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wise cheeku


S everal animals lived in

Champakvan.King Shershing was and

strong and all the animals respected
him. one day, King Shershing
disguised himself and went on a tour
of his kingdom.While wandering
about he lost his way. he tried to find
his way back by following landmark
but the sun had set and it was
dark.he saw a light in a small cave
and walked towards it. A rabbit was
sitting alone in the cave hello if it's
not too much trouble can you lead
me the place asked shershing
politely. surprised to see a visitor
the rabbit said hello i too am new to
this jungle sorry but i can't help you.
New to this jungle but i haven't hear
of any new animal entering my
kingdom from any of my ministers
thought shershing. what is your
name and why do you live alone he
asked. my name is cheeku and i have
veen living here for a couple of
months and as for loneliness we
have all come into this world alone
and will leave this world alone him
with me to my place. would you like
to come with me i can give you good
food and new clothes you woll get to
live in a good house proposed
shersing you are a stranger to me
how can i go with you asked cheeku.
ut was tgeb shersubg revealed gus
true identity and cheeky agreed to fo
with him both reached the palacae
the next morning and cheku was
given a room in the comfortable life
three. one day someone broke into
jumpy monky's house and stole his
valuables distraught humpy wailed
outside his house the animals kf
champakwan tried to console him
this was rthe fourth theft kalu jackal
camru donkey and ranjo the peacock
and chichi mynah decided to take
the issue to the king. this is enough!
we cannot sit quietly today jumpy's
house is robbed tomorrow it will be
ours chirped chichi all animals
agreed with her and they went to
the king's court as soon as king
shershingh heard about the theft he
roared who is this thief who has
veen repeatedly committing crimes
in my jungle why hasn't the police
caught him yet. your majesty my
house was robbed when i was
sleeping as soon as i opened my
eyes in the morning my cupboard
was open and everything inside was
stolen sbbed jumpy the king thought
for a while and then ordered that
this case would be handled by
cheeku cheeku hopped in solved the
case now listen to me carefully
everyone.time has been proved that
the animals who steals clothes or
money is caught easily as his hair
grows five inches long in just last
night we all will meet again
tomorrow morning all animals
should be present and anyone who
doesn't come will be declared as the
thief. the king and everyone present
were bewildered by what cheeku
had said and wondered how justice
could be delivered like this but they
all went back to their houses damru
donkey who was the theif panicked
mu hair will grow five inches longer
by mornig and everyone will know
that i am the thief suddenly he had
an idea she picked up the scissors
and trimmed his hair five inches
short now my hair won't look longer
even if it grows five inches more he
siad looking at himself in the mirror
next morning al the animals came to
court damru's trimmed hair waqs
clearly noticeable everyone
wondered why he had cut his hair
five inches hair the king undersrand
cheek's widw trick that had fooled
damro damro you fell for what
cheeku had said yesterday and
trimmed your hair it is you who have
been stealing isn't it domru stood
silently bowing his head as he was
caught red-handed shersingh
punished him and thanked cheeku
for his work and titled him as the
wisest in the kingdom

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