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We are students of class XII of Kendriya

vidyalaya sector – 4 R.K Puram do
hereby that this project is my original
work I extend my appreciation and
gratitude to my English teacher, for her
wholehearted support and guidance for
successful completion of project.

Name of students:

This is to certify that the project entitled

“linguistic chauvinism’’ is authentic
work carried out under
mysupervisionas part of the CBSE
curriculum of the class 12th
English and that is as per the
guidelines issued by CBSE to the
best of my knowledge the project
is original and a bona fide work
undertaken by

Name of the teacher:

This project is based on linguistic
chauvinism inspired by the theme of the last
lesson by Alfonso ordered the objectives of
selecting this topic are
- Explaining linguistic chauvinism
- Highlighting the importance of language
- Describe the concept of freedom of speech and
- Relationship between language and culture

- Historical events when freedom of speech and

expression were threatened
Freedom of speech is a principle that supports
the freedom of an individual or a
community to articulate their opinions and
ideas without fear of relation censorship
or legal sanction the right to freedom of
expression has been recognized as a
human right in the universal clarification of
human rights and international human ride
slow by the united nation many ….ng
receiving an imparting information ride
slow by the United nation many countries
have constitutional law that protects free
speech the freedom of expression
includes any activity of seeking receiving
and imparting information or ideas
regardless of the medium used. Linguistic
chauvinism is a direct threat to freedom of
speech and expression as it restrict the
particular group from communicating in
the language forcefully imposing a foreign
language them incident of linguistic
journalism have been witnessed many a
time in history in different areas of the
world which will be discussed in the later
part of this project.

“Chauvinism’’ devotion for or against something just based

on what you feel. Linguistic chauvinism is the inordinate
love for one’s language. Love is so much song that one
consider once language superior to all the other languages
of the world and imposes one language on others. This
team is effectively brought out by the writer Alphonse
Daudet who teaches people to the hold on fast and guard
their language which is the key to their freedom and
symbolizes their identity. Generally when the language
imposed is that of the ruling class but it could be the
something as simple as Tamil speaker to start talking in
Tamil as soon as they seen all Non-Tamilians around or
Japanese colonizers in the early 20th century who banned
the Koreans from using their language and even forced
them to use Japanese names. Also sometimes it can lead
to partition as in the case of Pakistan and Bangladesh
which lead to the Bengali language movement which
resulted the partition.

language matters a great deal as this is what helps is

distinguish the sayings of one indivisible from the other .FI
used efficiently IT is a powerful and strong weapon that will
leave memorable impressions on the listener. The
importance of language in our society is clear as it has
helped to smooth social contacts preserve our culture and
convey our thoughts to indivisibles and people in groups
effectively. Language is considered an important what's
the culture ties friendship and relationship it is a medium
used to offer shape to the thoughts ideas and emotion
depending upon the perception of reality and portray two
others in manner that the people listening can understand
and relate to them a common language is a symbol of
social solidarity and gives the impression of cultural
kinship there are different cultures in the world and it
themselves the language that primarily distinguish the
difference between the cultures and celebrates its unique
features importance of language is that it shapes the
thought process and perception of how an individual views
the world it also helps to define the concept of culture in
society because the culture and language are closely
connected it is the language that helps others to
understand the culture of a place it conserve or culture and
helps to spread it as culture career when you know the
language it signifies that you are aware of culture and can
connect with people in that language


Learning about different cultures help us

approach languages with new insight it
allows us to delve deeper into the
meaning of words and expression and
help us to feel more connected to each
other to fully appreciate the language one
needs to understand the culture of the
people who speak it as they are
intrinsically connected one won’t fully
master language unless they understand
the culture just like they will never fully
understand their culture until they have
immersed themselves in the study of that
language. This is because language is
constantly in flux and largely dependent
on the ever evolving views values and
custom of its speakers the differences
between the two cultures are reflected
perfectly in there languages mastering the
nuances of language means being able to
understand people who grew up with an
entirely different set of values and belief
language affect the way we perceive the
world and therefore it affect how we
choose to interact with it




In the war Prussia gained the control of French district

Alsace and Lorraine which served as the Center for
the Prussian army during the war due to the large
presence of Prussian shoulders and gaining control of
this district Russian empire started imposing its
culture and German language on the people living
here. Regarding teaching of only German language in
schools were passed and those who knew how to
read and write French were forced to flee this was
done to demean the French language and to crush
the spirits of the native people so they can’t revolt in
future against the Prussian Hegemony because when
the people are enslaved as long as they hold fast to
their language it is as if they had the key to their


The example mentioned previously this cleared that

whenever a new territories conquered by a nation the
leaders of the nation try to suppress any future
uprising by separating the people from their culture
and language as they both play a vital role in creating
a feeling of nationalism by imposing a foreign
language directly or indirectly and inferiority complex
can be created among the people regarding their
language and culture which can be experienced even
after that country is liberated and freed. This can be
seen in case of India as even after 74 years of
independence English languages seen as status
symbol among Indian citizens and given a superior
status in comparison to other Indian languages such
as Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu,Malayalam, Hindi etc.
which has resulted in Indian youth. Feeling connected
to their roots and culture the same pattern can be
seen in other British and American colonies such as
South Korea , Japan , Africa and Vietnam that it is
very important for a colonized country to preserve its
culture because as quoted by Alphonse Daudet.
“When the people are enslaved, as long as they hold
fast to their language it is as if they had the key to
their present”


- Wikipedia
- Class 12 English textbook

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