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Navina Balendran

Student ID: 201985930

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Worlds Shaped by Words

Language is fundamental for the understanding of a culture. It arises as the multiple history facts and challenges

a society had to face to create their own source of communication. It extends to a part of knowing the political

process in a society and its development throughout the years. According to Benjamin Lee, language is the

very thing that shapes ideas.

It’s very interesting how the grammar is structured in each society depending on the time; for example, in

western culture, the use of past, present and future denotes the meaning of each action and how is it going to

be after used. In places like Israel, their language is adjusted only in what is manifested and what is not. The

most effective way to bind a culture is by language, you tell how the world was created by talking about the

ancient history and that is only made by the usage of language.

Nowadays, language has many extensions and expressions but before it came to actual lettering, it started as

glyph. A glyph is a type of writing in which the words are not represented by alphabetical or phonetic signs,

but the meaning of the words is exposed with symbols or figures. The Egyptians and other ancient peoples

used to use hieroglyphs in their monuments; as Thompson mentions, the classical myth of The Babel Tower

shows how distinctive culture is supposed to be and language its part of it. The power coming attached to a

language is very important to demonstrate, the author mentions how with language expressions and feelings

can be altered by using the adequate words relatable to each context.

Since I came to Korea I could identify how the language was created, specially mentioning the nature and the

body parts, showing that language evolve exactly as nature, so maybe the Korean in the ancient times its not

like the modern one but still conserve a preceptive of respect and cultural enforcement. The cultural exchange

that has been established between the relationships created between my friends and I represents how rich it is,
Navina Balendran
Student ID: 201985930
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
I have shared with them English, Spanish and French, all of them partaking semantics under the Latin language,

deriving from them other structures of Linguistics and communication. Even sharing strict knowledge bases

since civilization begins with the creation of social custom, where even speaking different languages, some

similarities are reflected between conservative concepts.

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