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Plant Cell

Animal Cell
Plant Organ System
Reproductive System
Nervous System
Circulatory System
Respiratory System
Lymphatic System
Endocrine System
Urinary System
Muscular System
Digestive System
Integumentary System
Immune System
Skeletal System
 Reproductive system - The reproductive system enables
animals to produce offspring.
 Nervous system - The nervous system enables animals to
send, receive, and process nerve and sensory impulses.
The nervous system can be broken down into three
categories which include the central nervous system (the
brain and spinal cord), the peripheral nervous system (the
nerves that branch off of the brain and spinal cord and
carry nerve signals to muscles and glands), and the
autonomic nervous system (controls involuntary actions
such as heartbeat and digestion).
 Circulatory system - The circulatory system

transports blood throughout an animal's body and

consists of blood, arteries, veins, and capillaries.
 Respiratory system - The respiratory system

includes an animal's nose, lungs, and trachea. The

respiratory system brings air into the animal and
releases waste carbon dioxide back into the air.
 Lymphatic system - The lymphatic system helps

to filter out disease-causing organisms and helps

to drain fluid waste from in and around tissues.
The lymphatic system helps in the defense against
 Endocrine system - The endocrine system is

made up of glands (such as the thyroid, pituitary,

parathyroid adrenal, pineal body, pancreas,
thymus, ovaries, and testes) and hormones
(chemicals released from glands into the
bloodstream). These glands and hormones control
or influence various body functions (such as
metabolism, growth, and reproduction).
 Urinary system - The urinary system consists of
the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra and
enables animals to expel waste fluids in the form
of urine.
 Muscular system - The muscular system enables
animals to move and control movement. The
muscular system consists of skeletal muscles
which help move the skeleton and control
movement, smooth muscles which are involuntary
and control the stomach and intestine, and cardiac
muscles which include the heart muscles.
 Digestive system - The digestive system enables
animals to break down food that they eat and
obtain energy for other body processes.
 Integumentary system - The integumentary
system is an animals outer covering (such as skin,
scales, feathers, fur, and other body parts that
protect the animal and prevent it from drying).
 Immune system - The immune system protects
against infection and disease.
 Skeletal or support system - The skeletal or
support system provides internal or external
support (such as a skeleton, exoskeleton or shell).

No. 2
In Science

Submitted to: Mrs. Edlun E. Pooten

Submitted by: Bernard Carlo G. Pacis

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