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I'm Adam Kylle Dela Cruz. I am 16 years old currently living at San Juan, Concepcion, Tarlac.

I was born at
July 06, 2002. My father is Robert Dela Cruz, his occupation is that he is a businessman. My mother is
Lebie Dela Cruz, her occupation is she's a housewife. I am the eldest among us 4 siblings.

In my early years, as far as I can remember, my father and I use to live with his sister, which is my Aunt,
and also her kids which would be the closest persons in my life because I grew up with them until I was
gonna start to go to school. Back then my mom was actually an OFW in Taiwan but I didn't really know
why she went abroad and didn't bother to ask her, but from what I can think of she intended to go
abroad to help her family at that time because they were impoverished.

At the start of my school days I was still a naive little child. I didn't really made friends until I reached
grade 2 because I was sheltered, funnily enough this trait kinda sticked with me until now. Nothing
really interesting happened throughout my elementary days, personal problems were superficial. Most
of my memories were playing, learning inside the room and participating in competitions since I was a
perennial competitor with Science quiz bees, MTAPs, even Journalism. I am grateful that I was given
these competitions because it set a foundation in my learning abilities like analyzing, reading
comprehension, the use of the English Language, etc.

At the beginning of high school this is where things kinda took off. This is the period in my life that I was
cultivated and still being molded into what I'll be in the future. In this period my eyes were opened to
social problems, having opinions on certain topics, even on topics that were and still are taboo, and
challenging my beliefs and morals. Although I wasn't that really blind in my early days, in fact I was kinda
highly aware on what's happening with my environment, I just didn't really thought about those kind of
things because I thought they will just sort themselves out.

As for what I did educationally in high school, it wasn't really that different from what I did in
elementary. Learned inside the classroom and also outside with the help of extra curricular activities. I
also did an attempt on being diligent and exerting effort in school which eventually paid off since my
grades were of flying colors. But overall everyday life in school was kinda meh, of course there are
moments that school was fun although for the most part it was pretty mundane, but friends made it
bearable and memorable even in those mundane moments.

Now I'm gonna tell something about myself since I've already did show somewhat of my life. As a
teenager I think I'm lenient towards being an introvert because I don't really socialize that much and I
enjoy the company of myself than those of others. Of course there are always instances that I tend to
socialize but only within the circle of my friends. As for my characteristics, what I can say about myself is
that I'm responsible and diligent. I tend to finish what I started and I always hold myself responsible for
any wrong course of action I pick or mishaps that I do.

This is Adam and his experiences and achievements for now, a once naive little child slowly turning into
a more mature young man.

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