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Joy of Living


Do you know how does it feels to have an empty purse?

I Know.

You will always have to look upon others for your need. The way they give a look at you will
be so embarrassing, hurting; it will kill you from inside.

If you think it is worse,

Do you know, what is more worse than having an empty purse? It is to have an empty life – no
talents, failure after failure, humiliation, there weren’t anyone to help me out, I was so
ashamed of leading an empty life.

But life takes us all through a journey of valuable lessons, which could be learnt only in

Contest Chair – Toastmasters – Guests


1) In the journey of my life as a student, I was learning drums.

I was an average student in the class.

We had an event for all students who got distinction in Trinity London Drums Exam.

All the students and parents were invited.

On the day of the event, there was a big gathering.

My master came in professional attire,

The stage was all set for the event.

The Emcee’s were ready, The Students and Parents were ready, My Master was ready and

I was also ready --- to watch the event from one corner.

When the event was about to start, a student unfortunately tripped the lamp filled with oil on
the stage.

All the students and parents were looking at each other.

I was standing in that corner thinking, should I have to go up to help in cleaning the oil on the

But something was stopping me saying, why do you want to go on the stage?

It is for the winners, let them clean.

They haven’t even considered you as a person, why do you want to help them?
While these thoughts were running in my mind. Out of nowhere my master came with a cloth.

He didn’t even bothered about his professional attire.

He went on his knees and started cleaning the stage filled with oil.

By seeing that, I felt so bad.

While others were simply watching, I immediately went on to the stage, took the cloth from
him and cleaned the entire place.

That moment I realized,

I don’t need any talent to be on the stage.

But all I need is the kind heart to help, to be on the stage.

2) As my life journey progressed, I get to meet two wonderful sweet ladies.

Both of them work as housekeepers in the same office I work.

It doesn’t matter how tired they are, they will never say no to any work given to them.

One day they were told to lift a heavy refrigerator and move it to the other location.

After they had moved it, one housekeeping lady was looking at her hands in pain, in just a few
seconds; she wiped her hands. Without even taking any break she continued to do her job.

I was there seeing it. It was so heart breaking; I wasn’t even able to look at their face.

I felt so ashamed.

I was questioning myself, if it was my mother will I allow her to do it?

From then on, irrespective of my designation, I help them in every possible way by arranging
tables, chairs & cleaning the room.

I could able to empathize their pain, only because I was empty.

I had the urge to help people not because I was having plenty, but because I know how it feels
to be empty.

The unconditional love and respect, I earned by helping my master and housekeeping ladies
were truly priceless.

In the journey of my life as a toastmaster,

It is been 3years now. But I haven’t even won a single club level contest. I feel broke every
time I fail. But the love and support given by toastmaster’s family had made me to stand back
every time I fall.

In midst of my emptiness, from them I learned kindness is a gift, everyone afford to give.
“I was once like a fish thirsty in the ocean” Though I had the capability to help people. I was
running behind other things and putting myself down thinking I was empty.

We try so hard, we earn and we do things to develop ourselves that is not life. Living the life
by showing kindness even when you have an empty purse or an empty life gives a true
purpose to your life.

The Journey of my empty life, had taught me the most valuable lesson that no one can teach

“The true Joy of Living is in Giving”

Your greatness is not what you have, but what you give

What are you going to give?

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