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Student A: Riley Hubbard Student B: Jonah Radebaugh

Developmental Analysis
SES 440
Skill Theme: Balancing Grade Level: 4

GLSP Extension Refinement Application

Balancing on different bases of support (1 base, 2, 3, N/A; Exploration Can you find a different base of support to balance on each
4) time?

Balancing symmetrically and non-symmetrically Tight Muscles (Muscular tension is Can you begin holding an symmetrical (sides look the
the key to holding the balance.) same) balance on a base of support and transition to an
asymmetrical (sides look different) balance on the same
Extensions (Extend free body parts for base of support and back to a symmetrical balance
stability in your balance.) employing smooth transitions?
Smooth Transitions (Move slowly
from one balance to the next.)

Counterbalance Stillness (No wiggles or wobbles - hold Balance on one foot. Extend your arms and free leg while
still for at least 3 seconds) holding the balance. Now try again, but only extend your
Control arms. Which balance is easier to hold?
Tight Muscles


Tightening the Gymnastics muscles Stillness Can you maintain the appearance of your balance while
Control tightening your muscles?
Tight Muscles

Performing sequences that combine stationary Stillness in Balances (Tighten the Make a routine, like the one we saw earlier in class by
balances and traveling on mats muscles to hold the balances still.) Katelyn Ohashi, using the different balances we learned.
You must use at least 6 different balances each with a
Smooth Transitions (Make transitions different base of support, and 3 types of traveling while
b/w balances smooth; fast or slow.) changing direction and level (low, medium, high).
Extensions (Extend free body parts for
aesthetic appeal and good balance.)
Student A: Riley Hubbard Student B: Jonah Radebaugh
Alignment (Position yourself over How creative can you be with your routine?
your base of support or extend free
body parts for counterbalance.)

Moving out of and into Balances by Stretching, Line of Gravity (Extending beyond Can you move beyond your line of gravity and find a new
Curling and Twisting your line of gravity will make you lose base of support?
your balance unless you have an
Utilization extension or counterbalance.)

Smooth Transitions (Move smoothly

through the transition from balance
to balance.)

Balancing while supporting the weight of a partner Wide Base (A wide base of support With a partner, can you use counter-tension to balance
provides greater stability.) with each other? Can you do this with 3 people?
Proficiency Extensions (Extensions beyond the line
of gravity require extensions in the
opposite direction for counterbalance.)

Skill Theme: Rolling Grade Level: 4

GLSP Extension Refinement Application

N/A, Exploration Can you rock on your back? On your stomach? On

your side?

Rocking on different body parts

Round body- Round your back and First do two forward rolls in a row. When you do two
Control tuck your chin and knees for a smoothly, balance and do two more. Make the links
good roll look good, the transfer should be smooth. Then try
Student A: Riley Hubbard Student B: Jonah Radebaugh

Linking rolls Strong muscles- Use strong arms two backward rolls, then two sideways rolls.
and shoulders to control your
body from one roll to the next

Smooth transfer- Pause between


Mickey mouse ears- Hands back by Start from a squatting position, place your hands on
shoulders, fingers pointing the floor in front of you, push and rock backward,
backwards tuck your knees and chin tight to your chest, bring
Rolling backward your hands to your shoulders and make Mickey
Control Tight ball- Keep a tight, round Mouse ears, push with both arms, and roll over your
shape all the way through the roll head. Say the hints as you roll
Push- Push with your arms all the
way through the roll

Jump, Land, Roll- Jump, land on At stations with varying equipment, your will practice
your feet with knees bending on jumping, landing, and rolling form the equipment as
contact with the floor, and then your station
Rolling after jumping from different heights roll

Control Strong muscles- Use strong

muscles to lower slowly to the roll

Round body- Round your back and

tuck your chin and knees for a
good roll

Jump, land, roll- Jump, land on With 3 at each mat, you will be jumping and landing
your feet with your knees bending on the outside of the mat while someone is rolling.
Utilization on contact with the floor and then And you will be transitioning as quickly as possible
Rolling and traveling quickly roll from jumping to rolling.

Strong muscles- Use strong

Student A: Riley Hubbard Student B: Jonah Radebaugh

muscles to lower slowly into the


Round body- Round your back and

tuck your chin and knees for a
good roll

Round body- Keep your back Kneel at the edge of your equipment, place your
round and tuck your chin and hands on your mat, slowly lower your weight to the
knees for a good roll mt, and roll forward. Next, add another piece of
Utilization equipment.
Rolling off low equipment Strong muscles- Use strong arms
and shoulder to lower slowly into
the roll

N/A- too advanced to teach in Refer these students to outside of school club
class gymnastics.

Club Gymnastics

Skill Theme: Transferring Weight Grade Level: 4

GLSP Extension Refinement Application

N/A- exploration Transfer your weight from your feet to your hands to
your feet, like a donkey kick
Precontrol Transferring weight to hands momentarily
Student A: Riley Hubbard Student B: Jonah Radebaugh

Transferring weight to hands across mats Strong Muscles- Strong arms and When you are comfortable taking your weight on
shoulder, no collapse your hands for a longer time and landing safely, try
kicking your legs higher to stay on your hands longer
Control Stretch your legs- Extend your legs
upward, stretch to the sky

Transferring weight with a rolling action Rounded back- Keep your back What body part do you transfer to in a backward roll?
rounded, body curled for a good Travel across your mat using a roll
Push with your hands- Remember,
push with your hands so your
head does not get stuck when you

Transferring weight from feet to combinations Strong muscles- Strong arms and Transfer your weight from your feet to other body
of body parts shoulders for the transfer to parts (hands, back, elbows) as your travel across your
hands, no collapse mat

Rounded back- Curl your back and

body for all rolling skills

Stretch your legs- Extend your legs

upward, as if there is a string
attached to your legs

Transferring weight to hands and forming a Strong muscles- Strong arms and Balance like a bridge with your feet and hands
bridge shoulders for supporting weight supporting your weight for 3 seconds
on hands

Tight muscles- Tighten the

Student A: Riley Hubbard Student B: Jonah Radebaugh

abdominals for control

Extend- Stretch from your

fingertips to your toes as you
transfer from feet to hands to feet

Combining weight transfer and balances in a Individual cues depend on Design and perform a routine to music and perform it
sequence movements included for the class


Club gymnastics N/A- too advanced to teach in a Refer these students to out of school gymnastics
PE class clubs


Skill Theme: Jumping and Landing Grade Level: 4

GLSP Extension Refinement Application

Jumping and Landing in different patterns over NA; Exploration How many different feet patterns can you use to
Precontrol a line jump and land over the line (1 -> 2 feet, 2 -> 2 feet, 1 -
> 1, 1 -> other)?
Student A: Riley Hubbard Student B: Jonah Radebaugh

Jumping for height Squash (Bend your knees to How high can you jump while still maintaining proper
absorb the force and maintain form?
balance when you land.)
Swing Upward (Swing your arms
upward for good height.)

Jumping using buoyant and yielding landings Yielding Landings (Bend your Can you combine a sequence including a yielding
knees to absorb the force when landing and a buoyant landing using different takeoff
you land, as if sinking into the and landing patterns?

Buoyant Landings (Bend your

Control knees as you land; then spring up

Swing Upward

Heads Up (Keep your head and

shoulders up for good balance.)

Jumping to form a body shape during flight Yielding Landings Can you jump over your “vault” and create a body
shape (pike, straddle or tuck) while in the air?
Swing Upward
Heads Up

Jumping to a beat Buoyant Landings Can you jump and land while staying with the rhythm
Utilization of my claps?
Student A: Riley Hubbard Student B: Jonah Radebaugh

Jumping on a bench Squash Without falling off, can you incorporate a jump on the
Utilization bench while maintaining balance?

Jumping with a springboard Push (Push hard with your feet Without falling over, can you add a turn to your jump
and legs as you contact the off of the springboard and end up facing the same
board.) way you began?
Swing Upward


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