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Name: Scarlett Mella Moyano

Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2019

Teacher: Roberto Muñoz


The term 'learning style' refers to the fact that when we want to learn
something each of us uses their own method or set of strategies. Although
the specific strategies we use vary according to what we want to learn,
each one of us tends to develop global preferences. Those preferences or
tendencies to use more certain ways of learning than others constitute
our learning style.


We have three great systems to mentally represent information, the

system of visual representation, the auditory and the kinesthetic. We use
the visual representation system whenever we remember abstract images
(such as letters and numbers) and concrete ones. The auditory
representation system is what allows us to hear voices, sounds, music in
our minds. When we remember a melody or a conversation, or when we
recognize the voice of the person speaking to us on the phone we are
using the auditory representation system. Finally, when we remember the
taste of our favorite food, or what we feel when listening to a song, we
are using the kinesthetic representation system.

Most of us use representation systems unevenly, enhancing some and

infra-using others. Which we use more a representation system is
important for two reasons:
• First, because representation systems develop more the more we use
• Second, because representation systems are not neutral. Each one has
its own characteristics

Visual representation system:

When we think of images (for example, when we 'see' in our mind the
page of the textbook with the information we need): we can bring to mind
a lot of information at once, that's why people use the visual
representation system Easier to absorb large amounts of information
quickly. Visualize also helps us to establish relationships between different
ideas and concepts. When a student has problems relating concepts,
many times it is because they are processing the information in an
auditory or kinesthetic way.

Visual learners learn best

when they read or see
the information in some
way. In a conference, for
example, they will prefer
to read the photocopies
or transparencies to
follow the oral
explanation, or, failing
that, they will take notes in order to have something to read.

Auditory representation system

When we remember using the auditory representation system we do it in
a sequential and orderly manner. In an exam, for example, the student
who mentally sees the page of the book can move from one point to
another without losing time, because he is seeing all the information at
once. However, the auditory student needs to listen to his recording step
by step. Students who memorize aurally can not forget a word, because
they can not continue. It's like cutting the tape from a cassette. On the
other hand, a visual student who forgets a word does not have major
problems, because he continues to see the rest of the text or information.
The auditory system does not allow to relate concepts or elaborate
abstract concepts with the same ease as the visual system and it is not
so fast. It is, however, fundamental in the learning of languages, and of
course, of music.
Auditory students learn best when they receive explanations orally and
when they can speak and explain that information to another person.

Kinesthetic representation system

When we process information by associating it with our sensations and

movements, to our body, we are using the system of kinesthetic
representation '. We use this system, naturally, when we learn a sport,
but also for many other activities. For example, many teachers comment
that when they correct their students' exercises, they notice physically if
something is wrong or good. Or that the spelling mistakes bother them
physically. Typewriting is another example of kinesthetic learning. People
who type well do not need to look at where each letter is, in fact if they
are asked where a letter is it can be difficult for them to answer, however
their fingers know what they have to do.

Learning using the kinesthetic

system is slow, much slower than
with any of the other two systems,
the visual and the auditory. It takes
more time to learn typing without
having to think about what one is
doing than to memorize the list of
letters and symbols that appear on
the keyboard.

Kinesthetic learning is also profound. We can learn a list of words and

forget them the next day, but when you learn to ride a bicycle, you never
forget. Once we know something with our body, that we have learned
with muscle memory, it is very difficult to forget.
Taking into account these advantages, the student who knows himself,
handles in a more practical way their abilities to learn, interact, interact
and is a much safer person, that is why it is important to know and
know which it is the learning style with which it is characterized.

1. It allows us to know ourselves.

2. We consider what activities to carry out.
3. Learning is easier for us.
4. We have a better use of time.
5. We develop our skills better.


It would help me to understand the different forms of teachings. It
favors me in several aspects since at the same time identifying the way
I learn easier and shorter time, I can boost in the academic level.


Learning is one, and the most important factors for human development,
is a process by which knowledge, values and customs are acquired that
help to shape the character of each individual.
Learning styles help to promote a better process in the development of
knowledge, this reason is important for each person to separate from the
way in which learning is similar.

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