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Solving A Geometry Problem Using Physics


August 1, 2019

In this article, we solve a geometry problem that is quite easy to solve using basic trigonometry, using
the concepts of rotational motion. It must be noted that this kind of approach might not be highly
appreciated and this article must be read solely for fun and to enjoy the beauty of mathematics and

1 The Problem Statement

If the product of two sides of a triangle is k (constant), and the measure of the angle between
these sides√is A, then find the minimum measure of the third side.
Answer- 2 k sin A2
This problem is a very simple one and can be tackled using basic trigonometry. In what follows, we present a
solution using physics, in particular, using the concepts of rotational motion.

2 Prerequisites
Definition 2.1 (RIGID BODY). A rigid body is one in which the distance between two points on the body
remains the same in any possible situation. It should be noted that there exists no ideal rigid body in the
Definition 2.2 (ROTATIONAL MOTION). Rotational motion is a kind of motion in which unlike transla-
tional motion, the orientation of the body in space as well as its position change over time. The angular
velocity (ω) of an object can be defined as the rate of change of orientation over time in the same way as
velocity is defined as the rate of change of position over time. Formally speaking,

where θ is defined as the angle between any line joining two fixed points on a rigid body and a fixed line in
For a body performing rotational motion about a fixed axis, we can obtain the linear velocity of a point on
the rigid body by multiplying the angular velocity about that axis and the distance of point from the axis, or
v =ω·r
This veocity is perpendicular to the radius vector as well as the axis of rotation. Note that the motion of a
body can be a combination of rotational and translational motion, however there is always an axis about
which the body can be assumed to be undergoing pure rotational motion at any instant. However, this axis
may also be changing position over time. This is a key fact in the solution. Note that this is valid for only
rigid bodies.
Now we define the final and the most important term used in the solution.

Suren 2 Prerequisites

Definition 2.3 (INSTANTANEOUS AXIS OF ROTATION). This is the axis about which a body may be
thought of as performing pure rotational motion at an instant.
Note that here we are dealing with only planar bodies and motion of bodies in a plane, so, instead of defining
the instantaneous axis of rotation, we define an instantaneous center of rotation (ICOR), such that the
instantaneous axis of rotation passes through that point and is perpendicular to the plane.
It is to be remembered that all points on the body have the same angular velocity at any time about the

2.0.1 Finding The Instantaneous Center Of Rotation

Suppose that the directions of the instantaneous velocities of points of a rigid body are given, how do we find
the position of the instantaneous center of rotation? Well, this turns out to be easier than it seems in the
case of rotation of a planar body in a plane. Just draw the lines through the points for which the velocities
are given, perpendicular to the velocities of the points. The lines concur at a point which is the ICOR of the
body. Note that if these lines are not concurrent then the body is not a rigid body! (Convince yourself that
this is true)
This means that we can find the ICOR if we are given the directions of the velocities of two points of a rigid

Suren 3 The Solution

3 The Solution
If the product of two sides of a triangle is k (constant), and the measure of the angle between
these sides is A, then find the minimum measure of the third side.
The solution itself is quite short and easy.
We assume that there are two rods inclined at an angle ∠A and intersecting at the point A and two small
loops are free to slide on the two rods (label these B and C), and an extensible string BC is connected
between these loops. This means that the vertices B and C of the triangle are free to move on two rays and
the side BC changes position and length as the vertices change position. The string is extensible does not
mean that it exerts any force on the loops.

Let AB = x and AC = y, then we know that xy = k. Thus now the two loops are not actually free to move
on the rods but they move under the given condition.
Now, we wish to find the minimum possible length of this string under the above condition. This minimum
length is achieved at a particular instant. Note that further, we talk about this instant only. At this instant,
the rate of change of the length of the string will be zero (think in terms of minima of a function). So, the
string, which is actually extensible must be behaving as a perfectly rigid body as its length is not changing
(at this instant only). So, our results and definitions from the previous section are all valid here. The string
must have an ICOR (Instantaneous Center of Rotation). Note that The loop C has a velocity along AC (in
any of the two directions i.e along AC or along CA) and the loop B has a velocity along AB. So, by basic
geometry and the results of section 2.0.1, the ICOR of the string is the point diametrically opposite to A on
the circumcircle of 4ABC (Verify this). Call this point I.
dy −y dy dx
xy = k =⇒ = =⇒ = λy, = −λx
dx x dt dt

Suren 3 The Solution

If the loop B moves with velocity v1 and the loop C moves with velocity v2 as shown in the figure. Then,

|v1 | x
|v2 | y

However, since angular velocity about the ICOR is constant,

v1 v2
= =ω
Eliminating v1 and v2 gives
= =⇒ tan ∠IAB = tan ∠IAC
x y
Since these both are acute angles, ∠IAB = ∠IAC.
√ Now it is easy to see that the minimum length of the
string occurs when AB = AC and is equal to 2 k sin A2 .

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