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Name : Diah ayizahrani

SID : 21913091
Class :7/ C


The relationship between language and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be
interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking,
forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Language and culture
are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is
reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers. So, to create a good
culture in a society depends on how the society was able to think well in extracting a
speech language.

Particular language are associated historically with particular cultures the

language provide the key to the associated cultures and especially to their literature. ,
the language themselves cannot be fully understood otherwise than in the context of the
cultures in which they are inextricably embedded subsequently language and culture are
studied together.

Sapir and Whorf Hypothesis is a Hypothesis built up expanded by B.L. Whorf

(1897-1941) and derived from linguistic approach of his teacher, E.Sapir (1884- 1939).
Suggest that a language determines and resolves the thought and perception of its
speakers. In the sense that, no language can subsist except it is in the context of culture
and reciprocally, the culture which does not have it is centre the structure of a standard
and ordinary language cannot survive (Sapir, 1921; Berlin and Kay, 1969). So, it can be
concluded that there is a very close relationship between language and culture in
general, and a specific language and it’s a culture particular. That is culture has a direct
effect on language.

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