know you, To see you,
To… To be with you.
Every morning you look at me,
Like an angel always by my side…

Suddenly, the girls surrounded Ivryl and sat around her, asking Ivryl to join with the
conversation. Ivryl quickly tried to hide the poem, but a girl took it up and read loudly,

“Because of you,
I wanted to be in 4A very much.
To know you, To seeeeeeeeee you,
Tooo… Toooooo bee with you.
Every morning you look at me,
Like an aaaangel aaaalways by my side…
Hai…. Sooooooo touching!”

Ivryl’s face was sooo red. Her heart whispered nervously, “Why must you read so loud.
See?! Now Jacqueleem also can hear…”
Another girl said, “Maybe he REALLY is your angel leh. How many boys will be
like Jacqueleem sooo good ah? Not even one. Every morning just stand there and look at
you protectively. He never make friends with any girls but you, do you know that? Hai…
like a handsome prince.”
“And kiss your hand everyday before you go home…… WHAT?!” A girl
Ivryl quickly looked up. Ivryl’s heart whispered to herself, “Nobody saw him kiss
EEVRYDAY?” Then Ivryl saw the girl holding a small piece of paper in her hands. Ivryl
took the paper and read ----

And kiss your hand everyday before

you go home…
The girls talk so loud,
I also can hear very CLEARLY.

With love, Jacqueleem.

The girl said to Ivryl, “I’m sorry, I should not have read the paper that Jacqueleem gave
you. Jacqueleem just now gave me the paper and told me to give it to you. Then he just
went out from the classroom quickly.”
“Oooh… Did Jacqueleem REALLY kiss your hand everyday before you go
home? OHH SO ROMANTIC!” Another girl said.
“Enough lah!” Peaely said, then folded the small piece of paper and… kept it in
her purse.
After school, Jacqueleem sat at the bus stop with Zanders, looking at Ivryl at the
bench under tree. Nicol was not here because she got choir practice after school on
Jacqueleem asked Zanders sadly, “Why do I feel like this? I never feel so much
worried in my life.
Zanders said, “You feel like this because you are in love with Ivryl.”
“How do you know? Have you fallen in love before?” Jacqueleem asked Zanders
“I am STILL in love with Nicol. My love for Nicol will never change.” Zanders
answer expressively.
“Does Nicol know that you love her SO much?” Jacqueleem asked.
Zanders replied, “I don’t know.”
Ivryl saw Alfron walking towards again, slowly.
“So, do you believe what I said yesterday?” He asked.
“No, I will never believe anything you say.” Ivryl answered. “There is no proof or
evidence that Jacqueleem is coupling with Jolie.”
“Of course. Jacqueleem does not want you to know about him and Jolie together
kissing lips to lips. Remember yesterday…? When I hugged you so…NEAR to me? And
I said that I like you?”
Ivryl flinched and retreated at his words.
“Yes I do like you. That is why I am telling you about Jacqueleem’s secret with
Jolie. I only want to help you. I don’t want to see you get hurt. I love you.” Alfron
stepped towards Ivryl slowly.
“DON’T TOUCH HER, YOU BULLSHIT!!!” Jacqueleem shouted at Alfron
from the bus stop. Zanders looked surprised.
Chapter 9

“Why? Is she so divine that no one else could touch her but you?” Alfron sneered.
Jacqueleem’s heart whispered, “Yes,” and at the same time, he walked quickly
towards Alfron. Zanders followed.
Zanders’s heart whispered to himself, “Phew, lucky Nicole not here, because she
surely will not let me fight with Alfron. But I really hate him lah, I want to fight him!”
Alfron looked as the two boys came nearer and nearer. His eyes very big, Alfron
said, “Jacqueleem! You and Zanders both also are cheating! How can two people fight
against one people only? Not fair!”
Ivryl was worried for Jacqueleem’s safety and tried to stop Jacqueleem from
fighting with Alfron. But Jacqueleem was so angry until nobody can stop him.
Jacqueleem grabbed Alfron’s shirt and punched his face violently. A fight started
between the three boys. Zanders kicked Alfron’s groin as hard as he could.
“Help! Help!” Alfron called weakly.
Jacqueleem pulled Alfron tie near tohimself and spat in Alfron’s face. “NEVER
EVER touch Ivryl again, not ven a hair of her. You understand? I swear I’ll kill you , cut
you into small pieces and feed them to the dogs.” Jacqueleem let go of Alfron’s school tie
and pushed him away roughly.
Jacqueleem’s body was slick with sweat, Zanders likewise. Their uniforms were
half-drenched. They saw Alfron looking at Ivryl again, so they punched and kicked
Alfron angrily.
“Do not even LOOK at her!” Jacqueleem shouted.
Suddenly, Jolie and Sir Ripin appeared at the school gate. “Stop fighting!”
Sir Ripin ordered. He looked at the boys. “Follow me, Jacqueleem and Zanders. Alfron,
you can stay, Jolie will look after you. Ivryl, you must follow me too.”
In the discipline room…
“Jacqueleem, Zanders, the both of you are suspended from school.” Sir Ripin
crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“B-but…” Jacqueleem and Zanders protested.
“No buts. Jolie told me everything. She said you and Zanders have been bullying
Alfron since Form One. I really cannot believe you two are soo soo naughty. 4A
STUDENTS NAUGHTY! Can you believe that?!” Sir Ripin shrieked.
Jacqueleem clenched his fist. Jolie really had overreacted this time. She lied to
Madam Nabila about Ivryl and him kissing, and Jolie lied to Sir Ripin. Jacqueleem raised
his fist, ready to punch the flowerpot on the teacher’s table.
Ivryl quickly put her hand on Jacqueleem’s arm. His anger subsided. The
discipline teacher and Zanders looked at Ivryl and Jacqueleem.
Sir Ripin spoke, “Ivryl, you are still a student. You understand that as a student,
you must pay attention to studies, you cannot always think about boys. I see many boys
around you, talking with you, especially Alfron, Jacqueleem and even Zanders…” Sir
Ripin talked on and on without stopping. He was unaware that even Zanders and Ivryl
also had clenched their fists.
Jacqueleem and Zanders thought in their hearts, “This teacher really should go to
“Teacher, can I go now? My van probably has reached the school.” Jacqueleem
and Zanders said. Actually, Zanders’s van really had reached the school, but Jacqueleem
lied to the teacher because he wanted to escape from this teacher as soon as possible.
Sir Ripin slapped Jacqueleem’s face. “Don’t talk to your teacher like that! I don’t
care if your van leave already, you can walk home by yourself because you are so
naughty and uneducated.”
The students glared at the floor, too angry to speak. Blood was boiling in
Jacqueleem’s veins, he was humiliated, his pride hurt when Sir Ripin slapped him and he
was unable to defense himself.
Hours passed when Sir Ripin finally let them go home. Ivryl told her mother that
she was late because she was the eyewitness of a fight between three boys. She hid the
rest of the truth from her mother because she didn’t want her mother to worry. However,
when Zanders told his mother that he has been suspended from school, Zanders’s mother
got worried and scolded the school, she yelled at the top of her lungs, “What school is
this?! How can they suspend my son? My son study in 4A!! They cannot suspend him!”
Jacqueleem’s mother, on the other hand, responded quite differently. When
Jacqueleem told his mother that he has been suspended from school for two weeks, his
mother scolded Jacqueleem madly, “You every time also give trouble! Why are you soo
irrational I also don't know, you are so stupid, fifteen years old already still don't know
how to think properly! Of course they suspend you lah, you soo naughty!”

Jacqueleem and Zanders was not in school for two weeks. During assembly, all the
students paid attention, especially when the teachers talked about two boys who got
suspended from school for getting involved in a fight, which affected the pride of Class
4A deeply.
During class, all the students in 4A asked Ivryl, “What happened? We are sure
that you know about Zanders and Jacqueleem, so what happened?”
Nicole stood up and pushed everyone back to his or her sits. “Don’t disturb Ivryl
lah, you cannot see she is sad meh?” Nicole sat in her place beside Ivryl and asked softly,
“Ivryl, what happened yesterday?” Nicole asked worriedly, “I have to know… Did
Zanders get hurt or anything?”
Ivryl shook her head. “Alfron got hurt the most because he was outnumbered.”
Nicole sighed with relief, “How about Jacqueleem?”
Now, Ivryl look sadder than ever. “Jacqueleem did not get hurt, but I think his
pride got hurt, because Sir Ripin slapped him while we were in the disciplinary room.”
Nicole looked surprised and concern at the same time simultaneously.
Ivryl said softly, “That teacher overreacted.”
“Ys, sould not agree more.” Nicole spoke. “Look, you don’t have to worry, I will
help you find a way to prove that Jolie and Alfron are behind all these petty lies.” Nicole
patted Ivryl’s shoulder comfortingly.
“Thank you, Nicole.” Ivryl looked at her friend gratefully.
“It’s my pleasure, my pleasure. Besides, I have to avenge myself on those two
bullshits that have put my Zanders into two-weeks-suspension. My poor, darling
Zanders.” Nicole said.
During Mathematics Class, Madam Nabila took the attendance of 4A.
“Jacqueleem? Absent. What about Zanders?”
“Absent also, teacher.” David answered with annoyance.
Madam Nabila noticed the anger in David’s voice and said, “Why are those two
scumbags absent in my class? Did they skip class again?” She hissed.
4A students used to be clever and obedient. But ever since the day Madam Nabila
argued with 4A students, they started to hate her class; boys skipped her class from time
to time, especially Jacqueleem and Zanders.
A boy named Ken curled his lips in disgust and said venomously, “Jacqueleem
and Zanders did not skip your class today, nor would they be for the next two weeks.
They are suspended from this bedamn-…I meant, school, remember, bullsh-…I meant,
He almost accidentally said, ‘bedamned school’ and ‘bullshit’ to the teacher.
Luckily, Madam Nabila was too stupid in her logic sense, despite her intelligence in
Mathematics. “I forgot that Jacqueleem and Zanders was suspended…” She snapped,
“Get back to your practices.”

During recess, Ivryl went to canteen alone. But, she did not realize that all the 4A
students had remained in class. The students gathered around Nicole.
“Nicole, what happened to Zanders and Jacqueleem? Did Ivryl tell you?” Jiro
asked Nicole.
Nicole looked at the students in surprise as they gathered around her, all of them
were looking at her expectantly. She said, “I will tell you what happened, but you must
promise to…to cooperate with me.”
“Yes, yes.” Replies were heard as the students agreed.
“All of you promise? Wow, good.” Nicole remarked. “Remember what teacher
said during assembly? About two boys involved in a fight?”
“But I thought Jacqueleem and Zanders are best friends?” A student asked.
“Yeah loh.” Another student agreed.
“Sir Ripin lied to all the teachers. Jacqueleem did not fight with Zanders, there
was a third person.” Nicole said.
“Who was it?” David asked.
“Alfron.” Ken spoke tonelessly.
Jiro slapped the table forcefully. “That idiot Alfron from 4B?”
“Alfron?” A girl asked doubtfully. The rest of the class questioned, echoing the
girl’s words.
“How did you know it was Alfron, Ken?” Nicole asked.
Ken shrugged his shoulders. “Remember the fight between Jacqueleem and
Alfron in the canteen? Yeah, I thought it must have something to do with the fight.” He
The class murmured his agreement and understanding.
Chapter 10

‘Why wasn’t Alfron suspended?’ asked Jiro.

‘Elena lied…’ The whole class raised their voices before Nicole could finish her
‘It was Elena?’ David exclaimed.
‘What did she lie about?’ Ken asked. The students listened intently.
‘She told Sir Ripin that Zanders and Jace had been bullying Alfron since Form 1.
The only one who got hurt was Alfron, and Sir Ripin slapped Jace in front of Ivryl.’
The boys stiffened and the girls gasped.
‘I can’t believe Sir Ripin really trusted Elena!’ David complained loudly.
‘Let’s hope Sir Ripin’s action would not bring Jace down with humiliation,’ said
Ken, emotionlessly.
‘Ivryl said likewise,’ added Nicole.
Ivryl was in the disciplinary room with them? Why?’
‘I didn’t ask, not when she has that look on her face,’ murmured Nicole.
‘Sir Ripin probably wanted to tell her to spend less time around boys.’ Jessica
said, ‘He likes to humiliate others, don’t you think so?’
‘Well, at least we know Elena and Alfron are conspiring to separate Ivryl and
Nicole nodded. ‘It would seem so.’
‘Do you think that, perhaps, Elena wanted Jacqueleem and Alfron wanted Ivryl?’
David asked thoughtfully.
Nicole bit her lip, sighed, and said, ‘It all began when Jace bought ice-cream for
Ivryl one afternoon.’
Jiro interrupted, ‘But what does it got to do with anything?’
‘Hush,’ Ken silenced the constant mumble around him.
Nicole continued, ‘Jace brushed off a spot of ice-cream from Ivryl’s nose. He
kissed her hand when a grey van arrived to fetch her home. Elena saw everything through
her binoculars and missed nought.’
Ken took a chair, sat down, and hooked an arm behind the back of the chair.
‘Clear as daylight, Sneaky Spy is jealous through and through.’
‘She’s creepy.’ David shuddered. Some girls laughed.
‘Whoa! Jacqueleem actually kissed Ivryl’s hand?’ asked Jiro admiringly.
‘Unbelievable… treat her like a princess?’
A few other girls nodded. ‘It’s true. A few days ago Jacqueleem wrote about it in
a poem. The lovers exchanged poems.’
Nicole saw Ken’s incredulous expression. ‘Apparently you can’t deny the truth
amongst a group of witnesses.’
Ken explained, ‘you misunderstand me, for I would do likewise.’
‘You would?’ asked Jessica, skeptically.
‘Oh, yes. Anything for the lady I love,’ said Ken with affirmation.
The effect to Ken’s response was outstanding; the whole class immediately
Ken looked at the mouth agape students around him. ‘What?’ He asked coyly,
‘Did I say something wrong?’
A girl fainted.
Nicole hurried to the girl’s side and called out her name, ‘Amanda! Amanda!
Move aside, students, please allow her some space. Jessica, pass me her water-bottle,
please.’ Nicole fumbled for a handkerchief in the unconscious girl’s pocket, Jessica
returned with a bottle in her hands. Nicole wet the handkerchief – with water taken from
the bottle – and dabbed it over the girl’s face.
Ken sat in a corner, yawning in spite of himself.
‘Ken! Stop showing that coy face of yours – everyone knows you’re a whole lot
smarter than that,’ Nicole fumed.
‘I will not argue with you on that, in fact, I agree with you completely. But, this…
this…’, he waved a hand over the girl, ‘is ludicrous.’
Nicole crossed her arms. ‘Perhaps you underestimate your good looks.’
When Amanda finally regained her consciousness, Ken began towards her.
Nicole’s voice rang as clear as a bell, ‘What are you doing?’
‘Trying to apologise?’
‘No, she might faint again if you do so,’ said Nicole firmly.
Indifferent, Ken sat on a table opposite Nicole. ‘You meant to tell us everything.’
Her eyes turned incisive. ‘Yes, I did it on purpose.’
‘You have a plan,’ he pushed further. She nodded uncomfortably.
David heard it most clearly. ‘Hey, guess what? We’d be a pack of wolves
bringing down those two.’
‘A huge pack of wolves,’ someone commented.
‘We’ll definitely help,’ Jiro acknowledged. The class nodded their agreement as
Ken glanced at his watch. ‘Ten minutes before the end of recess.’
The students immediately ran out of the classroom toward the canteen.
The next day, school assembly was boring as usual. During lessons, 4A was silent
as a bale because of Jace and Zander’s absence. Many students yawned and dozed off
during History and Mathematics lessons.
However, something happened during that day’s History lesson. While Sir Ripin
was teaching History Chapter 9, Europe Development, someone said something
‘Your pride shall fall soon,’ Ken spoke tonelessly.
The teacher looked shocked out of his wits. ‘I’ve never seen such attitude in any
student of any family, any school, any town, any province, any state, any country, any
continent, any planet, any world or universe in History for that matter!’ screeched Sir
Ripin, and for a fleeting moment seemed alarmingly alike Madam Nabila’s twin, both
having equal tendency to dig out others’ flaws.
Some students hid their mocking smiles behind their textbooks. The bell rang
signalling the end of lessons and the beginning of recess.
Ken sat on his favourite table opposite Nicole. ‘So, tell me about your plan.’
Students lingered in the classroom to see the goings-on. Nicole hissed accusingly,
‘I haven’t figured out an ideal plan, and you know it!’
‘Then you shall thank me for giving you a jacqueleem’s time of further planning.’
‘Ha, you just didn’t want our classmates to pass recess with empty stomachs.’
‘That being the second reason.’
‘Either way, as the top scorer here, perhaps you should tell me your plan. Any?’
‘What an impolite way of asking,’ drawled Ken.
Furious, she seethed, ‘Look who’s talking. Let me remind you who asked for a
plan in the first place.’
Before Ken managed to begin another sentence, Jessica stepped in front of Ken
and kissed him on the lips. The couple was a lovely match.
Everyone’s gaze shifted from them. The couple finally broke apart. Jessica’s face
red; Ken’s jaded, though his eyes sparkled warily.
Jessica regained her posture. ‘You’re being boorish. Apologise to her.’
‘Ouch, that was ironic,’ remarked Ken. His voice was barely audible; his gaze
Jessica did not reply, but fixed Ken with a steady glare from her eyes. Ken
flinched under her mere stare. He sighed, bounced off the table, took nicole’s hand and
kissed it. I’m sorry for my rudeness. Would you please tell me your plans of bringing
down those two conspirators? Please?’
‘Jessica, come here. I don’t like Ken’s saliva on my hand. Jessica?’
She pouted in a corner sulkily, not bothering to look up. Nicole wiped her hand on
Jessica’s sleeve. The remaining students chortled with mirth. Ken frowned deeply.
‘Ken!’ Jessica shouted, ‘You were too courteous.’ The hurt look in Jessica’s eyes
was unmistakable.
‘But it’s what our race used to do,’ retorted Ken.
‘But that’s a very long time ago.’
He gazed at Jessica contemplatively, his features slowly settling into acceptance.
‘I’m sorry.’ His face then twisted into a mirror of Jessica’s when he saw her hurt. ‘I
didn’t mean it.’ He cupped her cheek, brushing a finger near the corner of her eyes as if
wanting to erase the hurt his mistake has done to her eyes. ‘I didn’t mean it,’ murmured
Ken, plead and resentment trickling into his voice.
‘Let me be your girlfriend for a month and I’ll forgive you.’ Jessica’s eyebrows
rose, but her voice remained sombre.
‘Is that all?’
‘Because I’m your girlfriend, you cannot look, talk, smile or touch another girl
without my permission. Do you love me?’
His brows disappeared high behind his bangs. ‘I’ll answer that question someday.
So, may I have your permission to talk to Nicole about some plans?’
‘Yes, but I don’t want you to look at her.’ Jessica smiled gleefully as she hugged
ken affectionately.
Ken sighed he seemed slightly unsettled. David and Jiro grinned at him wolfishly.
Jessica hugged tighter, leaning her head against his chest.
‘You have my word, I won’t look at Nicole. Now, could you perhaps un-hug me?’
Jessica shook her head, still burying her head in his chest.
Ken shifted uncomfortably, sighed again, stuffed his hands in his pockets and
asked, ‘Once again, Nicole, I gave you a night’s time to think it over. Tell your plans
now, please.’ He kept his eyes fixed on Jessica’s hair.
‘What? I can’t hear you properly, you’re too soft.’
Ken raised an eyebrow. ‘Please,’ he asked, louder this time. Ken felt Jessica’s
finger tickling his back.
Nicole asked, ‘how did you know i wanted to hear ‘please’? you could’ve stupidly
repeated the whole question.’
Ken shrugged. ‘by my immeasurable intelligence, I’d wager. Look, i know you’re
treating me like this because of what i did to you just now. I’m sorry, but you’ll have
your chance to punish me when Zanders returns to school. Your plans now, no more
stalling please!’ Ken rasped. He felt the pressure of Jessica’s breasts fluctuating against
his chest as she breathed.. Jiro and David looked at them suspiciously.
‘alright, alright! Be patient, will you? I had a couple of plans. But i don’t see the
point in telling them to you since you already know that they probably wouldn’t work.’
He gritted his teeth. I’m just interested in knowing. Jessica stop it.’
Jessica pouted. ‘but i thought u were...’
‘Were what? Impervious to your charm?’
‘No...just thought you’re mature.’
‘Apparently I’m more mature than you for knowing that it’s an improper time for
this.’ Ken frowned. Jiro and David were looking at ken enviously. When Jessica finally
released Ken, he sat down in a chair, Jessica sat beside him. ‘Okay, go on.’ Said Ken in a
very business-like tone.
‘oh okay, i thought of recording Jace’s and Alfron’s conversation, but it probably
wouldn’t work because we would not know when Alfron will talk to Jace.’
Ken yawned and said, ‘that’s easy. We’ll hook them up in the toilet but we’ll have
to wait for a month for Jace’s return.’
‘Oh yeah, so do we use mobile phones or recorders to record their voices?’ jiro
Ken shook his head. ‘Sir ripin will scold us and confiscate the gadgets.’ Then
he’ll ignore our complaints just to save his pride.
‘I remembered something. Why did you tell Sir Ripin his pride was going to fall
‘Every man has a time in his life when his pride must go down, such as the time
when he slapped jace’s face.’ Ken replied tonelessly.
‘yay, sir ripin’s pride’s going down!’ David cheered loudly.
‘Shh...Sir Ripin might hear you. But my plan isn’t good enough.’
‘i have ideas.’
‘will it work?’
‘ a hundred percent.’ He replied steadily.
‘so what is it?’
Ken’s fingers brushed his chin as he thought deeply. ‘first of all, we must choose
a student from 4A to get near alfron.’
Nicole quickly said, ‘Dont send the girls, it’s dangerous.’
‘Why not? I don’t see any danger in it.’ david asked.
Ken laughed. ‘Of course i wont send any girls. We’ll choose the boys,’ said Ken.
Jiro and David’s eyes became very big. ‘Don’t choose us, please.’
Nicole spoke, ‘no, we won’t choose you. Because Elena already knows you too
well. They find out you’re spies all too soon. We must choose someone whom jolie
doesn’t know, whom alfron doesn’t know, someone who is a boy, someone smart.’
Nicole looked at Ken. ‘You are the perfect person to get near Alfron.’
Jessica looked very worried. ‘You cannot choose Ken. Elena is very dangerous,
and pretty also, and Ken’s handsome, what if Elena do something bad to ken?’
Ken kissed Jessica’s hand, then kissed her lips. ‘Don’t worry I won’t let anything
happen to myself, because I know you will get worried. And I won’t let you get worried
because I like you.’ Ken ruffled her hair affectionately. ‘So I will be the one to get near
Alfron, okay?’
Jessica’s eyes were pink. She nodded.
‘Good. ’ Ken smiled and looked at others. ‘Do you remember Physics class on
Monday? Yes while we go to physics laboratory on Monday, 4b go to chemistry
laboratory to study chemistry at the same time.’
‘oh, yeah, I remembered.’ David said. ‘every morning Monday I see Alfron
entering the chemistry laboratory with his 4b classmates.’
‘yes, the chemistry and physics laboratories are very near to the toilet; their
chemist teacher always late. I, pretending to be Alfron’s friend will ask him to got toilet
with me. Then Jace will enter toilet while I slip away. Jace will start argument with
Alfron and dig out of all his dirt. We’ll find teachers to back us up. Our physics teacher
kind, their chemist teacher fair and just.’
David and Jiro clapped their hands in applause. ‘That’s a brilliant plan, ken.’ Said
‘thanks, bro.’ Ken expressed his gratitude.
A student entered the class and said, ‘guys! 5 minutes before classes starts! Don’t
you want to have your breakfast.’
David glanced at his watch. ‘oh no, I better go now, I didn’t have any breakfast
this morning. Do you guys want to come along?’
‘Yeah’ Ken answered languorously.
‘hurry or we’ll be late for biology.’ David said urgently.
Jiro and Jiro ran down the stairs and strode toward the canteen hurriedly; Ken
followed them languidly. They bought some food from the canteen and returned to the
classroom. Jiro and David leapt up the stairs two at a time, but Ken resumed his slow
rolling gait.
‘Ken why are you walking so slowly? Come on.’ David looke dta hs watch
worriedly and said, ‘it’s three minutes before class starts. Faster!’
But ken still continued to walk slowly. ‘biology teacher is absent today so I’ll
walk as slowly as I want to,’ said he.
‘Oh really? Why didn’t you tell us earlier?! You’re so evil. Wow, so we have an
hour in the classroom without teacher! Woohoo!’ david cheered.
Jiro waited for Ken to catch up, then hooked his arm behind Ken’s neck and asked
‘how long ave you two knew each other?’
Ken frowned. ‘You meant Jessica and me?’
‘Yeah.’ Jiro nodded. David also slowed down to listen to Jiro and Ken’s
‘Never,’ answered Ken. ‘I never knew Jessica. I don’t know anything about her
except her name, of course, her age, if course, and her class, of course blah blah blah,
simple, apparent stuff. Jessica and I never talked to each other before, today is the first
time she talked to me in this whole 8 years.’ Ken gave a short laughter.
David and Jiro looked at Ken with big eyes and big mouth. ‘but just now she
kissed you in the classroom on the lips!’
Ken shrugged his shoulders. ‘She’s been looking at me since 12.’ He said it in a
jaded voice, seemed threatening for a second. What’s wrong? What came across his
Jiro stared at Ken. ‘She likes you. I’m so jealous.’
‘I agree with you. Ken is so handsome. Is not fair.’ David sighed.
Ken gave a short laugh. ‘dont worry. I’m sure there’s a girl out there for each and
every one of you.’
Chapter 11

It’s been 3 weeks since Jace and Zanders were suspended from school. Classes
were becoming unbearably boring. The weather’s getting hotter and nothing looks well.
One morning, nicole gathered all the 4A students and plead, ‘guy, can I ask a favour from
Joe looked at her peculiarly, ‘are you having a fever so high till your brain got
burnt? Of course we’ll do anything to help you. We’re all in this together, aren’t we?
Aren’t we?’\
‘yeah,’ the students replied.
Ken appeared next to joe and guessed, ‘it’s about pearly, isn’t it?’
‘yes ken. Why do you always seem to know everything? Do you have sixth sense
or something?’ Nicole asked.
Ken looked at them incredulously. ‘I have Sherlock holmes’ eye,’ said he as he
propped himself up onto a table to sit.
‘Ooohh...’ certain students said.
David asked, ‘who is Sherlock holmes?’
Jessica answered, ‘sherlock holmes sooo famous! Don’t tell me your know
absolutely nothing about him!’
But a few students shook their heads bluntly.
‘Ken, would you mind if I sit on your lap?’ she asked sweetly, batting her thick
lashes prettily.
‘never,’ ken secured his arms around Jessica’s waist and settled his girlfriend
comfortably across his lap. A fw girl students averted their gaze from the young couple.
Jessica ran a hand through her hair and said, ‘sherlock holmes is a famous
detective in literature world, with very impressive attitude. Those of you who die of
boredom at the mere sight and sund of literature might never know o him unless you’re
lucky, which you are now. According to the stories, holmes is addicted to cocaine to
morphine, which clams his restless, never-stop-thinking mind.’
‘Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the lecture. We’s really die of boredom if you drone on
about a fictional character. He isn’t even real!’ Jiro grumbled.
‘Ken, look what they did to me!’ Jessica complained. ‘they insulted me! And
holmes, as well!’
‘then they should learn some manners. However, we’re not hare to discuss about
Sherlock holmes or his drugs.’ Ken spoke as he played with Jessica’s hair.
Jessica gasped. ‘how could you! I thought you were supposed to be on my side!’
Ken arched an eyebrow sceptically. ‘aww... please do accept my deepest
apologies, for I never meant to offend my little princess...’ his fingers, which played with
Jessica’s hair, were now poised in mid air.
‘The both of you!’ Nicole exclaimed. ‘stop flirting and get back to business!’ she
groaned irritatingly.
Ken and Jessica were grinning like fools at Nicole’s reaction. ‘so what is it you
wanted to tell us about ivryl? She good?’ ken asked casually as if nothing happened
‘well,’ Nicole paused as she tried to find the right words to say. ‘ivryl’s in a bit of
a rough patch, I’m sure all of you must have realised it. I was hoping that guys could give
her some space, you know. Go easy on her when you speak to her. I mean, I have never
ever seen her this sad in my whole life. It’s like... she’s straining herself beyond the
‘is that all? Why, I would have known even if you did not tell me.’ Ken spoke.
‘well, it’s because you’re smart. I wouldn’t have known if Nicole never told me
about it. I’m just not that considerate.’ Jiro said in spite of himself.
‘do you have to notice other girls that much as well?’ Jessica complained.
Ken rolled his eyes. ‘yeah, we’ll give the girl some space, anything else?’
‘no,’ Nicole sighed, still worried about her friend, ivryl.
‘let’s tell them about our plan,’ Ken told Nicole.
‘hey, guess what? Ken’s our secret spy. How cool is that huh?’ Jessica said
‘spy?’ the students asked.
‘more or less, I’m going to hook up jace and alfron. I’ve just realised that it puts
me in the perfect position to spy on alfron’s plans.’
‘cool!’ most of the boys commented.
Just then, sir ripin entered the classroom for history lessons. ‘what are you doing
in tight group over there? Sit back in your own places.’
Jessica sat at her place beside Ken. No teacher’s really mentioned about them yet.
Jessica has been sitting next to Ken ever since the first day they kissed.
‘I have a bad feeling about Ivryl’s absence in our class.’ Ken leaned sideways
slightly as he whispered to Jessica.
‘why didn’t you tell them just now?’ Jessica asked.
‘what? I can’t. It’s not like anyone’s going to believe me if I tell them, Jess. How
am I going to explain when I say that I have a bad feeling huh? That I have sixth sense?
And I have a feeling that the answer to ivryl’s absence may come sooner than you
expect.’ Ken straightened in his seat and looked directly at sir ripin.
‘good morning, class. I know, I’m just too fabulous to deliver bad news, but I’m
afraid it cannot be avoided. Ivryl has been sent back to class 4B, exactly where she
belong.’ Sir ripin laughed like a crazed maniac.
The students of 4A had one thought in their mind, ‘he’s nuts.’
Nicole, in particular, was saddened by the news. However, it stirred fresh
determination in her. This time, no mercy is given to those three.
During recess, Jessica gave ken one of her sandwiches. ‘ken, good luck gaining
alfron’s trust. You might need to sacrifice all 20 minutes of recess time.’ She pecked his
cheeks and said, ‘be careful of Elena. Never ever let her get to you.’ She had tears in her
Ken fingered her tear away gently. ‘don’t cry, you make me feel like a soldier
entering his tomb. I’ll always put you first in my heart and that’s what really counts.’ He
cupped both of his hands over her cheeks, and kissed her affectionately.
Chapter 12

Ken stood on a spot surrounded by students. ‘here! Look what I’ve got!’ he yelled
for attention. Alfron was right at the corner of his eyes.
An untidy boy mocked, ‘look what you’ve got? Holding a 10 cents early in the
morning as if you’ve found a diamond? From the looks of you, I’m pretty sure you’re
from 4B? Those clever classes?’
‘ha, that’s where you’re mistaken, boy. Come closer and I’ll tell you the truth.
Watch.’ Ken ran hand over the 10 cents and poof, a sparkling diamond replaced the coin
on Ken’s palm. More eyes turned toward his way.
A chubby but equally untidy boy spoke, ‘ah, it’s just coincidence. No one is able
to make things appear out of thin air. You’re lucky to have brought a diamond along.
Well, I want a scorpion. Ha, bet you wouldn’t be able to do that.’ The boy snorted.
Ken laughed silently and snapped his fingers. ‘Look at your shoes.’
The boy did look down, and he did see a scorpion clicking its pincers together
threateningly, its sting upright. Ye yelled and leapt. ‘You’re supposed to make it appear
on your palm. Get it off me!’
Ken took out a yellow, silk-like cloth and waved it over the scorpion. It vanished.
‘Get your hands off my shoes. At least they’re saner than your tricks!’ the boy
shrieked with bulging eyes. ‘What are you grinning at?’
Ken’s heart said within himself, ‘oh, I could easily punch the stubborn cartilage of
your nose till you’d smell blood and hear the crack of bones.’
‘you’d better go before I turn you into a flesh balloon.’ Ken spoke tonelessly,
which just made him sound more threatening. A few 4A students applauded loudly.
‘well, you wouldn’t! You... you can’t!’
‘We’ll see about that, won’t we? Aaaa-bra-ca-da-bra, blah blah blah...’ Ken
waved his hands in the air menacingly.
The boy whirled around and was gone before Ken could finish chanting his
‘spell’. Ken laughed softly and began to leave. Alfron caught up with him and said, ‘that
was a eluvia trick you did just now! It takes a whole deal of courage too!’
‘Gee, thanks! No one in this school ever said that to me before.’ Ken replied, yet
knowing that was because he never showed any magic tricks to anyone before.
‘So how did you do it?’ asked Alfron.
‘Ah, I see. One could never know the real truth of a true magician huh?’
Ken barked a short laughter. ‘Depends. You can my true name though, it’s Ken.’
‘Alfron. I like your attitude.’
‘No problem.’ Alfron slapped Ken’s back.
During recess, Nicole was lonely. The classroom was quiet. Jace and Zanders
were deeply missed, especially by their girlfriends. After school, while Ken was on his
way to the school gate, behind him a husky voice spoke, ‘I love you, Ken.’
Ken knew it wasn’t Jessica’s voice, yet he knew Jessica was only a few feet
behind him, unable to hear what he heard. He turned backwards and stared straight at
Jessica, completely ignoring the other girl right beside him, even though he knew who
she was.
Ken leaned against a pillar and waited for Jessica, not bothering when the
confessor left quickly out of awkwardness. Ken jerked his head toward the school gate,
where the confessor had just exited. ‘She confessed her love for me just now.’
Jessica gasped. ‘Why didn’t you report to me right away? I could’ve slapped her
right on the spot!’
‘Well, I wouldn’t to trouble you with my personal problems.’ He frowned at the
school gate.
‘Your personal problems are my problems as well. We’re couples.’
‘It’s just a small problem. She doesn’t bother me.’
‘Elena isn’t a small problem; you know she ruins others’ relationships for fun.’
His frown still lingered, his lips pursed.
Jessica said, ‘I’ m glad you told me. At least I’ll have both of my eyes on her
now. I know you’d do anything for the woman you love, but... you don’t need to treat me
so well... it’s not like you love me, right?’
‘I’m working on it.’ He spoke softly.
‘What do you mean by ‘working on it’? You can’t work on loving someone.’
‘It means I see a potential in our relationship so I’m letting it work out. ‘Working
on it’ just seemed like a suitable figure of speech.’ He looked down at her.
She lowered her eyes. ‘I’m not good enough for you.’
His face lit up with amusement. ‘Let’s see, first you kissed me without question.
Then you cared about me keeping my eyes from other girls. I’m supposed to be having
your frame of mind, asking myself “am good enough for you”. ’ After that, he threw
Jessica a smile so charming that her insides melted.
Chapter 13

A month was finally over, but evil was triumphing. The only thing that was
looking up is the return of Zanders and Jacqueleem. The fun was back along with their
return, but not for long.
Though Jacqueleem didn’t show it, he was always frustrated when he was alone, or when
he was with Zanders.
Why was he so frustrated? The answer was as clear as daylight. Jacqueleem was troubled
by the knowledge of Ivryl returning to class 4B. He always had a weird feeling about
4B’s English teacher, Sir Michael, whom always seemed to pay an uncannily acute
attention towards Ivryl.
During Mathematics class, Madam Nabila finally noticed something similar about
Ken and Zanders. The two of them were sitting beside a girl – Ken with Jessica and
Zanders with Nicole. If Ivryl was still in class 4A, Jacqueleem would surely be sitting
next to her as well, then there would be three famous couples in 4A.
“Hmph, 4A boys are really good at pleasing girls. Oh, that IS why they’re in class
4A. It’s because they’re CLEVER.” Madam Nabila’s heart whispered to herself.
“Ken!” she shouted. “What’s wrong with all of you? First Jacqueleem and
Zanders, now you, Ken! I tell you, school is NOT for hanging out with girls!!!”
Veins protruded at the back of Ken’s hand. He is really pissed of with Madam
Nabila’s attitude towards 4A students.
Miraculously, Madam Nabila had an unbearable stomachache that could not be
held off any longer. Therefore, they had ten minutes early recess. Woohoo!
Jacqueleem knew about the plan because Zanders sent a message to Jacqueleem
through his mobile phone. Zanders, on the other hand, knew about the plan because
Nicole sent a message to him through the mobile phone.
Jacqueleem left his seat, walked towards Nicole and said, “You know what? I
changed my mind. I’m quitting off whatever plans you guys are having.”
Zanders heard Jacqueleem’s words and exclaimed with surprise, “What? Why?”
“I mean, what’s the use? Ivryl’s gone now, and I feel useless.” Jacqueleem
Ken and Zanders immediately sobered.
“It’s ok,” the both of them left Jacqueleem alone. They understood how
Jacqueleem’s feelings.
Just then, Ken felt Nicole smiling slyly. Something’s up…
Ken saw Nicole talking to Zanders in a corner. A second later, Zanders spun
around in a flash, his eyes fixed upon Ken.
“Uh oh, I’m dead, sooo dead.” Ken muttered to himself.
“Ken! You’re dead! You’re soooooooooooo DEAD!!!” Zanders exclaimed
Ken pretended to be innocent. “Uh, dead? Why? Did I do something wrong?”
“Yeah! You did a VERY huge mistake, BOY!!!” Zanders shouted.
“But…” Ken began calmly.
“Bullshit.” Zanders bellowed.
“I…” Ken said tonelessly.
“Bullshit.” Zanders interrupted hotly.
Zanders yanked a book from the table and threw it at Ken. “Bullshit! Bullshit!
BULLSHIT!!!” Zanders was panting heavily. “How can you kiss her hand?? Why did
you kiss her hand?! You already know Nicole is my girl and YET you kiss her hand!!! Is
it because you want to take Nicole away from me? Alfron took Jacqueleem’s girlfriend
away from him!! And now you plan to take my Nicole away from me also!!! You are just
like Alfron!!!!!!!”
Ken’s face was as jaded and pale as a vampire. What would he be thinking at that
moment? Nobody knew what he was thinking, or feeling. Fear? Or was it something
altogether different?
In a corner, Jessica and Nicole were discussing something behind Zanders.
“So will you calm him down?” Jessica asked.
“Yes, I will calm him down.” Nicole answered and smiled.

The bell rang, signaling the beginning of recess.

In class 4B, their English teacher called Ivryl over to the teacher’s desk as the rest
of the students exited the classroom. The class was now deserted, save for Ivryl and 4B’s
English teacher, Sir Michael.

Jessica giggled quietly and beckoned to Ken, whom followed her out from the
classroom cheerfully. The other students followed.
Nicole said, “Zanders,” then walked forward, touched his arm tenderly and kissed
him gently on the lips. She pushed Zanders down on a chair gently and sat opposite him,
saying “Ken kissed my hand because he wasn’t thinking properly.”
“How can he not think properly? He MUST think properly!!!” Zanders spoke,
still louder than usual, but lower compared to the moment he yelled at Ken.
“Jessica kissed him, so he was not thinking right,” Nicole reasoned.
“Jessica? Oh…” Zanders laughed as he looked at Nicole. “Just now… when you
kissed me…that was my first kiss.”
Nicole blushed.
“Can I kiss you?” Zanders asked.
“Kiss me again?”
“Yes. I want to have my second and third and fourth and aalll off my kisses with
you and only you.”

Ivryl’s marks have been decreasing. Sir Michael must have held her back to
advise her about her results. But instead of giving some effective advice to Ivryl, Sir
Michael said, “We’re all glad you’re back here in Class 4B, we missed you badly.” He
added, “Especially me.”
Ivryl’s heart whispered to herself, “He’s got some mental problems. I wonder how
he managed to become a teacher…”
Sir Michael beckoned Ivryl nearer to the teacher’s desk. “Come, come closer… I
won’t bite you. No I won’t hurt you,” he cooed.
Ivryl thought, “This is the worst teacher I’ve ever met in my entire life, AND
badly needs a counselor, a… psychotherapist.” She wanted to get away as far away from
this lunatic as possible. Unfortunately, the classroom was crammed with tables and
chairs. The only way to get out of here is by getting pass Sir Michael, it’s not as if he
deserved to be called ‘Sir’ anymore with his disgustingly perverted thoughts.
Sir Michael reached out towards Ivryl’s hand and grasped it. His thumb caressed
the back of her palm back and forth.
“Has anyone told you…that you are very pretty to look at? Your skin is very
smooth, mmm… very hard to resist.” Sir Michael remarked.
“This…pig is sexually harassing me. He’ll get fired in no time.” Ivryl thought to
herself. Her muscles tensed.
Sir Michael felt the stiffness in Ivryl’s hand and paused, as if something had just
clicked in his head. He burped unintentionally. Ivryl wrinkled her nose as the pungent
stench of alcohol escaped from the teacher’s throat.
“Ugh, he’s an alcoholic. No one’s going to believe me if I tell them this. I wonder
how he got by without being realized by the teachers.”
Ivryl finally spoke, “SIR Michael, I know that you’re too drunk to get any sense
in that nut-sized head of yours but I’m still going to say this to you only ONCE. If you
ever…EVER do anything that discomforts ME again, you’ll be fired. Get your filthy
hands off mine.”
Sir Michael’s hands recoiled from Ivryl as if he was electrocuted, though his
expression remained as blunt as a drunkard. Ivryl let her hands fall to her sides, turned
around with an infinite air of defiance and strode out of the classroom. Sir Michael’s eyes
wandered to her hips. Ivryl knew it, and was discomfited by it.
She whirled around and exclaimed hotly, “You’re SO fired!!!
However, things suddenly took a turn after school. But for good or worse, it was
left for no one to decide. Ken was walking out from class 4A alone, because Jessica had
certain things to take care of. As he turned around a dark corner of the stairs, a familiar
voice sounded.
‘Ken, who do you love more? Me? Or Jessica?’ It was Elena.
‘It’s too early for me to decide.’ Ken paused at the foot of the stairs, leaning
against the iron railing.
‘Then who do you prefer?’ her voice slowly slipped into a tone of desperation.
‘Neither,’ he answered dully.
‘Why? If I’m not mistaken, you knew Jessica the same day Alfron introduced you
to me.’
‘It does not make it necessary for me to prefer anyone more than the other.’ Ken
straightened himself and continued toward the school entrance.
Elena clenched her fists. Just then, Alfron descended the same stairs Ken had
passed seconds ago.
‘Were you waiting up for me?’ Alfron asked as he saw Elena at the bottom of the
‘Err, yeah.’ She replied distractedly.
Alfron kept up with her pace and said, ‘I know we’ve been friends since Form 1,
and...but... I want you to know that I like you.’ He almost stumbled into her when she
‘I’m very sorry to hear that.’
Alfron looked at her blankly. ‘What do you mean? Do you like someone else
‘Of course.’
He looked surprised at her answer. ‘Who is it?’ He looked at the rejection in her
gaze, and froze. ‘Is it Ken?’
‘You love Ken.’ He repeated louder when she remained silent. He immediately
felt resentment for introducing Ken to Elena.
‘No, I don’t,’ She lied.
‘You love him,’ he pushed.
‘No, I don’t,’ she lied twice.
‘You love...’ he attempted again, but couldn’t bear to say nor hear the obvious
‘Yes, I do. But it’s no use feeling consent for introducing him to me.’
He began to speak, but no words were heard.
‘Because it’s not your fault I love him. I’ve been watching him since Form 1.’
‘And you ruined Jacqueleem’s relationship because?’
‘To get Ken’s attention, which I did.’ She snarled.
‘So you never had any feelings for me.’ Alfron stated.
‘I don’t care about you.’ She stomped further away from him.

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