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Lebron Muyco is a quiet student. He knows when to talk and when to listen.

From the activities that I

gave them, he’s good at playing basketball and football. One of his dream is to become a chef. When it comes to
his behavior in class, he’s the type of student who’s not that active in oral discussion. In written tasks, he can
execute well.

Furthermore, I observed that he comes to class very early. He’s never been late in my class. In passing the
requirements specifically their assignments, he’s always on time. However, once involved with other activities that
includes recitation and reporting, sometimes he cannot express his thoughts properly. In dealing with his other
classmates in class, I observed that he’s very helpful and generous. For example, his seatmate forgot a particular
material that is needed in the activities. Lebron lent his classmate the glue and workbook. And he’s always willing
to help others.

Therefore, the level of effort that Lebron is doing in my class is commendable. Basing from the activities
that we did in class, he needs more interactive activities which can overcome his shyness.

Jehu Jang is an active student. He always talk in class, asks a lot of questions regarding with the activities
and lessons. From the activities that I gave them, he wrote that he’s good in debate, writing and playing
videogames. One of his dream is to be a lawyer someday.

When it comes to his behavior in class, he excels well in English. He loves talking, he’s good in oral and
performance tasks. However, when it comes to writing he’s having a hard time. One of the activity that I gave
them is about reading comprehension, he can answer it well, but then he writes too slowly. He was able to identify
the plot of the story, but sometimes he needs more time to write. There are times that he’s doing something
which is not related to the activities that I gave them. For example, he brought a balloon in class and it popped,he
was biting his pen, he was cutting papers into pieces and so on.

Furthermore, I gave them an assignment and he didn’t pass it on time that happened twice already. When
it comes to his behavior in dealing with his classmates, sometimes he prefers to be inside my class during break
time, he’s playing the piano. The good thing about Jehu is that he shares his experiences in class which sometimes
his other classmates can also learn from. He’s very eager to learn new things and ideas in my class. He’s very
competitive when it comes to recitation and other performance tasks.

This student of mine needs more attention. He loves to do things that excites and challenges him. He is
working towards learning the Filipino language and I can observe that about him. He’s a smart kid, but as her
teacher I need to keep on repeating some instructions, because sometimes his focus is lost.
Angelo Castulo is a very participative student. From the activities that they did, he’s good at swimming,
dancing and playing instruments like violin, drums, guitar, and ukulele.

Furthermore, when it comes to class he’s always reciting and has an initiative. He pass all the
requirements on time especially activities and assignments. However, I observed that in writing tasks he’s having a
hard time. One of the activity that I gave them was to spell out words from the story. Some of the words that I
dictated were misspelled by him. In performance tasks, like reporting he can execute it well.

Moreover, he’s a friendly student. I observed that he’s the one who’s approaching his classmates. He
approaches and initiates conversations. He’s always willing to help others. He can easily follow my instructions and
he’s very respectful. He greets the other teachers whenever he sees them.

Therefore, the level of effort that Angelo is doing in my class is commendable. He wants activities that
deals with Mathematics and MAPEH.I would suggest though that you kindly help him practice writing at home

Jeffrey Lugue is a good class participator and it was a pleasure having him in my class. According to the
activities that I gave them, he’s good at helping others, playing drums and a good son to his parents.

When it comes to class he always recites. He can express his thoughts orally. I would suggest though that
you kindly help him practice his writing at home. In passing the requirements like assignments and activities, he
passed it on time. Whenever he didn’t understand the instruction or any of the topic we discussed, he will ask me
about it.

I observed that he’s very friendly. He’s good in sports like playing basketball and taekwondo. He shares his
talents to his classmates. During lunch time, he plays basketball with his classmates. He’s a typical student who is
very eager to learn new things.

Therefore, the level of effort that Jeffrey is doing in my class is commendable. He wants activities that
deals with Mathematics and MAPEH. He has shown a considerable growth as a student.
Trinity Elisha Mallari is a very creative student. According to the activities that I gave them, she’s good at
drawing, editing photos and singing. She wants to be a vlogger someday.

Furthermore, I observed that she’s a quite student. In performance tasks, she’s a little bit shy to share her
thoughts. In written tasks, she can express her thoughts well. However, she rarely raises her hand but will respond
if called upon to do so. Sometimes she will answer the questions in a way that is not related to the topic. I
observed as well that sometimes she feel sleepy. She keeps on yawning in front of her teachers.

Moreover, when it comes in dealing with her classmates she tries to socialize with them. Because she’s
the only girl in my class, sometimes she’s shy to express what she feels. I observed that she’s greeting her teachers
whenever she sees them. In passing the requirements in class, there were times that she didn’t pass it on time.
There were times that she’s not finishing her work on time.

This student of mine needs proper guidance and attention. She needs activities that will overcome her
fears. Several instances, she cried in different subjects as she seems to be struggling on the activities(Filipino
Subject).Kindly help us remind her to relax and not overly stressed on her school work.

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