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Study Plan Tips

After reviewing many study plans, I have seen common lines about Pak China
friendship and CPEC. Remember, your study plan has a key role in evaluation of your
application so follow these tips
1: Never ever blatantly plagiarize proposal or study plan. It can sap your application
so make some sedulous efforts to write factual documents.
2: Please don't use complicated vocabulary words. Chinese want to read easily
understandable draft.
3: Do not use slangs, avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes.
4: NEVER LIE. Don't try to be a fake legend. Just write whoever you are in a unique
and distinctive way to set you apart from other applicants.
5: Concentrate on Your Opening Paragraph as Here you grab the reader's
attention…or lose it. Write an impressive concluding lines.
6: Focus on Academic Background, then Teaching Experience and Research
Experience, then Your Personality, Study Plan in China, Reason to Study in China /
Why China?
7: Don’t mention about CPEC and Pak China friendship bla bla as its very common in
all applications. They want to read about other projects, some unique creativity and
write in a storytelling way that reader will find more interest to read document till
8: Reader will certainly appreciate if you know and mention something related to
Chinese Culture and History, if you know any figure who contributed in Chinese
history or any inspirational figure for you then mention, if you have read any book
then mention, if know about calligraphy or any such Chinese art then mention. Write
about some famous events or festival, something which you know related to history or
specific city.
9: Don't use to many I's to show arrogance. Don't beg for scholarship as Chinese
really hate this. Don't say I am poor, don't try to show a miserable life to get sympathy,
It won't work.
10: Search and give them something new to read. If you mention something unique
which reader does not know then its a plus point.
11: Don't say I LOVE CHINA, China is our best friend, want to meet Jacky Chen,
want to marry Chinese, want to take selfie on great wall bla bla. Come on, give some
solid reasons like there is some lack in specific research domain, ranking and faculty
or highly equipped labs have deeply inclined you to join specific institute.
12: Try to explain or clarify any outstanding research topic. Make link with previous
research or project. Show more interest in specific research topic to strengthen your
13: Give proper headings, do not exceed from words limits.
Best Wishes

_Hassnain Agha

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