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Mru Patel: „Romanians don’t know how to sell Romania”

Mru Patel is a Serial Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author, Success Coach and Mentor. He is one
of THE few experienced serial entrepreneurs and success coaches with real International
experience having lived and worked in 4 continents with over 30+ years of experience. He is
the author of the popular titles ‘7 day body rebalance juice fast program, ‘The Art and Science
of Success’ and ‘Setting Smarter Goals’. A motivational speaker & success coach, a
philanthropist and a well-travelled visionary, his vision is to inspire a generation of
entrepreneurs by helping them reach success in their field and to also improve today’s society
by giving back.

He has worked in several industries but was mainly in the blue-chip IT industry but always
had a passion of investments around the world. He chased his entrepreneurial dream and after
8 months of European research Mru Patel made the move to Romania 10 years ago, after
much extensive research on the markets and economy of the country. It was love at first site,
because he found great opportunities here, coupled with great hard working fun and sociable
people and a beautiful country.

Romania is now his country, his home. As soon as he moved here he started to learn the
Romanian language, but he recognised that it’s better to speak English now, in order to get
Romanians thinking and speaking English to make them global players. 

He believes that if you can’t present your ideas well to any foreign potential investor or client
in English, you could lose the deal and the investor. Attend English speaking training courses,
and secondly, try and get an English speaking mentor (not the local coaches with just
Romanian exposure who just dream of taking you global.)
„I love the people in Romania, they are smart, opened minded and talented. I have more faith
and belief in the romanians, than they do themselves. I am very proud of them, because a lot
of them are hard working, love progress, want to grow fast, and are hungry for information.”
He discovered Romania gradually and he concludes that: „Romanians don’t know how to
sell Romania”.

”Romania is a land full of opportunities. I’ve seen a lot of parts of Romania and every place
has it’s own differencies. The people are authentic for their culture, for their religion and
ethics. For me Romania means opportunity, beauty and culture. Unfortunately, Romania has
a bad view in the media, the foreigners don’t understand what real Romanians are all about.
In the Uk and English media I often voice my defence against those who care about media
based decisions. The fact remains that Romanians are very hot minded, they choose to work
abroad, because they are very smart, have gone abroad purely for progress of their careers
and future as they have skills and the guts to leave everything behind in order of such
progress. They often speak more than 3 languages and have multiple qualifications which is
rare to find in other countries.

If countries such as UK keep focusing and relating Romanians as Romas(Gypsies) which is

not true, they can say „la revedere” to UK, or other states and take their skills elsewhere at
the loss of such countrie’s much needed skills. The foreigners need Romanians, because they
can take advantage of their fantastic skills and work ethic. They have to learn and educate
themselves about the real Romanians ! Press and media doesn’t help, because the publicity is
all about Romanians being thieves, which in real fact every country in the world has its own
share of such minorities. I have hundreds of friends from all over the world who came with
the view that Romania is like a third world run down country and leave saying why did they
not discover this country earlier? You have everything: you have mountains, beaches, the best
weather combination, city life, village life, some of the best restaurants, social life, party,
some of the best clubbing in the world, I would say in Bucharest, and so on. You have it all
and you need to appreciate these facts from an international traveller like myself!”

In business he believes that we have opportunities because: „When a country is developing,

when a country has the ‘sky is not the limit’ attitude and hunger, you have to learn more in
that environment than in a stable one. Here you can be as creative as you want and you can
think out of the box, and even completely remove the box”.

Mru Patel strongly believes that Romania has more opportunities at a lower cost of
entry to make it a success as a global player based locally but have the exposure to the
global field from local presence.

I hope that each of us start to be proud of our country and start to learn how to turn Romania
into a wonderful land full of beauties and opportunities.

Best Regards, Garajul de PR Team

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